#garfield Logs

Dec 21 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:01 rue_bed about a week ago I bought something, I was charged thru paypal for it, and immediatly after I purchased it it showd on my list of bought items, but it dissapeared about 10 mins later and didn't come back
00:01 rue_bed I called ebay and they said the only thing I could do was to get a paypal refund, I'd contacted the seller and they were never told that I purchased it
00:01 rue_bed MANY times I'v had listings of things I'd bought dissapear
00:02 useless-afk are you buying across ebay country lines? like buying from .com and looking for it to apear on your .ca account?
00:02 rue_bed all of the systems for support from ebay are about a seller of buyer, they have no course of support for their own system breaking
00:03 rue_bed dosnt' matter, its all supposed to flow,
00:03 useless-afk some ebayers may be deleting the sale because they don't wanna ship to Canadia, i see that warning on some ebay pages
00:03 rue_bed the seller was never notified that I bought the item
00:03 rue_bed but I was charged for it
00:03 rue_bed no
00:03 rue_bed ebay broke, charged me and didn't process the sale
00:04 rue_bed and this is all china, they dont care where you are
00:04 useless-afk i dunno, sounds like my Walmart issues, it went thru, it didn't, it did, it didn't, i just scanend it, scan it again, i just did a agin
00:04 rue_bed they wouldn't even look into the issue to fix the sale for me, they just sent me to paypal to get a refund
00:05 rue_bed I cant mentally track all my purchases
00:05 rue_bed if the system dosn't I'm quite likley to be charged for things I never get
00:05 rue_bed so screw ebay
00:06 useless-afk you don't get emails from paypal and ebay after purchases?
00:06 rue_bed I'v never had a problem with aliexpress
00:06 rue_bed I dont want to have to eagle eye track ever purchase I make
00:06 rue_bed I expect the damn site to work properly
00:07 rue_bed oh zhanx kat set up a script that removes her from the channel when you join
00:07 zhanx Oh fun
00:07 rue_bed aka, she isn't on the good terms with you that you think she is
00:08 zhanx I did nothing
00:08 zhanx I swear
00:08 rue_bed she thinks you said she should ask for all the help she can get
00:08 rue_bed and that really pissed her off
00:09 rue_bed I'm still trying to prove that I didn't laugh at her coupler 9 years ago
00:09 rue_bed so good luck
00:09 zhanx Umm ok I lose I guess
00:09 zhanx All I was doing was soldering leds
00:09 zhanx http://m.imgur.com/DQiE3Qy mae the lights
00:10 rue_bed mmmhmm
00:10 rue_bed whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo livesinapinnapleunderthe seaaaa?
00:10 zhanx Heck ain't Been on in a week due to work about
00:10 zhanx Yes
00:11 zhanx But whatever
00:11 rue_bed good work?
00:11 rue_bed I thought your back was permanently broken
00:11 zhanx Pita 120vac transformer was junk new
00:12 rue_bed china?
00:12 zhanx The second puts out 14vac and yes
00:12 rue_bed ac?
00:12 zhanx Yes I didn't order the right part
00:13 rue_bed haha
00:13 e_bed hands z a usb cha
00:13 zhanx My current one in use is out of a microwave
00:13 rue_bed pff
00:13 rue_bed magnetic, haha
00:13 zhanx Works good
00:13 rue_bed what is the current draw?
00:14 rue_bed 20mA? 300mA?
00:14 zhanx And as you know cameras and light suck, 2.5
00:14 rue_bed 2.5A?
00:14 zhanx mA
00:14 rue_bed ah
00:14 rue_bed what the filter cap
00:14 zhanx Umm yea about that
00:14 rue_bed ....
00:15 rue_bed NO filter CAP!?
00:15 zhanx I didn't have the right one
00:15 zhanx It's got one
00:15 rue_bed how big is the filter cap dave...
00:15 rue_bed O
00:15 zhanx 470uF
00:15 rue_bed that should be fine then
00:15 rue_bed good for 200mA
00:15 rue_bed 300ish even
00:15 zhanx A but large
00:16 zhanx Bit
00:16 e_bed sm
00:16 zhanx True
00:16 rue_bed ....
00:16 zhanx Hey it was all free
00:16 rue_bed if yo uwanted to run mains to it, i have a capcircuit that works great
00:17 rue_bed you use a series 2.2uF cap, a 100 ohm resistor (all series) but put a diode backwards across the led
00:17 zhanx It works for now , I got the right parts on order
00:17 rue_bed it'll give you ~15ma
00:17 zhanx It also runs fans
00:17 rue_bed why didn't you just use a usb charger adapter?
00:17 rue_bed ah
00:17 zhanx 12vdc
00:18 zhanx Yea it's a kludge
00:18 rue_bed there goes the rest of your 250mA
00:18 rue_bed 100 or so of it anyhow
00:18 zhanx And I need to switch it later for the moon lights
00:19 zhanx Again china lied
00:19 zhanx I need 500mA for them
00:20 zhanx But hey I learned something
00:20 zhanx Oh fixed a heater
00:20 zhanx Ish
00:21 zhanx Green wire soldering and sockets, instead of 400 for the board
00:29 zhanx Ok Night food and kool-aid and bed
01:27 rue_bed gnight
20:13 ^kat^ er16 collets are little
20:15 rue_house hello
20:22 Tom_itx http://i.imgur.com/D6LMPRj.jpg
20:22 Tom_itx is it spooky like that out your back door?
20:23 rue_house no
20:23 rue_house that not spooky, its peacefully queit
20:24 rue_house nothing but the sound of the bear crunching the bones of the guy I outran
20:25 Tom_itx heh
20:27 ^kat^-afk there's treetop clouds here to
20:27 ^kat^-afk o
20:28 ^kat^-afk it's like a light and sound muffler for the planet
20:28 ^kat^-afk the temperature has been going up since 4pm
20:28 rue_house mmm its always nice and calm when its foggy
20:28 rue_house +- the ferry foghorn
20:29 rue_house arg, my mind is trying to trick me into taking a bite out of the deodarant again
20:30 ^kat^-afk are you applying it somewhere you can bite it?
20:30 rue_house no
20:32 at^-afk hands rue an edible popscile to use as a "deoder
20:34 rue_house I spent almost all day fixing emergency lights at the low cost housing place
20:35 rue_house about 5 emergency light
20:35 rue_house s
20:35 rue_house 2 new packs, 3 new heads
20:35 rue_house I need to be awake, how do I achive this?
20:35 ^kat^-afk pepper
20:35 rue_house the dark chocolate icecream?
20:35 rue_house pepper?
20:36 rue_house a pepper or some pepper?
20:36 rue_house like a capsican?
20:36 rue_house or pepper
20:36 ^kat^-afk you can rub a popscicle under your armpits, i don't mind, and you can eat the popscicle too
20:36 ^kat^-afk it's more nutricious than a deoderant bar
20:36 ^kat^-afk both/either
20:37 rue_house how much?
20:37 ^kat^-afk well, yo can get red peppers in capsules, actually
20:37 ^kat^-afk large ones, enogh to set your stomach on fire
20:38 ^kat^-afk black pepper works best on omelets, or in soups, imho
20:38 rue_house I wonder if I ahve enough energy to heat up some soup
20:38 ^kat^-afk whatever you ate in the 2 hrs before you cannot stay awake, stop eating that
20:39 ^kat^-afk ER16 collets are little
20:39 rue_house its been 6 hours since I ate
20:39 ^kat^-afk then disregard the 2 hr thing at this time
20:40 ^kat^-afk they are only an inch long, but have 3x more gripping than a drill bit
20:40 ^kat^-afk err, drill bit chuck
21:32 ^kat^-afk ...
21:58 rue_house awake
21:59 rue_house I'm awake again
22:01 ^kat^-afk o
22:02 ^kat^-afk ER16 collets are little
22:02 Tom_itx 16mm?
22:03 at^-afk is unclear what Tom m
22:03 Tom_itx does the 16 designate a dimension of said collet
22:04 Tom_itx i personally never bothered to look
22:04 ^kat^-afk i have no clue
22:05 Tom_itx if one understood the naming convention they might have a better feel for the size of them
22:05 Tom_itx i'm not one that does
22:06 ^kat^-afk well they grip bits span 1mm - 10mm, or 1/16 to 3/8
22:08 Tom_itx https://www.maritool.com/Collets-ER-Collets-ER16-Collets/c21_56_61/index.html
22:09 ^kat^-afk and so far, counting 9 collets, a spindle, 4 bearings, and the wrench i made, the runout is supposedly immeasurable and the cost us under what the cheapest 3/8 drill press wold cost, and i am *real sure* i cannot bend this 20mm shaft
22:09 ^kat^-afk this shaft is 20mm all the way down and enclosing the collets, it's far heavier than my 1/2 floor drill press spindle, which did bend all the hell
22:10 Tom_itx http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/ER-collet-fixture_522331889.html
22:11 Tom_itx gnite
22:12 ^kat^-afk i do not see a "16" anywhere on the dimensions
22:21 ^kat^-afk so, 180 1/2" bearings in the plate roller, on 6 1/2" shafts, 30 per shaft, 2 shafts on the top roller, 60 bearings, 1000lbs each, or 60,000 lbs capacity comfortably
22:51 rue_shop3 hows the boat going?
22:52 ^kat^-afk progress on different fronts
22:52 rue_shop3 heh, a line I think I"v used myself :)
23:32 ^kat^-afk well, the zip tool as a die grinder is allowing me to work on the roller, the ebay pillow block bearings and some cheaper sprockets allow me to work in making the lathe turn,
23:33 ^kat^-afk been working on floatation pods for a couple months, on the last one now
23:33 ^kat^-afk and finding parts to upgrade the drill presses to be durable and more precise
23:37 rue_house sounds good
23:37 rue_house did you get all the barrels you needed?
23:37 ^kat^-afk right now, have heater in fridge to defrost it,, altho it's a solid block of ice, tehre's no frost there
23:37 ^kat^-afk needed, yeas, want, no