#garfield Logs

Nov 04 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:01 dumbass "sentient yet?" "i don't, what, huh say, umm...."
00:04 dumbass "why are you walking into the wall" "trying enter room, air is so hard, can't ,,<thud>"
00:06 rue_shop3 hmm, I'm yawning hard here
00:06 rue_shop3 mayeb I shoudl go to bed
00:07 rue_shop3 I think I know how to make the plate to hold the power connector for the clock
00:07 dumbass <exits room, walks across hall, into wall> "what happened tot he hallway, there was a hallway here, how do we get out?" "exit room, *turn right*, walk down hall, let me show you, it's over here...." <<-- real life occurance
00:09 dumbass i have not said a thing all nite worth reading, have i?
00:27 rue_house lots of things, I' just dont have any good comebacks
00:27 rue_house ugh
13:21 ^kat^ so thelag time on a hdd is 15ms, and lets say lag on a static ram is 15ns , the ram is 1,000,000x faster
13:22 ^kat^ if static ram is your bookshelf at home and you know which book to go get the same from, it takes you 5 minutes to get up and go fetch the book, open it and flip to the right page, and return to your desk,,,,,,
13:23 ^kat^ then the same thing in puter terms to getting it off the hdd instead is 3,472 years
13:24 ^kat^ oops, 228 years
13:25 ^kat^ it would be link finding aplace to built alibrary, celaring it with 2 or 3 axes yourself, and a mule, building the library of Congress, then asking for donations, and reading each book as it came in, to see if it had the data
15:57 ^kat^-afk http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/11/if-youre-not-paranoid-youre-crazy/407833/
16:51 Tom_itx hi ^kat^-afk
17:53 ^kat^-afk hi Tom
17:53 at^-afk goes back
20:08 ^kat^-afk http://www.minerals.net/MineralMain.aspx <<== has a 288KB tracking id on their input box
20:41 ^kat^-afk Intel and Cray won a $200 million contract from the federal government to build a 180-petaflops computer by 2018.
20:48 Tom_itx can you do it for less?
20:48 Tom_itx with proper resources i bet you could
20:56 ^kat^-afk i dunno, that's $1 million per petaflop
20:56 ^kat^-afk https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Social+Security+Disability+Benefits+Face+Cuts+in+2016
20:58 ^kat^-afk some websites reporting it in 2013, some in July 2014, some in 2015
20:59 Tom_itx oh yay
20:59 ^kat^-afk Obama just put some bandaids on it, and will pass it to the next administration
20:59 Tom_itx yeah then they'll get blamed for it
21:00 Tom_itx other funding is plentiful though
21:00 rue_house one fo the rtc chips I ordered just arrived
21:00 ^kat^-afk if they can share the funding
21:01 ^kat^-afk regular social security will go bust in 2030-2035 timeframe
21:01 Tom_itx they're passing it out like the cartel passes out drugs
21:02 Tom_itx figures... been screwed most of my life, may as well bend over and take it again
21:03 ^kat^-afk yea, but you'llbe in yout 70's then, and my not even know it's happening
21:04 ^kat^-afk might be a mad-cow epidemic in subsidized beef, and wipe out everyone in nursng homes, who knows?
21:05 ^kat^-afk but anyhoo, the story has been reported in some news for 2 yrs now, and no one i mentioned it to has heard it,,,,,, but this is Alaforkingbama
21:14 ^kat^-afk By eliminating File and Suspend, Social Security Disability is to be safely funded for several years into the future. Also, the Medicare annual deductible which had been projected to increase in 2016 from $147 to $223 will instead be held to $167.
21:15 zhanx- Can they increase my va pay at least?
21:15 rue_shop3 ^kat^-afk,
21:15 rue_shop3 help
21:15 ^kat^-afk i dunno, that's separate too, zhanx
21:15 at^-afk throws help at
21:15 rue_shop3 back in the ole days, they used to have a way of making finished patterns on metal by puttin something in a drill press and wearing circles in it
21:16 rue_shop3 do you know what the something they used was?
21:16 rue_shop3 makes little moon/circle patterns
21:16 ^kat^-afk fine brass wire wheel, i thought
21:16 rue_shop3 ok, was there a name for the finish?
21:17 ^kat^-afk polishng pad with coarse rouge powder?
21:17 ^kat^-afk i dunno
21:17 zhanx- I found out I have degenerative disc disease in my back today
21:17 rue_shop3 http://www.workingpsychology.com/diversions/jeweledtools.JPG
21:17 rue_shop3 thats it!
21:17 ^kat^-afk the rouge?
21:17 rue_shop3 zhanx, fff then its gonna get worse
21:18 ^kat^-afk yea, zhanx, stop spitting wood by swinging the maul one handed
21:18 zhanx- Yea since I have the back of an 85 year old man already
21:18 ^kat^-afk your shoulders going will piss you off, just waring you
21:18 rue_shop3 so they are or aren't goin g to help you with it>
21:18 zhanx- True
21:18 ^kat^-afk get at least 60mg of protien per day
21:20 zhanx- I get 60 grams
21:20 zhanx- I eat meat and protein shakes
21:20 zhanx- So much for the quick fix appointment I had today
21:20 ^kat^-afk Under Obama’s approach, neither the overall tax rate nor the solvency of the combined trust funds would be affected. Instead, it would reallocate a few tenths of a percentage point of payroll tax revenue from the OASI fund to the SSDI fund, so that both trust funds would be sustained until 2033.
21:20 ^kat^-afk This proposal would experiment with early intervention approaches to help people with a potentially work-limiting disability to remain in the workforce. Those methods would include providing supportive services to those with mental impairments giving employers incentives to retain workers with disabilities
21:20 zhanx- Short term fixnthen
21:21 ^kat^-afk Obama proposes to offset an individual’s entitled SSDI benefit in any month that they receive state or federal unemployment insurance benefits, a proposal also featured in last year’s budget. For example, if someone was entitled to $1,000 a month from SSDI and already received $400 from unemployment insurance in a particular month, their SSDI benefit would be reduced to $600 for that month.
21:22 ^kat^-afk i would have been tons less cocerned about a 20% cut if i had my way on what i did to this property when i bought it
21:22 ^kat^-afk like garden and solar power
21:22 ^kat^-afk and having an internet business
21:23 ^kat^-afk maybe that 200 petaflop puter will tell them how to run the country right
21:26 zhanx- I found I am considered 70% disabled today but only getting paid at 50% of that , I already took my cut without knowing that
21:26 ^kat^-afk you'll be on VA disability tho, won't you?
21:27 ^kat^-afk you make a business, they'll cut you even more
21:27 ^kat^-afk 15 yrs ago, i planned on working for myself for another 25 yrs, not being on SSDI any more, but that idea was blown to hell by dogs
21:28 zhanx- Yes but still not getting paid right
21:28 zhanx- They can't even supply my pstd meds on time
21:28 zhanx- But my va pay is not tied to my income
21:29 at^-afk
21:29 zhanx- My disability pay is tied to how able I was when I entered service and the end result of service (aka I can work full time and still get paid )
21:33 ^kat^-afk Answer:
21:33 ^kat^-afk I have great news! There is no longer an annual earnings limit once a person reaches full retirement age. You attained your full retirement age the month you reached age 66.
21:33 ^kat^-afk If a person was born in 1955 or later, then their full retirement age is other than 66.
21:34 zhanx- How is that possible?
21:34 ^kat^-afk i didn't make the rules, that's how
21:35 ^kat^-afk i'll hit "full retirement" the year it goes bankrupt
21:35 ^kat^-afk the 2020-2030 timeframe
21:36 zhanx- And in won't see it
21:36 zhanx- I won't see it
21:37 ^kat^-afk my stomach hurts, oh,,, i missed breakfast and dinner
21:37 ^kat^-afk afk to find ameal
21:43 zhanx- !ping
22:18 ^kat^-afk well, lack of food isn't the problem
22:19 at^-afk wonders if zhanx saw anything she types in the otehr cha
22:19 zhanx i did thank you
22:20 ^kat^-afk cost of irc on the phone?
22:20 ^kat^-afk just pasted some more
22:23 ^kat^-afk please ack the test the last 10 seconds
22:26 zhanx ?
22:26 ^kat^-afk text, i pasted, in other channel, you did, nm
22:27 zhanx in and out kat fyi
22:27 ^kat^-afk i ate a small sammich, long story short: my insides are now clean as a whistle, and that was a waste of a perfectly fine sammich
22:27 zhanx ewww
22:28 at^-afk erases that image from everyone mind and replaces it with flo
22:28 anx makes an led fl
22:28 rue_shop3 ok I put the power connector on the clock, and put the colour filters in, and screwed it shut
22:28 rue_shop3 its "done"
22:28 zhanx is it done?
22:28 ^kat^-afk there's no pics
22:29 ^kat^-afk it ain't done
22:29 anx marks the cale
22:29 rue_shop3 no I can tell it'll never be done
22:29 zhanx i also wait overruns and overbudget reports
22:29 rue_shop3 but I'm going to call it, so I can work on the next project
22:29 rue_shop3 it cost $20 more than it was supposed to ($0)
22:30 rue_shop3 it took 18 years, 6 months longer than it was supposed to
22:30 ^kat^-afk that's not bad
22:30 rue_shop3 (6 mo)
22:30 ^kat^-afk (project on hold for better programming languages and some NON-central processing units)
22:30 rue_shop3 but its efficiency improved about 400% and it gained the feature of an IR remote for setting
22:31 ^kat^-afk if it cheaper to make it than to buy a 17" or 19" monitor?
22:32 rue_shop3 you would need a 21" to match its size
22:32 ^kat^-afk oh
22:32 ^kat^-afk that's big
22:32 ^kat^-afk i know i keep saying that, but it's big
22:33 rue_shop3 I like the battery backup
22:33 ^kat^-afk officer, i am not watching tv, that's the clock
22:33 rue_shop3 I can just unplug it and work on it/ move it
22:36 ^kat^-afk pics! pics! pics!
22:36 rue_shop3 oh ok
22:46 rue_shop3 ok I did a video of setting it
22:51 ^kat^-afk will you tell how the vieo looks?
22:54 zhanx for people on crap internets
22:54 ^kat^-afk can we get a pic of the video camera?
22:55 rue_house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn91XQST9qc
22:56 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070557.jpg
22:56 ^kat^-afk you shold add your ebay item number to it
22:56 rue_house random colour segments
22:56 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070558.jpg
22:56 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070565.jpg <- I used a pencil eraser and oil to jewel the power adapter plate
22:57 rue_house I kinda wish I'd sat on the idea more and put it angled into the back
22:57 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070566.jpg <-- old remote I used.
22:58 ^kat^-afk ah, a volume for the remote, and omd you found a Quasar?!?
22:58 rue_house it was in the 'nice remotes' collection box
22:59 ^kat^-afk wait, they didn't have 105 channel cable in 1970
22:59 rue_house its ir is backwards and its codes are all wrong
22:59 rue_house it could be 1970
22:59 rue_house I'm sure mid 80's
22:59 rue_house atleast
23:00 at^-afk tries to play the video on this machine thru the la
23:00 rue_house no usefull audio, and its short, like 5 seconds
23:00 rue_house er 12
23:01 ^kat^-afk well thatwas easy,, why gloves? to hide your mechanisms?
23:01 rue_house its a lot of work to put my hands on
23:01 ^kat^-afk ah
23:02 ^kat^-afk but volume for the alarm is a good idea
23:03 rue_house its the best remote that had 0-9
23:03 rue_house there was a newer one but it had a lot of extra buttons
23:03 ^kat^-afk can you program the clock to 99:99 ?
23:04 rue_house as soon as you enter the last 9 it would change it to 12:59
23:04 ^kat^-afk o
23:06 rue_house its smart :)
23:06 ^kat^-afk it's an avr programmed by rue, i expect smartness :-)
23:06 rue_house there is a tweek to make tho, it sets the time when you enter the last digit, not when you take it out of set mode
23:07 rue_house but that also means if you enter 3 or less digiits, taking it out of set mode will abort the setting
23:08 ^kat^-afk so you enter 01:30 ?
23:08 rue_house 0130
23:08 rue_house yes
23:10 ^kat^-afk so, if it is showing a time of 23:11 , how wierd does it look the allt eh digits piled up to the left?
23:12 ^kat^-afk if you used frosted plexi, could the depth of the segments be lower?
23:13 ^kat^-afk 1" instead of 3" ?
23:15 ^kat^-afk $2.80 , free s&h , usa shipper : 2x 3ft 1/8" 3.5mm Stereo Audio Headphone Cable Extension Cord M to F MP3 Aux
23:15 ^kat^-afk ( 201407849389 )
23:18 rue_house no, the leftmost is just a 1
23:18 ^kat^-afk oop, sright, i knew that
23:18 rue_house they prolly need to be set back for optic spread
23:19 rue_house I hate 24 clocks
23:19 ^kat^-afk zhanx may want one tho
23:19 rue_house sure sure
23:19 rue_house but not for me
23:20 rue_house I'll work on making digits tommorow
23:20 rue_house I know the program works, I just need to round up and rough cut the foam
23:21 ^kat^-afk 1600 PCS NIPPON CHEMI LXF10VB390UFTD04R
23:21 ^kat^-afk $3.25
23:21 ^kat^-afk 2 bids
23:21 rue_house https://i.imgur.com/V2u11ZP.gifv
23:21 rue_house rofl
23:22 ^kat^-afk uuuuuuhhh, blank page
23:22 ^kat^-afk what's it's .html ?
23:23 rue_house odd
23:23 rue_house its a type of gif
23:23 ^kat^-afk lots of reels of caps for cheap : http://www.ebay.com/sch/Capacitors-/4662/m.html?item=361398891655&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_ssn=umo88&_sop=1
23:32 ^kat^-afk how reverse biased can i put a transistor's collector and emitter as long as the base is floating?
23:34 rue_house Shipping:
23:34 rue_house $39.85 USPS Priority Mail Internationa
23:34 rue_house dunno
23:34 ^kat^-afk he combines shipping
23:35 rue_house Shipping:
23:35 rue_house $37.30 USPS Priority Mail International
23:35 rue_house its still not worth it
23:35 rue_house its not worth buying from the usa, only china
23:35 rue_house Shipping:
23:35 rue_house $39.85 USPS Priority Mail International
23:36 ^kat^-afk $38 / 2000 pcs = 2 cents each piece
23:36 rue_house Shipping:
23:36 rue_house $50.25 USPS Priority Mail International
23:36 ^kat^-afk oh well
23:36 rue_house not worth it
23:36 ^kat^-afk yeas, the weight can add up the costs a lot
23:36 rue_house cause I'd also get hit in $50 border fee
23:36 rue_house most likley
23:37 ^kat^-afk so blow $25 in gas on a trip to Seattle to a po box?
23:37 rue_house tho, a buddy has a dropbox just over the border
23:38 rue_house http://www.ebay.com/itm/2000-PCS-PANASONIC-ECA1EFZ121B-/361421587705
23:38 rue_house what does ebay show you for shipping on that one?
23:38 ^kat^-afk $21.17
23:38 rue_house hmm
23:39 ^kat^-afk but, if you get 3 other items with same shipping, he will charge you only one
23:39 rue_house not likley
23:39 ^kat^-afk ok
23:40 rue_house I'm sure it would tip a weight range or soemthing and come out just as much
23:40 rue_house and there is the $50 border fee
23:40 ^kat^-afk http://www.ebay.com/itm/361403375866?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
23:41 ^kat^-afk http://www.ebay.com/itm/391278434740?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
23:41 rue_house if they really were $4 it would be a no brainer
23:41 rue_house Shipping:
23:41 rue_house $42.40 USPS Priority Mail Internationa
23:42 ^kat^-afk what do you see on tose 2 urls?
23:42 rue_house ^ that was the last one
23:42 rue_house Shipping:
23:42 rue_house $37.30 USPS Priority Mail Intern
23:42 rue_house first one
23:43 ^kat^-afk iirc, i paid $20 for several items , items like the 2000 chips for $11
23:43 ^kat^-afk $11 is cheaper than going to radio shack in town, and they prolly don't have it anyhow
23:43 rue_house http://www.aliexpress.com/item/10UF-50V-10mf-105C-4x7mm-Aluminum-Electrolytic-Capacitor-50V10UF-radial-lead-1000pcs/1502615392.html
23:44 rue_house $10 1000pcs, free shipping
23:44 rue_house CHINA!
23:44 rue_house :)
23:44 ^kat^-afk that's small for 10u @ 50v
23:44 rue_house ... thats standard
23:45 ^kat^-afk yeas, the China gov is going to put everyone's postal service outa business
23:45 rue_house the duties from the usa aren't helping their business with us
23:46 ^kat^-afk my total s&h on 4,800 chips was $21.43, and my cost per chip was under a penny each
23:47 rue_house yup
23:48 ^kat^-afk i figure it's not bottom feeding any more if i pay over a penny per chip
23:52 ^kat^-afk carp, it's almost midnite
23:52 ^kat^-afk that cannot be right
23:52 ^kat^-afk it became nite at 5pm, so it's been nite for 7hours
23:52 ^kat^-afk wilit be nite for anotehr 7 hrs?
23:58 rue_house ...
23:58 rue_house dunno
23:58 ^kat^-afk What will happen if for a BJT transistor it's Emitter terminal is treated as collector and collector as Emitter in a common Emitter amplifier circuit?
23:58 ^kat^-afk http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/29756/bjt-in-reverse-active-mode-of-operation