#garfield | Logs for 2016-02-28

[00:07:55] <rue_house> md1 : active raid1 sde1[3] hda1[0] hdb1[1]
[00:07:55] <rue_house> 35163072 blocks [3/2] [UU_]
[00:07:55] <rue_house> [>....................] recovery = 0.3% (117184/35163072) finish=609.0min speed=958K/sec
[00:08:00] * rue_house waits for raid to rebuild
[00:12:21] <rue_house> 958k/sec, thats what I get for putting the new drive on a usb adapter :)
[00:12:21] <rue_house> 10 hours, maybe I wont wait for it to finish
[00:12:21] <katsmeow> i set up those tasks t run while i sleep
[00:13:38] <rue_house> heh
[00:13:40] <rue_house> "
[00:13:40] <rue_house> Note: when kilobytes is used above, I mean real, power-of-2 kilobytes, (i.e., 1024 bytes), which some politically correct folks insist should be
[00:13:40] <rue_house> the stupid-sounding ``kibibytes''. The same holds true for megabytes, also sometimes known as ``mebibytes'', or gigabytes, as the amazingly silly
[00:13:40] <rue_house> ``gibibytes''. Makes you want to gibber, doesn't it?
[00:13:40] <rue_house> "
[00:15:47] <rue_house> this is good, there is a program that can resize the filesystem
[00:16:14] <rue_house> right now its using 5% of the space (35G) I can resize this to something easier to find drives for
[00:16:30] <rue_house> maybe 4 or 8G
[00:16:42] <katsmeow> eat only foods that will rot if you don't
[00:17:08] <rue_house> I'm pretty sure I' gonna rot
[00:17:28] <rue_house> bits of my teeth are acutaully jumping the gun
[00:17:32] * katsmeow is waitng on someone to glue ssd to the platter of a hdd, with a rotary data pickup
[00:17:44] <rue_house> they do it as raid
[00:17:54] <rue_house> you raid an ssd w/ magnetic
[00:18:11] <katsmeow> what does that get you?
[00:18:29] <rue_house> fast and... I forget
[00:18:44] <rue_house> I think some hard drives have faster write speeds than ssd
[00:19:07] <rue_house> than *some* ssd
[00:19:19] <rue_house> and you can reduce write cycles to the ssd somehow
[00:19:26] <katsmeow> but the latency for everything on hdd is worse than any ssd
[00:19:46] <rue_house> so do reads from the ssd
[00:20:05] <rue_house> hey, I just know its a feature on some laptops
[00:20:35] <rue_house> if your gonna say there is jiggelry-pokery in there, I'm gonna say you must be right
[00:20:51] <katsmeow> oh
[00:20:59] * katsmeow looks at zlog
[00:21:11] <rue_house> well, I was gonna do some welding but its started raining
[00:22:21] <rue_house> apparently you can make a raid array of drives on different machines on a network
[00:22:50] <rue_house> maybe I should unify all the computers' softwares onto a raid array composed of all their drives
[00:23:06] <rue_house> then if anyone goes down, the rest can rebuild it
[00:23:14] <katsmeow> the lan will slow it down
[00:23:22] <rue_house> yea, but I'm not streaming media
[00:23:58] <rue_house> every machine would have access to the files on any other machine
[00:24:10] <rue_house> being they would all be different partitions on the same raid array
[00:24:44] <rue_house> every machine could be based off a little usb boot device
[00:25:09] <rue_house> for now, its an intesting thought
[00:25:50] <rue_house> I have atleast 8 machines that run 24/7 on the network
[00:26:18] <rue_house> thats more than enough for a raid 5 array
[00:26:44] <katsmeow> it is interesting
[00:27:03] <katsmeow> handshaking cold be complicated
[00:27:36] <katsmeow> if you can install a separate lan only for the raid, that wold make it easier to accept
[00:27:59] <rue_house> it can do raid 6 too
[00:28:20] <rue_house> the raid manager can be configured to use drives specified by ip addresses
[00:29:26] * katsmeow nods
[00:30:58] <rue_house> the phone system has eaten its...
[00:31:20] <rue_house> 6th hard drive now
[00:31:37] <katsmeow> yeow, all were new, or used?
[00:32:00] <rue_house> its also had 2 motherboards and a power supply
[00:32:00] <rue_house> all used
[00:32:02] <katsmeow> how can you have so much phone traffic?
[00:32:11] <rue_house> I dont, I just have really faulty hardware with that one
[00:32:33] <rue_house> I was given some IP phones
[00:32:35] <rue_house> I might play with them
[00:32:54] <rue_house> if the drive is 5% full, I wonder if rebuilding everything after the 5% mark will go faster
[00:34:52] <rue_house> oops, I was uspposed to work out whats going on with the solar yard lights
[00:34:58] <rue_house> the battery died again, which isn't supposed ot be possable
[00:35:30] <rue_house> unless its related to the main light stopping working
[00:35:32] <katsmeow> they don't make enough power cept in summer
[00:35:44] <rue_house> the solar cells are WAY oversized for it
[00:35:51] <rue_house> and its got undervoltage cutout
[00:36:10] <rue_house> I'm wondering if the solar cells died
[00:36:14] <katsmeow> but they don't get the sun n winter, it's too off-axis
[00:36:30] <rue_house> if they dont get enough power it means they shouldn't run all night
[00:36:40] <rue_house> but they will always get soemthing during the day and run for a while
[00:36:52] <katsmeow> you can measure the cell output drop off as you move a flashlite 10 - 20 degrees off
[00:37:14] <rue_house> I'd like to see what they are generating during the day
[00:37:14] <katsmeow> not unless they are aimed right at the sun ~1pm
[00:37:25] <rue_house> maybe I'll give them a short circuit test tommorow if there is light
[00:38:12] <katsmeow> go ut now at nite with a meter and a flashlite, and see which wat the lite ahsto hit the cell to get rated power from it
[00:38:28] <rue_house> they are 25 feet up, I cant reach them
[00:38:49] <katsmeow> o
[00:39:02] <rue_house> tis ok, I'll short them and see what the current is tommorow
[00:39:14] <rue_house> I kinda suspect they are low/dead
[00:40:39] <rue_house> I think I always roll the same direction
[00:40:44] <rue_house> at night
[00:40:53] <katsmeow> to the wall?
[00:40:57] <rue_house> to my right
[00:41:00] <katsmeow> because you are still alive
[00:41:14] <rue_house> :) there is a bumper to alert me
[00:41:19] <katsmeow> oh, ok
[00:42:08] <katsmeow> i might have discovered by accident that i sleep betetr if i leave on a 15w red cfl at nite
[00:42:35] <rue_house> curious
[00:45:51] <rue_house> kat, that way your finger bends
[00:46:03] <rue_house> the interlinkage of the last 2 joints
[00:46:14] <rue_house> you got any ideas on that?
[00:47:13] <rue_house> I think its like stretchy corssed over cables
[00:47:20] <katsmeow> deja vu
[00:47:27] <rue_house> prolly
[00:47:55] <katsmeow> we DID discuss it, i still say a robot shuld have dedicated cables and actuators for each segment
[00:48:05] <katsmeow> the human body doesn't, and you don't agree with me
[00:48:38] <rue_house> I'm not interested in making something better than the human
[00:49:01] <katsmeow> i know
[00:49:34] <katsmeow> i am saying because the movement is proportional, yo haveto run cables to it anyhow
[00:50:04] <rue_house> ah, this is an important point, just cause they are linked dosn't mean you have to link them AT the finger
[00:50:10] <rue_house> it can be further down
[00:50:14] <katsmeow> yeas
[00:51:02] <rue_house> interesting cause if you took two bowden cables, that abstracted the point of reference, they both change the same angle and could be the same actuator
[00:51:12] <rue_house> now were making progress...
[00:51:55] <katsmeow> if you look at closeups of the "hands" f the DARPA challenges, it was pass or fail on if the fingertips moved separately
[00:51:56] <rue_house> http://g02.s.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1DicuGVXXXXbOXVXXq6xXFXXXB/202905250/HTB1DicuGVXXXXbOXVXXq6xXFXXXB.jpg
[00:52:07] <rue_house> THAT ROBOT JUST GAVE ME THE FINGER!
[00:52:49] <katsmeow> generously, since it has only the one
[00:54:40] <rue_house> http://mechanismsrobotics.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/data/Journals/JMROA6/933634/jmr_007_04_041008_f002.png
[00:54:40] <rue_house> hmm
[00:56:38] <rue_house> http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~vikash/P_Finger.html
[00:56:39] <rue_house> hello
[00:56:50] <katsmeow> i strongly do not like how they ran the cables, you cold not make a more high-frictionpath
[01:08:04] <rue_house> http://home.iitk.ac.in/~adutta/BioRobotic_research_interests.htm
[01:08:31] <rue_house> "I could NOT find larger potentiometers sir!!!"
[01:11:11] <katsmeow> ultrasonic phase comparator, the fartehr away the piston is, the longer it takes the ultrasonics signal to return
[01:16:36] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:15342
[01:16:39] <rue_house> hmm
[01:26:10] <katsmeow> if one hand can lift a large car normal battery, then two hands can lift 80lb bags of cement
[01:27:21] <rue_house> I was right, if I dump the ring and small finger, I dont have to worry about cupping the palm
[01:27:50] <rue_house> how much tension do you think finger tendons take?
[01:28:31] <katsmeow> worst case?
[01:28:45] <rue_house> sure
[01:29:06] <rue_house> http://www.tesisenred.net/bitstream/handle/10803/6995/TEPP1de1.pdf?sequence=1
[01:29:10] <rue_house> they modeled workspaces for the digits
[01:29:55] <rue_house> funny how a humans arms are just long enough to reach its crotch
[01:30:12] <katsmeow> figure a 3" finger, 40lbs at the tip, the finger is an inch at the base, so 1/2 inch offse of tend on there, 240lbs not counting any friction, just to hold it
[01:30:36] <katsmeow> not funny, if you cold not clean it, you tended to die
[01:30:53] <rue_house> I mean without bending its back
[01:31:10] <rue_house> 240lbs, hmmm
[01:31:24] <rue_house> best I could find was 40lb fishing line
[01:31:45] <katsmeow> dynema, told you about it 4(?) yrs ago
[01:32:09] <katsmeow> yo can get it on ebay, i did, in assorted dimensions
[01:33:25] <katsmeow> i had a super cheap simple test: i made a loo of one strand of the stuff, put my foot init, hooked the other end ove an anchor bolt in the wall, if it held me, it was good nuff
[01:36:15] <rue_house> $240usd for 1000lb test
[01:36:46] <katsmeow> what, a 100ft spool?
[01:36:47] <katsmeow> yu can get it by the foot
[01:36:59] <rue_house> 60m
[01:37:12] <katsmeow> and 1000lb is a lot of overkill for finger segments
[01:37:34] <katsmeow> get the 1/16 or 2mm stuff
[01:37:34] <rue_house> I found 44lb and 1000lb, none of it at a reasonable price
[01:38:28] <katsmeow> am i spelling it rong? ebay useto have it in assorted colors, even
[01:39:18] <katsmeow> dyneema 58,688 listings
[01:39:57] * katsmeow selects 2mm, which may be too fat for fngers
[01:40:14] <katsmeow> oh, thay have 1.5mm now too
[01:40:47] <katsmeow> dyneema 2mm 25 listings Follow this search 4 colors
[01:40:53] <katsmeow> http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_nkw=dyneema+2mm&_frs=1
[01:41:15] <katsmeow> 10ft is $3.30, that should be more than enough for 2 hands
[01:41:41] <katsmeow> use a diff color for each bone farther from the palm
[01:42:36] <katsmeow> Throw Line 180 Ft,2MM,600 Lb Breaking Strength,Dyneema Coated,Compare to Zing It
[01:44:01] * euKat looks at the 1mm line
[01:44:44] <euKat> http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_nkw=dyneema+1mm&_frs=1
[01:45:12] <euKat> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Special-Supply-300M-Agepoch-Super-Strong-PE-Dyneema-Braided-Sea-Fishing-Line-New-/200990618132 <<== 9 colors
[01:45:44] <euKat> Top Quality PE Dyneema Spectra Braid Fishing Line Orange 100m 300m 500m 1000m O
[01:45:52] <euKat> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Top-Quality-PE-Dyneema-Spectra-Braid-Fishing-Line-Orange-100m-300m-500m-1000m-O-/380637580091?var=&hash=item589fc48b3b:m:m1Eh6Uk5ORbnGl_0oyQkAog
[01:47:29] <euKat> rue said nothing, i must be wastingmy time again
[01:53:32] * rue_house takes clothes off
[01:53:34] <rue_house> end of day...
[01:54:23] <rue_house> there, why didn't my searches turn up those?!
[01:54:25] <rue_house> thanks kat
[01:57:35] * useless-afk was told she has good google-fu
[01:58:14] <useless-afk> if you copy the item number, you can plug it into the .ca site for canadian money and shiping
[01:58:28] <rue_house> 45cad 300lb 300m...
[01:58:30] <rue_house> hmmm
[01:59:04] <rue_house> 300lb...
[01:59:15] <useless-afk> 300m is a lifetime supply
[01:59:42] <rue_house> yup
[02:00:51] <rue_house> I wonder what the rating on the building supplies strapping is
[02:01:10] <rue_house> (its a lot larger)
[02:01:12] <useless-afk> i suggest getting colors, so yo can know ata glace which is what, but i understand buying one color in bulk to get better prices
[02:01:17] <useless-afk> it's a lot stiffer too
[02:01:27] <useless-afk> the dyneema is limp as nylon
[02:02:59] <useless-afk> "is consciusness more than the brain" Dr Gary Schwartz
[02:03:03] <rue_house> you know how they used to use steel to bundle wood?
[02:03:17] <rue_house> now they use some kinda woven plastic strap
[02:03:20] <useless-afk> hay too
[02:04:00] <useless-afk> i know, in multicolors, i used it as headbands when my hair was 3ft long
[02:04:41] <useless-afk> shipping dept had it, i never asked what it wrapped up, but i'd pick out the best color schemes to wear, for free
[02:05:12] <rue_house> ooo dyneema air muscles would be wickid
[02:05:30] * useless-afk nods
[02:06:13] <useless-afk> it's a plastic, so s the air muscle "fabric", so keep UV (sun, flourescnet) light off it
[02:11:09] * useless-afk waves gites
[02:11:09] <rue_bed> yyt
[02:11:09] <rue_bed> gnight
[02:11:09] <rue_bed> the funny message is from the cats
[14:46:05] <Moon_> Awake yet RUE?
[17:27:08] <rue_shop5> james is here welding, sean is here working on the lathe, ma just left
[22:18:27] <^kat^> moooooo
[22:18:37] <^kat^> w
[22:24:59] <^kat^> here's a funny, read the product details on this page : http://www.ebay.com/itm/NE5532-OP-AMP-HIFI-Amplifier-Volume-Tone-Control-Board-Preamplifier-Preamp-AMP-/201427722485
[22:26:35] <^kat^> there's 12,227 tab chars on that page too
[22:35:01] <^kat^> wb
[23:49:55] <rue_house> ^kat^, hold up
[23:49:57] <rue_house> I have pics
[23:51:55] <^kat^> i was about tog o put stuff in toaster oven
[23:52:01] <^kat^> brb
[23:52:05] <rue_house> arg, order, pants, camera grrr
[23:53:12] <Moon_> pants?
[23:54:05] <rue_house> yes, I'm done with the day
[23:55:42] <Moon_> pants off?
[23:56:02] <rue_house> well I'm not gonna put my pajamas on top of them am I!?
[23:56:08] <Moon_> HA
[23:57:05] <rue_house> ^kat^, http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/p1070802.jpg
[23:57:29] <rue_house> I really should make a paint booth
[23:57:51] <rue_house> I could use the sand blasting booth if it weren't so damned dusty
[23:58:38] <rue_house> ^kat^, I forgot to paint the 3 fails I turned into 1's