#garfield | Logs for 2016-04-10

[00:00:15] <katsmeow> why not?
[00:00:23] <rue_shop3> yea, and 36Ah of 12V runs the robot for about an hour, so the draw cant be that much
[00:00:34] <rue_shop3> its just one of the circuits that dosn't like to work for me
[00:01:35] <rue_shop3> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DWr_qW88dp8/UbHDBCUTHhI/AAAAAAAAAmg/z1toIcVaAAE/s1600/Power+Mosfet+Inverter+Circuit+Diagram.png
[00:01:38] <rue_shop3> mmm
[00:01:54] <rue_shop3> should I try?
[00:02:28] <rue_shop3> (ditching the entire seconday of course)
[00:03:01] <katsmeow> (ditching the entire seconday of course) <<== usually makes all heck break loose
[00:03:17] <rue_shop3> the output is diodes from either side of the primary
[00:03:38] <rue_shop3> when the fet grounds out one side, the other side goes up to Vin*2
[00:03:53] <rue_shop3> which is convienient for a 12->24 converter
[00:03:58] <katsmeow> i understand, swooft idea, really, have you tweaked the freq for best power transfer?
[00:04:14] <rue_shop3> I swept the core, its 20Khz
[00:04:29] <katsmeow> you can use transformer-boost and kickback, and swamp overvolts with the fets
[00:04:58] <rue_shop3> I'm not keen on flyback supplies...
[00:05:58] <katsmeow> me either, tons of power in pulses that get pricey to make use of
[00:06:40] <rue_shop3> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QZasQFQL3_8/UF85SF20DtI/AAAAAAAAAl4/uYNU33B-aqY/s1600/50%20WATT%20INVERTER%20MOSFET.png
[00:06:58] <rue_shop3> dont like the lack of deadtime
[00:08:32] <katsmeow> with not-logic-level fets, there's downtime in that one, specially if they use IRF1404 instead of IRFZ44
[00:08:39] <rue_shop3> the transformer feedback ones alteast auto-tune to the core saturation
[00:08:59] <katsmeow> the 1404 has 2x the gate capacitance, and that multivibrator ahs resistor pullups
[00:09:36] <rue_shop3> oh
[00:09:44] <rue_shop3> hmm
[00:10:23] <katsmeow> i'd be a lil worried they use the resistors and gate cap to make a fake sinewave, and heat the fets up
[00:11:57] <rue_shop3> how about using a second transformer and current trip switching
[00:12:38] <rue_shop3> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sjmQRciS9bs/Ux-2xrOzyfI/AAAAAAAADgs/yuOvzp9N8BE/s1600/simple-100W-inverter-circuit.png
[00:13:03] <rue_shop3> if the fet gate resistors had bypass diodes you could speed up the off time to give it some deadtime
[00:13:08] <katsmeow> and not a fixed freq? i have done that, made a project work when nothing else did, saved batery power too after the flourescts lit off
[00:14:04] <rue_shop3> that 4047 circuit is popular
[00:15:48] * katsmeow waits on it tload
[00:16:09] <katsmeow> useless square box pics :-/
[00:17:17] <katsmeow> yu said you cannot use multivibrators
[00:17:35] <rue_shop3> well, lots of things dont work for me
[00:18:04] <katsmeow> i used 74LS 221, 122, 123
[00:18:27] <rue_shop3> do they have Q & /Q?
[00:19:38] <katsmeow> rigged one so the voltage feedback of a motor turning with no power on it would adjust the monostable's current source, made an exelent rpm servo, with any load, including grabbing the shaft with pliers
[00:19:43] <katsmeow> yeas
[00:20:43] <rue_shop3> how do you seperate the motor generated voltage from the input votlage?
[00:20:56] <rue_shop3> switched sense?
[00:21:05] <katsmeow> turn off input power, wait a microsecond, sample it
[00:25:13] <katsmeow> iirc, IRF540 is like 2 ohms too
[00:25:22] <rue_shop3> well I'd use Z44
[00:25:30] <rue_shop3> or better
[00:32:00] <katsmeow> shirt, youtube download url is 726 bytes long
[00:35:20] <katsmeow> my wrist is tweaking
[01:04:32] <katsmeow> http://DesignerThinking.com/JL/SLOWDN.JPG
[01:07:12] <katsmeow> so if i sit a 12.6v psu on gnd, a 19v psu on gnd, and sit a 3v psu on top of the 12.6 .......
[01:08:00] <katsmeow> i can put a TIP36 between the 12.6 and a hdd, and pull it's base up to the 3v with an opamp running off the 19v
[01:08:09] <katsmeow> AARRGG
[01:13:16] <katsmeow> puter on a card : http://cdn.makeuseof.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/raspberry-pi-zero-644x250.jpg?f7c509
[01:29:03] <rue_shop3> plan A, tl494
[01:29:10] <rue_shop3> working good, at low power anyhow,
[01:29:35] <rue_shop3> fets are butting heads, I actually have to load it a fair bit to quench the ring on the core
[01:30:42] <rue_shop3> katsmeow, I dont see why not
[01:31:24] <rue_shop3> I recon I'll build the full version
[01:32:29] <katsmeow> i kept trying to make a mosfet psu for the hdds, but i keep gettg back to needing two to-220 bipolars to operat the ate capacitance
[01:32:56] <katsmeow> so why not forget the fet, and use one big bipolar and one lil bipolar
[01:35:47] <katsmeow> Priced at just $5, the Raspberry Pi Zero is a programmable computer measuring just 65 mm by 30 mm by 5 mm. <<== 3cm x 6.5cm and 1/2 cm thick
[01:38:00] <katsmeow> for $100 , you could have a 20Ghz cluster in 3x7x10 cm , not counting the hdds and lan
[02:16:55] <rue_shop3> ok, I made a nice little 4 pin osc module
[02:17:24] <rue_shop3> you know the zero is unobtainable?
[02:18:25] <katsmeow> i see that
[02:20:59] <katsmeow> RASPBERRY PI 2, MODEL B, 1GB
[02:21:38] <katsmeow> the 2 has ethernet on card, the 0 doesn't, and the 3 is afflicted with both bluetooth and wifi
[02:23:00] <katsmeow> https://www.element14.com/community/community/raspberry-pi/blog/2016/03/03/raspberry-pi-2-plex-media-server
[02:30:35] <katsmeow> i need to go lay down
[02:30:37] <katsmeow> gnites
[22:15:20] <katsmeow> Star Trek is coming back to TV, with a brand new series set to premiere in January 2017. This new series of Star Trek, the first since Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled in 2005, will feature “new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations”. Star Trek began life in 1966, meaning 2016 is the 50th anniversary of the show.
[22:56:41] <rue_shop3> you said
[22:56:44] <rue_shop3> wait
[22:56:49] <rue_shop3> yes, you said it once
[22:57:12] <katsmeow> is that good?
[22:59:16] <rue_shop3> hmm
[23:00:20] <rue_shop3> must it be good or bad?
[23:01:13] <rue_shop3> http://orion.math.iastate.edu/jdhsmith/coffee/compgen.htm
[23:02:07] <katsmeow> yeas
[23:02:26] <rue_shop3> you were able to pull up the page that fast?
[23:02:30] <katsmeow> so, they are gynandrus or androgynous
[23:02:40] <katsmeow> plain text
[23:02:51] * rue_shop3 nods
[23:02:59] <katsmeow> i tried for 20 minutes to pull up a speed test site, never got it
[23:03:54] <rue_shop3> I was thinking of you today while I was trying to bend some 1/2" rebar
[23:04:04] <rue_shop3> TRYING
[23:04:29] <rue_shop3> it was sad, didn't come out good at all
[23:04:32] <katsmeow> 1/2 is easy to bend
[23:04:37] <rue_shop3> I threw every tool I could think of at it
[23:04:47] <katsmeow> steel conduit hickey?
[23:04:51] <rue_shop3> couldn't get more than a 4" dia out of it
[23:04:57] <rue_shop3> nope, tried it
[23:05:07] <rue_shop3> had to bend a U for that pipe stand
[23:05:20] <katsmeow> more than 4 inch? you couldn't bend a 2 foot circle?
[23:05:36] <rue_shop3> er, less
[23:05:53] <rue_shop3> I need to make a bending jig if I ever try it again
[23:05:54] <katsmeow> oh, well, yea, i can understand that, hence a torch
[23:06:01] <rue_shop3> I have some nice heavy steel to use now
[23:06:08] <rue_shop3> yea, didn't ahve any heat
[23:16:08] <katsmeow> brit trains : http://orion.math.iastate.edu/jdhsmith/term/term_index.htm
[23:18:17] <katsmeow> get a 6" length of channel, drill two 1/2 holes in it an inch apart, insert a grade 8 bolt into each and weld down tight, clamp assy in table vise or mount in trailer hitch reciever on truck, slip 1.25 steel tube/pipe over 1/2 rebar, lay tween bolts, walk to one side
[23:19:17] <rue_shop3> oh damn
[23:19:30] <rue_shop3> whatd that take you like 5 mins!?
[23:19:36] <rue_shop3> arg...
[23:19:48] <katsmeow> while browsng and thinking oc cornbread
[23:20:37] <rue_shop3> I was trying to think of a V bender for the 20 ton press or something I could attach to the big concrete table
[23:23:06] <rue_shop3> I wonder what class the royal hudson is
[23:23:41] <rue_shop3> 4-6-4...
[23:24:09] * katsmeow doesn't know
[23:24:47] <rue_shop3> there is only one 464 listed
[23:25:44] <rue_shop3> the numbers wrong but its a dead wringer for the hudson
[23:26:17] <katsmeow> https://sites.google.com/site/ejkrailway/_/rsrc/1378320940967/summer-photo-gallery/Berne%2085%2013%20Sep%202.jpg
[23:27:36] <rue_shop3> 4-4-4?
[23:28:20] <katsmeow> i couldn't see it well enough
[23:28:42] <katsmeow> site is https://sites.google.com/site/ejkrailway/winter-photo-gallery
[23:29:24] <rue_shop3> do you know what the "EW WO" spec is? its in tonnes
[23:29:53] <rue_shop3> cant be pulling capacity, its only double the engine weight
[23:30:13] <rue_shop3> I presume AD. Wt is the engine weight
[23:30:37] <rue_shop3> 22" dia at 275psi
[23:31:09] <rue_shop3> 52 tones
[23:31:20] <rue_shop3> @75" I think
[23:32:25] <katsmeow> i wanted to put in rails aroud my property, it's steep, i don't walk well, and any heavy weights up on the mountain can act like a battery as it descends
[23:32:47] <katsmeow> it's 70ft vertically down to the creek from the house
[23:32:56] <katsmeow> there's higher and lower points
[23:33:24] <katsmeow> i figured a few tons would make a fine ups battery, pulling a cable around a genny shaft
[23:34:57] <rue_shop3> the royal hudson is a H1-e made june 1940
[23:35:20] <rue_shop3> 77 years old
[23:37:24] <rue_shop3> the wheels must be 75", I think the stroke is 1/2 that
[23:37:39] <rue_shop3> er 1/4
[23:37:56] <katsmeow> yeow
[23:38:58] <rue_shop3> 5500 foot-lbs torque * 2
[23:39:09] <rue_shop3> er, inch lbs
[23:39:12] <rue_shop3> !?
[23:40:25] <rue_shop3> no, I got stuff wrong somewhere