#garfield Logs

Oct 27 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:00 rue_house isn't that thing years old now?
00:00 rue_house wait...
00:01 e_house counts on his fin
00:01 rue_house carry the....
00:01 rue_house no, no, borrow... column....
00:01 rue_house tens....
00:01 rue_house remainder
00:01 zhanx He will be 2 in December
00:01 useless-afk pull that Enable down
00:01 rue_house its 1.soemting!
00:02 useless-afk he's a Sag?
00:02 zhanx Talking and yelling
00:02 e_house is all mythica
00:02 rue_house at the same time? wow
00:03 zhanx He was saying 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8etc you get it and abc's at the same time
00:04 useless-afk i can whistle two notes at once, but cannot say 1 and A at the same time
00:04 zhanx That derailed me and I actually had a logical question
00:05 zhanx Oh
00:05 zhanx Rue, 10x10 instead of the bigger table
00:06 rue_house ok
00:06 useless-afk ???
00:06 e_house dosn't take z off the 'insane'
00:06 rue_house his interactive table, he was gonna make over 5000 cells
00:06 zhanx 100 leds for rgb and white clear as sensors
00:06 useless-afk ah
00:06 zhanx 10x10 prototype
00:07 zhanx I can get the model layout this week and cut this weekend
00:07 zhanx While waiting on China
00:09 zhanx Kat just in case you missed it, wood shop with embed electronics
00:10 useless-afk i rememberyou talking about huge numberof ports and a mesh
00:13 zhanx House thing yes
00:14 zhanx I have to apologize, I took my new pstd pill tonight
00:16 zhanx That gonna handicap me
00:17 zhanx Great idea just before taking meds, never sees the light of day
00:18 useless-afk why do you think i have postits all over th place?
00:18 zhanx You don't have a kid
00:19 useless-afk this is true
00:19 useless-afk so hang notebooks from the ceiling beams?
00:20 zhanx I am using memo passes now
00:22 rue_house kat tommorow when I get back after work can you remind me to work on digits for you lot?
00:23 eless-afk makes a po
00:24 zhanx Rue said he did then
00:26 zhanx I need to blog these pstd meds
00:26 zhanx My legs are numb
00:27 zhanx The slept on it wrong feeling
00:29 zhanx And the Punkins in the window eye move
00:29 rue_house oh yea the pumpkin
00:29 rue_house 31st right?
00:29 zhanx Yeah
00:30 zhanx I got my spider Web trspsmup
00:30 zhanx Traps up
00:30 zhanx Also causes lazy fingers
00:33 zhanx I got 14 net stupid to drop on kids
00:33 zhanx Setup not stupid
00:39 rue_house AHA!
00:39 rue_house I screwed up the init routine
00:39 rue_house for the RTC
00:40 rue_house I swapped the data and addresses
00:40 rue_house I was writing the address to the data
00:50 eless-afk wavers gn
00:52 rue_house gnihty
00:52 rue_house gnight
00:52 rue_house great, ever 4 seononds it counts up 4 seconds
19:54 katsmeow RUE WORK ON THE CLOCK
19:55 tsmeow takes the note down
19:55 katsmeow i had the note on the monitor so rue could see it, and it was blocking all the other stuff
20:51 rue_shop3 digits!
20:51 rue_shop3 hi
20:51 katsmeow-afk RUE WORK ON THE CLOCK
20:51 katsmeow-afk <cough>
20:51 katsmeow-afk hi
20:53 rue_shop3 the cnc machine still works
20:53 rue_shop3 wow
20:53 rue_shop3 this thing just never gets over it
20:53 Tom_itx you doubted?
20:54 rue_shop3 it was made in 98?
20:54 katsmeow-afk there's a lot of 150 3ph stepper modules on ebay for 10 cents each atm
20:55 Tom_itx was 98 a bad year for cnc?
20:55 katsmeow-afk why was it 98?
20:55 rue_shop3 in '98 I was given $100 to make a better one
20:55 rue_shop3 and I built what I have
20:55 katsmeow-afk the one with bike chain across the top?
20:56 tsmeow-afk waves thru the side wi
20:58 rue_shop3 I wish I'd made a chuck key holder....
20:58 rue_shop3 yea
20:58 katsmeow-afk so the new Siri is named Viv ?
21:05 rue_shop3 no idea
21:05 rue_shop3 I remember why I was building a new cnc machine
21:05 rue_shop3 waiting for this to finish its moves is painfull
21:06 katsmeow-afk http://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/a34630/viv-artificial-intelligence-0515/
21:06 Tom_itx rue_shop3, make it's moves more efficient?
21:08 rue_shop3 it uses threaded rod drives
21:08 rue_shop3 the new one is also threaded rods, but on dc motors
21:08 Tom_itx so does mine
21:09 Tom_itx 20 tpi
21:09 rue_shop3 but the linear encoders I was going to use are too crude
21:09 rue_shop3 I need about 10 lines for error
21:09 rue_shop3 10 lines is the better part of an inch on the printer strips
21:10 Tom_itx am i gonna croak waiting for you to start using linuxcnc?
21:10 rue_shop3 so last I was thinking about going back to rotary encoders on it
21:10 rue_shop3 yea, till there is a proper cadcam equiv for linux
21:10 rue_shop3 unless someone coughs up a windows computer with software
21:10 rue_shop3 cause I aint making one up
21:10 Tom_itx i can fill half that
21:11 rue_shop3 if I make a widnows computer up I will hear no end of how slow it is, I will always be fixing it etc etc
21:11 rue_shop3 so I'm just saying that if somone wants it I'm not gonna get involved
21:13 rue_shop3 the other idea rolling around in my head has to do with the belt and gear racks I have
21:14 katsmeow-afk gear rack : chain fastened to each end of a bar
21:14 rue_shop3 come to think of it, the limit with this machine was the step speed on the mtoors
21:14 rue_shop3 its more than strong enough
21:14 rue_shop3 katsmeow-afk, yup, that too
21:14 tsmeow-afk hands rue a 75hp 460v 3phase motor to speed thing
21:15 rue_shop3 heh
21:15 Tom_itx that would twist his little cnc into a ball the first time it kicked on
21:15 rue_shop3 2 speed drive 5m/s or 0m/s
21:18 rue_shop3 ok, I'll find some material and set it up to make some digits
21:19 rue_shop3 I should write a simulator so I can see what the program looks like
21:19 rue_shop3 anyhow
21:19 rue_shop3 eep I have to make supper
21:25 katsmeow-afk 9pm already
21:40 katsmeow-afk Back in 2012, Paul Krugman said there was "no question" that smart machines were rapidly replacing workers in many industries, a trend that had the potential to "turn our society into something unrecognizable." Last year, Larry Summers warned about the "devastating consequences of robots, 3-D printing, [and] artificial intelligence" on both white- and blue-collar jobs.
21:40 katsmeow-afk In February, Robert Reich said we were "barreling toward" an economy in which robots do much of the work and most of the profits go to the robots' owners, while humans are reduced to odd jobs like "Uber drivers, Instacart shoppers, and Airbnb hosts."
21:40 katsmeow-afk A new study from Jeffrey Sachs and three other prominent economists puts the question so starkly it seems a plot point from dystopian science fiction: "Will smart machines replace humans like the internal combustion engine replaced horses?
21:40 katsmeow-afk If so, can putting people out of work, or at least out of good work, also put the economy out of business?" Sachs's answer? An unqualified yes. His study "firmly predicts" a long-run decline in labor's share of the national income so severe it could crash the economy.
21:41 Tom_itx where did the horsed go?
21:41 Tom_itx horses*
21:41 Tom_itx am i gonna end up in a glue bottle?
21:43 katsmeow-afk can you ask siri ?
21:43 Tom_itx i don't use siri
21:43 Tom_itx she's stupid
21:44 Tom_itx at least google bot comes up with good answers most of the time
21:44 Tom_itx siri gets lost
21:44 katsmeow-afk oh
21:44 katsmeow-afk i don't have a siri
21:44 Tom_itx i don't either
21:44 Tom_itx i know someone that does and it doesn't work that well
21:45 katsmeow-afk "Say I want a cheap lawn-mowing service, and because you've got this automated thing, all they do is come once a week and toss this thing in your yard and it just goes about its business. It's going to be pretty cheap."
21:46 katsmeow-afk The lightbulb idea?
21:46 katsmeow-afk "It's obvious," he says. Because they're everywhere and already have their own power source, lightbulbs will be the most convenient way to talk to machines. Add a microphone and some sweet little algorithm and bingo—it's a billion-dollar product.
21:52 rue_house no, it will always be cheaper to make a chinese sudoslave do the work than to use a machine
21:53 Tom_itx what will be the next cheap labor country?
21:53 rue_house I think china will make sure its always china
21:54 rue_house its a breeding things, with a population that high, labour cant be expensive, people need thing to do
21:54 rue_house killing them off in manufactured wars dosn't work anymore
21:54 Tom_itx nukes works
21:55 katsmeow-afk but so does retaliation
21:56 rue_house "wars dont work cause people get up in arms about it"
21:56 rue_house damnit I forgot the pills
21:57 katsmeow-afk POSTIT NOTES
21:57 katsmeow-afk TATOO GUN
21:57 rue_house hahha
21:58 rue_house shopping lists tatood on ones hand
21:58 rue_house alwasy have to buy the same things anyhow
21:59 katsmeow-afk well, i meant for the pills, make it a generic msg to not forget them, so they apply to any pills
21:59 rue_house dear god, I hope I never have to take that many pills
21:59 rue_house drugs are not he answer for much of anyhting
22:00 katsmeow-afk send the mowerbot to grocery store with a barcode scanner
22:00 rue_house tommorow is supposed to be the last day for the pills
22:00 rue_house heh, "damnit they changed the codes again"
22:01 rue_house robot picks up can.. *beep* "not this" robot drops can on floor and picks up next one..
22:02 katsmeow-afk jar .. <crash> "clean up on unknown aisle"
22:02 rue_house :)
22:09 katsmeow-afk what is going on, all the white caucasian actors have green eyes now?
22:09 katsmeow-afk ok, not all
22:10 rue_house hmm
22:10 rue_house I'm falling asleep
22:10 rue_house that sucks
22:11 rue_house I wante d to get some things done
22:11 tsmeow-afk throws narcolepsy drugs at
22:25 zhanx Evening
22:25 katsmeow-afk there's a lot of 150 3ph stepper modules on ebay for 10 cents each atm
22:25 katsmeow-afk hi zhanx
22:25 zhanx Hi kat
22:25 katsmeow-afk L6230
22:26 zhanx Thinking of building a home
22:26 rue_shop3 ok you two, I have it cutting a digit
22:27 katsmeow-afk i don't think i would, i'd build a camper trailer
22:27 zhanx Got kids
22:27 rue_shop3 oops
22:27 zhanx Yurt style home
22:27 rue_shop3 I suppose cutting with the chuck is a bad idea
22:27 zhanx Oops is how I got the kids
22:28 rue_shop3 ok, I'll have to get a longer bit, new material and try agian tommorow
22:30 katsmeow-afk longer bits just wobble more
22:30 katsmeow-afk use 1/2 thickness foam, and shorter bits
22:30 zhanx True
22:31 rue_house same , lower 2 bits dont work
22:31 rue_house damnit
22:31 zhanx Use shafts to extend them
22:31 katsmeow-afk it's *foam* use a hot wire
22:31 rue_house er, thanks but I'll stick with it
22:32 rue_house it does it in 2 passes .8" ea
22:32 katsmeow-afk doesn't the bit distort the foam when it presses against it?
22:32 rue_house the bit I have was shortened
22:32 rue_house no, its a sharp bit, it cuts
22:32 katsmeow-afk oh,, you are routing out the segments, not cutting them out?
22:32 rue_house yea
22:32 rue_house er
22:32 katsmeow-afk aahh
22:32 rue_house it outlines then
22:35 rue_house I used the only peice of foam I had that was bnig enough (in the shop)
22:35 rue_house I have a whole sheet somewhere
22:36 zhanx 3d modeling software?
22:36 zhanx Don't say make my own to busy
22:42 tsmeow-afk remembers she mentioned a way to make the segments without a router, cnc, or massive blocks of
22:50 tsmeow-afk ponder
22:50 zhanx I think you did
22:50 zhanx Rue segments for my clock?
22:51 rue_house I need more foam and a longer bit
22:51 zhanx K
22:51 rue_house tho kat, I already have the segments designed for a amchine that can do it
22:51 rue_house just need to get it happening
22:51 tsmeow-afk
22:52 rue_house my mcs85 and ds1287 code works, but it looks like the avr dosnt
22:52 rue_house I'll make up and try another tommorw
22:53 katsmeow-afk that would be wierd
22:54 katsmeow-afk i once tried to make something,, was sorta told to make it happen, needed a 600v 10ma ac current source driving 3" flourescent tubes as thesegments
22:55 katsmeow-afk blue leds had not been invented yet, so no white leds either
22:55 katsmeow-afk the 600v sources got prcey as the cost added up, and they wanted the segments bitbanged with the C64
22:56 katsmeow-afk the 3" miniflourescents came only from an oem in UK, about $7 each
22:56 rue_house ouch
22:56 rue_house 3' or 3"
22:56 katsmeow-afk the oem said they would not last a day as segments in a display unit
22:56 rue_house 600V?
22:56 katsmeow-afk 3inch
22:56 rue_house huh
22:56 katsmeow-afk 600v to strike and sustain
22:57 rue_house run cold cathode then
22:57 katsmeow-afk hence the 600v to strike
22:57 rue_house dont 4' tubes only take about 120V to strike hot?
22:57 rue_house er, maybe that s 12"
22:57 katsmeow-afk yea, but not cold
22:58 rue_house hmm lots of fil transforemrs :)
22:58 katsmeow-afk turs out it was cheaper to make the first one by stealing the lamps from Radio Shack camping lanterns, but we needed more tubes than RS had in the whole usa
22:58 rue_house how long did they last?
22:59 katsmeow-afk dunno, bitbanging in basic on a 6502 simply wasn't fast enough, since it had to do other thngs too
22:59 katsmeow-afk it ran fast enough the LSB was a blur, but they wanted more speed
22:59 rue_house oh
22:59 rue_house heh, just makes the lower 4 digits dim 8's
22:59 katsmeow-afk i suggested the LSB not be displayed until the machine was stopped, they ignored me
23:00 rue_house thats when you do it anyway and they dont notice the difference
23:01 katsmeow-afk they wold, they'd read off and write down 1/10th the actual count
23:01 katsmeow-afk machine operators wrote down "error" as "erro" because the last 'r' was 2 inches to the side on the front panel
23:02 katsmeow-afk and they said i was stupid for saying it was spelled ad pronounced "error"
23:02 rue_house isn't it amazing how much of a hack the average person is?
23:02 katsmeow-afk yea, i have always been outcast
23:02 rue_house >012
23:02 rue_house >016
23:02 rue_house >020
23:02 rue_house >024
23:02 rue_house >028
23:02 rue_house >032
23:02 rue_house >036
23:02 rue_house >040
23:02 rue_house >044
23:02 rue_house >048
23:02 katsmeow-afk hmm?
23:02 rue_house its counting seconds all right
23:03 rue_house it just cant read the first 2 bits, so updates every 4 seconds
23:03 katsmeow-afk o
23:05 tsmeow-afk slaps he puter upside it's .. umm,
23:06 rue_house hack
23:06 rue_house atmega328: we dont have enough pins on this package for the chip, so, lets just drop some of the io pins
23:07 rue_house so the dip package has more io than the soic
23:07 rue_house er tqfp
23:07 katsmeow-afk wierd, usually the tqfp has more
23:08 rue_house tqfp = 32 pdip = 28
23:08 rue_house !??!?!?!\
23:08 rue_house they used the extra pins for power
23:08 katsmeow-afk o
23:15 rue_house I need a way to write code that only requires I listen
23:15 rue_house cause when I'm falling asleep thats about all thats left
23:16 zhanx Ai
23:16 rue_house no, Gi
23:16 rue_house me on silicon
23:17 rue_house I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that a brains nural pulses cannot be measured with electrodes attached to the outisde of the skull
23:18 rue_house however
23:18 rue_house I'll also say that the newvous system is full of electrical noise
23:18 rue_house and crossover
23:18 zhanx Actually funny fact i tried that
23:18 rue_house and that exterior nerves can be used as probes to different areas of the brian
23:19 rue_house zhanx, this explians some things
23:19 zhanx I could blink and led when I laughed (thst was it)
23:19 zhanx The code amd method was not good
23:19 rue_house laughing is known to cause a terrible storm of signals thru the whole nervous systm
23:20 zhanx Hence the not good
23:20 katsmeow-afk spasms, i imagine
23:20 rue_house tahts why your not allowed to laugh on a polygraph
23:20 rue_house ditto with coughing
23:21 zhanx Actually on a polygraph you can have fun it
23:21 rue_house and if you can induce hickups, I'm sure someone will be unimpressed with you
23:21 zhanx I was taught think about sexual thoughts all the time
23:21 rue_house hhahahaha
23:21 rue_house yea, that would throw er out
23:21 zhanx It does
23:22 zhanx Just in case you need to defeat a polygraph
23:22 rue_house knowing it throws it and knowing which way to throw are quite differnt
23:22 katsmeow-afk then how do you polygraph a guy?
23:22 rue_house I suppose if you screw the base line enough ...
23:23 rue_house hah
23:23 zhanx They tune the base line to you
23:23 rue_house right
23:23 zhanx So if it's off its off
23:23 rue_house if your screwing with it right there...
23:23 rue_house "sir, please resume breathing"
23:24 zhanx That and every question, your gonna die
23:24 rue_house mmm
23:24 zhanx Base line is mute after that
23:24 rue_house I think "thats what she said" would be more fun
23:25 zhanx I took one for a new job thst I didn't want after the offer, the polygraph was a joke
23:29 rue_bed *in* the military, do you have to get jobs within the military?
23:29 zhanx Yes
23:29 rue_bed strange
23:30 rue_bed so, the fact your trained is like just another economy your available for
23:30 zhanx Yes and personality
23:31 rue_bed I figured you were always just told where to go and what to do dictated by your skill levels
23:31 rue_bed well, no work on the new reactor today
23:31 zhanx I wanted a to change jobs once (thst is also the norm) so I interviewed for it, got it due to everyone being dumb
23:32 rue_bed had to work late, diagnose the contoller for the parking gate at a apartment complex
23:32 zhanx Age and weather ?
23:32 rue_bed no, its new and under cover
23:33 rue_bed combo of bad antenna and low battteries
23:33 rue_bed fixed the antenna, recommended new bats
23:33 rue_bed oh, and the cctv at the hospital broke, for the sych safe room
23:34 rue_bed turns out the monitor died, which is odd
23:34 katsmeow-afk "synch safe" ?
23:34 rue_bed phyco safe room, the padded room
23:34 zhanx Ok took my pstd meds so I space you know the drill
23:34 katsmeow-afk oh
23:34 zhanx Hey now
23:34 e_bed gets his felt marker r
23:35 rue_bed its the second monitor they have killed
23:35 rue_bed not sure how
23:35 rue_bed it just sits there and says 'no signal'
23:36 katsmeow-afk static induced from tasers shot at people in the room?
23:36 rue_bed z, is your back causing you problems? (pain)
23:36 zhanx Pstd not pain meds
23:36 rue_bed they dont use tazers, they just yell
23:36 zhanx But yes
23:36 katsmeow-afk the cops don't use tazers to put people on the ground?
23:37 rue_bed whats a pstd is that for a per..... no, I wont finish that
23:37 rue_bed its a nerve problem right?
23:38 rue_bed what is the operational status with your back kat?
23:38 zhanx Caused by combat yes
23:38 rue_bed crushed interdisc?
23:38 rue_bed or shattered disc
23:38 rue_bed or both
23:38 rue_bed you landed bad iirc
23:39 rue_bed not enough tucking and rolling
23:39 zhanx Kat he asked you a question
23:39 katsmeow-afk crushed disk at L3, L4, and T10 , it's the lower ones that keep causing me problems
23:39 zhanx Ouch
23:39 rue_bed does traction help
23:40 zhanx It's my uppers that cause me issues
23:40 rue_bed I'm sure youve tractioned yourself to try to help it
23:40 katsmeow-afk bad fall, off into an excavation, landed on the end of a 2x6 sticking up oouta the ground
23:40 katsmeow-afk landed on the end of the board, did not land touching the ground, had to get off the board to land on the ground
23:40 katsmeow-afk and then the wood heater, 3/16 plate, fell on me
23:40 rue_bed geez...
23:40 zhanx Damn
23:41 zhanx I know that hurt
23:41 rue_bed have you seen imagry of it?
23:41 rue_bed do you know how bad the damage is?
23:41 katsmeow-afk i had a bruise from my waist down to my knee on left leg, about 14 inches wide
23:41 katsmeow-afk i saw the mri
23:42 rue_bed are they destroyed or fractured?
23:42 katsmeow-afk two vertebra are angled so much they are touching in back, and the disk is bursting out the front
23:42 katsmeow-afk bones are not busted
23:43 rue_bed hmmm
23:43 katsmeow-afk the disk above that one is also squashed out
23:43 zhanx [00 On my I had a 4" wide diagonal bruise from my shoulder To my hip
23:43 rue_bed so, that would cause sensory problems iirc
23:43 katsmeow-afk the disk at T10 is dead and gone, it's just a thin black line on the mri, it's not there any more
23:44 rue_bed I wonder how many nerves come out that one
23:44 katsmeow-afk stomach, diaphram, other innards
23:45 zhanx Kat they talk to you about the insertion of balloons to re inflate and cement them ?
23:45 katsmeow-afk no
23:45 zhanx Well according to my va doc
23:46 katsmeow-afk but the screw-in shredder bolts have been shown to degrade and let go
23:46 rue_bed mid body
23:46 zhanx They can Ijnect Ballon in to relieve pressure amd a cement type thing is injected to fuse them
23:47 katsmeow-afk zhanx, mostly they wanted my insurance company data, and then when work cancelled the insurance retroactively, the docs withheld info and treatment
23:47 zhanx K
23:47 katsmeow-afk i won't let them touch me now
23:48 katsmeow-afk there's none i trust
23:48 rue_bed sensory
23:49 rue_bed on the outside
23:49 rue_bed numb or pain?
23:49 katsmeow-afk both
23:50 rue_bed t9-t10 or t10-t11?
23:50 katsmeow-afk spotty numbness from abdomen up, was numb from there down for a yr too, not hurts like hell a lot
23:50 katsmeow-afk not=now
23:50 katsmeow-afk i foget
23:50 katsmeow-afk doesn't matter
23:50 rue_bed yea, there is a sensory band around your abdomen thats wired via t10
23:51 rue_bed internally is just says kidneys
23:52 rue_bed my buddy can testify that no nerves to kidneys isn't a killer, they didn't hook nerves up to his transplant
23:52 rue_bed L3,4 are not good ones...
23:53 zhanx Bladder is key
23:53 rue_bed thats on the list
23:53 katsmeow-afk i know
23:53 rue_bed knees too
23:53 rue_bed !?
23:54 rue_bed your knee problems aren't your knees?
23:54 zhanx Lmy l 2 3 4 and knees are shot
23:54 katsmeow-afk yep, if you cannot feel your knees, they tend to pop backwards with each step, trashing the cartlige
23:54 rue_bed oh yea
23:54 rue_bed when my leg went numb, I forgot that
23:54 rue_bed I came out of it with some pretty hurt cartlige
23:54 katsmeow-afk i also lost all the muscle, both legs, inner shins, anterior
23:54 rue_bed throwing my knee against the cap repeatedly
23:55 katsmeow-afk it's still gone
23:55 katsmeow-afk stepping on something that tilts my foot, some positins i cannot recover from and go down
23:56 katsmeow-afk i tend to wear heavy work boots outside because of that
23:56 rue_bed ooh, I'v had that issue
23:56 rue_bed I wonder if my problem is around L4
23:56 rue_bed L5 is feet
23:57 zhanx I jump out of airplanes for 15 years
23:57 katsmeow-afk feet hurt enough i uilt a hutch over the end of the bed to hold the covers off at nite so i can sleep
23:57 rue_bed just have it do one wrong thing tho
23:57 zhanx :)
23:58 rue_bed katsmeow-afk, what if we could raise the nerve noise level enough to make the agc think it lost signal (would go numb)
23:58 katsmeow-afk getting a mylogram on legs done hurt enough i vomited
23:58 katsmeow-afk rue, tat's called a TENS
23:58 katsmeow-afk i used several, i built one
23:58 rue_bed tens makes you go numb?
23:58 katsmeow-afk no, hence i am not wearng one
23:59 rue_bed I thought it just relaxed muscles
23:59 rue_bed what if we could work it out
23:59 rue_bed nerves use pfm
23:59 rue_bed and the recievers have agc
23:59 katsmeow-afk TENS makes random nerve noise, [23:34] <rue_bed> katsmeow-afk, what if we could raise the nerve noise level enough to make the agc think it lost signal (would go numb)
23:59 rue_bed ah
23:59 rue_bed what does the signal look like?