#garfield Logs

Dec 14 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:40 ^kat^ oh
00:41 ^kat^ it is a redirector, like dyndns
00:42 ^kat^ so if i lower a 5 ton weight 100 feet, using a rope wrapped around a genny, in 60 minutes, how much whr is produced?
00:43 rue_house kat, did you find a bunch of those drivers on ebay?
00:44 ^kat^ i think i did, but am very sore and ate asleepy pill and am drinking kahlua
00:45 ^kat^ 560u@450v caps : http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=capacitor&_sop=1&_ssn=umo88&_osacat=12576&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xsmh450.TRS0&_nkw=smh450&_sacat=12576
00:47 rue_house they sell for a lot, about $2 ea and up
00:47 ^kat^ ouch
00:56 ^kat^ you asked about the pnp for 2n2222, it's 2n2907
00:59 rue_house huh
01:06 rue_house thanks
01:07 ^kat^ <cur<crash>tsey>
01:13 ^kat^ gnites
14:26 ^kat^ mow mou mau
15:00 ^kat^ well
15:01 ^kat^ regarding 74HC393 , Toshiba is lying about how fast it will run
15:02 ^kat^ regarding 74HC393APWR , Ti doesn't make a 74HC393A anything , but they do make a 74HC393PWR
15:03 ^kat^ so for me, the 1180 pcs of Ti 74HC393APWR for $12 is suspect
15:03 ^kat^ plus they are real cmos level, you cannot drive them with ttl (unless it's a 7406/7 or some level shifting cludge)
15:35 ^kat^ "ideas are fundamentally networks of other ideas"
18:26 at^ forgot what it
20:14 ^kat^ RUE
20:14 ^kat^ STOP
20:14 ^kat^ BAD RUE
20:14 ^kat^ SIT
20:22 rue_shop2 ?
20:22 rue_shop2 the internet isnt well is it?
20:22 ^kat^ you been join/part flooding the room all day
20:22 rue_shop2 :/
20:23 rue_shop2 you should see the size of the trees that came down on the lines
20:24 ^kat^ yeas, you had what we'd have called a hurricane, cept the winds weren't strong enough
20:25 ^kat^ the trees around the south usa get stressed by 75mph winds, takes a tornado to tear them down usually
20:29 ^kat^ cept where the ground gets waterlogged
20:33 rue_shop2 lots of free firewood, just need to go get it
20:35 ^kat^ too green to burn this winter?
20:36 ^kat^ with a downdraft, i'd think you'd want sappy pine, burning it would be like pouring turpentine on the oak
20:38 rue_shop2 yea
20:38 rue_shop2 freshly fallen
20:38 rue_shop2 on the road
20:40 ^kat^ need any 74HC or HCT259 ? one goo deal on the HC, several on the HCT
20:40 ^kat^ dip and soic in HCT
20:41 ^kat^ there is was? a good deal on '06's too
20:43 ^kat^ how do i remove cologn from electronics? wiping it down with isopropyl isn't working
20:44 rue_shop2 not too into smt
20:44 rue_shop2 cologn?
20:45 ^kat^ dips too
20:45 ^kat^ manly perfume
20:45 ^kat^ you like dips: http://www.ebay.com/itm/APPROX-10K-74-SERIES-TTL-LOGIC-DIP-ICS-74ALS-AS-LS-C-HC-HCT-HCTLS-F-FCT-AC-ACT-/272071677655
20:45 ^kat^ 4 lots of 10,000 chips
20:48 ^kat^ http://www.ebay.com/itm/MC34072D-MOTOROLA-IC-OPAMP-GP-4-5MHZ-8PIN-SOIC-600-PIECES/121839071507 <<== current bid $13
20:48 rue_shop2 wow, hit and mis internet connection
20:48 ^kat^ that's the opamp i got 1000 of for a couple $ yrs ago
20:50 rue_shop2 ha $430 usd not likley
20:51 ^kat^ $430 for that?
20:51 ^kat^ what?
20:51 ^kat^ oh
20:51 ^kat^ the 10,000 chips
20:52 ^kat^ 4.3 cents per chip for random chips........... ok
20:53 rue_shop2 the canadian dollar is REALLY low right now
20:53 rue_shop2 iirc its under .75
20:53 ^kat^ ouch
20:53 ^kat^ why?
20:53 ^kat^ wait
20:54 ^kat^ .75 per $1 usd? that makes it *more* valuable
20:55 rue_shop2 reciprical
20:57 ^kat^ huh? it means you can buy usd for only 75 cents
21:05 rue_shop2 1cad = 0.75usd
21:05 rue_shop2 so I have to pay thru the nose for anything usd
21:07 ^kat^ oh,, that's bad for you then
21:07 ^kat^ doesn't actually help me either, still not paying that s&h on those treadmill motors, altho i can find uses for them
21:08 ^kat^ does that exchange rate hurt you n buying from China too ?
21:27 rue_house yea
21:28 rue_house everything is in usd
21:28 ^kat^ oh :-/
21:29 ^kat^ it won't last too long, soon as the current burst of oil plays out, the usa will be tanked
21:29 ^kat^ and natural gas
22:19 Tom_itx ^kat^
22:19 Tom_itx what's gas prices there?
22:19 ^kat^ Tom
22:20 ^kat^ dunno
22:20 ^kat^ they dropped under $2 once recently
22:20 Tom_itx 1.47 here
22:20 Tom_itx just wondered
22:21 ^kat^ http://www.alabamagasprices.com/Pell_City/index.aspx
22:21 ^kat^ wow, they are low!
22:22 ^kat^ maybe i should be changing the gas in the car?
22:23 Tom_itx why would you change it?
22:23 ^kat^ umm,, well, if i use what's in the tank, i can get new fresh cheap winter gas
22:24 Tom_itx ahh
22:24 ^kat^ the side effect being i go somewhere
22:24 Tom_itx it's about as low as i've seen it in a very long time
22:24 at^
22:24 ^kat^ is it cheaper than heating il?
22:25 ^kat^ oil
22:26 ^kat^ i once figured it was cheaper to pay retail prices for gas than to buy electricity from the powerco at commercial rates
22:26 ^kat^ problem is, i didn't have a genny big enough to run the place anyhow
22:29 rue_shop2 $1.25/L
22:30 ^kat^ ouch
22:30 ^kat^ they are hammering your finances to get you to approve another oil pipeline, rue
22:38 ^kat^ erg, it's after 10 pm again
22:38 ^kat^ it does this every freaking nite
22:40 Tom_itx what does what?
22:42 ^kat^ hit 10pm
22:42 Tom_itx oh
22:42 ^kat^ i had a q for you
22:42 Tom_itx i suppose in some ways that's a good thing
22:43 Tom_itx i'm short on good answers anymore
22:43 ^kat^ can i get sub-1/4 stubby drill bits in 1/4 shank, like i can get sub-1/8 in 1/8 shanks?
22:43 Tom_itx probably
22:43 ^kat^ oh
22:44 Tom_itx i dunno what they're called
22:44 ^kat^ me either
22:45 Tom_itx http://www.amazon.com/Diameter-Shank-Flutes-Spiral-Drill/dp/B008OUG7WS
22:45 Tom_itx there's stepped endmills
22:46 Tom_itx i suppose generally they would be carbide
22:46 Tom_itx hmm
22:46 Tom_itx i dunno for sure
22:47 Tom_itx https://www.milwaukeetool.com/accessories/drilling/48-89-9205
22:47 ^kat^ "end mill" = "drill bit" ??
22:47 Tom_itx there's those but that's not what you're asking
22:47 Tom_itx no not unless it's center cutting
22:48 Tom_itx http://www.wlfuller.com/html/1_4__shank_drills.html
22:48 ^kat^ on sub-1/4 i wanted to avoid removing the collet from the spindle for every bit change, if possible, when drill-pressing
22:48 Tom_itx those are all larger
22:48 ^kat^ i got a cople stepped bits from ,,, i forget, they didn't last one project
22:49 Tom_itx quality matters
22:49 Tom_itx i don't use em
22:49 Tom_itx but i suppose there are good ones out there
22:50 Tom_itx http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200626789_200626789?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Power%20Tools%20%3E%20Drill%20Bits&utm_campaign=Milwaukee&utm_content=41821&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=41821&gclid=CNTOlP6C3ckCFQEaaQodc4EACA
22:50 Tom_itx those are hex drive
22:50 Tom_itx 1/4"
22:51 ^kat^ collet cannot grip a hex, unless it's a hex collet
22:51 Tom_itx i'm still trying to find some
22:51 Tom_itx they're not gonna be that common
22:52 ^kat^ hex collets? i have seen them (and squares) for R8 and C5, but nothing else,, all the ER are round
22:53 Tom_itx generally if you're looking for a step drill, it's for a larger bit that will fit a smaller chuck
22:54 Tom_itx be it 1/4 3/8 or 1/2"
22:54 Tom_itx i'm not sure you will find what you're looking for
22:54 Tom_itx i have a small set with 1/8" shank
22:54 Tom_itx they are more common because the smaller bits are harder to grip in a regular chuck
22:55 ^kat^ i have maybe 100 assorted bits ($10 yrs ago when i was making the pcb driller) in 1/8 shank
22:55 Tom_itx yeah
22:55 ^kat^ i haven't used any of them
22:56 Tom_itx i can say i haven't seen any in 1/4"
22:56 Tom_itx for reasons stated above
22:56 Tom_itx http://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/01345180
22:56 at^
22:57 Tom_itx those are far more common because they will fuck up your chuck
22:57 Tom_itx :)
22:57 ^kat^ oh yea
22:58 ^kat^ they dull surprising fast when used to deburr holes too
22:58 Tom_itx i have a few 1/2" shank like that and they are good quality bits
22:59 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.com/bhp/hex-shank-drill-bit-set
22:59 ^kat^ anything that big hanging off my 1/2 floor press is scarey, 1) the spindle is necked down below 1/2 and then has a hole for a roll pin thru it, 2) it bent 20 degrees at that point before and i straightened it
22:59 Tom_itx for some reason every one i find is hex drive
23:00 Tom_itx must be for impact
23:00 Tom_itx or for use in a nut driver etc
23:00 ^kat^ nah, they fit screwwshooters for predrilling
23:00 Tom_itx ^^
23:00 Tom_itx yeah
23:01 ^kat^ my Rockwell screw shooter has a 1/4 hex collet
23:02 Tom_itx can't help you sry
23:02 ^kat^ if i close up the clutch so it doesn't impact-drive, it wold work as a drill, but then resetting the clutch for driving a screw is a pain
23:03 ^kat^ the motor housing, motor shaft, are idential and interchangeable to my olde Sears 1/2 drill, and the only real difference behind the motor is where the rev switch is on the grip
23:04 ^kat^ ok, if i find some cheap 1/4 end mills, can i grind the twist portion narrower, then hand them to a drill bit sharpener and have him put a drill bit point on them?
23:05 ^kat^ or, do the same to ordinary drill bits?
23:05 ^kat^ grinder on the lathe toolpost?
23:05 Tom_itx the flutes are different
23:05 Tom_itx but maybe a 2 flute em would do
23:05 ^kat^ do i care?
23:05 Tom_itx i dunno, do you?
23:06 ^kat^ i'd actually prefer NOT a 2-flute, they wander too badly
23:06 Tom_itx em are made for side cutting where a drill isn't
23:06 Tom_itx it would be harder to get a 4flute em ground to be a drillbit
23:06 ^kat^ i get too many triangular holes
23:06 ^kat^ o
23:07 Tom_itx even with a 4 flute centercutting em, only 2 of them meet in the middle iirc
23:07 Tom_itx depends on the grind i suppose
23:08 ^kat^ well, my hope was accurate dinking the hole start, and/or then not getting the triangular hole i get with 2-flute bits
23:08 Tom_itx get a bit made for starting holes
23:09 Tom_itx damn, i forget what they're called
23:09 Tom_itx spot drill
23:09 Tom_itx or center drill
23:09 Tom_itx there is a difference between the 2
23:09 ^kat^ the one-flute thng?
23:09 Tom_itx spot drill is what you want
23:09 Tom_itx usually 2 flute
23:09 Tom_itx but bigger diameter
23:10 Tom_itx http://www.ctemag.com/aa_pages/2012/1206-Drilling-web-resources/image/Guhring%20Spot%20Center-1_opt.jpeg
23:10 Tom_itx bottom is a spot top is a center drill
23:11 ^kat^ they told me the one chip groove made the bit force itself to stay put and round, but it doesn't keep a cutting edge
23:11 Tom_itx short flute less flex
23:11 Tom_itx those would be considered debur bits
23:12 ^kat^ waiting on FF
23:12 Tom_itx http://cdn.opentip.com/Industrial-Scientific/Michigan-Drill-Hs-Deg-Single-Flute-Countersink-p-1381287.html?gclid=CKnWp-iH3ckCFQqpaQodno4GmQ
23:12 Tom_itx or countersink bits
23:12 ^kat^ the top ones don't last
23:12 Tom_itx more for lathe work
23:12 zhanx Evening
23:12 ^kat^ i buy packets of the bottom one in 1/4 or slightly undersized
23:13 ^kat^ hi z
23:13 zhanx 16 hours of fun work day
23:14 ^kat^ money!
23:14 zhanx True but wow sucked and was fun
23:14 ^kat^ http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=spot+drill+carbide&_frs=1 <<== wow, pricey
23:14 rue_house hmm
23:15 zhanx Murphy got me today
23:15 zhanx All that time fixing stuff and blew an oil pan gasket
23:16 rue_house you tried to use morphy or he just got ya
23:16 Tom_itx http://www.lakeshorecarbide.com/38coateddrillmills.aspx
23:16 Tom_itx those guys are high quality
23:16 zhanx He just got me
23:16 rue_house how does an oil pan gasket 'blow'
23:17 zhanx Turbo dumped to the pan, bad design
23:17 ^kat^ weak, and the egr valve fails
23:17 ^kat^ oh
23:17 zhanx New turbo today
23:17 rue_house 2 stroke!?
23:18 zhanx In line 6
23:18 rue_house thats all above pan tho!?
23:18 zhanx Rue you would think
23:18 ^kat^ why isn't pan vented somewhere?
23:18 zhanx Kat cause they used a bad engineer
23:19 ^kat^ o
23:19 Tom_itx maybe they should put him in the caboose
23:19 rue_house the oil pan should be soemwhere around 0 psi
23:19 rue_house ?
23:20 ^kat^ typically under 0psi
23:20 zhanx Or that
23:20 ^kat^ the Probe , 280, Suburban, HD3500 are all at vaccuum
23:21 ^kat^ takes care of gas and fumes and water
23:21 zhanx Water is a whole other issue
23:21 ^kat^ $28 for one bit?? tom?
23:22 zhanx My tank plants are growing roots
23:22 ^kat^ condensation, etc,, but yea, normally water is a fault indicator
23:22 at^ looks for the 1/4 drill
23:23 zhanx I am driving 3 hours south Wednesday
23:23 zhanx Va crapola for the back
23:23 ^kat^ if your back is bad, you won't make it
23:23 zhanx Wife is driving
23:23 ^kat^ same bumpyness
23:24 zhanx My 20 minutes to work is fun
23:24 at^ wishes you
23:24 ^kat^ man, that lakeshorecarbids website needs work
23:25 zhanx After working tomorrow my back with the drive should be good for an evaluation
23:28 ^kat^ Your Price: From $10.53 to $81.05 <<== and they won't tell until you commit to buying it
23:29 zhanx 81.05 for one bit? It's gold right
23:30 ^kat^ http://www.lakeshorecarbide.com/screwlength-tialncoated-fractionalcarbidedrills.aspx
23:30 zhanx Rue add a big screen TV to my list of broken things. I dropped it
23:30 ^kat^ damn
23:30 ^kat^ you supposed to lift the remote, not the tv
23:31 zhanx Christmas tree I moved it and that site changes price based on size
23:31 ^kat^ http://www.lakeshorecarbide.com/chamferdrillmills.aspx
23:32 ^kat^ must be some odd script i am not running, but i enabled js and refreshed, it still won't gimme a price on the 1/4
23:32 zhanx 23.57
23:33 ^kat^ yipes
23:33 zhanx I know
23:34 ^kat^ ahhhhhh http://www.lakeshorecarbide.com/14coateddrillmills.aspx
23:34 ^kat^ still pricey, but may be what i am looking for, and worth it
23:36 ^kat^ and cheaper than ebay for the same item
23:36 ^kat^ oh, free s&h on ebay
23:38 ^kat^ Tom, some collets to hold hex pieces on ebay : http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=hex+collet&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xhex+collet+-nut+-adapter+-adaptor.TRS1&_nkw=hex+collet+-nut+-adapter+-adaptor&_sacat=0
23:40 ^kat^ geese, a *lot* now
23:40 ^kat^ almost 1000
23:58 ^kat^ Tom, good choice of buzzwords on the drill mill