#garfield Logs

Nov 02 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:03 rue_shop3 bad cable?
00:04 katsmeow-afk smells like a bad pwr cable again
00:04 katsmeow-afk the +12 moved a lof when i shoved it separately
00:04 katsmeow-afk lof=lot
00:05 rue_shop3 iirc I would never put drives on those pass-thru tapped connectors
00:05 katsmeow-afk ran ok for 45 min, and then dropped out of sight? i dunno
00:05 katsmeow-afk it's not the pata cable, it's the 12v-0-0-5v molex connectors
00:09 rue_shop3 I need to glue in the microcontroller, dispose of the arduinos power led, mount the power connector, put the coloured masks on the segments, and I'm done
00:09 rue_shop3 setting the time is REALLY nice with the remote
00:09 rue_shop3 just key it in
00:11 tsmeow-afk throws an url at rue and zhanx : http://www.sheetmetalguy.com/sheet_metal_gauge_chart.htm
00:11 rue_shop3 oo
00:15 tsmeow-afk saves it and then strips all the spam fro
00:15 katsmeow-afk ahhhh much better
00:17 rue_shop3 I suppose I could put something on it to say if the cmos battery is low when it starts up
00:17 rue_shop3 I'm out of io ports tho
00:18 zhanx Provolone ham and bagels is awesome
00:21 rue_shop3 I have it flash the colon for seconds
00:21 tsmeow-afk gets a hunk of ham and cheese in her mouth and wanders off the table wit
00:21 rue_shop3 I was thinking I could have it do different combinations to tell senconds
00:22 rue_shop3 it could flash the bottom one for the first 20 seconds, the top one for the mid 20 and both for the last 20
00:22 katsmeow-afk can we turn off the flashing?
00:22 rue_shop3 but, I want seconds...
00:22 katsmeow-afk ok, but can WE turn off the flashing?
00:22 rue_shop3 I suppose, it could tell the seconds untill the new minute and then tell the whole time for a few seconds
00:23 katsmeow-afk i mean, it turns itself off 60 times a minute, can we make it turn off for a few years?
00:23 rue_shop3 who is we?
00:23 rue_shop3 years?
00:23 rue_shop3 why dont you want to know the time for years?
00:23 katsmeow-afk me and all the people ,, err,, i wanna,, umm, err, resell, um to, to save you shipping costs to the usa!
00:24 katsmeow-afk no, i don't want the yea divided up into seconds
00:24 katsmeow-afk year
00:24 rue_shop3 funny enough, the SET mode, clears the screen, but dosn't stop the RTC, you can toggle in and out of set mode without changing the time
00:24 katsmeow-afk as it should be
00:24 rue_shop3 aha! the 1 worked!
00:24 rue_shop3 (its 10:00)
00:24 katsmeow-afk .. Midnight, start of Monday 11/2/2015 ..
00:24 rue_shop3 its a dallas 1287, it has an alarm register
00:25 katsmeow-afk yea, hang that 12ft off the floor and try to turn that alarm off, sucka
00:25 rue_shop3 hehe
00:25 e_shop3 points to 12' r
00:25 rue_shop3 :)
00:25 katsmeow-afk oh, riht
00:26 rue_shop3 I'm happy
00:26 rue_shop3 I feel I accomlished something
00:26 zhanx Ok back done cooking
00:26 tsmeow-afk spits out some ham and cheese to share with
00:26 rue_shop3 I suppose I woulnd't feel like that if it'd been easy
00:26 e_shop3 cringes and politely decl
00:26 anx points to 8'x4' white board and trued table
00:26 rue_shop3 how was your welding today?
00:26 katsmeow-afk well, it looks darned good, i'd be real pleased if i did it
00:27 zhanx Next is a a gear maker
00:27 zhanx Granted wooden
00:27 rue_shop3 it even tells time (so far) I'm gonna leave it run for a while see if it drifsts
00:27 katsmeow-afk did more cutting than welding today,, didn't weld any, actually
00:27 zhanx After I ake
00:27 rue_shop3 zhanx, why are you making wood gears?
00:28 katsmeow-afk cut another 21 clips and proceeded to put 288 chamfers on them
00:28 zhanx Make the wooden gears I can plasma cut them
00:28 e_shop3
00:28 katsmeow-afk plasma cut wood?
00:28 e_shop3 3d prints Z a tooth template he can ro
00:28 zhanx No metal
00:28 zhanx Nope rue
00:29 zhanx That's harder
00:29 zhanx 45 degree cut on a bolt with a die grinder
00:30 zhanx Jig stops in the cuts
00:31 katsmeow-afk die grinder sounds like too small? what about a 6inch zip disk in a "body grinder"?
00:31 zhanx Don't have one
00:32 katsmeow-afk
http://www.harborfreight.com/heavy-duty-4-1-2-half-inch-angle-grinder-91223.html , $10 off atm
00:32 katsmeow-afk or $8
00:32 zhanx I don't have the disk is all
00:32 katsmeow-afk disks are cheap atm, dunno why
00:33 zhanx And it an hour drive to get one
00:34 tsmeow-afk give
00:34 rue_shop3 I wonder why they call the 1 a half digit
00:34 rue_shop3 its only 2/7 of a digit
00:35 rue_shop3 maybe thats marketings markup
00:35 katsmeow-afk i wonder why there's no proper kerning in clocks
00:35 zhanx Weird leg is numb
00:36 katsmeow-afk which one is the wierd one?
00:36 zhanx Wait uncrosses legs
00:36 katsmeow-afk oh
00:36 zhanx Left one
00:36 zhanx Can't feel all of it
00:36 katsmeow-afk pressue under knee can knock out a leg
00:37 rue_shop3 sit normal for 10 mins and see if you still ahve a problem>
00:37 zhanx Going this week for a reevaluation (I do)
00:37 katsmeow-afk if it does not come back, then you have a serios problem, such a a blood clot, get help
00:38 katsmeow-afk blood clots can kill
00:38 rue_shop3 hmm :/
00:38 zhanx No its a normal issue for me is all
00:38 zhanx Hopefully after this evaluation I will be set
00:39 katsmeow-afk normal != safe and good
00:39 zhanx True but I take so many pstd meds I feel like a pharmacy
00:40 katsmeow-afk well, we give a damn, so be safe
00:40 zhanx I give a damn now also (about time too)
00:40 katsmeow-afk k
00:40 katsmeow-afk (i dunno about Tom)
00:41 zhanx 18 pills a day gets old-fashioned quick
00:41 katsmeow-afk i know, even those that don't cost $1 or more each
00:43 zhanx I got an evaluation Wednesday for the scar tissue on my right leg. They think it can be a an out patient surgery
00:44 katsmeow-afk they'll pull the remaining skin tight, you'll need to take it easy stretching it and applynng ointments for ayear
00:44 zhanx K
00:44 katsmeow-afk i had a mole off my shoulder, ripped the stitches out twice, and i was being careful
00:44 zhanx Least I can wear shorts again with out people asking me questions
00:45 katsmeow-afk those are some funky shorts, where did you get them?
00:45 katsmeow-afk ,/question>
00:45 katsmeow-afk drat
00:45 zhanx Dickson sporting goods, normal shorts
00:46 zhanx I got a lot of weird looks today, cause I was sore and wore shorts etc
00:46 katsmeow-afk maybe it was because you wore whorts and it was 37F utside
00:46 katsmeow-afk mt phingers are all worn out
00:47 zhanx My wife said my leg looks like cooked meat loaf
00:47 katsmeow-afk here, zhanx , have some socks
00:47 zhanx But Chewbacca style
00:47 zhanx Heck no I wear ankle socks
00:48 zhanx Sorry but if people can't handle it screw rhem
00:48 zhanx Took me years to get used to it and all that crap, yes I will get the surgery
00:48 katsmeow-afk i agree
00:49 katsmeow-afk rush over to "help" me when i sand no, and you do get hurt
00:49 zhanx Saw the wife's ex today at Walmart
00:50 katsmeow-afk <tension>
00:50 zhanx Last time I saw him I told hi I would beat him till I got tired
00:50 zhanx He ran from me
00:50 katsmeow-afk why did you do that?
00:50 zhanx He abused his son ,my step son
00:50 katsmeow-afk ah
00:51 zhanx Then he told me he was epic ninja like etc bs
00:51 katsmeow-afk wellp, don't escalate it so he carries a gun and pulls it n sight of you
00:51 zhanx So I said I will just hit you and stop when your dead
00:52 zhanx Not worried, he is now a felon
00:52 katsmeow-afk you want him to think he can get within reach of you bare handed
00:52 katsmeow-afk felons carry guns too
00:52 zhanx Yes (not going I to details on it)
00:53 zhanx Kat if ,y sin wasn't there today after what he did I would have been mean
00:53 zhanx Stupid tablet
00:53 katsmeow-afk does it mean anything that my biceps are bigger round than my calves?
00:54 katsmeow-afk plug a keybd nto it
00:54 zhanx Your popeye
00:54 katsmeow-afk oh
00:54 zhanx I got 8 inchiishcalves
00:55 zhanx I am not popeye
00:55 katsmeow-afk around?!? that's tiny, even for a girl!
00:55 zhanx To pm to bottom not clue diameter
00:55 katsmeow-afk <blink>
00:56 zhanx Top to bottom
00:56 katsmeow-afk oh
00:57 zhanx My wife made as a joke a toe ankle bracelet
00:58 zhanx She was laughing cause it was 12 inches for the ankle and the toe part was way too short
00:58 katsmeow-afk i am unsure what that is
00:58 zhanx Some India thing
00:59 katsmeow-afk chain?
00:59 katsmeow-afk like nose-earring or wrist-fingerring ?
00:59 zhanx Ok follow me on this kat (hemp). Glass white board viewing angle
00:59 katsmeow-afk hemp?
00:59 rue_house gngiht
01:00 katsmeow-afk rue?
01:00 zhanx Hemp foot thing,but asking viewing angle on my white board
01:00 katsmeow-afk oh
01:00 rue_bed hmm, that clock really lights up the shop at night
01:00 katsmeow-afk flat, as a table, i'd assume
01:00 zhanx 1/4 te
01:00 katsmeow-afk rue, yea, blinking would get annoying, see?
01:00 zhanx Wall mount
01:01 zhanx Gonna paint it tomorrow
01:01 zhanx I hope
01:01 rue_bed well, I might have to play with the brightness, its got 25 1W leds in it
01:01 katsmeow-afk take pics
01:01 katsmeow-afk wowzers
01:01 rue_bed not running full cap!
01:02 zhanx That's bright
01:02 rue_bed I have a dc-dc that does the led supply
01:02 rue_bed runs about 4.2V
01:02 tsmeow-afk
01:02 rue_bed 3.9R in series
01:02 katsmeow-afk how much current per led would be right?
01:02 rue_bed .7 drop on drivers
01:03 katsmeow-afk .7 is a lot
01:03 rue_bed I thin they drop about 2.7 on the leds
01:03 katsmeow-afk must be darlingtons
01:03 rue_bed yea
01:03 zhanx I got a 19.2 vdc hp psu for my white board
01:03 katsmeow-afk yeas, those are optionsl
01:03 rue_bed I used a thinkpad supply
01:03 rue_bed two dc-dc, one for 5V and one for leds
01:04 rue_bed the supply is warm but I dont think its cause of load, I think its just really inefficient
01:05 katsmeow-afk so 20ma per led?
01:06 katsmeow-afk prolly averaging 300ma at 4.2v
01:06 katsmeow-afk 1.3w
01:06 katsmeow-afk sounds low
01:07 zhanx Night
01:07 katsmeow-afk ok, gnites
01:07 rue_bed dosnt' take much for those leds
01:07 tsmeow-afk grabs another ham and cheese real
01:08 katsmeow-afk rue, i have a queston
01:08 katsmeow-afk abot clock digitlayout
01:08 rue_bed I am ready to recieve the question
01:08 katsmeow-afk if it's displaying :09,
01:08 katsmeow-afk and then ticks to :10
01:08 katsmeow-afk should the 0 move ove half a digit because the 1 is half the space as a 0 ?
01:09 rue_bed depends on your font :)
01:09 katsmeow-afk font like what you have
01:10 rue_bed I had that debate once
01:10 rue_bed which two segments should make up the one
01:10 rue_bed technically, with the hours, the one is on the right side
01:10 katsmeow-afk unless it's 1:00
01:11 katsmeow-afk or in 24-hr time, 21:00
01:11 rue_bed the trick being to move everyone around to keep things centered
01:12 katsmeow-afk ah, move the humans
01:12 rue_bed which is why the placement of the digits looks so odd in that clock
01:12 rue_bed I centered it from 1-9:00
01:12 rue_bed its off centre from 10-12
01:13 katsmeow-afk i didn't notice any oddness
01:13 rue_bed the pics of the inside show everything stuffed over to the left hard
01:13 rue_bed but its not, untill 10:00
01:14 tsmeow-afk ;ooks a
01:14 katsmeow-afk oh
01:14 katsmeow-afk that's odd
01:14 rue_bed I didn't realize till I sparked it up that from 1-9 its centred just fine
01:15 katsmeow-afk so the x:yy usually shows up perfectly centered?
01:15 rue_bed yes
01:15 rue_bed I took pics tonight, Ii'll post tommorow
01:15 katsmeow-afk i arelooking at last week's pics
01:16 rue_bed was that last week, hmm, technically I supose
01:16 katsmeow-afk hmm, servo to mechanically shift the display side to side?
01:16 rue_bed heh
01:17 rue_bed I'm out of io
01:17 katsmeow-afk "this is great beer, i can see the clock moving!"
01:18 katsmeow-afk well, that thew a wrench im ny idea there
01:18 rue_bed my problem is I want seconds
01:18 rue_bed I might have to stick another shift register on the end of the chain
01:18 rue_bed I'll see,
01:19 rue_bed with this and the art mecha I'm realizing that there is a trick to calling a project done and moving on
01:19 katsmeow-afk yeas
01:19 katsmeow-afk and rebuilding vs starting a new one
01:20 tsmeow-afk ponder centering with a time of 2
01:20 katsmeow-afk or 1:55
01:22 katsmeow-afk this wold be easy with a 43-seg display
01:24 katsmeow-afk gnites
01:24 rue_bed gnight
07:23 Tom_itx mmm 4:30 comes damn early
12:06 y54697987 proposes GiantClock v2 record from the remote, and lay back teh recording at the alarm t
12:06 y54697987 proposes GiantClock v2 have various alarm sounds, with volume and Dolby 5.1 surround s
12:06 any54697987 that is all
12:43 y25789910 slaps rue with another url : http://i.imgur.com/L3agOyr.gif
12:43 any25789910 that is all
15:37 ^kat^ ok, this is a Pi computer :
15:48 ^kat^ http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/09/24/server_replacement_cycle/
17:29 katsmeow-afk did you say 0k or Ok ? or 0k is Ok?
18:18 rue_house ?
18:19 katsmeow-afk see? you do get pissed when i play in my words
18:21 rue_house no
18:22 rue_house I'm just confused
18:22 rue_house I got a new starter
18:22 rue_house I hope I need it
18:22 katsmeow-afk all alphabetical back her in kat order puts words
18:22 rue_house I want to sleep but there isn't any time
18:23 rue_house :)
18:23 rue_house I'm gonna go roll in the mud and change a starter
18:23 rue_house I think
18:23 rue_house see if i drop it on my face
18:23 katsmeow-afk PLYWORD
18:25 katsmeow-afk i once changed a starter , and managed to keep one hand clean
18:26 katsmeow-afk it was actually quite the tric, becausein that that car the engine mount had to be unbolted and the engine raised 2 inches
18:28 katsmeow-afk nothing like noog lasses to change how you see the world
18:31 katsmeow-afk local college issued an "active shooter alert", and 5 minutes later had to cancel it because it occured in another town where there was no college
21:07 zhanx compiling ( bored and computer is slow ) :(
21:13 rue_house I never ever ever want to ever change a starter again
21:13 zhanx rue and kat radio's with a uC. is it possible to make one from an avr?
21:14 zhanx like with a coil
21:14 zhanx starters are easy
21:15 katsmeow starters are easy
21:15 katsmeow getting under the car is the pain
21:15 zhanx cars yes
21:15 rue_house it wouldn't come out the ass, I had to pull it out the nose
21:16 katsmeow umm, ok
21:16 zhanx so radio question? possible or no ( i mean you can make an am radio out of anything almost)
21:17 katsmeow if yu use a ne612 , prolly
21:18 zhanx want to do it with a chip and a coil (power supply of course)
21:19 katsmeow the ne612 is a chip
21:19 katsmeow 8pin
21:19 zhanx i googled it
21:19 katsmeow k
21:20 rue_house the starter dosn't fit between the wishbone
21:20 rue_house it dosn't fit up and out cause of th distributor cap
21:20 rue_house it takes about 15 mins to get the alignment of the screws right on the cap to get it screwed back om
21:36 rue_house you gotta love bolts that can only be turned 22 degrees at a time
21:36 katsmeow ratchet
21:36 rue_house esp when the one your working on can only be turned 5 at a time
21:36 katsmeow wobbly extensions
21:36 rue_house no room
21:36 rue_house there was 1" behind it
21:37 rue_house atleast it wasn't one of those days I found out I went 2 turns the wrong way
21:37 katsmeow erk! yeas
21:38 rue_house the clock is not telling time
21:38 rue_house its ... not losing time, its just not telling hours
21:38 rue_house right now it says its 19:16
21:39 rue_house the 1 must be fake
21:39 katsmeow maybe it only knows 4 digits
21:42 rue_house I think the 12/24 hour bit isn't supported on the chip I'm using
21:44 rue_house uploading...
21:44 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070546.jpg
21:44 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070547.jpg
21:44 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070548.jpg
21:45 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070549.jpg
21:45 rue_house katsmeow, remmeber, I'm all in support of clickable links :)
21:45 katsmeow definately needs an auto-dimmer
21:45 rue_house I was thinking that
21:45 rue_house I was wondering if I shoudl use the time of day ;)
21:45 katsmeow rue, remembe, i didn't tell irc where i browse from
21:46 rue_house indeed, but if ever, you know
21:46 katsmeow yeas
21:49 rue_house comments?
21:50 katsmeow i don't want mirc to know what browsers i have
21:50 rue_house I meant on the clock :)
21:52 katsmeow bright
21:52 katsmeow red dot go away?
21:53 zhanx ./me wonders if his phone lines still have power
21:53 katsmeow use no dot
21:54 rue_house yea, its the power light on the avr
21:54 katsmeow i knoe
21:55 rue_house smashy smashy led
21:55 rue_house :)
21:55 zhanx short it out, thats what i do (too lazy to solder it off)
21:55 zhanx vcc pin to led equals done
21:55 katsmeow :-/
21:55 Tom_itx damn that's bright
21:55 rue_house yup
21:56 Tom_itx keep you awake at night
21:56 rue_house I can dial it down
21:56 rue_house its a seperate adjustable dc-dc
21:56 zhanx wakes him up to i bet
21:56 rue_house I need to work out what sup with the hours
21:56 rue_house not behaving right
21:57 Tom_itx must be daylight savings ehh?
21:57 Tom_itx hour here, hour there..
21:57 rue_house so, apparently there was some grime left under the hood and i'v been wallowing in it for 3 hours, I'm gonna go have a shower, biab
21:57 rue_house its adding a 1, I dont know why
21:57 Tom_itx that completely got by me this year
21:58 rue_house I think it adds the 1 if the hours are over 9, but I have to look at the code
21:58 katsmeow you did no wallowing in grime this yr?
21:58 rue_house not much grime around here
21:58 rue_house everyone comments how clean the engine of my truck is
21:58 zhanx he flooded with rain
21:58 katsmeow you are taking so long on the clock, i amlosing my usa sales, rue, they now wanna build their own electronics for it on different cpus
22:33 rue_house kat, nobody wants to do thigns the way I do anyhow
22:33 rue_house I got the cnc to cut a segment, but I need to arrange the foam to make more
22:33 tsmeow
22:34 katsmeow they cannot make your foam segments, even if they can wre up a clock
22:36 rue_house mmm
22:36 rue_house ok, I need... suppper
22:36 katsmeow heck, atm, they cannot follow instructons to "put cursor here, press <enter>"
22:37 rue_house hmm, must... catch... breath...
22:38 rue_house better shutdown the shop
22:38 rue_house work out what to have for supper
22:44 anx fell in the rabbit hole of how radio's
22:45 katsmeow at least you implied AM radio
22:45 zhanx AM correct
22:45 zhanx i almost started making on out of a motor and a razor
22:45 katsmeow saves a ton of extra work
22:48 zhanx wonder if solder will work as a coil
22:48 katsmeow yeas
22:49 zhanx making one tomorrow with the kid
22:49 katsmeow be kinda high resistance, but barely
22:49 katsmeow solder is easily bent and mashed
22:49 zhanx and i got 2 pounds of it in spools
22:50 rue_house there is a to-92 AM reciever on ebay
22:50 zhanx on aliexpress right now
22:50 katsmeow to-92 is a transistor
22:50 rue_house 92 thanks
22:51 katsmeow many transistors come n that to-92 style
22:51 tsmeow looks at the f
22:51 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/10Pcs-TA7642-single-chip-AM-Radio-IC-TO-92-/171296198474
22:51 rue_house TA7642
22:51 rue_house to-92 am reciever
22:51 zhanx need some more buttons anyways
22:52 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/100Pcs-WS78L05-L78L05-78L05-TO-92-Voltage-Regulator-IC-5V-100mA-0-1A-Transistors/390857506861
22:52 rue_house 8-|
22:52 rue_house kat, why should I let my mouse click the buy button
22:52 rue_house wait, why shoudl I stop it
22:53 rue_house freaking 100pcs?
22:53 e_house goes fo
22:54 katsmeow 78L05-TO-92-Voltage-Regulator is NOT a transistor
22:54 rue_house I know but its less than $3 for 100pcs!
22:54 katsmeow it's gonna smoke at an amp too
22:54 katsmeow it's 100ma max
22:54 rue_house yea, just for volt refs and small ccts
22:55 katsmeow ok
22:55 katsmeow $3 s&h ?
22:55 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-100Pcs-Transistor-2N2222A-2N2222-NPN-TO-92-0-6A-30V/181719807771
22:57 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/High-Quality-100pcs-set-1A-1000V-Diode-1N4007-IN4007-DO-41-Rectifie-Diodes/391193558062
22:57 katsmeow yyyea, see if you can get UF4007 instead
22:58 katsmeow much faster, run cooler
22:59 rue_house what should the pn2222 be complimented with?
22:59 zhanx ok ordering big buttons
22:59 zhanx 60mm
23:00 katsmeow i dunno, it's a beefy lil transistor, and atm, my brains are off
23:04 rue_house you must be tired, I'm sure thats a q you should be able to do in your sleep
23:05 katsmeow [22:09] <katsmeow> <katsmeow> do a part join
23:05 katsmeow [22:09] <katsmeow> jlf> #//part#
23:05 katsmeow [22:09] * katsmeow faceplants
23:05 katsmeow [21:58] * katsmeow is pissed at someone else atm
23:05 katsmeow [21:58] <katsmeow> <katsmeow> if ( $nick == $me ) { //cs op #seastead $me }
23:05 katsmeow [21:58] <katsmeow> jlf> if ($nick==nickserv ) { join #seastead }
23:05 katsmeow [21:58] <katsmeow> how the hell do you get from what i typed to what he typed?
23:05 katsmeow etc
23:06 katsmeow [22:02] * katsmeow eats extra sleeping pills a couple hours early
23:06 katsmeow [22:02] <katsmeow> i usually eat one, maybe
23:09 zhanx ok for 7 dollars i can get 50 ir led's and 50 ir receivers with resistors
23:10 rue_house your insane
23:10 zhanx thinking of making white board touch compatible
23:11 zhanx got need to poll a heck of a charlie plex for 200 ir sensors ( yes rue white leds can do it but i am talking 4'x8' white board)
23:12 rue_house http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-20PCS-LOT-Original-Integrated-circuit-parts-ATTINY85-ATTINY85-20SU/1975941473.html
23:12 rue_house smart nodes
23:13 rue_house they can operate independently
23:13 rue_house they dont even need to be that smart
23:13 rue_house http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-New-NE555-NE555P-NE555N-555-Timers-DIP-8-TEXAS/1525063698.html
23:15 rue_house hahah 100pcs for $4!! I'm totally getting them!
23:17 katsmeow you need 555's? blink>
23:17 rue_house no , but 100pcs for $4!
23:17 katsmeow you can make the attiny be a 555?
23:18 rue_house yes, more or less
23:18 rue_house if he wated smart the tiny85 is a great choice
23:22 rue_house kat, if you have any lm3909, it looks like they sell for a mint.
23:22 rue_house atleast 3.50 ea
23:22 rue_house from china!
23:22 katsmeow i might have lm3907
23:22 rue_house $30 for 5pcs, screw that
23:22 katsmeow but prolly not
23:23 katsmeow if yu ever do power stuff, keeps eyes peeled for cheap arc welder diodes, 3" long, 3" long part number too
23:24 katsmeow or MDA25xx or 35xx blocks for cheap, those things just don't drop in value
23:24 katsmeow also, you can sometimes get REELS of 1n4148 types for under $10
23:24 zhanx cheating gonna use a webcam i have
23:25 rue_house for?
23:26 zhanx touch control
23:26 katsmeow see the finger?
23:26 zhanx yep
23:27 katsmeow see all the kids's paws at the same time?
23:27 zhanx will try
23:43 zhanx ok just ordered buttons
23:43 zhanx and then forgot to get resistors
23:46 katsmeow 100PCS WS78L05 78L05 TO-92 5V 100mA Voltage Regulator IC Module
23:46 katsmeow $2.60
23:46 katsmeow Buy It Now
23:46 katsmeow Free shipping
23:46 katsmeow Watch
23:46 katsmeow From China
23:46 katsmeow Seller: 97k-fancycube(14,095) 97.6% View seller's store: 97k-fancycube
23:46 katsmeow Item: 351469602426
23:46 katsmeow [23:22] <katsmeow> Free shipping
23:47 katsmeow overall, that's 1/2 the price of the 100 pcs you found :-P
23:49 katsmeow 200PCS WS78L05 78L05 TO-92 5V 100MA Voltage Regulator IC High quality
23:49 katsmeow $3.80
23:49 katsmeow or Best Offer
23:49 katsmeow +$2.00 shipping
23:51 katsmeow $1.46 per 100 :
23:51 katsmeow 1000PCS WS78L05 78L05 WS TO-92 IC REG LDO 5V .1A NEW
23:51 katsmeow $14.58
23:51 katsmeow or Best Offer
23:51 katsmeow +$1.98 shipping
23:51 katsmeow cheaper if you get the smaller packages too
23:55 rue_house hmm
23:55 rue_house $50 for 3d printer plastic and new waching machine dogs,
23:55 rue_house and atleast 7 orders about $7 between ebay and aliexpress
23:56 rue_house I wonder what other things I should get before china folds
23:56 rue_house oh, mid size pcb
23:56 katsmeow or the usa folds
23:57 zhanx ok rue fine ordered the attiny85's also
23:59 zhanx multiplayer trivia game will be made