#garfield Logs

Nov 26 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:18 rue_mohr I have a webpage up thats first word on the title is design, and I keep thinking its something exciting to look at on your page
00:20 ^kat^ heh
00:22 rue_mohr hows the boat?
00:23 ^kat^ did some drilling, flipping, lots of cleaning with wire brush on grinder, welding,, got anotehr barrel clamp done today
00:23 ^kat^ legs tomorrow
00:24 rue_mohr I hope one day I can say that about the mecha
00:25 ^kat^ erg, midnite, i heard my brain flip off, i think,, not sure,, umm, duuhh, <drool>
00:25 ^kat^ say that legs are tomoor ossseewwww,, erer, ?
00:26 rue_mohr yea, I'm prolly starting with arms
00:26 rue_mohr cause I can use them without the rest
00:26 rue_mohr oh, my truck is running, must not forget
00:26 ^kat^ with legs?
00:27 ^kat^ what are those legs that ,, errg, damnit, can't tink
00:27 rue_mohr no
00:27 rue_mohr that would be bad if I weren't in it
00:37 ^kat^ https://www.google.com/search?q=avacardo&nfpr=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJnNG4t63JAhXE7SYKHd5JCsEQ_AUIBygB
00:45 ^kat^ "Tea, earl grey" .. 14T