#garfield | Logs for 2016-02-05

[00:00:05] <rue_house> always fill the botom first
[00:01:02] <rue_house> low, always set it as low as you can
[00:01:48] <rue_house> keep the blocks down as far as you can, even if it makes a gap
[00:02:20] <Moon_> how type and play??
[00:02:29] <rue_house> heh
[00:02:41] <rue_house> it takes me *that* long to set it
[00:03:00] <rue_house> to the right
[00:03:04] <rue_house> ugh
[00:03:22] <rue_house> slow downn...
[00:03:27] <rue_house> yes
[00:03:30] <rue_house> there
[00:03:41] <rue_house> turn to right
[00:03:43] <rue_house> right
[00:03:46] <rue_house> yes
[00:03:55] <rue_house> one right
[00:03:59] <rue_house> yes
[00:04:09] <rue_house> to full right
[00:04:12] <rue_house> too late
[00:04:18] <rue_house> your other right
[00:04:23] <Moon_> :P
[00:04:36] <rue_house> *facepalm*
[00:04:43] <rue_house> left
[00:04:45] <Moon_> O woops
[00:04:46] <rue_house> allth the way left...
[00:04:49] <Moon_> :P
[00:05:02] <rue_house> yer done, lets try next one
[00:05:21] <rue_house> right
[00:05:23] <rue_house> right
[00:05:26] <rue_house> right
[00:05:30] <rue_house> yup
[00:05:31] <rue_house> left
[00:05:40] <rue_house> hah, you blocked it
[00:05:55] <rue_house> ok lets try agian
[00:06:03] <rue_house> flat
[00:06:11] <rue_house> fill the bottom rows first
[00:06:19] <rue_house> keep the peices as low as you can
[00:06:28] <rue_house> like that yes
[00:06:29] <rue_house> left
[00:06:32] <rue_house> left
[00:06:34] <rue_house> yes
[00:06:38] <rue_house> kleft
[00:06:41] <rue_house> no gap
[00:06:43] <rue_house> right
[00:06:53] <rue_house> yes
[00:07:18] <rue_house> you dont want to do that, that thin space will be hard to fill on the right
[00:07:23] <rue_house> your depending on another red
[00:07:27] <rue_house> avoid that
[00:07:30] <rue_house> there ya go
[00:07:32] <rue_house> right
[00:07:43] <rue_house> left
[00:07:45] <rue_house> flat
[00:07:54] <rue_house> you want to keep it low
[00:09:55] <rue_house> avoid gaps if you can
[00:11:00] <rue_house> that last blueflat
[00:11:02] <rue_house> down
[00:11:07] <rue_house> left, flat
[00:11:10] <Moon_> i paused
[00:11:11] <rue_house> low rows first
[00:11:25] <Moon_> ill join back in some time :P
[00:12:54] <rue_house> I wonder if its bad that I can beat someone at tetris, while I'm tutoring them on irc....
[00:18:17] <rue_house> Moon_, sorry, I think tetris became a subfunction of my existance
[00:18:35] <rue_house> I'm not trying to beat you, I'm trying to solve the puzzle
[00:20:09] <rue_house> there is another game I'm not so good at
[00:20:18] <rue_house> I think its called xtank
[00:21:47] <Moon_> nah im not worried about that
[00:21:57] <Moon_> but tell me more of this xtank
[00:22:12] <Moon_> and dump your host file onto this chanell
[00:22:17] <Moon_> *hosts
[00:22:32] <rue_house> I'll dump the good one
[00:22:56] <Moon_> k
[00:23:57] <rue_house> http://paste.debian.net/378632/
[00:24:09] <rue_house> first two lines can be dropped
[00:24:20] <rue_house> 127.*.* are the local machine
[00:24:39] <rue_house> so just means its an ad
[00:26:08] <Moon_> cool paste biz
[00:27:22] <rue_house> I add sites as they annoy me
[00:27:31] <Moon_> yup
[00:27:38] <rue_house> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYqCMuphCwc
[00:27:43] <rue_house> see the grates in the floor?
[00:27:49] <rue_house> cable ways, COOL
[00:32:41] <rue_house> bzflag!
[00:33:09] <rue_house> its still int eh repositories!
[00:35:13] <Moon_> ??
[00:35:20] <Moon_> 1 sec
[00:36:37] <Moon_> crazy arm
[00:36:48] <rue_house> ABB IRB1400
[00:36:51] <rue_house> the best arm
[00:50:06] <rue_house> Moon_, apparently your balance is +$15
[00:53:42] <Moon_> dissolve it to 0
[00:53:49] <Moon_> get stuff for the shop
[00:54:06] <Moon_> or order some more book s fer me
[01:00:34] <rue_house> I'll leave it for now
[01:01:16] <rue_house> somehow almost $400 got racked up on the card
[01:01:31] <rue_house> need to be carefull when buying things for everyone in the world
[01:01:54] <rue_house> well, ruemohr.org re-registration cost $76, need to look into that
[01:02:03] <rue_house> it might be for 3 or 5 years...
[01:10:43] <Moon_> :O
[01:11:00] <Moon_> disolve then
[01:11:16] <Moon_> get some good stuff form GBS
[01:11:27] <Moon_> 15 bucks you say
[01:11:34] <Moon_> so 3 nails maybe
[01:13:38] <rue_house> whats a good hall width?
[01:13:52] <Moon_> 4'
[01:14:33] <rue_house> atleast 3'
[01:14:40] <rue_house> this place is narrower than that
[01:15:17] <Moon_> k
[01:31:17] <Moon_> hay rue can you talk me trough setting up a pxe server?
[01:31:28] <rue_house> a boot server?
[01:31:44] <rue_house> you have to control the dhcp server to do it
[01:32:16] <rue_house> the dhcp server has records that direct a system looking for a boot image to an ftp service
[01:32:35] <rue_house> if you wanted to set up a computer as a dhcp server/router we could do that
[01:33:20] <Moon_> I probs cant set up my switch do the directioning to my server hu?
[01:33:48] <rue_house> has to be the dhcp server
[01:34:43] <Moon_> :|
[01:34:52] <Moon_> ok
[01:36:30] <rue_house> https://openhousebcn.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/openhouse-barcelon-architecture.jpg
[01:36:38] <rue_house> NO! YOU DID IT __WRONG__!
[01:37:03] <rue_house> the plan goes THIS WAY!
[01:37:19] <Moon_> THATS DOPE
[01:45:52] <rue_house> its all good til I sneeze, and then its a snot disaster
[02:43:00] <rue_house> http://uyehome.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Unique-Homes-Designs-Custom-With-Photos-Of-Ideas-Interior-Fresh-Ideas-Gallery-Images.jpg
[03:57:07] <Jymmm> rue_house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwm2ckREOY0
[03:59:00] <Jymmm> rue_house: LMAO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LbhJJf8xlohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LbhJJf8xlo
[22:25:45] * katsmeow tosses a baked byte with cheese to zlog
[22:39:01] <rue_house> mmmm
[22:39:13] * rue_house nibbles the leftover bits
[22:43:05] <Lola8088> I'm just gonna leave this here
[22:43:08] <Lola8088> http://imgur.com/gallery/70I9euV
[22:43:50] <rue_house> hey you
[22:43:58] <rue_house> were the elastics ok?
[22:44:25] <rue_house> heh, there are some breakfast ones too
[22:45:20] <Lola8088> :D
[22:45:27] <Lola8088> They are great... she loved them
[22:50:24] <rue_house> awesome
[22:50:50] <katsmeow> <blink>
[22:50:53] <rue_house> SWEET I JUST FOUND __THE TIMER__
[22:53:39] <Lola8088> I need a trained hawk to take down drones.
[22:53:49] <rue_house> Why?
[22:55:04] <rue_house> hmm
[22:55:21] <rue_house> 3rd monitor, have the card in, need a video cable and a power cable...
[22:55:29] <rue_house> I wonder if the 3rd monitor should be on the ups
[23:12:09] <Lola8088> Free amazon goodies.
[23:24:46] <katsmeow> i wonder if ANY of the puters were on the ups, even if the monitors were
[23:24:50] <katsmeow> or the router
[23:56:38] <katsmeow> ...