#garfield | Logs for 2016-03-09

[00:01:18] <rue_house> it looks me 3 yeras to make the rollers for my bender
[00:01:30] <rue_house> I didn't think to look for replacement rollers for an official one
[00:03:54] <katsmeow> funny way to build an amp : https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pssl.com%2Fimages%2FProdImage01%2F1500%2FVDA-1000.jpg&f=1
[00:07:17] <rue_house> huh
[00:11:37] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mechanical-3-Rollers-rolling-machine-W11-series/32394806487.html
[00:11:40] <rue_house> there you are kat
[00:11:49] <rue_house> one of those for only 10k
[00:15:34] <katsmeow> look huges and heavy
[00:17:32] <rue_house> roll her plate
[00:17:36] <rue_house> yer
[00:21:27] <katsmeow> i hope mine needs less than one hp
[00:21:47] <katsmeow> and is lighter than one of those rollers
[00:24:02] * katsmeow wavers gnites
[21:16:00] <zhanx> Heavy wheel brake certified inspector as of today
[21:16:08] <zhanx> As in semi trucks
[21:21:50] <rue_shop3> there ya go
[21:23:32] * katsmeow can recommend http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=xc6013&clk_rvr_id=994944603400&mfe=search
[21:24:21] <zhanx> I have a fluke 115?
[21:24:29] <katsmeow> you will wanna change out those leads for grippy ends, like agilator clips or such
[21:24:52] <katsmeow> i dunno if you do or what it does, but for $15 , i dunno yu can beat that cap meter
[21:25:19] <rue_shop3> the mailbox is across the street
[21:25:28] <rue_shop3> the trip was awefull
[21:25:33] <zhanx> Looks great but I am covered till I fry it
[21:25:45] <rue_shop3> kat, you havin a tornado over there?
[21:25:45] <zhanx> I drove 3 hours one way today
[21:25:59] <katsmeow> not atm
[21:26:16] * katsmeow looks at zhanx
[21:26:32] <zhanx> For my test
[21:26:35] <rue_shop3> I'm gonna lose power
[21:26:42] * katsmeow looks at radar to see if she shuld be worried
[21:26:51] <rue_shop3> wanna make bets on how long it takes?
[21:27:07] <katsmeow> 3hrs, he already said
[21:27:20] <rue_shop3> I'm guessing.... yea.. howd you know?
[21:27:35] <katsmeow> zhanx , was that for a CDL ?
[21:27:50] <zhanx> Cdl inspection of air brakes
[21:27:55] <katsmeow> rue : http://content.wdtinc.com/imap/imaplite/?MAPID=15584
[21:28:24] <katsmeow> drive 3 hrs to get an inspection to see if they shuld even be on the road??
[21:28:56] <zhanx> Certified inspection card aka I can do road side stops
[21:29:31] <zhanx> Or say yep, I will fix that and not get a fine
[21:29:46] <rue_shop3> I"m basically under the red spot
[21:30:38] <katsmeow> no red spots showing on Van : http://content.wdtinc.com/imap/imaplite/?MAPID=
[21:30:54] <zhanx> Only light rain here
[21:31:01] <rue_shop3> oh, no I'm not, I'm under yellow
[21:31:04] <zhanx> High wind here
[21:31:56] * katsmeow keeps zoming in on rue
[21:32:25] <zhanx> Rue, kat is targeting your house with a icbm
[21:32:29] * rue_shop3 bumps his head on the microscope lens "STOP ZOOMING"
[21:32:37] <katsmeow> oops
[21:33:06] <katsmeow> drat, FF locked up too, cannot handle icbm locations in 128bits
[21:33:48] <katsmeow> i found out i have LESS trouble mining usa gov sites if i route thru Netherlands than if i use my real addy
[21:34:07] <rue_shop3> wow
[21:34:09] <katsmeow> or for that matter, a place in Nebraska
[21:34:16] <zhanx> I need to make dinner :(
[21:34:34] <rue_shop3> it would be a good idea fo me to do that befor ethe power goes out
[21:34:45] <rue_shop3> I dont know if the genny will run, I think I'm out of gas
[21:34:56] <rue_shop3> the weather is really bad and I dont want to go get more
[21:35:30] <katsmeow> according to thismap, there's national parks all around Van, there's no way to get an oil pipeline in there
[21:36:10] <katsmeow> put in a big tank, carry a gas can in the truck, fill it when you fill the truck, empty it nto the genny tank
[21:39:30] <katsmeow> we sure have had enough storms that stretch from Mexico to NY this year
[21:42:10] <katsmeow> hey rue, if the usa elects Trump, and he wrecks the usa, is Canadia poised to take over and be great again?
[21:42:50] <katsmeow> World
[21:50:32] <rue_house> if you were wondering, yea it just went out
[21:50:46] <rue_house> gnight
[21:51:15] <katsmeow> http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-water-lead/
[21:51:52] <katsmeow> tested private well systems in their states and found that 12 percent of wells in Pennsylvania and 19 percent in Virginia had lead levels exceeding the maximum EPA threshold for public water systems.
[21:52:11] <katsmeow> batteies, rue,, or falling weights
[21:52:58] <katsmeow> http://9gag.com/gag/aBQD7bP
[21:57:19] <katsmeow> The fuel rods melted through their containment vessels in the reactors, and no one knows exactly where they are now. This part of the plant is so dangerous to humans, Tepco has been developing robots, which can swim under water and negotiate obstacles in damaged tunnels and piping to search for the melted fuel rods.
[21:57:19] <katsmeow> But as soon as they get close to the reactors, the radiation destroys their wiring and renders them useless
[21:57:31] <katsmeow> Each robot has to be custom-built for each building.“It takes two years to develop a single-function robot,” Masuda said.
[21:57:54] <katsmeow> someones has turned that into a make-work project for them and their grandkids
[21:59:17] <katsmeow> Ono estimates that Tepco has completed around 10 percent of the work to clear the site up - the decommissioning process could take 30 to 40 years.
[22:00:30] <rue_house> its times like this I wonder why I havn't switched the house to 12V lights
[22:00:43] <rue_house> I dont know how long the ups holding up the internet modem will last
[22:00:57] <rue_house> I'm gonna guess that in about 3 hours they will have the power back on
[22:01:20] <rue_house> I dont know how to query the battery level of the ups
[22:01:24] <rue_house> on this computer
[22:02:18] <katsmeow> hence add-on high side and floating and isolated and remote-readable at23xx wich i cold sell on ebay if i could
[22:02:44] <katsmeow> zhanx ok?
[22:03:39] <zhanx> Tracking packages after dinner is all
[22:05:08] <zhanx> Was eating didn't realize my nets dropped
[22:05:26] <katsmeow> ebay messed up on combining items for reduced s&h today, the seller said he'd handle it manually
[22:05:50] <zhanx> Ordered tools and clamps for my canoe etc
[22:06:38] <zhanx> Now I need a bigger tool box or an add on side box, but my Google fu sucks for the add on side box (which I want )
[22:09:35] <katsmeow> Burai used to spend around 18,000 shekels ($4,600) a year on fuel to run a generator that helped make sure he could weather the daily blackouts. Now he has invested in solar panels, making the long-run costs much cheaper.
[22:09:36] <katsmeow> "I paid $5,000 to get solar energy for the entire house and that will provide relief for years to come,"
[22:10:10] <katsmeow> until he gets the clue that the batteries won't last but a year
[22:13:16] <rue_bed> ooo what a brilliant idea, I'll build a battery array for the truck and use it as a backup for the house
[22:13:47] <katsmeow> people do that
[22:14:41] <katsmeow> zhanx ; http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/assets/usa-water-lead/WATER.png
[22:15:49] <zhanx> I am good had my well tested, will have either tested again in 2 months
[22:16:36] <katsmeow> Water from one Virginia home had lead levels 1,600 times the EPA maximum threshold, concluded Virginia Tech researcher
[22:21:21] <zhanx> Crazy
[22:25:33] <katsmeow> Woman tells Putnam County deputy that son, 4, shot her in back while she was driving
[22:25:52] <katsmeow> Tairod Pugh, Ex-US Serviceman, Is Found Guilty of Trying to Aid ISIS
[22:32:07] <katsmeow> Mar 9 2016, 10:30 pm ET
[22:32:09] <katsmeow> Other Wachowski Brother Also Comes Out — Reluctantly — as Transgender
[22:32:18] <katsmeow> http://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/movies/other-wachowski-brother-also-comes-out-reluctantly-transgender-n535561?google_editors_picks=true
[22:46:03] <katsmeow> http://www.grindtv.com/travel/inventor-starts-driving-around-world-in-amphibious-car-he-built/#tYuJ0j7s0FtP4yOk.97
[23:15:14] <rue_house> what if the lead is naturally occuring
[23:15:22] <rue_house> when is the ups running my internet gonna die?
[23:18:25] <katsmeow> i dunno, can'ty ou at least check the batty voltages?
[23:37:23] <rue_house> I think my mouse is a genuis netscroll+
[23:40:18] <rue_house> 800pdi
[23:40:19] <rue_house> k
[23:40:38] <rue_house> last time I tried to upgrade to an optical mouse I found the opticals resolution sucked
[23:41:21] <rue_house> oops, genny died
[23:48:32] <katsmeow> i use a logitech M205 with the laptop, no problems
[23:56:54] <katsmeow> wow, short battery life