#garfield | Logs for 2016-03-30

[01:17:27] <rue_house> hi
[01:18:03] <^kat^> lo
[01:18:19] <rue_house> look! were emulating a 555!
[01:18:58] <rue_house> kat, back in the day I was able to manipulate 3.1 to take some '95 stuff it wasn't supposed to by poking with thing I wasn't supoosed to
[01:19:00] <rue_house> can you dot hat?
[01:19:06] <rue_house> er, do that?
[01:19:35] <^kat^> i didn't try, when i powered up win95b, i left 3.xx way behind
[01:19:59] <^kat^> i could make win95 use a win3.x desktop manager tho
[01:20:01] <rue_house> I mean with xp to think its something else
[01:20:09] <rue_house> I think most of the magic was with setver
[01:20:49] <^kat^> i can drop to dos console and talk to Tiggr, without launching any app, does that count?
[01:21:02] <rue_house> I used to suppliment explorer with taskman alot up to xp when a machine got a virus, because all the viri required explorer to start
[01:21:27] <^kat^> and java/script
[01:21:44] <rue_house> iirc the idea with setver was to make programs think they were running on something they weren't, be it newer or older
[01:22:03] <^kat^> i tried to launch the Melissa virus once, got a pop up saying i needed to contact M$ for the runtime files
[01:22:17] <rue_house> hehe
[01:22:53] <^kat^> there were also ,,, i forget the words, to rename drives to whatever you wanted to each app
[01:23:52] <rue_house> oh, uh, I barely just cant recall the name
[01:23:59] <rue_house> the drive mapper
[01:24:03] <^kat^> yeas
[01:24:28] <^kat^> pick any dir, rename it to a drive letter
[01:25:06] <^kat^> assign
[01:25:22] <rue_house> subst?
[01:25:28] <^kat^> yeas
[01:26:51] <rue_house> ARG its 11 again!
[01:26:55] <rue_house> damnit, gnight
[01:26:55] <^kat^> ASSIGN
[01:26:55] <^kat^> Further information: Drive letter assignment
[01:26:55] <^kat^> The command redirects requests for disk operations on one drive to a different drive. It can also display drive assignments or reset all drive letters to their original assignments. The command is available in MS-DOS 5.00.
[01:27:15] <^kat^> SUBST
[01:27:15] <^kat^> Main article: SUBST
[01:27:15] <^kat^> A utility to map a subdirectory to a drive letter.[3] The opposite can be achieved via the JOIN command.
[01:27:22] <^kat^> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DOS_commands#SUBST
[01:27:33] <^kat^> all those neat things you cannot dow in winblows
[01:28:09] * ^kat^ wrote a drive cache as a tsr
[01:28:29] <^kat^> so as long as it was the last on the trs chain, i could unload it
[01:30:10] <^kat^> i still use ansi.sys and findstr and title and such things a lot
[01:30:30] <^kat^> altho ansi.sys got merged into dos kernal in winxp
[01:41:26] <rue_bed> cool
[01:41:55] <rue_bed> what was ansi.sys about?
[01:42:00] <rue_bed> dont recall that one
[01:43:57] <^kat^> key macros, colors
[01:44:04] <^kat^> i think it did sounds too
[01:44:26] <^kat^> and of course, it did ansi codes, vs native ascii codes
[01:44:55] <^kat^> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansi.sys
[01:47:43] <^kat^> This file in your language is not yet available.
[01:47:44] <^kat^> View the English version.
[01:50:07] <^kat^> Canoe is a 16' cedar strip canoe with oak yolk,
[01:50:33] <^kat^> yolk : Nutritive material of an ovum esp. the yellow mass of a bird or reptile egg
[01:52:16] <^kat^> kool, i log in from Spokane, washington, and google can no longer find me on https://www.google.com/search?q=cedar+strip+canoe+for+sale&num=100&newwindow=1&source=univ&tbm=shop
[01:53:03] <^kat^> gnites
[06:50:48] <Tom_itx> https://www.aimforawesome.com/happiness/awesome-experiences/awesome-experience-watching-the-birth-of-a-new-island-in-south-pacific/
[22:16:58] <katsmeow> wow, almost 10pm
[22:17:05] <katsmeow> i was outside makering
[22:18:08] <Tom_itx> makering what?
[22:18:27] <katsmeow> hi Tom !
[22:18:48] <Tom_itx> new MB & SSD is a nice step up from what i had
[22:18:51] <Tom_itx> hi
[22:19:02] <katsmeow> 24 pieces of hold-it-really-round-right-here
[22:19:29] <katsmeow> and the jig to hold *them* on the rotary hold-it-round-table
[22:22:10] <Tom_itx> had class tonight.. i'm tired and headed to sleep
[22:23:04] <katsmeow> oh, then i should stop loking for a pic for you of the table
[22:23:15] <Tom_itx> i'll wait that long
[22:23:32] <Tom_itx> unless it takes hrs
[22:24:35] <Tom_itx> 16g i5 with 500G ssd moves right along in cad cam
[22:25:26] <katsmeow> found a pic, trying to get to ftp via the vpn
[22:27:13] <katsmeow> grrrrr, it's not listing the dir on the site
[22:32:26] <katsmeow> uploading
[22:33:22] <katsmeow> this pic is of it with 46" OD (on it in the pic) and 48" ID hoops , and i have added 3ft and 2.5ft (adding today) to it
[22:33:47] <katsmeow> http://DesignerThinking.com\images\IMG_0023.jpg
[22:34:45] <Tom_itx> woah!
[22:34:54] <Tom_itx> that's pretty good work kat
[22:35:06] <Tom_itx> part of a paddle wheel?
[22:35:27] <katsmeow> no
[22:35:37] <Tom_itx> what is it then?
[22:36:09] <katsmeow> for making boat ribs, hose reels, steel tires, etc
[22:36:27] <Tom_itx> i see
[22:37:01] <Tom_itx> you own more clamps than me
[22:37:29] <katsmeow> uploading
[22:37:45] <Tom_itx> one more then i'm out
[22:37:51] <Tom_itx> i can't hardly focus tonight
[22:38:08] <katsmeow> http://DesignerThinking.com\images\IMG_0029.jpg
[22:38:40] <Tom_itx> oh i get it i think
[22:38:55] <Tom_itx> the jig is to make round parts like hull support thingies
[22:38:56] <katsmeow> 46" od, accurate to ~.010, tacked up and ready to go on the welding wheel
[22:39:00] <katsmeow> yeas
[22:39:45] <Tom_itx> that's nice work
[22:40:05] <katsmeow> <curtsey> 5 years ago, i think
[22:40:34] <katsmeow> added the 3ft capability last yr, adding 2.5 ft capability today/morrow
[22:41:07] <Tom_itx> gnite
[22:41:14] <katsmeow> good dereams
[22:44:08] <katsmeow> wow, pic taken 6/25/2008
[22:52:55] <rue_house> sorry, on phone and coding
[22:53:00] <rue_house> :)
[22:53:26] <katsmeow> was it good for you?
[22:53:36] <rue_house> I want to see the pics :(
[22:54:35] <katsmeow> what pics?
[22:54:51] <rue_house> http://DesignerThinking.com\images\IMG_0029.jpg
[22:54:57] <rue_house> http://DesignerThinking.com\images\IMG_0023.jpg
[22:56:53] <katsmeow> you have my permission to see them
[22:59:09] <rue_house> your server says no tho
[22:59:44] <katsmeow> several other ppes have seent hem , on Ff on windoze boxes
[23:06:26] <katsmeow> see them yet?
[23:09:23] <rue_house> maybe its the slashes...
[23:09:33] <rue_house> http://DesignerThinking.com/images/IMG_0029.jpg
[23:09:43] <rue_house> there we go
[23:09:53] <rue_house> http://DesignerThinking.com/images/IMG_0023.jpg
[23:09:59] <katsmeow> ok