#garfield | Logs for 2016-04-03

[19:19:29] <katsmeow> i remember when Funkytown came out, i remember i had energy, now my feets hurt, i have no energy, i am eating otc pain meds/herbs and slurping dinner
[19:20:42] <katsmeow> i burned 1/2 of one rod today, but it looks like i did more than yesterday
[19:27:25] <katsmeow> i found several of the 6inch wide plate steel are bent *edgewise*
[19:28:30] <katsmeow> basic rule of thumb: if you didn't machine it to be what you want, assume it cannot possibly be as you want
[19:37:19] <katsmeow> "i didn't mispronounce it, don't you speak Swahili ?"
[20:11:22] * katsmeow looks at a schematic where they chose two 806 ohm resistors as a voltage divider, and a 113 ohm and 453 ohm to set a gain of 4
[20:12:25] * katsmeow looks at another where they used 88.7 ohm, 324 ohm, 17.4 ohm, 11.5 ohm resistors
[20:13:21] <katsmeow> another : 133 ohm and 402 ohm
[20:14:06] <katsmeow> another : 57.6 ohm ,, as if there's something wrong with 58 ohm resistors
[20:16:30] <katsmeow> this has got to be $5000 worth of chips, and i bet it goes for under $100 ==>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/1100-PCS-TEXAS-INSTRUMENTS-OPA2674I-14DR-INTEGRATED-CIRCUITS/391422605845
[20:36:02] * katsmeow broke alldatasheet.com :-(
[20:36:18] <katsmeow> message java.lang.NullPointerException
[20:36:18] <katsmeow> description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
[21:01:48] <Tom_itx> how to print a directory listing in winders?
[21:02:11] <Tom_itx> i shelled to cmd and tried >prn but that didn't work
[21:30:27] <rue_shop3> dir > dir.txt
[21:30:34] <rue_shop3> hi kat
[21:30:43] <rue_shop3> sorry about yesterday, lots of visitor
[22:12:30] <^kat^> or dir /?
[22:13:04] * ^kat^ uses dir /S >> dir.txt often
[22:13:11] <rue_shop3> I think he wants to be able to print it on papaer
[22:13:39] <^kat^> we should give ut permission?
[22:14:52] <Tom_itx> file or printer but i figured it out. thanks
[22:16:19] <^kat^> as much as i tried to make it straight, i have a crooked roller holder
[22:17:56] <^kat^> one of the "straight" 1/4 inch 6inch plates looks like a 1/8 bent *edgewise* in it
[22:18:07] <^kat^> in other words, no, cannot straighten out
[22:18:49] <^kat^> and if i grind/cut it, it still won't be flat on the other side, and if i grind that, then none of it will be 6" anymore
[22:32:06] <rue_shop3> can you compensate it?
[22:33:43] <^kat^> only thing i know may work is to make a bending jig, heat it red hot so it will give
[22:35:44] <^kat^> go red hot, apply some tons, let it cool, unload it, see if it stays put
[22:35:50] <^kat^> repeat as needed
[22:36:37] <__M00N__> wash rinse repeat
[22:38:50] <rue_shop3> \still repeating eh?
[22:39:04] <^kat^> have not started
[22:40:59] <rue_shop3> __M00N__, or is that what ya told the folk when they asked why the shower was taking so long
[22:42:25] <^kat^> learned by watching tv tonite that a small square black object is a component chip , and they are sued to kill all the power in an immediate area
[22:43:42] <rue_shop3> used
[22:43:47] <rue_shop3> heh
[22:44:15] <rue_shop3> ok I have wrist v2
[22:46:50] <^kat^> i have a high tech approach that you won't like
[22:47:56] <^kat^> 2 square plates, a long u bolt centered on each, interlock them
[22:47:59] <rue_shop3> I just spent 4 hours on v2
[22:48:16] <rue_shop3> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/231/501249154_a065ceace1.jpg
[22:48:21] <rue_shop3> v2 is closer to that
[22:48:29] <^kat^> attach movement devices that change the distance between the 4 corners
[22:48:32] <^kat^> presto, done
[22:48:38] <^kat^> refine as needed
[22:48:43] <rue_shop3> I ditched one of the gears and just hook the second pulley to the tip of the inner union
[22:49:35] <rue_shop3> would hte U bolts need a ball in the middle?/
[22:50:11] <^kat^> depending on your needs, sure
[22:57:14] <rue_shop3> I was in the thriftstore looking for a crank-eggbeater
[22:57:22] <rue_shop3> I think the world forgot about them
[22:57:53] <^kat^> they did, they use 120v motors now or "whisks"
[22:57:59] <^kat^> or "wisks"
[22:58:03] <^kat^> or things
[22:58:28] <rue_shop3> the gears in a crank-beater is good for this kinda thing
[22:59:06] <^kat^> what about can openers?
[22:59:21] <rue_shop3> they dont use right angle drives
[22:59:29] <^kat^> i have two that do
[22:59:53] <rue_shop3> oh, all the ones here are a mean ole gearbox on the cutter head
[23:00:17] * ^kat^ looks at the camera
[23:00:32] * ^kat^ looks at rue
[23:01:07] * ^kat^ looks for the can opener
[23:03:08] <^kat^> ok, the good one i use isn't 90, but the tooth design makes me think it could be
[23:03:25] <__M00N__> o I jjust loled
[23:03:27] <^kat^> don't see the cheap one that quit working that i prolly tossed
[23:04:19] <__M00N__> my grandparents allways wondered why I showered so long as a teen ager
[23:04:34] <__M00N__> it was a common argument
[23:04:47] <rue_shop3> I slipped into that mode where I just look at what I made and thats it
[23:04:48] <^kat^> what was there to dispute?
[23:09:50] <^kat^> i take pics of it and look at them on the puter
[23:10:21] <rue_shop3> I suppose I shoudl focus on supper
[23:10:57] <rue_shop3> I need to workout the boden system to operate all these things on the end of the arm
[23:11:10] <^kat^> boden ?
[23:11:22] <rue_shop3> bike brake cable
[23:11:35] <rue_shop3> ?
[23:11:56] <^kat^> all thr bike brake cable i have is real stiff and prone to breaking
[23:13:05] <rue_shop3> isn't that like someone who lives thier life welding 3" thick pipe saying that 1/16" metal is hard to weld cause it always burns thru?
[23:14:50] <rue_shop3> oh I'm falling asleep
[23:14:56] <rue_shop3> mayeb this isn't a bad things
[23:15:19] <^kat^> i am looking at the long haul, if it is stiff you spend more power keeping it tensioned, and if it tends to break you will have more downtime than if you used kevlar or other synthetics
[23:39:52] <rue_house> I think you can inline embed an image in html
[23:40:28] <^kat^> encoded in hex
[23:40:50] <rue_house> base 64
[23:41:17] <^kat^> that's what i meant
[23:41:22] <^kat^> werndhk h73465
[23:42:59] <^kat^> btw, no one told me that 1/2 pvc conduit is perfect ID to slip 1/2 cpvc into
[23:43:32] <rue_house> .. I didn't know?
[23:43:53] <rue_house> actually, I dont think pex is even on my pipe size list
[23:44:05] <^kat^> i wasn't using pex
[23:44:21] <rue_house> is that what cpvc is?
[23:44:30] <^kat^> no
[23:44:39] <rue_house> what is cpvc?
[23:44:53] <^kat^> chlorinated poly vynil chloride
[23:45:28] <rue_house> so its douple cholorinated pipe?
[23:45:33] <^kat^> i guess
[23:45:46] <rue_house> must smell horrid to cut
[23:46:01] <^kat^> it's high temperature pvc, it's yellow instead of white, and usually sch20 instead of sch 40
[23:47:59] <rue_house> handy, part of the linux command core contains a program called base64 that encodes./ decodes base64
[23:49:02] <^kat^> yeas, mirc had that somewhere too
[23:50:25] <^kat^> $encode(%var | &binvar, mubt, N)
[23:50:26] <^kat^> $decode(%var | &binvar, mubt, N)
[23:50:26] <^kat^> Encode or decode text in %vars or &binvars using Uuencode or Mime.
[23:54:46] <rue_house> is uuencode base 64?
[23:57:49] <^kat^> i closed the mirc help file
[23:59:14] <rue_house> Iwas amused I bumped inot someone last week who thought html was programming and C was hard core