#garfield | Logs for 2016-02-13

[00:25:19] <^kat^-afk> gniteszzzzz
[01:50:13] <rue_shop3> I assembled th 20 ton press
[01:50:22] <rue_shop3> bit smaller than I thought, which is nice
[01:50:27] <rue_shop3> fits ok on the deck
[02:10:11] <Moon_> I allways wax my dEck
[02:20:31] <rue_shop3> people like a well oiled dEck
[02:21:48] <rue_shop3> ok one computer boots
[02:21:52] <rue_shop3> try to put the CF on it...
[02:23:39] <rue_shop3> the caps in that supply are fine
[02:23:42] <rue_shop3> !?!?!
[02:24:01] <rue_shop3> I wonder why its dead
[02:24:15] <rue_shop3> maybe the 5V standby is shot
[02:24:21] <rue_shop3> give it a wall wart :)
[02:44:48] <Moon_> How did the wart work out
[02:45:23] <rue_shop3> didn't try yet
[02:45:37] <rue_shop3> I got the SD->ide->sata working
[02:45:44] <rue_shop3> the dos is booting/running
[02:47:42] <rue_shop3> I dont ahve time to get 2 computers up
[02:56:05] <Moon_> 3 state logic based on 3phace AC logic voltage
[03:01:14] <rue_shop3> gah, china aleady has SD to SATA converters, about $9usd
[03:14:38] <rue_shop3> Moon_, maybe if you can bring that parallel port light box back, and we can use it for some programming stuff tommorow
[03:14:43] <rue_shop3> if ya have t
[03:22:52] <Moon_> its at the high school
[03:26:50] <Moon_> G'Night
[03:30:25] <rue_shop3> k, all the coathangers are put away
[03:30:31] <rue_shop3> one computer working, desk cleaned up
[03:30:42] <rue_shop3> close enough
[08:01:09] <rue_bed> hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[11:34:07] <rue_house> is he out of air now?
[11:36:16] <Tom_itx> earthquake just now
[11:42:03] <rue_house> nope
[11:42:09] <rue_house> :)
[11:42:39] <rue_house> you get earthquakes and tornadoes, safe place to live dude.
[11:44:45] <Tom_itx> yeah
[12:06:33] <Tom_itx> 5.1 near fairview OK
[12:06:53] <Tom_itx> then a 3.9 shortly after
[12:07:48] <rue_house> hmm
[12:07:53] <rue_house> isn't 5.1 really noticable?
[12:08:34] <Tom_itx> well i noticed it :D
[13:26:41] <Moon__> Did I leave my phone there?
[14:47:29] <rue_house> not that I see
[14:55:20] <Moon__> I founed it :P
[14:55:27] <Moon__> How manyt kids today?
[15:07:32] <rue_house> 2
[15:07:40] <rue_house> both late,
[15:07:46] <rue_house> we managed to do the safty thing
[15:07:56] <rue_house> marlo wasn't ooo attentive
[15:07:59] <rue_house> :)
[15:17:46] <Moon__> HA
[15:18:42] <rue_house> I dont know if its better to encourage him to focus or to find something he just gant take his eyes off
[15:19:26] <rue_house> I'm falling asleep :(
[15:22:47] <Moon__> second one
[17:19:22] <Moon__> cvvvvvvv.775~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:19:40] <Moon__> help
[17:19:42] <Moon__> /usr/include/zlib.h:1693:51: error: unknown type name ‘off64_t’ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off64_t, int));
[17:19:47] <Moon__> help**
[19:45:09] <rue_shop3> what did you do to gcc?
[19:49:03] <Moon__> :P
[19:49:25] <Moon__> trying to compile someones source and i think my "zlib" is too new
[19:51:28] <Moon__> differant name for the same type???
[20:08:48] <rue_shop3> the only person who can compile someone source is the author
[20:12:22] <Moon__> XP
[20:13:03] <Moon__> any cool stuff
[20:13:05] <Moon__> ??
[20:15:57] <Moon__> My old PPC is SLOW....
[20:23:25] <rue_shop3> ?
[20:26:08] <Moon__> why did the day change?
[20:26:21] <rue_shop3> day change happens in 6 hours
[20:27:02] <Moon__> 23:53 < Moon__> My old PPC is SLOW....
[20:27:02] <Moon__> Day changed to 14 Feb 2016
[20:27:02] <Moon__> 00:00 < rue_shop3> ?
[20:52:05] <rue_house> ^kat^, do you think the human body, in the context of speech, acts more like a variable low pass, band pass, or high pass filter?
[20:52:22] <^kat^> i never used a body as a filter, i dunno
[20:53:07] * rue_house inspects a speaker for swallowability
[20:53:09] <^kat^> people have different bandpasses, usually males have really bad high end responce past age 40, and it gets worse
[20:53:56] <^kat^> guy told me once that he could not hear the smoke alarm beeping on the table right in front of him
[20:54:19] <rue_house> I suppose all you need is a bandpass with a variable fc and window width
[20:54:34] <rue_house> I meant for sound generation
[20:55:01] <rue_house> my experience is that humans cant see, hear, or smell anything
[20:55:15] <^kat^> someone yrs ago 3D printed the human vocal tract
[20:55:27] <rue_house> huh, wonder how that worked
[20:55:38] <^kat^> well, that's the Matrix for you
[20:56:45] <rue_house> so, it turns out that nobody in canada knows about rainwater harvesting
[20:57:01] <rue_house> the hardware stores are just confused if you ask about taps or diverters for downspouts
[20:58:49] <rue_house> I oopsed good today, I handed my buddy a 5/16" drill bit for a hole that was supposed to be tapped for a 5/16" bolt
[20:59:15] <^kat^> and he didn't know the difference, woah
[21:00:11] <^kat^> i been harvesting rainwater since i got back from Fla, i just called it "diversion pipe in the roof pipe"
[21:56:54] <rue_shop3> kat, do you think that 2' pvc pipe can be expanded to 3"
[21:56:55] <rue_shop3> ?
[21:58:29] <rue_shop3> http://s153.photobucket.com/user/jabetc/media/xl_tailpipe01.jpg.html
[21:58:34] <Tom_itx> fixing 25yr old code is the shit
[21:58:35] <rue_shop3> I have a lathe, this dons't look hard
[21:58:53] <^kat^> if you do it carefully, but you could get a adapter
[21:58:53] <rue_shop3> I didn't write code that good 25 years ago either
[21:58:59] <rue_shop3> lots of global variables
[21:59:04] <Tom_itx> it was brilliant code and still is
[21:59:10] <Tom_itx> but i'm forgetting
[21:59:24] <Tom_itx> i took pretty good notes though
[21:59:40] <rue_shop3> http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s227/jabetc/xl_tailpipe01.jpg
[21:59:41] <rue_shop3> sorry
[21:59:54] <^kat^> i got no pic
[22:00:00] <rue_shop3> last link?
[22:00:07] <^kat^> no
[22:00:20] <rue_shop3> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Ywx2jo32L._SY355_.jpg
[22:00:22] <rue_shop3> ?
[22:00:58] <^kat^> now that you have me opening 3 pics, we won't know till tomorrow
[22:00:59] <rue_shop3> lathe, grinder....
[22:01:02] <Tom_itx> i will cheat to fix it
[22:01:24] <rue_shop3> maybe a grade 8 fine thread bolt
[22:01:50] <rue_shop3> OR
[22:01:51] <rue_shop3> ...
[22:01:55] <^kat^> wh makes a pvc tailpipe anyhow? they melt if you leave them out in the summer sun suspened over pavement
[22:02:11] <rue_shop3> I wan to take 2" and stretch one end to 3"
[22:02:26] <^kat^> in pvc??
[22:02:28] <rue_shop3> yea
[22:02:38] <^kat^> get an adapter
[22:02:55] <rue_shop3> the adapters are like $10 ea
[22:03:06] <^kat^> the expanders are only $50 ?
[22:03:07] <rue_shop3> if I want to make a bunch, why not just make them out of pipe
[22:03:18] <rue_shop3> I'm saying they look easy to make
[22:03:31] <^kat^> i think you won't get s amooth expansion
[22:03:41] <rue_shop3> I dont think I will either
[22:03:45] <^kat^> i still see not pic of an expanded pvc pipe
[22:03:52] <rue_shop3> I'm thinking about a hydraulic baloon
[22:04:10] <rue_shop3> I put the pipe in something to keep it from overexpanding, and inflate the baloon
[22:04:13] <^kat^> i'm thinking of a mold, a bag of sand, and a hammer
[22:04:18] <rue_shop3> oo
[22:04:22] <rue_shop3> or a 20 ton press!
[22:04:27] <^kat^> ok
[22:04:37] <rue_shop3> the pvc would be hot, so, really not much pressure req'd
[22:04:44] <rue_shop3> ok
[22:04:48] <rue_shop3> I like that idea kat
[22:05:04] <rue_shop3> whats REALLY holding me up, is a lack of ANY 2" pipe
[22:05:11] <rue_shop3> which is just embarrasing
[22:05:18] <^kat^> truely
[22:05:57] <^kat^> how can you build a major metropolis unless each resident has a 10ft stick of all avaiable pvc pipes?
[22:06:33] <rue_shop3> I'm an electrician, we install lots and lots and lots of 2" conduit, I'm exposed to hundreds of feet of scrap pipe per year
[22:07:12] <^kat^> why aren't you making "lots and lots)/12 robots per year?
[22:07:29] <rue_shop3> out fo pvc pipe?
[22:07:49] <^kat^> melt it down, reform it, 3D print with it, etc
[22:08:04] <rue_shop3> it dosn't 3d print
[22:08:16] <^kat^> specially if it's the good stuff, and not that foam-core crap
[22:08:33] <rue_shop3> the foam core is abs
[22:09:37] <^kat^> they have pvc foam here
[22:11:29] <^kat^> slit a foot of it lengthwise, drop it in the boiler hot water till dinner, take it out, put tween two steel plates, park the truck on it overnite
[22:12:46] * ^kat^ notes there's bubbles, but no buddles
[22:14:11] * rue_shop3 tries to work out how to empty silt out of the design
[22:15:27] <^kat^> lots of hair pusher
[22:15:33] <^kat^> er, air pressure
[22:16:06] <rue_shop3> I'm designing a automatic diverter
[22:16:23] <^kat^> a Y and two baloons?
[22:16:26] <rue_shop3> but it'll accumulate silt, so I'm just woking how to make it clean out
[22:16:32] <rue_shop3> ?
[22:16:39] <^kat^> flowing water will cleanit out
[22:17:14] <rue_shop3> there is a pool where the water holds up to either go down to the tank or overflow to the perim drain
[22:17:55] <rue_shop3> I'm just gonna stick a 1/2" pipe plug in it
[22:18:21] <rue_shop3> ok, that works
[22:18:29] <rue_shop3> 5 pcs
[22:18:32] <rue_shop3> not bad
[22:18:38] * ^kat^ ponders a float and a hose, if the float lowers and holds the end of the hose below the Y , the water enters the pool, else it doesn't
[22:19:05] <rue_shop3> oh cool
[22:19:16] <rue_shop3> tahts exactly backwards to what we have
[22:19:27] <rue_shop3> our Y is at the level of the top of the tank
[22:19:38] <rue_shop3> so, same thing, from other end :)
[22:20:00] * ^kat^ thinks from many direstions :-)
[22:27:55] <rue_shop3> I wonder if the pipe could just be pneumatically deformed while hot....
[22:28:39] <rue_shop3> well WITHOUT HAVING ANY PIPE TO PLAY WITH I suppose I wont know anytime soon
[22:28:41] <^kat^> no, it would thin and pop whereever it is most weak
[22:29:22] <rue_shop3> I'm not sure how to control the expansion with sand
[22:29:37] <rue_shop3> I'd have an ring to expand it in, to size it
[22:29:39] <^kat^> depends on where you hit it and how big a dibble
[22:30:01] <rue_shop3> to bell the end from 2" to the inside dia of a 3" pipe
[22:30:02] <^kat^> why are you making this expando pipe?
[22:30:10] <rue_shop3> its part of the diverter
[22:30:28] <rue_shop3> oh I have to finish your digits, the machine was screwing up the cuts
[22:30:36] <rue_shop3> some of the segments weren't right
[22:31:02] <^kat^> you can't send me a working clock anyhow, too many air wires, they'd thinkit was a bomb and detonate it
[22:31:50] <rue_shop3> if I send you the masks, your halfway there
[22:32:05] * ^kat^ nods
[22:32:09] <rue_shop3> thats what my jig does, all the rest is by hand anyhow
[22:32:11] <^kat^> $30 shipping?
[22:32:34] <rue_shop3> no idea
[22:32:36] <rue_shop3> I think 8
[22:32:40] <rue_shop3> cause there is no weight
[22:32:42] <^kat^> o
[22:33:03] <^kat^> fill it with helium before sealing, truely no weight
[22:33:05] <rue_shop3> we need to think of a market for the segments that are cut out of it, they are piling up everywhere
[22:33:10] <rue_shop3> hah
[22:33:27] <rue_shop3> "sir, this package.... is floating..."
[22:33:51] <^kat^> "the plane is leaving the tarmac" "don't be stupid, the engines aren't running"
[22:34:12] <rue_shop3> yea, I got about 30 segments kicking around here
[22:34:22] <^kat^> floating bubblewrap
[22:46:36] <rue_shop3> "But we cant show you the peice of equiptment that makes that peice, our engineer is so brilliant, that the device is so simple, that everyone would do it if they saw how it works"
[22:51:55] <rue_shop3> ^kat^, you know, I'm being a lot more critical about the quality of the digits I'm making for you than I was with mine
[22:52:25] <^kat^> i'm sorry, please stop
[22:53:47] <rue_shop3> hell no
[22:53:53] <rue_shop3> I want to make these for ya
[22:54:13] <rue_shop3> its helping fix up my machine, I told myself I have to do an improvement on it every time I use it
[22:54:42] <^kat^> ok
[22:55:22] * rue_shop3 beats his head on the desk
[22:55:24] <^kat^> one is glad to be of assistance , by .. accepting this.. gift .. you are working so hard to make
[22:55:53] <rue_shop3> I'm so cheap that I use pvc stuff whenever I can, but I dont have any male pvc threaded plugs, theya re all glue in
[22:56:07] <rue_shop3> working hard? pff
[22:56:50] <^kat^> you will glue in the adapter you wann amake? how willy ou cleanthe pine straw and dead mice out of it?
[22:56:59] <rue_shop3> hard work is trying to wriggle thru tight rafters in an attic for the 4th time cause you now have to increase the size of the hole for the wires, and you needed your drill
[22:57:25] <rue_shop3> have to love the ones you have to do a belly drip thru blown insulation to get under
[22:57:40] <Moon__> I raise my glass
[22:57:47] <rue_shop3> ^kat^, the gutter will have a filter above the diverter,
[22:57:54] <^kat^> ok
[22:58:07] <rue_shop3> there is a 1/2" plug to drain silt out
[22:58:09] <Moon__> I need an engine guru
[22:58:20] * rue_shop3 glances at kat
[22:58:30] <^kat^> <_<
[22:58:39] <^kat^> >_>
[22:59:15] <Moon__> so
[22:59:24] <Moon__> is that you kat?
[22:59:31] <^kat^> this is me
[22:59:39] <rue_shop3> Moon__, thanks for clearing up the stuff
[23:00:06] <Moon__> No worries
[23:00:13] <^kat^> will there be a question, or did you just want to know someone is near?
[23:00:40] <Moon__> can I ask ford engine questions
[23:01:05] <rue_shop3> Moon__, do you want to be a employee of CWC? (Canadian Water Capture)
[23:01:05] * ^kat^ looks at rue, as if the questions will never end!
[23:01:31] <rue_shop3> making downspout water capture hardware
[23:01:42] <Moon__> on the coast?
[23:01:44] <rue_shop3> yea
[23:01:51] <^kat^> see, anotehr question!
[23:02:52] <Moon__> Sounds like hell yeah
[23:02:56] * ^kat^ looks at moon
[23:03:14] <Moon__> and KAt do you have any experiance with the 351 windsor
[23:03:26] <^kat^> had a Torino wiht one in it
[23:04:49] <^kat^> that wasn't so bad, was it?
[23:04:54] <^kat^> not real challenging
[23:05:01] <^kat^> brought back memories
[23:05:06] <^kat^> all in all, a god session
[23:05:46] <^kat^> <_<
[23:05:52] <^kat^> >_>
[23:05:56] <Moon__> could you shed some light on what cam i should use for my buid
[23:06:12] <Moon__> ford racing has a series of them
[23:06:57] <^kat^> no, i didn't build it, i prolly wold have addeda turbo first, considering the low octane you get nowadays, compared to what that engine was made for
[23:07:49] <^kat^> i suspect that with a measly 5psi boost, without opening the engine, you can shred the autotranny clutchpacks
[23:08:00] <rue_shop3> 50/50 mix with jet fuel
[23:08:08] <Moon__> XD
[23:08:11] <^kat^> damn
[23:08:31] <^kat^> jet fuel is like Diesl and road tar, it's thick stuff
[23:08:56] <^kat^> praps you mean avgas? which is like 98 octane gasoline?
[23:09:17] <rue_shop3> yea, I think your right
[23:09:18] <^kat^> you putting in anythng for the valves?
[23:10:19] <rue_shop3> oh dear god, I just mentally equated a steam engine to a 555 oscillator and wanted to re-arrange it to work backwards like my pwm genorator
[23:10:25] <Moon__> not sure if i'll go bigger or not
[23:10:55] <rue_shop3> particular things in my life are 'stuck'
[23:10:58] * ^kat^ just lost the thread of the conversation
[23:11:00] <Moon__> thinking modest power and need to retain port velocity
[23:12:07] <^kat^> if you mod the engine, it will be stressed with that mod every minute it's running, nice thing about a $200 turbo charger is you can shut it off for casual driving and idling
[23:12:58] <^kat^> you don't get kickass performance off the line, but once the rpms pickup you will go places
[23:13:02] <rue_shop3> whats a good water based animal to use as a mascot for a canadian water capture company?
[23:13:08] <rue_shop3> beaver!
[23:13:11] <rue_shop3> duh!
[23:13:12] <rue_shop3> ok
[23:13:17] <rue_shop3> that works on so many levels
[23:13:39] <rue_shop3> slogan...
[23:13:45] <^kat^> rue, why aren't people using ordinary plumbing supplies, like i did?
[23:14:06] <rue_shop3> people hae just fathomed the idea of capturing rain water
[23:14:18] <^kat^> "we hold your free rain for when you are ready to use it"
[23:14:30] <rue_shop3> with the level 3 water restrictions hitting for the first time last year
[23:14:54] <^kat^> next thing you know, you'll haveto buy thos low-assed pants to let people know yur are a plumber by letting your butt crack show
[23:15:10] <rue_shop3> "free H2O" with a water droplet in the shape of a dove?
[23:15:14] <rue_shop3> we dont pay for water
[23:15:16] <rue_shop3> here
[23:15:17] <^kat^> sell them RO systems
[23:15:50] <^kat^> or hwatever your national bird is, with a national park in the background
[23:16:06] <rue_shop3> hah seagull heheh
[23:16:21] <rue_shop3> pigeon
[23:17:54] <rue_shop3> the slogan should eb catchy....
[23:18:40] <^kat^> i am actually getting a steady 4 bytes/sec on one download
[23:18:51] <^kat^> catch the water!
[23:18:53] <rue_shop3> steady, cool
[23:18:56] <^kat^> that's catchy
[23:19:10] <rue_shop3> its not catchy like "deep in the heart of the state of the art"
[23:19:18] <Moon__> does anyone know if alcahol consumtion can shit on the effect of SSRIs'
[23:19:32] * rue_shop3 glances at kat
[23:19:55] <^kat^> solid state reuptake inhibitors? ,, well, prolly
[23:20:12] <Moon__> yup
[23:20:14] <^kat^> seritonin is mood, and alcohol changes mood
[23:20:26] <Moon__> no next day kinda thing
[23:20:33] <^kat^> it came with no instructions?
[23:21:47] <Moon__> I cant remember
[23:22:04] <Moon__> such is the seritonin saturated brain
[23:22:41] <^kat^> i got a PDR around here somewhere, but prolly better advice on a webmd sorta lace
[23:24:22] <^kat^> http://www.webmd.com/search/search_results/default.aspx?query=ssri+alcohol
[23:24:43] <Moon__> taking a peek
[23:25:04] <^kat^> non-existant search abilities there
[23:25:28] <Moon__> :|
[23:26:11] <rue_shop3> oh kat, its real RH2O
[23:26:30] <^kat^> my non-md suspicion tells me you will have a wonderful drunk and less of a hangover, and prolly a cruddy day after that
[23:26:46] <Moon__> Ha
[23:28:06] <^kat^> "rain collection, for not throwing water away"
[23:38:03] <rue_shop3> "Let there be wet"?
[23:38:42] <^kat^> no ne with a baby will buy it
[23:38:55] <rue_shop3> "When you can't bet it'll be wet"
[23:40:15] <rue_shop3> "You Otter collect that water!"
[23:40:31] <rue_shop3> which case the mascot becomes an otter
[23:40:39] <rue_shop3> which dosn't work as well as a beaver
[23:40:43] <rue_shop3> hmm
[23:43:13] <rue_shop3> "catch that spout for the upcomming drought"
[23:44:56] <^kat^> avoiding drought is as easy as rain in a barrel
[23:45:10] <rue_shop3> dosnt' rhyme
[23:47:03] <Moon__> its 'shit poke' EASY!
[23:54:56] <rue_shop3> ok, neither of you are allowed to be on the slogan commitee
[23:55:01] <rue_shop3> :/
[23:55:52] * ^kat^ wassn't hired for that posityion anyhow
[23:59:22] <Moon__> "the feeling of satisfaction will cling 'like shit to a blanket'"