#garfield | Logs for 2016-03-15

[00:49:15] <rue_house> grrr video card is still overheating
[00:54:14] <rue_house> katsmeow, got the insert done
[00:54:50] <rue_house> means I can officially start building the bender now
[00:54:59] <rue_house> its just assembly now
[00:55:27] <rue_house> errr, well, there is one more part to design
[00:55:38] <rue_house> the yoke for pushing down on the top roller
[00:55:53] * rue_house pokes kat with a stick and looks for signs of breathing
[00:56:58] <rue_house> :s
[00:57:03] * rue_house steps back
[00:58:39] * katsmeow opens her eyes
[00:59:04] <rue_house> hmm moving the sand blasting booth is gonna screw up the cats, they use it as a deck out the window
[00:59:07] <rue_house> kat!
[00:59:18] * rue_house cancels the cleanup for isle 3
[01:00:08] * katsmeow is uber sleepy
[01:00:17] <rue_house> I dun already slept
[01:00:18] <katsmeow> got adentist appt tomorrow morng
[01:00:32] * rue_house gives kat a luck
[01:01:12] <rue_house> a grade 8 drop forged luck
[01:01:22] <katsmeow> thanks you
[01:01:54] <rue_house> I sawr a grade 7 bolt yesterday, I'z confused
[01:02:14] <katsmeow> have yu considered making the yoke part of universals, to fit commn bearings as customers demand them, and make them to fit common pipe dimensions, for robot duty?
[01:02:22] <rue_house> in my world there is ungraded, 3, and 8
[01:02:34] <katsmeow> i seen 5 a few times
[01:03:01] <rue_house> well, I figured I make it of cast aluminum
[01:03:24] <rue_house> I think I'll do a bunch of assembly before I worry about it
[01:03:38] <rue_house> oh wait, there IS a plan
[01:03:45] <rue_house> I have some steel to use for it
[01:04:32] * katsmeow wavers gnites
[01:04:45] * rue_house waves gnight to an already sleeping kat
[01:05:14] <rue_house> looka me, I'm the only one awake on the planet
[19:55:07] <katsmeow> one of several dozer track belts, in 1.25 wide specially flexable steel ==>> http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF7014cm.jpg
[19:56:28] <katsmeow> space 8" apart, attach 10" wide treads by clamping to the steel belts, mount on suitable drive wheel and boggies, carry stuff
[19:56:31] <katsmeow> that is all
[21:27:04] <katsmeow-afk> http://www.ebay.com/itm/391405613702 ; people are willing to pay 40 cents each, mouser sells these for $6.67 each in one-piece qty
[21:30:10] <rue_house> katsmeow, you want to say you told me so now?
[21:30:29] <rue_house> https://hackaday.io/project/4159-sdramthing45-logic-analyzer
[21:30:43] <rue_house> he's taken one sdram module, and set it up as a state machine
[21:31:07] <rue_house> part of it runs the analizer state machine while the other part remembers the 32 channels
[21:31:08] <katsmeow> can i tell you that later?
[21:31:30] <rue_house> with the video he's outputting, he dosn't have to do a refresh
[21:31:45] <rue_house> he uses an avr to load the state macine into the sdram module
[21:32:16] <rue_house> he's running it at 30Mhz
[21:32:31] <rue_house> I suspect the sdram can go much faster
[21:33:28] <rue_house> I didn't know those modules are 64 bit
[21:34:28] <katsmeow> yep
[21:34:48] <katsmeow> 8bit rams, 8-wide
[21:35:06] <rue_house> I thought they were all ganged up into 32 bits
[21:35:10] <rue_house> wide
[21:35:29] <katsmeow> so if you can latch-cache, and clock at 133Mhz, your byte rate is 1.064Ghz
[21:35:53] <katsmeow> if you then serialise using ecl latches, you can clock out at 8Ghz
[21:35:54] <rue_house> .. all the chips dont operate independently do they?
[21:36:05] <rue_house> where the hell is a pdf datasheet when I want one!?
[21:36:13] <katsmeow> they aren't supposed to
[21:36:53] <rue_house> he's proven they can run state machines
[21:36:57] <rue_house> thats pretty damn good
[21:38:29] <rue_house> ah
[21:38:43] <rue_house> they operate as two independent 32 bit memory arrays
[21:38:58] <katsmeow> note it isn't an analog sample. it's a go-no-go is it logic low or not, or is it logic high or not, it isn't even "is it valid logic high or valid logic low"
[21:39:48] <rue_house> CB are bonus crc bits
[21:39:56] <rue_house> yep
[21:40:14] <rue_house> but its a high speed state machine made prettymuch completely of one memeory module
[21:40:59] <katsmeow> if you used ddr2, you could interleave data and commands on one clock cycle
[21:41:37] <katsmeow> you can trat the one module as 4 separate rams, by controlling the two block signals
[21:42:50] <rue_house> he must have gone thru hell to get a state machine made in dram to be able to operate dram
[21:44:38] <katsmeow> i'd like to know how he is making the sdram count up the addresses, because the burst mode counter isn't that long, i think it's only 16 addresses per burst, then he'd need to load the next address manually
[21:45:56] <katsmeow> if he is using only 1/2 the module for the analyser, then he can use the other rams to generate commands to load a latch somewhere to reload the burst counter
[21:46:08] <katsmeow> but atm, i don't see that latch
[21:47:29] <rue_house> he's using it into two halvs
[21:47:46] <rue_house> the first 17 bit unit is 100% feedback to itself
[21:48:00] <rue_house> all 17 bits go to the second half as the address
[21:48:39] <rue_house> but then 3 bits of the first unit go to operate its own and other CS lines?
[21:50:16] <rue_house> this guy is almost more oldschool than me
[21:50:28] <rue_house> ascii art schematics? really?
[21:51:56] <rue_house> so he's got 36 bits x2 at his disposal
[21:52:20] <rue_house> he's using 20 bits max
[21:52:27] <katsmeow> i was gonna sample the incoming with dual ecl difefrential recievers, so i can dial in valid thresh holds, then clock those into a serial-parallel convertor at 800Mhz, read parallel out at 100Mhz, save in any ram i wanted
[21:53:18] <rue_house> looks like A13 is tied high
[21:53:27] <katsmeow> 800Mhz sampling beats any scope plugin i have now for sampling
[21:57:40] <rue_house> he's only using a few of the banks
[21:58:14] <rue_house> 0,1,4,5,6
[22:02:40] <katsmeow> "The project uses burst mode of SDRAM, which can feed up to 512 bytes without MCU help. This means that MCU can do anything (i.e. generate another graphics) during that time."
[22:02:52] <katsmeow> http://tinyvga.com/avr-sdram-vga
[22:03:36] <katsmeow> so instead of bursting 2x, or using wider rams, he is limiting his display to 512 pixels across
[22:07:27] <katsmeow> http://tinyvga.com/vga-timing
[23:17:59] <katsmeow-afk> so use the sdram as a self-clocking cpu-cache, using external sram as registers and machine ports
[23:18:51] <katsmeow-afk> each callable routine in the OS idealy needs to fit in 512 bytes, when it exits it pops the return from the stack in sram
[23:19:30] <katsmeow-afk> sram can be as fast as 133Mhz sdram, but if it isn't, do two reads or two writes to double the time allowed