#garfield Logs

Oct 23 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:00 rue_house I didn't think you could do youtube urls,
00:01 rue_house I have a video I was gonna throw to you about soemone who made themselvs a machine
00:01 rue_house butsits long
00:01 rue_house I need a better keybaord solution
00:01 rue_house I have to retype everything 3x and still end up with an 80% success rate
00:02 ^kat^ i cannot on this puter, and the intertubes are usually clogged up, but the laptop has sound
00:02 rue_house would you like me to reffer you to the video?
00:02 rue_house :/ where is my kitty
00:03 ^kat^ i believe so
00:03 rue_house ok, pls stand by
00:03 ^kat^ it's almost midnite here, when my brain shuts off, so it may be tomorrow when i watch it for lunch
00:05 ^kat^ i think my brain is shutting off eayl tonite
00:05 rue_house haivng troubles finding it
00:06 ^kat^ your brain?
00:06 rue_house no the video
00:07 ^kat^ see, if you were a robot now, you'd have remembered it
00:08 ^kat^ but first you need to make and debug the body
00:10 rue_house I'v decided to screw the order of ops and work on whatever I can
00:10 rue_house and hope it all fills in by the end
00:11 ^kat^ k
00:12 ^kat^ don't do it half-assed tho, your pants will fit wierd
00:12 rue_house :)
00:13 rue_house #@$%@#$%^ cant hit the right keywords
00:26 ^kat^ .. Midnight, start of Friday 10/23/2015 ..
00:26 ^kat^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrutzRWXkKs
00:55 at^ waves gni
09:45 rue_house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e__a8LQlqsI
09:45 rue_house I found it
20:16 rue_house <rue_house> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e__a8LQlqsI
20:16 rue_house <rue_house> I found it
20:16 rue_house I had to go thru about 75 videos
20:16 rue_house it was a marathon
20:17 at^ lans it at the la
20:19 ^kat^ wait,, what is it?
20:19 rue_house short film about a girl who became a robot and ...
20:19 ^kat^ ah, ok, right one then
20:19 at^ dl's it so it will play without being j
20:25 ^kat^ 32 minutes to dl
20:27 ^kat^ just jumped to 1 hr 32 min
20:27 ^kat^ just jumped to 1 hr 56 min
20:27 rue_house yea
20:28 rue_house sounds like widnows and dsl
20:28 ^kat^ just jumped to 2 hr 23 min
20:28 rue_house there is a tidbit after the credits
20:30 ^kat^ back to 38 minutes
20:31 ^kat^ 42
20:31 at^ sh
20:31 rue_house you know what they say about a watch pot right?
20:31 ^kat^ i quit watching
20:31 rue_house I'm gonna have a bath and go to sleep
20:32 rue_house I have to work out whats for robotics tommorow
20:32 rue_house need to organcize everything better
20:32 ^kat^ ok
20:32 ^kat^ build a robot to do that for you
20:32 rue_house I'll get you to tell me what you think of the video
20:32 ^kat^ yeas, if it ever gets here
21:11 ^kat^ well, that was wierd
21:12 ^kat^ was it virtual reality, or not?
21:13 ^kat^ there were 1000's of people involved in the 10 minute video?
21:17 ^kat^ i still don't know what it's about
21:20 ^kat^ yep, bad cable, it's now in ata5 instead of ata2 , much faster
21:24 rue_house yea neat eh?
21:24 ^kat^ what is it about??
21:24 rue_house oh strange, you just happned to tweek the cable right every time to get ata2 out of it?
21:25 rue_house its about a girl who turns herself into a robot and takes revenge on humanity
21:25 rue_house I think
21:25 ^kat^ wrong, ata2 is 1980's speed
21:25 ^kat^ i changed out the cable
21:31 rue_house did you say it was a parallel cable?
21:32 ^kat^ pata, yeas
21:35 rue_house yea lots of bad cables, I started being gentle with the 80c ones
21:36 ^kat^ i have spares, i bought a box of 100 new for like $20 a while back
21:36 ^kat^ i have WAY more problem with the d#$%& molex power connectors
21:37 ^kat^ rue
21:38 ^kat^ can i use a converter, change the pata to sata, and hot swap the sata on a add-on card that the bios cannot see, but the OS does?
21:39 ^kat^ the OS will update what it knows about the hot-swapped hdd, and just use it?
21:39 ^kat^ or will i have too many caching errors?
21:39 rue_house heh
21:39 rue_house I think so yes
21:39 rue_house I bought a converter and it works fine
21:39 ^kat^ yeas, to which question ?
21:40 rue_house they are bidir converters
21:40 rue_house there in one pata connector and two sata, you plug in to one or the other sata depending on if you want it to be sata->pata or pata->sata
21:41 at^
21:42 ^kat^ it wold make some sense to put a servo on each connector, and press/program the servo to connect which drives i wanna use, as needed
21:42 ^kat^ or one servo as selector, one as mover
21:57 rue_house hmm
21:58 rue_house it was easer back when you could tweek the CS line of the ide port
21:58 rue_house /CS
22:04 e_house turns to kat and raises an eye
22:06 ^kat^ hmm ?
22:06 rue_house ?me turns away, shakes his head and mumbles 'nevermind'
22:07 ^kat^ i kow about the CS line
22:07 ^kat^ load a bunch of hdd on one cable, with the CS line brought out to a big rotary switch
22:07 ^kat^ timing issues on ata6 , 100Mhz, make that iffy nowadaze
22:08 ^kat^ plus, i still worry about caching issues, disconnectng a hdd before the Os is done with it
22:08 ^kat^ or the OS thinking it's still a 330GB when i swapped in a 300GB
22:12 rue_house I dont think windows does hot swapping on normal drives
22:13 rue_house not even linux did till a while ago
22:13 ^kat^ usb drives?
22:14 rue_house I think I'll do everything now
22:14 rue_house its all part of the ata driver
22:14 ^kat^ ok
22:26 rue_house void BusModeOutput() {
22:26 rue_house DDRB |= b00000011;
22:26 rue_house DDRD |= b11111100;
22:26 rue_house }
22:26 rue_house void BusModeInput() {
22:26 rue_house DDRB &= ~b00000011;
22:26 rue_house DDRD &= ~b11111100;
22:26 rue_house }
22:26 rue_house void OutputByte(unsigned char d) {
22:26 rue_house PORTB &= ~b00000011;
22:26 rue_house PORTB |= (d & b00000011);
22:26 rue_house PORTD &= ~b11111100;
22:26 rue_house PORTD |= (d & b11111100);
22:26 rue_house }
22:26 rue_house unsigned char InputByte() {
22:26 rue_house return ((PINB & b00000011) | (PIND & b11111100 ));
22:26 rue_house }
22:26 rue_house splitting a byte over 2 ports SUCKS
22:28 rue_house bottle idea is cool!
22:34 ^kat^ tanks
22:38 rue_house "you boiled them to death" "they are perogies, they were never alive" "and yet, they have been boiled to death now"
22:40 rue_house the food ties up my hands and gets in the way of the keyboard
22:44 rue_house temp is dropping
22:45 ^kat^ had a warm day here, woke up the wasps by cutting steel, they swarmed, i killed some
22:46 ^kat^ some have been so pissed at the grinder, they keep flying into the sparks, and lose their wings
22:46 rue_house I'd imagine that you with a blowtorch and them with stingers was a close, but quick battle
22:47 rue_house stinging ants, great
22:47 ^kat^ i keep the ants fed
22:47 ^kat^ all the poison they can eat
22:48 ^kat^ i hate going out to pick up some steel, and it's got an ants nest under it, and they come up with the steel
22:48 ^kat^ or a hose, or the buit under the car tire, or etc
22:49 rue_house do you have red biting ants there?
22:49 rue_house we just have black ones
22:49 ^kat^ i have ot seen any red one here
22:49 e_house flips kat an
22:49 at^ gab
22:50 ^kat^ my paws are sore, tired, a lil pink, i been using them alot lately
22:50 rue_house that art piece I did really has me thinking
22:50 rue_house so amazingly plausable
22:51 ^kat^ small starter motors and ball screws?
22:51 rue_house I have those 8000N actuators
22:51 ^kat^ plausable? yeas, that's what i thought back when you started #robotics
22:51 ^kat^ and no one built any robots
22:52 rue_house I been meaning to do some math for speed vs force vs actuator range
22:52 rue_house see if the motors I have could do an ok job
22:52 rue_house back when we started I couldn't weld
22:52 rue_house I couldn't even braze, casue I was on the second story of a building
22:53 at^
22:53 rue_house now I have a half acre and a stick welder
22:53 rue_house /that also does tig/
22:54 rue_house damnit I forgot the pills again
22:57 rue_house ok
22:57 rue_house why is it the bad tasting ones I have to take two of?
22:57 at^ decides to wash that load a
22:58 rue_house oh no, did I leave a load int eh washer for a week again?
22:58 ^kat^ eww
22:59 rue_house atleast when it happens its easy to fix
22:59 ^kat^ true, if they haven't rotted, or mold stained
23:00 rue_house :/
23:01 ^kat^ i often wondered if a robot could pullthe basket out of the washer, and put it into the dryer
23:01 rue_house ooo
23:01 rue_house neat idea
23:02 ^kat^ yea, but no one is building robots
23:02 ^kat^ make two mailboxes, the robot goes out and swaps them, brings the full one in
23:02 ^kat^ no need to handle the contents of the washer, or the mailbox
23:03 rue_house they dont put things in mailboxes here
23:03 rue_house there are mailbox condos down the street
23:03 ^kat^ they toss them ,,, oh, those
23:03 rue_house 15 or so units in a tower
23:03 rue_house 3 towers to a complex
23:03 ^kat^ yea,, the robot ripping into one of those might get people's dander up
23:03 rue_house 2 complexes in a site
23:04 ^kat^ they do that in rural Fla too
23:04 rue_house but its nat far, I can run out in my pajamas at 2am if its not too cold
23:04 ^kat^ so build a small dino you can ride when it's too cold, with a heater built in
23:05 ^kat^ ordinary horse saddle on it, heated, of course
23:06 rue_house hmm or a mecha
23:06 rue_house ... that I could remotly pilot from the house
23:06 ^kat^ well, don't wanna scare the kids to badly
23:06 rue_house or from an artificial brain
23:06 rue_house put in the mecha...
23:06 ^kat^ yeas, but getting into the mail condo will be complicated
23:06 ^kat^ i figured you'd ride it there
23:06 rue_house no, its a condo made of mailboxes
23:06 rue_house about 5' high
23:07 ^kat^ in your bare feet, in winter
23:07 rue_house hmm
23:07 ^kat^ i understand
23:07 ^kat^ what word would you like me to call it?
23:07 rue_house how does that work, what are we standing under?
23:07 rue_house why would overstanding something be implied to be bad?
23:07 ^kat^ the mail is in the mailbox in the condo, yeas?
23:08 ^kat^ so you must open the thing and reach into it no?
23:08 rue_house is it like overthinking, that everyone makes fun of, but is actually important
23:08 rue_house yup
23:08 ^kat^ then why woldn't you need to reach into the mailbox?
23:08 rue_house I dont reach into the box if its just full of bills,
23:08 ^kat^ if you remote pilot the robo, getting it into the mailbox will be complicated, as bad as this conversation is
23:08 rue_house I require atleast one package to bother carrying it back
23:09 rue_house it will fragment the mail over multiple simotanious topics?
23:09 ^kat^ i gues
23:09 ^kat^ s :
23:09 ^kat^ -/
23:10 ^kat^ i gotget when candy day is in usa
23:10 ^kat^ err
23:10 rue_house 31st
23:11 ^kat^ i forget when candy day is in usa
23:11 ^kat^ oh
23:11 ^kat^ end of nest week
23:11 rue_house I'm accumulated about $50 in candy, but I'm not allowing myself to eat it cause when I do I get ill
23:11 rue_house wait,t his suddenly all seems pointless
23:11 rue_house oh I need an orange fruit
23:11 ^kat^ no one in their ...... umm, no one would dare walk to a house around here in the dark, they haven't since i been in this neighorhood
23:12 rue_house yea, same in australlia
23:12 ^kat^ an orange fruit? you could dye an apple
23:12 rue_house burning ornages smell better
23:12 ^kat^ burning them?
23:13 rue_house via internalized candel
23:13 rue_house * rue_mohr Aug 2005
23:13 rue_house */
23:13 rue_house #define b00000000 0
23:13 rue_house #define b00000001 1
23:13 rue_house #define b00000010 2
23:13 ^kat^ oh,, there's your digestion problem
23:13 rue_house #define b00000011 3
23:13 rue_house #define b00000100 4
23:13 rue_house #define b00000101 5
23:13 rue_house #define b00000110 6
23:13 rue_house #define b00000111 7
23:13 rue_house wow, I wrote it 10 years ago
23:13 rue_house seems like just yesterday
23:14 ^kat^ i was looking at something i put down 3 yrs ago, when i got back from Fla
23:15 ^kat^ washing machine is about done rinsing, i need to go make it re-wash
23:15 ^kat^ feed it more soap
23:15 rue_house this is a concern, I need to get myself converted to a machine
23:15 rue_house you cant wash out molten steel stains kat...
23:18 ^kat^ bak
23:19 rue_house coding up the test for the clock
23:19 ^kat^ the shards of stainless stay in the cloth forever too
23:19 rue_house stainless... = evil
23:20 rue_house stainless cutter chatter from a lathe... SUPEREVIL
23:20 rue_house learn not to wipe ANYTHING
23:20 ^kat^ stainless wire wheel in body grinder = me picking the wires outa my skin
23:20 rue_house oo
23:21 ^kat^ so if i have 26 lbs of mobo memory modules,,,, then what?
23:22 rue_house you know what I think of dram...
23:22 ^kat^ insure them for $3 each and send them to myself?
23:22 rue_house heh
23:23 ^kat^ i'm sure they can be interfaced with to be pseudostatic
23:23 rue_house remmeber the 8080?
23:24 ^kat^ yeas
23:24 rue_house remember how many support chips it needed?
23:24 ^kat^ i didn't use it, but i remember it
23:24 ^kat^ i remember the 8086 had maybe 200 ttl chips around it
23:24 ^kat^ and it was sssloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
23:24 rue_house the 8080 needed about 5 just to be a processor
23:25 rue_house clock chips, buffers, decoders, bus drivers
23:25 rue_house then came the Z80, and it had all that built in
23:25 ^kat^ they all needed decoders and buss latches back then
23:25 rue_house not the z80
23:25 rue_house fully non muxed address bus
23:25 ^kat^ i had a ZX80, it had an z80 in it trust me, lots of ttl
23:26 rue_house wr, rd signals right off the chip
23:26 rue_house yes, but not for basic cpu support
23:26 ^kat^ stil had buss latches and memory addy decoders
23:26 ^kat^ ok
23:26 rue_house then intel countered the z80 with the 8085 and its 3 chip system (cpu io/ram io/rom)
23:27 ^kat^ yeas, 2 $40 specialty chips n one else had
23:27 rue_house my point is I dont like dram cause of all the support overhead
23:27 rue_house I'm not making x86 motherboards :)
23:27 ^kat^ umm,,, ARM chips have dram module support built in
23:28 rue_house I dont even go to arm
23:28 ^kat^ k
23:28 rue_house I just use a microatx
23:28 rue_house so, like my ram, I dont have ideas on what to do with yours
23:28 ^kat^ ok
23:28 rue_house I'll just keep it in the antistatic bag on the shelf
23:29 at^ ponders them as floppy d
23:29 rue_house there must be about 200M of 30 pin ram in one bag alone
23:29 ^kat^ 200GB
23:29 rue_house you prolly have more of newer ram
23:30 ^kat^ Tiggr was gng to be seriously fast and smart back when i thought she'd be welcomed, but humans don't like smart machines, or smart humans, really
23:31 ^kat^ ok, that drive seems good, time to load it up
23:31 rue_house oo! I have it down to 8 errors
23:31 ^kat^ i am thinking too that i cannot trust the values in the SMART on these
23:31 rue_house no
23:31 rue_house I go by the sector relocate count
23:32 ^kat^ powered on 74 times for a total of 30 days?
23:32 rue_house 0 is ok 1+ is trash
23:33 rue_house Power_On_Hours 38789
23:33 ^kat^ all the healt values on all my drives is over 0
23:33 rue_house Start_Stop_Count 78
23:33 ^kat^ but HD TUne says they are all ok
23:33 rue_house hmm how long is that
23:34 rue_house 1616 days
23:34 rue_house 4.4 years
23:34 rue_house wow
23:34 rue_house I sure put a lot of hours on a drive
23:36 rue_house are you smoking?
23:36 rue_house meh
23:36 e_house passes kat a fire extinguisher just in
23:37 at^ doesn't do cig
23:37 ^kat^ why do you ask?
23:37 rue_house I thought I smelled one
23:37 rue_house made me sneeze
23:37 ^kat^ did the cat come home?
23:39 rue_house yes
23:39 ^kat^ maybe that is what you smelled
23:39 rue_house ok the code compiles
23:39 rue_house with my nose, someone could be smoking a block away and I could pick it up
23:40 rue_house sometimes, other times I cant smell anything
23:40 rue_house ok so, if I did this right
23:40 ^kat^ the grey cat the enighors had, i cold smell from 20ft away
23:40 rue_house I plug it in, and over serial it'll tell me the seconds
23:41 rue_house I had to write a lot of libraries for this one
23:41 rue_house mcs85 bus code, ds1287 code, and a few libraries I wrote ages ago
23:42 at^
23:45 ^kat^ yeas
23:46 anx rebuild his table saw and it works
23:46 rue_house COOL STUFF
23:46 rue_house MY CAPS LOCK IS ON!
23:46 ^kat^ gerat
23:46 ^kat^ and gaert
23:46 zhanx Not to make molds and templates :)
23:47 ^kat^ 39045iey8vbhg,x.x c
23:47 zhanx Also got to more printers for free, soon my robot will be cast out of flames
23:47 rue_house zhanx, did you see the last few pics of the mecha art?
23:48 ^kat^ how can i make vlc record a section in the same format it came in?
23:48 zhanx No I was not on (today) has to shower you know
23:48 rue_house :/
23:48 zhanx Kat vlc export. It's tricky
23:48 rue_house no life from this code
23:49 zhanx Kat the vlc team decided to choose their own method for it
23:50 ^kat^ yeas, it makes flacs sound bad
23:50 zhanx Rue I wrote one line of code tiday, the kid was erie quite, he painted the tv with his number 2
23:50 ^kat^ eww
23:51 zhanx Yea hence I had to clean up alot no coding today
23:51 rue_house kat, could you see what the bottle of pills z is taking says on it?
23:51 rue_house oh
23:51 zhanx Zero
23:52 zhanx I took those pain meds and hence why I ws not on. They messed me up
23:52 zhanx Those with my pstd meds are BAD
23:52 rue_house I'm totally into making those traction legs I was talking about
23:52 rue_house need to find a good harness
23:52 rue_house zhanx, one good med for pain, and its pot.
23:52 zhanx Upper back brace
23:52 ^kat^ osha safety harness, or a rock climbing
23:52 rue_house you dont have to smoke it tho
23:53 rue_house ah, hmm
23:53 zhanx Pot interferes with my pstd meds it's also not good
23:53 zhanx Parachute harness
23:53 rue_house ok why dosn't my ds1287 code work...
23:54 zhanx Your missing a ;
23:54 rue_house it compiles
23:54 rue_house while(1) {
23:54 rue_house while(t == o) {
23:54 rue_house t = DS1287GetSeconds();
23:54 rue_house }
23:54 rue_house o = t;
23:54 rue_house USART_printstring("\n>");
23:54 rue_house printNumber8(t) ;
23:54 rue_house }
23:54 zhanx Oh
23:54 rue_house #define DS1287GetSeconds(void) ReadMCS85( SECONDS )
23:55 zhanx Reverse the \n and printnumber
23:55 rue_house 8 means 8 bits
23:55 rue_house I didn't test the mcs85 lirabry
23:55 rue_house :/
23:55 zhanx Also nit sure if the > is needed for a line return
23:55 rue_house no its a prompt like character
23:56 zhanx I just use "\n"
23:56 rue_house READY.
23:56 rue_house >255
23:56 rue_house >000
23:56 rue_house thats all I get
23:56 rue_house oops, mismapped the control pins
23:57 zhanx So it's failing on maybe the mcs85?
23:57 zhanx Or that
23:57 zhanx I did thst yesterday
23:58 rue_house same
23:58 rue_house hmm
23:58 zhanx I was mad and like why is this not working, looked at my wiring an hour later said oh oops