#garfield | Logs for 2016-05-01

[10:42:00] <any19392818> RUE rue Rue : New listing 800 PCS MICROCHIP PIC17C756-33I/PT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS
[10:42:22] <any19392818> High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS EPROM Microcontrollers
[10:43:48] <any19392818> even at $30 , that's only 3.75 CENTS per ucontroller
[10:44:02] <Tom_itx> rue doesn't like pic
[10:44:30] <Tom_itx> between the paged memory and $$$ tools
[10:50:11] <any19392818> oh
[10:50:52] <any19392818> does he still desire dual-port rams?
[10:51:12] <Tom_itx> no idea about that. i just knew he didn't care for pic
[10:52:19] <any19392818> there's 180 pcs of it, BUT it's got to be simulated internally, because you cannot write and immeadiately read one location, there's a 1-clock-cycle delay
[10:57:01] <any19392818> that is all
[23:12:23] <zhanx> Hi
[23:12:58] <katsmeow> hi
[23:42:15] <katsmeow> why it's a bad idea to whitelist internet sites : https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/44924.pdf
[23:43:04] <zhanx> Risky click?
[23:43:36] <katsmeow> the link i just gave is fine
[23:43:39] <rue_shop5> sorry, been babeling away in another channel
[23:43:47] <rue_shop5> trying to work out a stepper driver for the cnc machine
[23:44:13] <rue_shop5> I did a 720 and put steppers on the almost finished cnc that I was going to do with dc motors
[23:44:23] <rue_shop5> the steppers are on,
[23:44:50] <rue_shop5> it looks like using an atmega8 is the cheapest way to convert step/dir to the four phases
[23:45:15] <rue_shop5> I might use a tiny13 and a 74ls595 just to use up some of the tiny13's
[23:48:14] <katsmeow> it seriously annoys me that sites cross link imgs, txt, ads, videos, etc , in css files, js file, inlining, frames, etc, because they have no control over those other sites, and they expect me to accept those other sites too
[23:48:29] <rue_shop5> yea
[23:48:54] <rue_shop5> remeber when there was a flag to only allow content from the site the page was on?
[23:49:11] <katsmeow> yeas
[23:49:24] <katsmeow> and cross-site scripting was a bad thing?
[23:49:37] <zhanx> Yea
[23:49:48] <rue_shop5> kat, what do I do about the ground being pulled up in spikes when the steppers step and causing errors in the logic inputs that use them as a reference
[23:50:04] <rue_shop5> cant just use #6 grounds all over the cnc machine
[23:50:09] <katsmeow> use separate supplys for all motors
[23:50:24] <katsmeow> optocouple or transformerise the signals
[23:50:25] <rue_shop5> hows the controllers supposed to talk to the driver
[23:50:30] <rue_shop5> hmm
[23:51:00] <rue_shop5> I'm driving the outputs thru pn2222
[23:51:14] <rue_shop5> maybe I leave the difference there
[23:51:34] <rue_shop5> the 5V will be more than enough to drive the pn2222 even with ground spikes
[23:51:41] <zhanx> So I got 2 55 gallon tanks today for my oscars
[23:52:26] <rue_shop5> not just 1, but TWO Oscar awards already
[23:52:35] <zhanx> 3 oscars
[23:52:43] <katsmeow> they make good bases for the statues?
[23:53:07] <rue_shop5> I thought he was gonna submerse them in oil to keep them sparkly
[23:53:31] <zhanx> I got a mated pair and an albino (I rescued them from death)
[23:53:56] * katsmeow loks confused
[23:54:30] <zhanx> My wife's friends wanted to put the tank outside in January
[23:54:57] <katsmeow> battle tanks usually do stay outside, don't they?
[23:55:02] <zhanx> So I grabbed the little tank and finally got a bigger tank
[23:55:08] <zhanx> Fish tank
[23:55:27] <rue_shop5> ok, the t13+74ls595 take up less room than the mega8
[23:55:28] <katsmeow> ah, Pretty Little "Fightng Fish"
[23:55:53] <zhanx> Pretty little bite my fingers fish
[23:55:55] <rue_shop5> and the current control op-amp can sit on the power ground
[23:56:24] <zhanx> Oh darn I forgot
[23:56:39] <zhanx> My China order cane in for the garden
[23:56:43] <zhanx> Came
[23:56:47] <rue_shop5> I wonder if the current draw of the t13+'595 are low enough to use a 78L05
[23:57:00] <rue_shop5> you bought a garden from china?
[23:57:01] <katsmeow> 100ma max on the L05
[23:57:05] <rue_shop5> its a small one?
[23:57:12] <zhanx> I need to get dollar store solar cells
[23:57:13] <katsmeow> to-92 small
[23:57:14] <rue_shop5> katsmeow, 12V to 5V
[23:57:16] <zhanx> To power it
[23:57:17] <rue_shop5> wattage
[23:57:22] <katsmeow> oh, ouch
[23:57:44] <rue_shop5> current would be low, but I dont know how low
[23:58:15] <katsmeow> the 74ls595 pulls almost nothing by itself
[23:58:23] <zhanx> Rue, no I am monitoring soil crap and watering based off it
[23:59:04] <rue_shop5> IRFZ44 driving 1.4A, no heat there...
[23:59:39] <katsmeow> the 44 has way lower capacitance than the 1404