#garfield | Logs for 2016-01-28

[00:14:08] <katsmeow> wow, a lil 2amp mini-Sola http://www.ebay.com/itm/EGS-SOLA-MINI-MICRO-COMPUTER-REGULATOR-63-23-125-4-100336-/291378771277
[00:16:22] <katsmeow> this one wil heat your house : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sola-Electric-63-23-175-8-Mini-Micro-Computer-Regulator-T36802/281920283451
[01:39:57] * katsmeow ponders using adsl transformers to write/read signals on the powerline
[02:17:13] <katsmeow> .
[21:00:02] <^kat^> http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-Channel-5V-Relay-Module-Board-Shield-for-Arduino-PIC-AVR-MCU-DSP-ARM-USA-Stock/271925240103
[21:00:09] <^kat^> http://www.ebay.com/itm/221524041592
[21:01:57] <^kat^> someone got 1000 adsl transformers for $8.50
[21:08:08] <^kat^> there's 4 pcs of IXYS dual scr block, listed on ebay as connectors
[21:15:10] <^kat^> 1600v 150amp
[21:17:05] <^kat^> 2.4mohm
[21:26:15] <^kat^> wow, no ne bid on those 256k x 36 srams because they were lsited as made by Galvantech , not Cypress
[21:27:23] <rue_shop3> hi kat
[21:27:29] <^kat^> hi rue
[21:28:04] <rue_shop3> ... why did you get adsl transformers?
[21:28:31] <rue_shop3> my dear, I think you have an addiction
[21:28:39] <rue_shop3> one I fought once
[21:28:50] <^kat^> i did???
[21:29:09] <^kat^> oh, i dohave 100, case of them being $4 and free s&h
[21:29:29] <rue_shop3> oh, sorry
[21:29:32] * ^kat^ looks at rue sideways
[21:29:33] <rue_shop3> reading too fast again
[21:29:48] <rue_shop3> are they 600 ohm?
[21:30:04] <^kat^> i dunno
[21:30:07] <rue_shop3> all these big buyouts are scaring me
[21:31:05] <rue_shop3> May not ship to Canada - Read item description or contact seller
[21:31:11] <^kat^> for3 cents each, i can use them as is to trigge transistors, or pop the wire off and use them as chockes, or add a wire and use them to measure tiny current
[21:31:31] <rue_shop3> Shipping:
[21:31:31] <rue_shop3> Does not ship to Canada
[21:31:59] <^kat^> :-/
[21:32:31] <rue_shop3> you see, these are the reasons I get stuff direct from china
[21:33:03] <^kat^> lots of stuff i cannot get locally too
[21:33:42] <^kat^> seller in Ga wants $1.50 more per item, than i can get them from Californica, even tho he is 10x closer
[21:33:55] <rue_shop3> no water tanks big enough at the friendly scrapper today
[21:35:34] <^kat^> http://www.ebay.com/itm/54-PCS-GALVANTECH-GVT71256B36TA-7-/331765361749 <<== actually Cypress part number
[21:35:52] <rue_shop3> ram?
[21:36:01] <rue_shop3> Shipping:
[21:36:02] <rue_shop3> $35.75 USPS Priority Mail International
[21:36:54] <rue_shop3> 36 bit sram?
[21:37:11] <rue_shop3> why would they put parity bits on sram?
[21:37:12] <^kat^> i bought something heavy, all s&h from him for the next 7 days is free , and $4 for 56 chips like tose is wonderfull
[21:37:26] <^kat^> some puters used 36bit instructions
[21:38:10] <^kat^> it's also a bit more than 32bit address space caching
[21:39:12] <^kat^> if i win, should i send you one?
[21:39:16] <^kat^> or 2?
[21:39:37] <^kat^> 7 cents each
[21:39:54] <^kat^> prolly were $100 chips when they first came out
[21:41:14] <rue_shop3> I cant solder to that, not with the baords I can make
[21:41:51] <^kat^> yeas, that's the biggest downside to tssop
[21:42:44] * rue_shop3 paws thru the dc motors
[21:43:14] <^kat^> <whew> glad you didn't pause thru them, like you poured thru those other parts
[21:43:59] <^kat^> ("pored" is a word)
[21:48:00] * ^kat^ is imagining some chips laid out on 1/4 inch hardware cloth, and pouring cake batter or soup thru them
[21:50:36] <^kat^> i cannot figure how i'd use those scr blocks
[21:51:10] <rue_shop3> whts the ratings?
[21:51:11] * ^kat^ offers to send them to rue for the actual cost of buying and s&h
[21:51:26] <^kat^> [20:51] <^kat^> 1600v 150amp
[21:51:26] <^kat^> [20:53] <^kat^> 2.4mohm
[21:51:43] <rue_shop3> ooof
[21:51:57] <rue_shop3> scr? or fet?
[21:52:14] <rue_shop3> 3.16mm, arg
[21:52:32] <rue_shop3> aha! .1245 inches
[21:52:35] <^kat^> small tho, definately gotta heat sink them ,, dual scr, one side of an h-bridge per package
[21:52:39] <rue_shop3> I almost have a bit for that
[21:52:55] <rue_shop3> phase chopping welder?
[21:52:59] <^kat^> .125 is 1/8 inch
[21:53:06] <^kat^> or heater
[21:53:36] <^kat^> i'd hate to haveto build a chopper circuit to cut them off on a dc psu of that rating
[21:53:49] <^kat^> definately an ac sorta module
[21:54:04] <rue_shop3> I have some pucks with similar ratings
[21:54:28] <rue_shop3> wish I knew a good way to use them with dc loads
[21:54:40] <^kat^> 17 hrs on the auction
[21:55:23] <^kat^> eitehr chop the dc, or lay a cap across the scr long enough to shunt the load across the scr and cause it to open up
[21:55:39] <^kat^> or shunt it with a gto
[21:55:49] <rue_shop3> oh, use a second SCR with a series cap to unclip the main scr
[21:56:14] <^kat^> for slow circuits, ok
[21:56:28] <rue_shop3> yea
[21:56:42] <^kat^> still gottta turn off the 2nd scr before that cap overcharges
[21:57:04] <rue_shop3> disch resistor
[21:57:12] <^kat^> or, you're using a cap with many times more voltage rating then it actually needs
[21:58:21] <^kat^> technically, you can use a 16v cap to commutate a 1600v scr, but you haveto get it off the line the instant the main scr opens
[21:59:15] <^kat^> might do it with a large choke discharging, instead of the cap
[22:01:14] <^kat^> i don't have any working 3phase here, and i;d rather screw up the arc welder power with triacs, so i don't need to rectify the 240ac or use 2x as many scrs
[22:03:06] <zhanx> Evening
[22:06:36] <rue_shop3> you know she still has that script that quits her when you enter
[22:08:23] <zhanx> K
[22:08:39] <zhanx> I am over that
[22:09:26] <rue_shop3> i thought you worked things out with her?
[22:09:49] <zhanx> I did twice
[22:10:07] <rue_shop3> something makes me suspect she wasn't really worked out
[22:10:35] <zhanx> She miss interpreted something I think
[22:10:56] <rue_shop3> she does that
[22:11:28] <zhanx> I hack when I can, etc (wish I could do more )
[22:11:54] <rue_shop3> so how are projects?
[22:11:58] <rue_shop3> makign lots of tables?
[22:12:33] <zhanx> Well smoke was let out the last one, was given some hand tools today so I made chairs and a coat rack
[22:12:56] <rue_shop3> ... you let the smoke out of a table?
[22:13:01] <rue_shop3> oh, your game table?
[22:13:07] <zhanx> Out of a pats system
[22:13:11] <rue_shop3> how could you burn up that?
[22:13:22] <zhanx> The game table is waiting on wood to finish
[22:13:24] <rue_shop3> dont let the smoke out of your pants
[22:13:29] <zhanx> True
[22:13:49] <zhanx> Code and hardware for the game table is done
[22:14:09] <zhanx> I just need time and some more tools to make it nice
[22:14:40] <rue_shop3> how is the quest for shelter working out?
[22:15:11] <zhanx> On hold, va request / required me for a reevaluation
[22:15:45] <rue_shop3> reevaluation? "maybe he's not broken?"
[22:16:10] <zhanx> I requested back surgeries
[22:16:21] <zhanx> And that costs money
[22:16:31] <rue_shop3> ooh, "maybe he can get by without us helping him"
[22:16:54] <zhanx> Yep
[22:17:18] <rue_shop3> isn't it like, broken in 3 places?
[22:17:28] <zhanx> 5
[22:17:33] <zhanx> Same thing
[22:17:51] <rue_shop3> do they own the doctor doign the evaluation?
[22:18:00] <zhanx> Yes
[22:18:14] <rue_shop3> hmm
[22:18:35] <zhanx> I paid for my own evaluation also
[22:18:53] <rue_shop3> so you may need to suggest you put his back in the same situation so he can first-hand evaluate what its like?
[22:19:46] <zhanx> I wish I could
[22:20:51] <rue_shop3> well you could tell him you have friends who could help set him up with the same thing, in a friendly way of course
[22:21:40] <zhanx> Friends as in me and him in a dark alley?
[22:21:43] <rue_shop3> "have you ever had a back broken in 5 places doc? Would you like to try it out?"
[22:24:32] <rue_shop3> oooh dear, the 3d printer is STILL too much fun not to just sit and watch
[22:24:37] <rue_shop3> I have to do kitty litter
[22:25:10] <zhanx> Rue I can use your 3d printer
[22:25:39] <rue_shop3> yea...
[22:25:48] <rue_shop3> you gonna do the model?
[22:26:15] <zhanx> Someday
[22:26:42] <rue_shop3> want help?
[22:26:48] <rue_shop3> I can show you how I do it
[22:27:41] <zhanx> I will ask when I am ready yes
[22:27:45] <rue_shop3> I had a youtube video up, I think I took it down