#garfield | Logs for 2016-05-18

[00:03:38] <rue_shop5> ok, first of all, the avr is clocking with 1.5us pulses, and I think thats too fast
[00:04:32] <rue_shop5> no, all the data timing is less than150ns
[00:06:44] <rue_shop5> its just sending 8B
[00:07:22] <rue_shop5> there is no 8B
[00:08:14] * katsmeow installs one for ue
[00:08:29] <rue_shop5> unsigned char stateTable[] = { 0x44, 0x35, 0x26, 0x17, 0x07, 0x97, 0xA6, 0xB5, 0xC4, 0xD3, 0xE2, 0xF1, 0xF0, 0xF9, 0xEA, 0xDB, 0xCC, 0x8D, 0xAE, 0x9F, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x2E, 0x3D, 0x4C, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0x79, 0x70, 0x71, 0x62, 0x53 };
[00:08:43] <rue_shop5> 8 microstept
[00:08:45] <rue_shop5> 8 microsteps
[00:10:33] <rue_shop5> the interrupt must not be doing the pointer math correctly
[00:15:21] <katsmeow> i ate 2 sleepy pills 2 hrs ago, i am about to faceplant
[00:15:36] <rue_house> well, gnight
[00:15:47] * rue_house tosses a pillow on kats keybaord
[00:19:42] <rue_shop5> I tink my tiny13 died
[00:26:33] <rue_shop5> wtf, programming them is now causing them to not respond
[00:30:31] <rue_shop5> B8 again
[02:29:39] <rue_shop5> I did it!
[02:29:48] <rue_shop5> I got the SLA7044 controller going
[02:29:59] <rue_shop5> I can drive the stepper up to 45K steps/sec
[02:30:07] <rue_shop5> at 8 microsteps
[02:30:36] <rue_shop5> hah 1600 rpm
[02:30:48] <rue_shop5> which sounds about right
[02:30:55] <rue_shop5> oh I have a rpm meter
[02:36:45] <rue_shop5> 1651 RPM
[10:43:18] <rue_house> zhanx, I got 1650 rpm from a stepper last night
[10:43:34] <rue_house> 45Khz step rate
[10:43:39] <rue_house> 1.8 degree motor
[10:44:24] <rue_house> 8 microsteps
[15:46:43] <zhanx> Awsome
[15:46:59] <zhanx> And what are you doing home at this time of day?
[17:41:02] <rue_shop5> vaccation
[17:41:18] <rue_shop5> just got a tripple driver going
[17:41:26] <rue_shop5> new cnc machine is getting closer
[19:39:51] <zhanx> Vacation is nice
[20:44:53] <__m00n__> hay RUE
[20:53:50] <rue_shop5> hey
[20:54:22] <__m00n__> need help
[20:57:02] <rue_shop5> the line starts over there :)
[20:57:04] <rue_shop5> whats up
[21:03:27] <__m00n__> some school circuits
[21:08:46] <__m00n__> https://awwapp.com/draw.html#649c2ecb
[21:12:25] <rue_shop5> did you put your batteries and reissors togethor to work out what it is in 2 components?
[21:14:55] <__m00n__> 5 volts all round
[21:15:38] <rue_shop5> not what i got
[21:15:47] <__m00n__> what u get
[21:15:51] <__m00n__> wait
[21:16:11] <rue_shop5> your right tho
[21:16:29] <__m00n__> yeah looks like 5volts
[21:16:36] <__m00n__> source"
[21:16:43] <rue_shop5> yea your drawing is awefull
[21:16:53] <__m00n__> god I kNOW
[21:20:10] <rue_shop5> nono whtats your resistance first
[21:20:57] <__m00n__> k 1 sec
[21:21:16] <__m00n__> 5 OHMS
[21:21:26] <__m00n__> so 1 amp right
[21:24:25] <rue_shop5> I didn't get 5 ohms
[21:25:01] <__m00n__> 1 + 1.5 + 2.25 + 0.75 + 0.5
[21:25:15] <rue_shop5> root@blackie2:/zipfiles/programming/c/avr/tiny13/7044stepper# calc 0.75+1+0.5+2.25+1.5
[21:25:15] <rue_shop5> 0.75+1+0.5+2.25+1.5 -->> 6
[21:25:20] <__m00n__> AHHG
[21:25:23] <__m00n__> ^
[21:25:24] <__m00n__> 6
[21:25:46] <__m00n__> 5/6 =
[21:26:25] <__m00n__> halp expr oly does ints not floats
[21:26:36] <__m00n__> wait python
[21:26:46] <__m00n__> nope
[21:26:47] <rue_shop5> root@blackie2:/zipfiles/programming/c/avr/tiny13/7044stepper# ohm -r 6 -v 5
[21:26:48] <rue_shop5> Wattage is: 4.166667
[21:26:48] <rue_shop5> Current is: 0.833333
[21:26:48] <rue_shop5> Voltage is: 5.000000
[21:26:48] <rue_shop5> Resistance is : 6.000000
[21:27:02] <__m00n__> ah 83
[21:27:04] <__m00n__> cool
[21:27:44] <rue_shop5> did you just scrible out the .75
[21:27:53] <__m00n__> nope
[21:28:07] <__m00n__> fuck this IS SHIT
[21:28:10] <rue_shop5> ok, so redraw it
[21:28:18] <__m00n__> k
[21:29:43] <rue_shop5> no dude, reduce it
[21:29:54] <rue_shop5> just two resistors and two batteries
[21:31:42] <__m00n__> O
[21:32:18] <__m00n__> whitch ones should i gang together If i reduce to two
[21:32:20] <__m00n__> ?
[21:33:30] <rue_shop5> the ones that dont need to be multiple, cause they are in series and dont matter to what your working on
[21:34:04] <__m00n__> but htey are all in series
[21:36:18] <__m00n__> 3.75 * 8.33333333333333
[21:36:55] <__m00n__> ooops .83333333333333
[21:39:07] <__m00n__> GTG gramas pissing me off
[21:39:09] <__m00n__> thanks man