#garfield | Logs for 2016-04-01

[00:02:05] <rue_shop3> ok hang out for a few mins and you can see todays progress
[00:02:12] <katsmeow> i have 3 puters up atm, one puter has a hdd with 2GB free on it, the other 2 puters have 5 hdds total, with less than 1GB free on every hdd
[00:11:54] <katsmeow> http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF1759.jpg
[00:12:32] <katsmeow> or, you could space the universal bearings out and use a smaller rotary bearing in the center that rides on the forearm bone
[00:12:42] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070897.jpg
[00:12:52] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070898.jpg
[00:12:56] <katsmeow> 7 yr olf pic
[00:12:59] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070899.jpg
[00:13:27] <rue_house> oh I like that..., +- adjustments
[00:13:53] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070900.jpg <-- that is there the exit for the drive cables is planned
[00:14:21] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070902.jpg <-- thats what most of the day was on, the gripper and tipping
[00:14:28] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070903.jpg
[00:14:41] <rue_house> it'll be cable actuated, I'm not sure how yet tho
[00:15:18] <katsmeow> you have enough gear-down tween the BigOrange and the lil tiny motor?
[00:15:39] <rue_house> there is a gearbox in there
[00:17:24] <katsmeow> i think i see the roadblock
[00:20:19] <katsmeow> http://alatkerja.com/images/universal_joint.jpg <<== mount one bearing as far deep into that socket , up tight against the cross-piece, and then another at the opening. Insert shaft into bearings. You how have twist-etc-etc wrist.
[00:21:31] <katsmeow> tip, if you're swooft, lookie at how *external* "cross pieces" have been made on locomotives, because there is space in those to put the deep-in bearing inside the 2 universal axiies
[00:21:59] <katsmeow> which would be handy to calculate the bend/rotate on one point
[00:22:01] <rue_shop3> ooo I think I'm gonna make a power pole for working outside
[00:22:40] <katsmeow> we changed the subjet, and i didn't kow it, so i kept on researching
[00:22:47] <rue_shop3> external cross?
[00:23:12] <katsmeow> for the universal , yeas
[00:23:41] <katsmeow> way easier to disassemble, and is virtually unbbreakable with 10000 of ft-lbs torque
[00:24:10] <rue_shop3> what locomotive uses a universal?
[00:24:15] <katsmeow> http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KIoAAOSw2ENW7060/s-l1600.jpg
[00:24:30] <rue_shop3> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/07/65/650765f54721ba194a02bc98a3f44bc6.jpg
[00:24:55] <rue_shop3> rf>?
[00:25:11] <katsmeow> huh?
[00:25:19] <rue_shop3> is that an rf amplifier?
[00:25:30] <rue_shop3> and is that the type of locomotive you were talking about?
[00:26:03] <katsmeow> no, it's a 8kx8 ram and a clock
[00:26:16] <katsmeow> yeas, that sorta loco
[00:26:40] <katsmeow> and may i say, holy fork
[00:27:31] <katsmeow> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Shay_locomotive_universal_joints.jpg/240px-Shay_locomotive_universal_joints.jpg
[00:28:13] <rue_shop3> hmm, still cant get 90 degrees out of it
[00:28:26] <katsmeow> oh, the 90 degree thing
[00:28:49] <rue_shop3> http://simbirskenergo.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/333.jpg
[00:28:55] <rue_shop3> awe, someone dialed it to 11
[00:29:10] <katsmeow> http://www.marineengine.com/parts/images/mercury/814819A7.jpg
[00:29:22] <rue_shop3> yea I cant just make one of those
[00:30:50] <rue_shop3> god it must be loud when a boiler like that goes off
[00:31:25] <katsmeow> this is how you mount the bearings on an external "cross" : http://www.nelsonslocomotive.com/Shay/DriveShafts/LineshaftUnivJointFab/UnivJoint9.JPG
[00:31:42] <rue_shop3> I'm surprised the pipes are steel, I understood they were usually copper
[00:31:44] <katsmeow> guy made that in his shop
[00:32:07] <katsmeow> i have never seen copper in a boiler
[00:32:19] <rue_shop3> then I guess I'm wrong
[00:33:23] <rue_shop3> https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3639/3393026503_b57fc7a164_b.jpg
[00:33:36] <katsmeow> this one may do 90 in 4 directions : http://www.superformance.com.au/assets/thumb/FLR-FR1735DD.jpg
[00:33:40] <rue_shop3> its almost like, when a boiler burst, they would just get a new one and transfer everything else over
[00:34:21] <rue_shop3> but not 90 degrees on both at the same time, the arms colide
[00:35:58] <katsmeow> i believe you will need to series 2 or more universals
[00:36:23] <rue_shop3> but I want both pivots to be at the same point
[00:36:43] <rue_shop3> like I say, this may be where the industry goes with twist-tip-twist instead
[00:37:11] <rue_shop3> I'm not commited to this method
[00:37:23] <katsmeow> do you have 2 90 degree bevel gears?
[00:37:33] <katsmeow> or the spider gears from a difefrential?
[00:38:15] <rue_shop3> might somewhere
[00:38:18] <rue_shop3> for driving it?
[00:38:26] <katsmeow> no, for being it
[00:39:26] <rue_shop3> oh like
[00:39:42] <katsmeow> they are obviously made for being at 90 degrees, but funny thing is if you but them up, they also mesh, and will stay meshed if you go from 90 degrees to butted up to 90 in any other direction
[00:39:45] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm4/p1060581.jpg
[00:39:47] <rue_shop3> that?
[00:40:06] <rue_shop3> er, but with a 3rd
[00:40:13] <katsmeow> that type of bevel gear, yeas
[00:40:41] <katsmeow> all you need to is keep them from sliding apart
[00:40:44] <rue_shop3> thats a tip-twist
[00:40:56] <katsmeow> i am talking abot the gears, not the robot
[00:40:59] <katsmeow> the 2 gears
[00:41:01] <rue_shop3> if the forearm twisted, it would be the twist-tip-twist I was reffering to
[00:41:11] <katsmeow> if you held the 2 gears in your dirty paws
[00:41:40] <katsmeow> ok, put a set of bearings n the wrist bone and call it Done
[00:41:52] <rue_shop3> http://www.cgimotion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/robotwrist2-600x399.jpg
[00:42:54] <katsmeow> ok, then build that
[00:43:29] <rue_shop3> I could, I'd like to explore this tho
[00:43:54] <rue_shop3> https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HXJOnWBbcwM/maxresdefault.jpg
[00:43:58] <rue_shop3> I can do this with cables too
[00:45:20] <katsmeow> ok
[00:46:36] <rue_shop3> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/231/501249154_a065ceace1.jpg
[00:46:41] <rue_shop3> thats what you meant, right?
[00:47:12] <katsmeow> no
[00:47:19] <rue_shop3> hmm
[00:47:28] <rue_shop3> I best be on my way to bed
[00:47:37] <katsmeow> you keep mounting the two gears rigidly at 90 degrees
[00:47:47] <rue_shop3> I got most of the gripper ready, thats nice
[00:52:15] * katsmeow waves gnites
[00:52:22] <rue_house> maybe some soup and bed