#garfield Logs

Dec 19 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:00 rue_shop3 I got some IR4427
00:00 ^kat^-afk and why does zhanx quit when i post urls?
00:00 rue_shop3 supposed to be high speed
00:01 rue_shop3 maybe his internet died, did yo ask what happneed last time?
00:01 ^kat^-afk no
00:01 ^kat^-afk 11:21:31pm 12/18/15 Friday zhanx Remote host closed the connection .
00:01 ^kat^-afk that's not apingout
00:01 rue_shop3 whats up with the power supply anyhow?
00:02 ^kat^-afk i dunno
00:04 ^kat^-afk the IR427 looks suspiciously like the olde CCD driver, we burned up 100's of those before giving up and switching to descrete bipolars
00:07 ^kat^-afk i do not see a max switch freq on the datasheet
02:06 rue_shop3 it dosn't like 250Khz
02:06 rue_shop3 but its switching in less than 1us
02:08 rue_shop3 less than .2us, I cant measure it, my fingers are burning on the tset load resistor
02:09 rue_shop3 gnight kat
20:29 at^ re-engaged the script to part the channel if zhanx j
20:37 ^kat^ had to change out another hdd, has 58MB free on it