#garfield Logs

Nov 24 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:01 zhanx just coding
00:03 rue_mohr hmm
00:03 rue_mohr zhanx, there ya are
00:03 rue_mohr what did I need to ask...
00:04 rue_mohr oh, do you think you could help make up a CV system to find philips screw heads?
00:04 rue_mohr (+)
00:04 rue_mohr locate them in the image
00:05 zhanx maybe
00:05 zhanx its a grayscale then yes
00:05 rue_mohr then I just need an arm to hit it with a driver and spin for a bit
00:05 rue_mohr shake table and repeat
00:06 ^kat^ prolly free nix software for that online, 5 yrs old even
00:06 rue_mohr well, I'v not done any
00:06 rue_mohr I can do greyscale
00:06 zhanx 10 years old even
00:06 zhanx opencv has to be taught kidn of
00:06 zhanx kind of
00:06 rue_mohr use a composite camera and get some crisp images
00:09 zhanx really need to focus and knock out 90% of this code tonight for this game
00:12 rue_mohr you gonna give me a fn to write or not?
00:19 zhanx can i do not for tonight?
00:53 ^kat^ zhanx , is it possible to ballpark a gallons per minute figure for evaporating 10,000 btu using R410 and R290 ?
00:53 zhanx 410 yes
00:53 zhanx r290 not sure
00:54 ^kat^ how much R410 do i need per minute or per hour?
00:54 zhanx compressor type?
00:54 ^kat^ ok
00:54 ^kat^ ;-)
00:55 zhanx ok let me whip up math then
00:57 zhanx top of page 3 https://www.chemours.com/Refrigerants/en_US/assets/downloads/h64422_Suva410A_thermo_prop_eng.pdf
00:58 ^kat^ yea, that looks like whipped up math all right
00:58 zhanx btu/lb = 10.732*ft3/lb*.18
00:58 ^kat^ i asked about volume
00:58 ^kat^ not weight
00:58 zhanx ft3
00:58 ^kat^ oooooooh
00:59 ^kat^ wait
00:59 ^kat^ but it'
00:59 zhanx about off the top of my head 2 pounds a minute
00:59 ^kat^ s still in /lb on the left side
00:59 zhanx for pressure
01:00 ^kat^ aaarrggg
01:08 at^ thanks zhanx and waves gn
15:14 any05421008 vacuum cleaner flat belts!
15:14 any05421008 that is all
16:48 Tom_itx aka timing belts
19:27 rue_mohr hmm
19:29 Tom_itx mmm
19:34 ^kat^-afk mmh
19:40 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Jack_lowered.jpg
19:40 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Jack_raised.jpg
19:41 Tom_itx modeled in SW
19:43 ^kat^-afk dija know on some jacks, if you unscrew the valve, remove the ball and any spring and o-rings, you can screw in a steel brake line and run the jack as a hydraulic cyclinder?
19:44 Tom_itx yeah
19:44 ^kat^-afk ok
19:44 Tom_itx i also have a powerpack
19:44 ^kat^-afk me too
19:44 Tom_itx good idea though
19:44 ^kat^-afk i neeed something moved just outa reach and behind me, no one to help, spent $250 on a portapower
19:45 Tom_itx the check ball in the pump would prevent it from moving
19:45 Tom_itx i got mine free
19:45 Tom_itx a friend had on on his press and he went electric on it instead
19:45 ^kat^-afk i made some asseccories for mine, it canbe real handy
19:45 Tom_itx i'd have to get a hose
19:45 Tom_itx and probably a disconnect
19:46 ^kat^-afk HF has bits and pieces of their portapower on sale sometimes
19:47 Tom_itx all this is, is an exercise to learn SW
19:47 ^kat^-afk might be able to go into the store and see if their demo fits your toys, and order a "replacement" hose
19:49 Tom_itx 2500 psi enough you think?
19:49 ^kat^-afk i dunno, they brag and boast about 6000 psi and 10,000 psi
19:50 ^kat^-afk prolly lies, i expect the couplings would come apart under those pressures
19:50 ^kat^-afk NAPA useto make up hydraulic lines however you wanted, but they prolly don't have those fittings
22:42 at^-afk settles on 18:1 drive on the lathe ,, so 1800rpm motor = 100rpm c
23:34 ^kat^-afk .