#garfield | Logs for 2016-03-11

[00:00:01] <katsmeow> i been yawning and useless all day today
[00:00:21] <rue_house> I'v done diddly squat for like 3 weeks now
[00:01:06] <katsmeow> i think it's the air pollution, guy got 20 acres of trees mowed down, and got a 18wheeler of used tires, he's going to be making everything that breathes miserable for the next 2 years
[00:01:39] <katsmeow> must be 100 cords of hardwoods laying out there wasted
[00:01:52] <katsmeow> and that's what i can see from teh road
[00:02:17] <rue_house> trees are wrth money here
[00:02:30] <katsmeow> just lil smokey low fires, not lighting a fire that will burn them all up and be donw with it
[00:03:03] <rue_house> why would be bring tires in to burn them?
[00:03:20] <rue_house> will your neighbour sue him form burning tires?
[00:03:31] <katsmeow> i'd have thought humans would have saved firewood for winter heat, not burn it utside with tires in freaking summer, but these humans are IDIOTS
[00:03:37] <katsmeow> no
[00:04:00] <katsmeow> burning tires is illgeal as hell too, not a damned thing can be done about it
[00:04:36] <rue_house> sue him ?
[00:05:42] <katsmeow> can't, tried it, he didn't put the smoke on my property, God did, sue God, that'w what i was told in court
[00:06:15] <rue_house> so they admitted me WAS burning tires
[00:06:16] <katsmeow> one neighbor was burning 3 55gal barrels of trash pretty much full time
[00:06:47] <katsmeow> could not do a damned thing about it, it was his southern heritage
[00:07:44] <katsmeow> the guy said he burned garbage in 55gal dums when he was growing up, and he turned out fne,a nd was raising his sons the same way, judge agreed
[00:09:32] <rue_house> same judge?
[00:09:58] <katsmeow> different
[00:12:01] <katsmeow> i can lite a fire, burn 8ft tall flames, be totally out and not smoking 20 minutes later,, these asshats lite a fire and it smolders for 12 - 18 hours, then they come home and re-lite it
[00:12:13] <rue_house> working on compressing 100 lines of old code into about 30
[00:12:19] <katsmeow> i have not lit a fire in years
[00:12:31] <katsmeow> cept the cutting torch
[00:12:43] <katsmeow> and propane torch
[00:14:15] <rue_house> and your shirt, that time you were wearing it, while using the grinder
[00:14:16] * katsmeow just thuoght of something,,, the last buy off ebay was for more than 1 cent per item, and that was because of those engine code readers, and that was what wasn't combined s&h (ebay's error)
[00:14:23] <katsmeow> pants
[00:14:37] <rue_house> ah
[00:14:51] <katsmeow> "set my pants on fire in the shower
[00:14:53] <rue_house> that must have been me with the shirt on fire
[00:14:53] <katsmeow> of sparks
[00:15:12] <rue_house> I think I still have that shirt
[00:15:23] <katsmeow> prolly was yu, never know which end of your body to drape with which article of clothing
[00:15:42] <rue_house> its kinda like a loosly organize pile of cloth strips
[00:18:10] <rue_house> well arc just broke everything
[00:18:15] <rue_house> its got 5 parameters
[00:18:40] <rue_house> x, y of centre From current point, radius, start angle and end angle...
[00:18:44] <rue_house> that dosn't add u
[00:18:46] <rue_house> p
[00:19:17] * katsmeow nods and looks at the fllopweeprj
[00:19:33] <katsmeow> cannot type while looking at the floor
[00:19:42] <rue_house> wtf, its supposed to be based on the current position
[00:20:02] <rue_house> so it needs to know the x,y of the middle,
[00:20:06] <rue_house> and....
[00:20:10] <katsmeow> use the same code that your robots use to navigate by
[00:20:13] <rue_house> the angle you want to travel
[00:20:25] <rue_house> +- x degrees
[00:20:27] <rue_house> ugh
[00:20:41] <rue_house> like I said, old code
[00:22:32] <rue_house> this is an older version, cause its in steps, I changed it to decimal inches later
[00:24:12] <rue_house> yea, that means the last version might still be in the freezer
[00:25:18] <katsmeow> if yu use vectors, and convert the vector to a ratio of the x-y stepper pulse freqs,, wouldn't that make all movements relative to whereever you wanted themt o be?
[00:26:05] <rue_house> the origional system you specificed the start x,y and the end x,y for example a line
[00:26:18] <rue_house> it would start by going to the first points, then travel to the second
[00:26:32] <rue_house> meaning you had to remember were you were when writing the file
[00:26:47] <rue_house> I later ditched the start x,y and said, 'its where you are'
[00:27:00] <rue_house> then I changed it to be inches instead of steps
[00:27:17] <rue_house> cause tracking all the scaling factors when writing a nc program was really evil
[00:29:06] <katsmeow> why change scales?
[00:30:10] <rue_house> every axis has a different steps/inch
[00:30:28] <rue_house> different allthread sizes
[00:30:49] <rue_house> and the Y axis is a 0.9 degree harddrive head motor
[00:30:50] <katsmeow> yeas, but if it's just a move from poit1 to poit2, who cares?
[00:31:04] <katsmeow> oh, different allthread
[00:31:11] * katsmeow sighs
[00:31:12] <rue_house> 14400 steps/inch vs 19200 steps/inch
[00:31:23] <rue_house> vs 2880 steps/inch
[00:31:24] <katsmeow> yeas,, i wold have done them the same
[00:31:27] <rue_house> er 28800
[00:31:50] <rue_house> it was 1997!
[00:32:15] <katsmeow> 14400 = a res of .00007 inch per step
[00:32:20] <rue_house> I want to build new macines, but until this software is written, there is no point
[00:32:23] <rue_house> yea
[00:32:45] <katsmeow> lil too high rez, isn't it?
[00:32:47] <rue_house> I thin the lash is alteast .025
[00:32:53] <katsmeow> heh
[00:32:53] <rue_house> SLOW AS HELL
[00:32:59] <katsmeow> i bet
[00:33:00] <rue_house> thts why I almost never use it
[00:33:08] <rue_house> I can do almost anything faster by hand
[00:33:15] <rue_house> again tho
[00:33:19] <katsmeow> turn it on,. goto bed, it's done in the morning
[00:33:21] <rue_house> I want to build new macines, but until this software is written, there is no point
[00:33:42] <katsmeow> in the morning, turn it on, goto work, it's done when yu get back home
[00:35:02] <katsmeow> yanno what some poeple need? a firewall that can drop a ratio of packes to specified ip addresses, like 1 outa 2, or 1 outa 3 , or 9 outa 10
[00:35:18] <rue_house> its origioanl application was to put in a greyscale TGA image, it would use it like a height map and carve out a profile
[00:35:29] <katsmeow> slow downt he meanfull traffic if yu can't slow it down any other way
[00:35:31] <rue_house> the nc thing was an 'extra bonus'
[00:35:58] <katsmeow> touchscale braille images, i like it
[00:36:03] <rue_house> I put all the AD servers into my HOSTS file as
[00:37:02] <katsmeow> drop a 4x8x1 slab of wood into the machine, it mills out a 3D image of a state overnite
[00:39:53] <rue_house> zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/cnccad# ./a.out
[00:39:53] <rue_house> Motor On :
[00:39:53] <rue_house> 1
[00:39:53] <rue_house> Segmentation fault
[00:39:56] <rue_house> hmm
[00:40:45] <katsmeow> who is zippo ? the 1960's plushie monkey?
[00:41:02] <rue_house> its my fast computer
[00:42:24] <katsmeow> yanno, if the computer also built the slab of wood, knowing beforehand which state it was to mill, it could lay down different colors of wood for different features in the final product
[00:42:54] <katsmeow> rout fiber optics into it as it built
[00:47:06] <rue_house> zippo:/morfiles/programming/c/cnccad# ./a.out
[00:47:07] <rue_house> 1
[00:47:07] <rue_house> ->Motor On :
[00:47:07] <rue_house> S 0
[00:47:07] <rue_house> ->Set Speed : 0.000000
[00:47:07] <rue_house> L 5.886
[00:47:09] <rue_house> ->Line : 494403.000000, 104857.000000
[00:47:11] <rue_house> Z 0.250
[00:47:13] <rue_house> ->Set Z : 0.000000
[00:47:15] <rue_house> getting closer
[00:47:58] <rue_house> gngiht
[00:49:32] <katsmeow> gnites
[01:05:09] <katsmeow> zhanx ..... i still do not have a clue why the usa cannot clone the olde ww2 German Goliath tank killers and use them as road mine sweepers and unmanned remote sentry posts
[01:06:08] <katsmeow> they are the right size to be disposeable, carry 2 days of fuel, not get stuck, carry a gun and ground penetrating radar, radios, sensors, and have some speed in their travels
[01:07:02] <katsmeow> could send out 20 of then to sweep a road and leave some alongside as sentries, eliminate the ied threat
[16:22:40] <any14659540> rue is bak!
[16:24:33] <any14659540> if you guys ever needed inexpensive 8bit adc chips at 60Mhz, now is the time to pool resources : 330 pcs of AD9057BRS-60 ; onboard Vref, onboard TH amplifier, etc etc: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331799002863
[16:24:52] <any14659540> auction ends tomorrow evening
[16:25:03] <any14659540> that is all
[20:44:22] <katsmeow> mou mouow moo moauw
[20:44:31] <rue_house> heh
[20:44:56] <rue_house> ok?
[20:45:27] <katsmeow> hard to belive it's the 2nd week in March, and i have been using fans on me all day
[20:45:45] <rue_house> hmm
[20:46:17] <katsmeow> one on me now, one outside when working, and one at the bandsaw, which i am taking a short break from
[20:46:43] <rue_house> do you know about the brush?
[20:47:18] <katsmeow> on the bandsaw?
[20:47:41] <rue_house> teeth!
[20:48:02] <katsmeow> i been cutting steel, the bandsaw gums up only on aluminum, and then it needs a HARD brush too
[20:48:35] <rue_house> flood coolant
[20:48:45] <katsmeow> umm, i dunno, i haven't been anywhere in the last 10 minutes to look
[20:49:44] <rue_house> ooooh I ddn't set the inoput, thats why my sound didn't work
[21:10:44] <katsmeow> ok, i go back upstairs to bandsaw anotehr 30 minutes away,, or however my paws keep working
[21:32:34] * katsmeow-afk is bak
[21:49:56] <katsmeow> does anyone know what the url is for ebay n Canadia?
[21:50:42] * katsmeow ponders something else or two or three or 908
[21:52:04] <katsmeow> found it!
[21:52:28] <Tom_itx> ebay.ca seems to work
[21:52:43] <katsmeow> yeas, hi Tom
[21:53:28] <rue_house> ?
[21:56:53] * kattttttt is in canada, eh?
[21:57:43] <rue_house> I think It made me do canada
[21:57:59] <katsmeow> "do canada" ?
[21:58:20] <rue_house> is this gonna work?
[22:00:11] <kattttttt> yes
[22:22:06] * katsmeow stretches and thinks
[22:23:31] <katsmeow> i emptied a bottle of 96 pills into a bottle that says it holds 32 pills, it could hold 4 more pills easily
[22:24:11] <rue_house> sales focuses on the amount of shelf space consumed
[22:24:58] <katsmeow> yeas, thinking of making supersized ttl chips, praps 3 inches by 1/2 inch
[22:25:57] <katsmeow> or just make every chip be a dip40, basically
[22:31:25] * katsmeow puts a dozen avr tssop-8 into a dip40 package
[22:31:48] <katsmeow> no, that would be a propellor chip
[22:32:17] <katsmeow> a cheap 8-bit one, but then i could arrange the pins better
[22:33:28] <katsmeow> i wonder if one avr could handle external address generation, and one could handle data buss movements with some 74xx574
[22:41:08] <katsmeow> today must be a rising moon
[22:41:36] <katsmeow> or, make a module that plugs into some 240pin mobo ram sockets
[22:41:54] <katsmeow> or those rdram sockets
[22:44:23] <rue_house> focus, sell some of the chips for 40x what you got them for, see how it goes
[22:45:20] <katsmeow> ibuprofen, tylenol, st john's wort, valerian, iron, vitamin c, garlic, sleeping pill,, might a well add oregano and tartar sauce and call it dinner
[22:45:28] <katsmeow> yeas, of curse
[22:45:32] <katsmeow> corse
[22:45:37] <katsmeow> cuss
[22:46:40] <katsmeow> i think the future will be smart slave cards for raspi cards
[22:47:00] <katsmeow> and modulisers for them and stacks of raspi
[22:47:26] <katsmeow> some external data share device
[22:52:29] <katsmeow> Tom, need any 60mhz 8-bit adc?
[22:59:32] <katsmeow> 60msps
[23:00:37] <katsmeow> 16 of them clocked by a tapped delay line = 960 msps for an oscope
[23:00:57] * katsmeow waves
[23:01:41] <zhanx> Ju
[23:01:57] <zhanx> Wife approved me buying a bigger tool box today
[23:02:06] <zhanx> Hi wow
[23:02:16] <katsmeow> <blink>
[23:02:44] * katsmeow suggests zhanx build a bigger tool box
[23:03:41] <zhanx> Time and energy
[23:03:54] <katsmeow> ah
[23:05:13] <katsmeow> 1000 PCS CR2032
[23:05:29] <katsmeow> 1000 CR2023 = 3000vdc ?
[23:05:34] <rue_house> yup
[23:05:35] <katsmeow> making a rc plane that holds them all at once and runs like greased lightning for 10 minutes
[23:05:38] <rue_house> at 20mA
[23:06:04] * katsmeow has one in her paws now
[23:07:03] <katsmeow> 1ft x 8ft worth of wing would hold them all
[23:08:02] <katsmeow> main = 3ft each side of fuselage, use the otehr 2ft worth in the tail and canards
[23:31:42] <katsmeow> 20ma, 3kv, 60w , .08hp , not going to get off the ground
[23:43:45] <katsmeow> 6845 datasheet says it can produce any video display you'd want, as long as it's NTSC in 80x24 or 72x64 or 132x20 chars
[23:52:50] <rue_shop3> proping for robotics, were gonna do circits
[23:53:12] <katsmeow> ow
[23:53:35] <rue_shop3> can you remmeber back
[23:53:50] <rue_shop3> as a kid, did you like least trying to twist stranded or solid wire?
[23:54:10] <katsmeow> i remember reading 80 column on an ntsc display was almost impossible
[23:54:39] <katsmeow> solid, it always cut my fingertips
[23:59:52] <katsmeow> it is so hhhhumid here atm, anything i take outa the fridge is instantly covered in damp