#garfield | Logs for 2016-01-30

[20:27:39] * rue_shop3 waits for kat
[20:41:09] * ^kat^ leaves a hairball behind zlog
[20:44:35] <rue_shop3> tere you are
[20:44:45] <rue_shop3> I made 2 digits, how many would you like
[20:44:58] <rue_shop3> I'v got to finish clearing the table befroe I can cut fom to start more
[20:45:20] <^kat^> i thought you'd switch to 3d printing the segments now
[20:45:48] <^kat^> 2 for hrs : 2 for minutes
[21:00:24] * ^kat^ guesses rue has not read email again
[21:00:32] <^kat^> http://pine64.com/
[21:03:52] <^kat^> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/59/Needle_Tower.jpg
[21:34:45] <rue_shop3> sorry
[21:34:50] <rue_shop3> I was sorting screws
[21:35:11] <rue_shop3> I check email sometiems first thing in the morning and last thing before bed
[21:35:43] <^kat^> i just re-posted the urls here in the channel for you
[21:35:53] <^kat^> and answered about the mosfets
[21:36:11] <rue_shop3> why are there so many people claiming to have made hte first smallest cheapest computer board?
[21:36:23] <rue_shop3> SAFASDFHASDFKHJ
[21:36:26] <rue_shop3> wholy ASDFSDGFJOAE
[21:36:35] <rue_shop3> that tower is CRAZY
[21:36:56] <rue_shop3> are there even stays!?
[21:37:00] <^kat^> no
[21:37:11] <rue_shop3> geez, freak how high is it?
[21:37:39] <^kat^> dunno, i think they have no limit, same as regular towers, but they are more wobbley at the tp
[21:37:50] <rue_shop3> yea
[21:37:58] <^kat^> as you can see, there's no place to put a ladder on one
[21:38:08] <rue_shop3> yea, wonder how you get up it
[21:38:17] <rue_shop3> it looks like its pre-assembled and extended up
[21:39:13] <rue_shop3> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDNohDRWTvU
[21:39:19] <rue_shop3> rue ^ watch that at somepoint
[21:39:24] <^kat^> i dunno, it looks pretty straight vertical, had to do that if it's pre-stressed horizontally?
[21:40:49] <rue_shop3> if one cable snapped would it all collapse in a heap of killer-velocity pipe?
[21:41:32] <rue_shop3> ok I ahve to think
[21:41:37] <rue_shop3> I may fall asleep for a second
[21:41:39] <^kat^> depends on how it's strung, if the cable is clamped at each piep end, it may just fold over at that point
[21:44:36] <rue_shop3> I found a P channel fet driver that works really well at 40Khz, ok at 250Khz
[21:56:32] <rue_shop3> kat, how many segments do you want
[21:56:35] <rue_shop3> or, heh
[21:56:44] <rue_shop3> how many set of 7 segments would yyou like
[21:57:29] <rue_shop3> 7 segments/lot
[21:57:41] <^kat^> deja vu
[21:58:08] <^kat^> [20:21] <rue_shop3> I made 2 digits, how many would you like
[21:58:09] <^kat^> [20:22] <^kat^> 2 for hrs : 2 for minutes
[21:58:22] <rue_shop3> aha 4 lots
[21:58:53] <^kat^> sounds like a lots, but i don't need secnds or millisecnds like some humans do
[22:00:03] <^kat^> i spose you are not going to mass produce these, sine you are making them one at a time?
[22:17:34] <rue_shop3> yea I should sharpen up the control file to do an outline cut too
[22:17:41] <rue_shop3> and a leadin and leadout cut
[22:18:00] <rue_shop3> I'd like to work on my power supply
[22:18:10] <rue_shop3> but I'm tired, so I'm cooking supper
[22:19:02] <^kat^> 1/2 bowl of all variations of pasta, can of campbels veggie soup, can of whole corn (water poured off), can of green beans (water poured off), salt, pepper to taste
[22:20:26] <rue_shop3> sounds like a lot of food
[22:22:04] <^kat^> couple meals at least
[22:22:17] <^kat^> you can use different soups each time
[22:22:39] <rue_shop3> ah, I'm cooking hashbrowns
[22:22:47] <^kat^> instead of soup, use canned tomatoes and other stuff
[22:22:53] <rue_shop3> I'll figure out what to do with them later
[22:23:09] <rue_shop3> staying awake till its cooked will be a challange
[22:47:26] <^kat^> rue, what doi need 2000 pcs of MC100LVEL11 for?
[23:16:05] <rue_house> INTO A POINTLESS VIDEO?
[23:16:12] <rue_house> oops, caps
[23:16:39] <^kat^> huh?
[23:39:12] <rue_shop3> https://youtu.be/IXXLvoa9BXk
[23:39:25] <rue_shop3> constant force retractor spool
[23:39:39] <^kat^> why?
[23:43:48] <rue_shop3> jhylands in robotics wasn't believing it was possable without a PID loop
[23:45:31] <^kat^> i didn't look, but iirc, a PID is 3 vars, and all you care about with that thing is 1 variable
[23:46:03] <^kat^> you cannot Predict the load, you prolly don't care about the pwer use
[23:46:36] <^kat^> and it's a mechanical thing, it's going to react slowly compared to the electronics, so ........... no pid
[23:53:43] * ^kat^ waves gnites
[23:55:25] <rue_house> gngiht