#garfield | Logs for 2016-02-17

[00:00:05] <rue_shop3> the last elastic strap I put on it lasted about a year
[00:00:20] <rue_shop3> now I have to work out how to keep them clear
[00:00:25] <rue_shop3> I'm thinking internal heaters
[00:00:27] <rue_shop3> ?
[00:00:38] <^kat^> are you this hard on bras too?
[00:01:05] <rue_shop3> no
[00:01:51] <^kat^> they get expensive to replace as fast as you go thru goggle straps
[00:02:50] <rue_shop3> oh, I think I have the lenses too tight to breathe
[00:03:14] <^kat^> funny place to wear goggles
[00:03:58] <^kat^> if air can get around the goggles, so can swarf, trust me
[00:04:15] <rue_shop3> I detinted them, I use them as safety goggles
[00:04:37] <rue_shop3> they are better because they stay on your head when they are up, all on their own, no balancing required
[00:04:49] <rue_shop3> and they are more comfortable
[00:05:06] <rue_shop3> even the dents they leave in your head aren't uncomfortable
[00:05:14] <rue_shop3> you have spare goggles dont you?
[00:05:19] <rue_shop3> *try it* :)
[00:05:32] <rue_shop3> those mad scientists in the movies are really onto something
[00:06:06] <^kat^> i have the gas welding goggles, and the arc helding hood, and breaking face mask, that's about it
[00:06:20] <rue_shop3> you only have one set of gas goggles?
[00:06:31] <rue_shop3> *blink*
[00:06:34] <^kat^> yeas, and i have not used them in many years
[00:06:52] <rue_shop3> well pull the tints out of them and try them as safety goggles
[00:06:55] <rue_shop3> :)
[00:06:57] <^kat^> but i got bins of spare fuses :-P
[00:07:12] <rue_shop3> then again, you prolly need a facemask for the size of things you work on
[00:07:19] <^kat^> my gas goggles are flip-up tints
[00:07:23] <rue_shop3> ah
[00:07:28] <rue_shop3> rectangular ones?
[00:07:33] <^kat^> yeas
[00:07:40] <rue_shop3> the spings went in mine
[00:07:44] <rue_shop3> they are taped closed
[00:08:29] <rue_shop3> so, funny thing
[00:08:49] <rue_shop3> I think the ONLY copy of the current source for the cnc machine is on a hard drive in my freezer...
[00:09:13] <^kat^> freezer?
[00:09:16] <rue_shop3> yea
[00:09:23] <rue_shop3> its got magnet problems
[00:09:31] <^kat^> o
[00:09:36] <rue_shop3> its waiting for me to do an emergency imaging of
[00:11:39] <rue_shop3> ok, gnight
[00:12:00] <^kat^> oh
[01:08:36] <Moon_> Burp
[01:08:42] <Moon_> and PUKE!
[01:46:04] <Moon_> peace
[18:45:37] <^kat^> RUe RUE rUE RuE rUe
[18:46:14] <Tom_itx> new theme song?
[18:46:21] <^kat^> http://designerthinking.com/images/DSCF6713mc.jpg <<== beware no current limit on the TIP10x , and the +15 is REGULATED
[18:46:29] <^kat^> hie Tom
[18:47:07] <^kat^> so it will swing almost rail to rail at 8amps, altho my switcher will cut off before that happens
[18:47:27] <^kat^> and if the opamp oscillates, the TIPs are real slow, they'll tend to stay on and short the psu
[18:49:06] <Tom_itx> that doesn't sound good
[18:49:25] <^kat^> obviously, the opamp ut needs to be centered at 7.5v nominally
[18:50:04] <^kat^> well, it was "how cheap can i force amps into the P-chan mosfet gate?"
[18:51:21] <^kat^> almost ay opamp will work, even a 741, because the transistors have a lot of voltage gain, unless you add feedback (which i didn't show)
[18:54:28] <^kat^> the TIPs have 500x gain, up to 3000x at 2amps, so if the opamp supplies 10ma pulling on a base, the TIP will pull at 5amps
[18:54:42] <^kat^> and at 5amps, the gain is way higher
[18:54:54] <^kat^> i mean on an emitter
[18:56:29] <^kat^> driving the emitters gives me 80x voltage gain, so the opamp not swinging rail-to-rail doesn't matter, and that does matter if rue rebuilds this to work on a 78v psu
[18:57:13] <^kat^> altho at 78v the npn darlngton will pop the gate
[18:57:44] <^kat^> <cough>
[19:00:31] <^kat^> someone just bought 1900 srams, 64k x 16 bit , 15ns , for $45
[19:00:34] <^kat^> wasn't me
[19:06:18] <^kat^> .
[23:27:24] <katsmeow> their promo pic for an amplifier, lookie at the input jack : http://www.parts-express.com/Data/Default/Images/Catalog/Original/320-311_ALT_1.jpg
[23:28:29] <katsmeow> a pic of something else, lookie at the lead on the big blue cap where it is no longer soldered to the pcb : http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/GlYAAOSwZVhWRcX~/s-l1600.jpg
[23:28:46] * katsmeow loks at rue and wonders if he saw the schematic
[23:45:54] <katsmeow> rue RUE Rue rUe ruE RUe RuE rUE
[23:45:57] <katsmeow> RUE
[23:50:14] <rue_house> your back now
[23:50:19] <rue_house> looks like you got a design
[23:50:21] <rue_house> so?
[23:50:23] <katsmeow> my front now
[23:50:44] <katsmeow> yea, so what?
[23:51:05] <rue_house> input connector looks broken
[23:51:35] <rue_house> you gonna build and test the power amp?
[23:51:42] <katsmeow> no
[23:52:01] <rue_house> no?
[23:53:32] <katsmeow> 1) it's $54 2) need 2 3) not no big speaker boxes that work anymore 4) cannot power them up and make dogs bark 5) they come from China already assembled
[23:54:40] <rue_house> nonon, for the power supply
[23:54:50] <rue_house> your schematic
[23:55:48] <katsmeow> oh, you said amp
[23:56:04] <katsmeow> not tonite it's too close to midnite
[23:56:24] <katsmeow> i'm a lil concerned about both TIP beng on at once
[23:56:34] <katsmeow> or other overcurrent conditons
[23:58:38] <rue_house> then put two 10R resistors betwen them
[23:58:56] <rue_house> 10R tends to act like an "indicating fuse"
[23:59:09] <katsmeow> 10 ohms?
[23:59:21] <katsmeow> that will cut the gate drive to 1 amp
[23:59:35] <katsmeow> and possibly dissipate 150 watts
[23:59:39] <katsmeow> 15