#garfield Logs

Nov 23 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:47 eless waves gni
20:36 rue_shop3 ^kat^-afk, good day
20:36 rue_shop3 I suppose I shoudl seperate the 250Khz 5A ground from the logic ground
20:36 rue_shop3 not quite sure where I should join them tho...
20:37 rue_shop3 ground star somewhere else?
20:43 e_shop3 dumps the box of heatsinks out infront of himself. "ok I just need to find 2 matching, perfect heatsi
20:49 e_shop3 lifts his head out of a pile of heatsinks with the realization he can work this out l
22:11 ^kat^-afk woohoo, i just discovered parts *now* available on ebay can unstall an olde project
22:32 rue_shop3 cool,
22:32 rue_shop3 I just realized that ...
22:32 rue_shop3 when I designed the origional pwm converter, it ran on 12V, so the input was out of the 0-5V range
22:32 rue_shop3 and then I redeisgned it to operate on 5V
22:32 rue_shop3 so the control signal is between 0-5V
22:33 rue_shop3 remember that whole futz with the transistor amp?
22:33 rue_shop3 dont need it
22:33 rue_shop3 the error amp works across a 5V range
22:33 rue_shop3 which now matches the pwm generator range
22:33 rue_shop3 I didn't put the two schematics togethor again after redesigning them
22:33 rue_shop3 hahaha
22:34 rue_shop3 :-/
22:36 rue_shop3 and havn't said that, i realize that if that amp was needed, it could have been moved to the power amplifier side
22:40 at^-afk looks at rue tiltyhe
22:42 rue_mohr so, I went to a lot of work to make the pwm genorator operate on a 5V supply
22:43 rue_mohr I forgot WHY
22:43 rue_mohr so the error amp was still designed for a pwm gen that needed 3-7V input
22:43 ^kat^ to use ttl to get sharp accurate timing and waveforms
22:43 rue_mohr but the current one needs 0.5 -4
22:43 rue_mohr partly also, yes
22:44 rue_mohr and for flipflops that make it a twophase converter
22:44 at^
22:44 rue_mohr so that the duty on the fets isn't more than 50% so that I can use capacitive coupling to do level shifting
23:25 at^ is seeing so much screwball ideas la
23:25 ^kat^ running a car alternator in a water spray
23:35 rue_mohr hows that?
23:48 ^kat^ which?
23:49 rue_mohr running a car alternator in a water spray
23:49 rue_mohr active cooling?
23:49 ^kat^ no, bad design
23:49 ^kat^ http://www.gottagodoityourself.com/how-to-build-a-5-gallon-bucket-hydro-generator/2/
23:50 ^kat^ http://tinyurl.com/nhpr9tn
23:52 ^kat^ f> 3kwh should be able to move `2500 gallons of water per hour, according to a physics forum thread
23:52 ^kat^ <^kat^> you will need a lot of salt-water tolerant coils, and you will still never get 30ft of head off it
23:54 rue_mohr ah
23:56 ^kat^ he thinks if he puts 3kw of heaters in a tube in the ocean, water will shoot 30ft into the air from the tube
23:57 ^kat^ but then he will cap the tube with a generator and make 12hp from thewater flow, made by putting 3kw (~3.8hp) into it