#garfield | Logs for 2016-02-19

[00:00:04] <katsmeow> no
[00:00:09] <rue_house> people will wonder why the idea paused for so long
[00:01:04] <katsmeow> scotch made a wide variety of tape, i had some of their 1/4" reel recoring tape
[00:01:09] <rue_house> http://www.geek.com/news/a-new-use-for-adhesive-tape-storage-544670/
[00:01:13] <rue_house> scrape the text
[00:01:17] <rue_house> its an ugly page
[00:02:54] <katsmeow> as much as 10 GB on a single roll of tape.
[00:03:09] <katsmeow> so i'd need 32 rolls of tape t equal a 330GB hdd
[00:03:17] <katsmeow> the hdd is cheaper
[00:03:45] <rue_house> http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/storage-disaster-recovery/datastickies-sure-lets-store-32-gb-of-data-on-a-strip-of-scotch-tape/
[00:03:50] <rue_house> I missed this one
[00:04:37] <rue_house> its just the start of the technology tho
[00:04:48] <rue_house> you cant judge it too harshly
[00:05:06] <rue_house> you wouldn't belive all the things they are gonna realize you can do with augmented reality
[00:05:18] <rue_house> but they wont see it for quite a while yet
[00:05:36] <rue_house> AR code is all considered useless and obsolete right now
[00:05:55] <katsmeow> AR ?
[00:06:07] <katsmeow> oh, augiereality
[00:08:02] <rue_house> 14314... hmmm
[00:09:05] <katsmeow> http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=umo88&item=361492698024&_osacat=0&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=coev&_sacat=0
[00:09:30] <katsmeow> so far, all the lots f 1000 have sold for under $15
[00:10:42] <katsmeow> if you figure on allowing for 3/4 inch for one on a pcb, and you make something with all 1000, and stack them up, the stack will be 62 ft tall
[00:12:30] <rue_house> dsl obselecence fallout
[00:13:22] <katsmeow> and the co that made them got bought out
[00:16:18] <rue_house> katsmeow, if you made a REALLY REALLY sensitive coil, do you think it could pick up noise from neurons firing in a brain?
[00:18:07] <katsmeow> like an EEG does? prolly
[00:28:09] <rue_house> magnetic pickup coil?
[00:29:06] <katsmeow> "The power of this chain-boat is so great that it will pull along, and that too against the rapid stream, a whole string of barges, several of them of 300 tons' burthen, while the long fleet advances steadily though slowly, and the irresistible engine works with smokeless funnels, but with groanings within, telling of tight-strained iron, and loud undertoned breaths of confined steam."
[00:30:11] <rue_house> sounds computer generated
[00:30:17] <rue_house> but good as such
[00:30:32] <katsmeow> it isn't, but it's over 100 yrs old
[00:30:40] <rue_house> ! oh
[00:31:05] <rue_house> that would explain why 300 tons sounds like a big deal
[00:31:12] <katsmeow> from back when they endeavored to use each word but once during their discourse
[00:31:18] <katsmeow> oo, more words for your list
[00:31:34] <rue_house> I think you dont understand
[00:31:51] <rue_house> the list is of words I know, but can only recall the definition of
[00:32:01] <katsmeow> umm, yo are not keeping a list for me?
[00:32:07] <katsmeow> oh
[00:32:13] <rue_house> when I know the word but cant recall it, just its meaning
[00:32:33] <rue_house> this is bceaue the word itself is stored in a mental context not available to me at the time
[00:33:03] <rue_house> if I can map a bunch of the words that happens with, I should be able to partly map my mind
[00:33:40] <katsmeow> if yu can have cntext for the map
[00:33:59] <rue_house> I want to know how many contexts there are
[00:34:10] <rue_house> it reveals part of how my mind is split up
[00:39:18] <rue_house> I'm still sure I can reverse engineer it from the inside out
[00:40:50] <katsmeow> my eyes keep shutting
[00:44:30] <rue_house> at some point you will sudeenly ralize that evrything you are seeing is in your imagination
[00:44:40] <rue_house> cause your eyes are closed
[00:45:47] <katsmeow> and i will wish for the matric to be plugged back in so i can have a "real life" with artificial sensors again
[00:53:49] <katsmeow> i need to go take my brain offline
[00:54:42] <katsmeow> gnites
[08:06:34] <Moon_> Anyone still awake?
[13:40:51] <any60440367> On April 1 st , 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology
[13:40:51] <any60440367> Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both
[13:40:51] <any60440367> companies.
[13:40:59] <any60440367> that is all
[19:27:57] <Tom_itx> https://blog.freenode.net/2016/02/recent-events-and-future-changes/
[19:28:05] <Tom_itx> hope they don't rouse any more rucas's
[21:46:45] <katsmeow> RUE MAKE IT STOP
[21:47:01] <katsmeow> WHY DO I NEED 5000 DSL TRANSFORMERS!?!?
[21:49:25] <katsmeow> if i stack 5000 of them, allowing 0.7 inch per, that's a 290ft stack!
[21:50:24] * katsmeow looks at zhanx, as if he has a use for tiny high freq power/signal transformers
[21:51:39] <zhanx> Umm I have no clue really kat
[21:51:51] <katsmeow> oh, ok
[21:52:17] <zhanx> Not even sure how to use them
[21:53:03] <katsmeow> voltage isolation transformers, balun transformers, mixer inpedance changer transformers, even current measuring transformers
[21:53:50] <zhanx> Balm transformers? Off to Google
[21:54:45] <zhanx> And now I feel dumber
[21:54:50] <katsmeow> balun
[21:54:58] <katsmeow> abbr for ballanced-unbalanced
[21:55:24] <zhanx> Didn't realize that
[21:55:43] <katsmeow> you can drive primary referenced to gnd, and use the secondary in pushpull references off some other bias voltage
[21:55:55] <katsmeow> or vice versa
[21:56:02] <katsmeow> they are quite versatile
[21:56:35] <katsmeow> i ran 9Mhz thru one and it performed nicely, however i'd use 100Khz for power delivery due to haveing diodes that fast
[21:57:43] <zhanx> You lost me, but I am tired also
[21:58:00] <katsmeow> lit a led pretty brightly off the signal generator, even driving it with ac like i was
[21:58:59] <katsmeow> anyhoo, it's like finding 25lbs of 60-40 solder for $7 , it's not available for long, and won't happen again
[22:01:01] <katsmeow> you might correctly guess i bought 20lbs of solder once, and was delivered 25lbs
[22:05:45] <zhanx> Kat am sleepy night
[22:06:15] <katsmeow> how did the aquarium lites work out?
[22:06:36] <zhanx> Great
[22:06:49] <katsmeow> cool
[22:22:59] <katsmeow> www.herding-dog-training-border-collie-sheepdog-dvd.com <<== long domain name
[22:24:09] <katsmeow> http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com
[22:25:11] <katsmeow> 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com
[22:25:52] <katsmeow> http://www.llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch.com/: named after a Welsh Village ,, iirc, that is the short version of the town'n name
[22:27:37] <katsmeow> http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/wearejustdoingthistobestupidnowsincethiscangoonforeverandeverandeverbutitstilllookskindaneatinthebrowsereventhoughitsabigwasteoftimeandenergyandhasnorealpointbutwehadtodoitanyways.html
[22:28:40] <katsmeow> http://www.public-organization-capital-of-the-world.which-establishes-world-records-welcomes-all-inhabitants.of-the-planet-and-invites-them-to-visit-our-ancient-city.yours-faithfully-chairman-of-government-anatolij-kosjanchuk.epak.infocom.lviv.ua/
[23:35:03] <katsmeow> http://s.newsweek.com/sites/www.newsweek.com/files/styles/headline/public/2015/12/04/1218techtats01.jpg
[23:36:09] <katsmeow> so basically, instead of wearing a smart wrist watch, you tape it to your arm
[23:39:00] <katsmeow> Thanks to the recent passage of a new law permitting the sale of up to 300 historical car replicas per year, the Texas-based manufacturers are now allowed to start selling brand-new DeLorean DMC-12 models after a 34-year break in production.
[23:39:28] <katsmeow> The 1982 replicas will cost at least $100,000 ($142,000 AUD) each, depending on the engine.