#garfield Logs

Oct 14 2015

#garfield Calendar

19:32 katsmeow-afk Apple Inc could be facing up to $862 million in damages after a U.S. jury on Tuesday found the iPhone maker used technology owned by the University of Wisconsin-Madison's licensing arm without permission in chips found in many of its most popular devices.
19:32 rue_shop4 using an arm requires a liscence?
19:34 rue_shop4 what a win for the university, now raising tuition is just stright profit
19:34 katsmeow-afk http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/hackers-silently-commandeer-siri-google-now/story?id=34475819
19:34 rue_shop4 ?
20:00 rue_shop4 ehhe
20:01 rue_shop4 I recall riding on the bus with my headphones and hearing pops as the phone tried to get a tower to respond
20:04 rue_shop4 katsmeow-afk, do you think a few shots off in the air would spook of the night shooters?
20:04 rue_shop4 sounds like the police aren't gonna come out anyhow
20:04 katsmeow-afk i don't wanna fire first
20:09 rue_shop4 no, fire a few shots in the air after they start
20:09 rue_shop4 anyone with half a brain wont stay in the bush when there is someone else in the bush with a gun
20:10 rue_shop4 it was a thought
20:11 Tom_itx depend which half they use
20:12 katsmeow-afk why shoot into the air? i will be on the roof of the house, shooting down at them
20:12 rue_shop4 katsmeow-afk, if you sell your place, wont they just take all the money?
20:12 katsmeow-afk eventually, unless i spend it all first
20:12 rue_shop4 katsmeow-afk, well make sure you dont hurt them or they will sue
20:12 rue_shop4 you have to kill them
20:13 rue_shop4 would it screw them over if I bought your house for $10?
20:13 katsmeow-afk prolly, to have the house owned internationally? prolly
20:13 katsmeow-afk altho i know Citi operates in Van
20:14 rue_shop4 they are circling vultures right now aren't they?
20:14 katsmeow-afk but hard to go after you for my debt
20:14 katsmeow-afk the lawyer yesterday talked down a $ 4500 debt to $100/mo for 2 yrs
20:14 rue_shop4 if tis completely legally sold to me, for $10, and they take the $10, they cant get anything more out of you
20:15 rue_shop4 geez, just $4500 in the hole? I thought each american was at atleast $10000
20:15 katsmeow-afk thing is, if they force the house to sell, i get the first $15,000
20:15 katsmeow-afk i am way more than $ 4500 in the hole
20:15 rue_shop4 so, what if it sells for $15000
20:15 katsmeow-afk to pay for lawyers one year, i had to live on the credit cards that year
20:16 rue_shop4 I wonder if I have $15000
20:16 katsmeow-afk you don't want a house in Alafucingbama
20:16 rue_shop4 no, you could live there
20:17 rue_shop4 if you wanted
20:17 katsmeow-afk and this one is unfinished, and i have no reason to finish it, and finishing it will prolly land me in jail the first week because it annoys gods
20:17 rue_shop4 when your on the boat are you gonna dissapear from the system?
20:17 katsmeow-afk no
20:17 rue_shop4 oh
20:17 katsmeow-afk the system sends me money
20:18 katsmeow-afk and in 6(?) yrs, i will get retirement, which maybe not even worth it, but to keep me in winter fuel
20:19 rue_shop4 if by random chance I win the lottery, you want to move out to canada?
20:19 rue_shop4 were talking about a place where people appologize if you step on their foot
20:19 katsmeow-afk mostly, yeas , but i apast the age of immigration, even with a sponsor
20:20 rue_shop4 whatever, you can just live in canada
20:20 katsmeow-afk i could wander around Bahamas, Boston, NovaScotia, PEI, maybe Greenland
20:20 rue_shop4 I need to make a new boiler reactor, trying to get up some energy
20:21 katsmeow-afk Burmuda
20:21 katsmeow-afk all depending on weather, fuel, rules
20:21 rue_shop4 remind me if I win the lottery
20:21 katsmeow-afk ok
20:21 rue_shop4 I want to finish my clock,
20:21 katsmeow-afk ok
20:21 rue_shop4 and I need a new reactor for the boiler
20:21 rue_shop4 but I need to get my power supply done
20:21 katsmeow-afk finish the clock, then move me to Ca
20:22 katsmeow-afk oh
20:22 rue_shop4 for the past year or two I'v been exhausted
20:22 rue_shop4 turns out I have high cholesterol
20:22 rue_shop4 so, I'm wondering if I'm not getting enoguht blood
20:22 katsmeow-afk too much pasta?
20:22 rue_shop4 hmm
20:22 rue_shop4 I dont know
20:23 rue_shop4 the documents I been reading aren't clear on what the liver is doing
20:23 rue_shop4 and I cant find what consumes cholesterol
20:23 katsmeow-afk i forget
20:23 katsmeow-afk i figure it takes docs to find out, then i won't know
20:23 rue_shop4 apparently skin mixes cholesterol and sunlight to make vit d
20:24 katsmeow-afk yea, cholesterols is broken down to make many things
20:25 katsmeow-afk if you don't eat enough, your body tries to make it's own
20:25 rue_shop4 yea I got that
20:25 rue_shop4 liver regulates it
20:25 katsmeow-afk do don't eat the ingredients it needs to make it
20:26 rue_shop4 hight now my level ih high, and I'm not sure if its from overproduction or underutilization
20:27 katsmeow-afk only you can figure that ut, i don't have all the facts
20:27 tsmeow-afk listens to flacs
20:32 rue_shop4 swtarted to drag out one of the tanks, but I ought wait till the weekend after kids robotics
20:32 rue_shop4 have you ever seen a brilliant way to store files?
20:34 katsmeow-afk laser eteched into titanium?
20:34 rue_shop4 no just regular bastard files
20:35 katsmeow-afk dip in that thick coating goo that seals
20:35 rue_shop4 well, and a rasp and some chainsaw files
20:36 rue_shop4 they are in a pile on the desktop
20:36 katsmeow-afk chainsaw stores well enough coiled and laid in some oil in a peanut butter jar, that's what i use
20:36 Tom_itx cosmolene
20:36 katsmeow-afk yeas, comsoline
20:37 katsmeow-afk camisoleine
20:37 rue_shop4 ?
20:37 katsmeow-afk carmoline
20:37 katsmeow-afk what Tom said
20:37 Tom_itx tar
20:37 katsmeow-afk if you want the files available for use, a pvc tube with kero in it
20:38 rue_shop4 why woudl I want tar on my files?
20:38 Tom_itx to preserve them
20:38 rue_shop4 *blink*
20:38 rue_shop4 maybe a magnet strip on the wall....?
20:38 Tom_itx no
20:38 katsmeow-afk if y wanna see them, get a few clear tubes of that candy kids luv, don't let them throw the tubes away, fasten them towht emy clamps to boad, fill with kero, etcfill with
20:39 Tom_itx that would magnetize them making them useless
20:39 katsmeow-afk i am not magnetized
20:39 Tom_itx you are not useless either
20:39 katsmeow-afk oh
20:39 rue_shop4 hmm
20:42 rue_shop4 http://i.imgur.com/vzurPyb.gif
20:45 katsmeow-afk something not right about that
20:47 katsmeow-afk i like how his finger passes thru one of the cat's front legs sometimes
20:48 rue_shop4 :)
20:49 rue_shop4 ok I'm gonna code
20:50 rue_shop4 if I dont fall asleep like yesterday
20:51 katsmeow-afk i ate a whole blister pack of decongestant today
20:51 rue_shop4 did it help?
20:51 katsmeow-afk prolly why i yelled at so much at the #2 sherrif
20:51 katsmeow-afk finally helped
20:51 rue_shop4 sitting is a bad position for me
20:52 katsmeow-afk i ate 2 pills early morning, 4 at 10pm, and 6 or 8 plls at 2pm
20:52 rue_shop4 my eyes got heavy as soon as I sat down
20:52 zhanx Evening
20:52 katsmeow-afk make standup work tables, it's all i ever made, cept for keybd tables, where i'd sit
20:52 rue_shop4 hey
20:52 rue_shop4 my ass gets stuck to chairs too
20:53 tsmeow-afk is all yelled out, no need to yell at z
20:53 rue_shop4 zhanx, go yell at the sherrif for kat
20:53 katsmeow-afk there's kneeling tales too
20:53 zhanx Thanks kid was yelling all day
20:53 katsmeow-afk tables
20:53 rue_shop4 or shoot the people running around her yard with guns
20:53 zhanx Kat don't need your kneeling tales thanks ")
20:54 katsmeow-afk yea, i don't have zhanx's email, so i didn't tell him abot the 25 boxes of 12 gauge
20:54 rue_shop4 I found some REALLY good phoname tables in my 1988 radio shake catalog
20:54 zhanx Price ?
20:54 rue_shop4 yesterday
20:54 katsmeow-afk err, box of 25 shells
20:54 zhanx Oh a box
20:54 katsmeow-afk i forget, i been eating decongestants and didnt care to look at the reciept
20:54 katsmeow-afk under $12, i think it was $8
20:54 katsmeow-afk steel shot
20:55 zhanx Keep them get plumbing pipe kill fish
20:55 katsmeow-afk surpricingly high velocity tho
20:55 katsmeow-afk huh?
20:55 rue_shop4 wait, a 25 pack of shotgun shells is just $8 in the states?
20:55 rue_shop4 cant you only load 2 at a time?
20:55 zhanx Zip gun style , rue it ain't can da
20:55 katsmeow-afk damnit, you gonna make me get the recipt, aren't you?
20:56 rue_shop4 wow the usa is crazy
20:56 katsmeow-afk i got a cheap singleshot, which i can shoot nested in my elbow, pull trigger and break gun in same motion, i can get off roundS per sec
20:56 zhanx No
20:56 zhanx I got lots of ammo as needed
20:57 zhanx Rue we are not
20:57 rue_shop4 just armed to the teeth
20:57 katsmeow-afk i cannot find 22
20:57 katsmeow-afk in any flavor
20:58 katsmeow-afk i want ratshot and lr hp
20:58 zhanx Beats getting arrested in Canada for saying muslims are bad (yes that happened )
20:58 zhanx 22 is rare now
20:58 rue_shop4 everyone saw them off?
20:58 katsmeow-afk line items= ammo: 5.48 ; throat losenge: $1.97 ; antacid: 3.98
20:59 rue_shop4 hahaha, corner store
20:59 rue_shop4 ski mask?
20:59 zhanx No there is a short supply of .22 ammo right now
21:00 katsmeow-afk i'd like to know why they want me to own a .38 instead of selling me 22 ammo
21:00 rue_shop4 ... how?
21:00 rue_shop4 cant you just sit down at a campfire and hand cast them?
21:00 zhanx .22 was cheap, 5 bucks 100 rounds
21:00 katsmeow-afk but $5.48 for 25 12 guage shell sis pretty darned good
21:00 rue_shop4 er, I suppose you need the little cans for the back
21:00 zhanx I paid 8 for a case
21:01 katsmeow-afk yeas, they were cheap, whoda thought they'd suddenly get so pricey and even rare?
21:01 katsmeow-afk wait, i said the same about gallons of gas
21:01 katsmeow-afk nm
21:01 zhanx Obama has stock in them
21:02 katsmeow-afk i'd understand if the police dpts were told to buy up 100 rounds per citizen they'd need to "put down", but i haven't heard that's what happened
21:03 zhanx Epa spent 75 million on armor and rounds this year
21:03 katsmeow-afk and then the hand it to who?
21:03 rue_shop4 we cant even get det cord here.
21:03 zhanx No clue isis or some other 3rd world issue
21:05 katsmeow-afk well, no doubt a 22 can be fatal if it hits flesh just right but it won't go thru amor and it gets deflected by anuthing
21:05 zhanx When you spent 4 billion on hollow points for target practice, I tend to wonder who makes your targets
21:05 katsmeow-afk yea,, hollowpoints can wreck a target
21:05 katsmeow-afk less it's solid steel and the ammo is lightweight
21:05 rue_shop4 why hollow?
21:05 zhanx Hollow expands on impact
21:06 zhanx Not target rounds
21:06 rue_shop4 but why at a target?
21:06 rue_shop4 cant see the wholes in the paper unless there is no paper left?
21:06 zhanx It was the contract writing
21:07 katsmeow-afk less richochet?
21:07 rue_shop4 is det cord colour coded to its speed?
21:07 zhanx You can buy a round that flys like a hollow point that doesn't mess up your target etc
21:07 zhanx Rue yes
21:07 zhanx But you need to clock 1 meter of it to check for water every time
21:07 rue_shop4 hollow flies different?
21:08 rue_shop4 I thought riffling made it all fly the same
21:08 rue_shop4 water makes it stall?
21:08 zhanx Every round does , didn't Canada schools teach you stuff
21:08 rue_shop4 no
21:08 zhanx Humidity slows it some
21:08 katsmeow-afk hollow is slightly lighter
21:09 rue_shop4 I was the only one allowed to use the machines in the shop cause I had a project, everyone else had to do bookwork
21:09 zhanx Det cord army taught me
21:09 rue_shop4 http://www.army.mil/e2/c/images/2013/01/02/277381/size0.jpg "this will explode, everyone come see"
21:10 zhanx Us eod teaching iraqi eod
21:10 m_itx wonders what rue_shop4 want's with det
21:10 rue_shop4 not enough experience to know
21:10 rue_shop4 it was something a buddy brought up
21:11 zhanx Hence the teach
21:11 zhanx Det cord is useful
21:11 zhanx Beats a chain saw
21:11 rue_shop4 if that ring is to pop a mine, wouldn't prima cord be what you use? or is that sequencing?
21:12 zhanx Sequence, one per effector
21:12 zhanx Aka daisy chain
21:12 rue_shop4 ok
21:12 zhanx That's a star fish
21:12 rue_shop4 couldn't it just be a line?
21:12 zhanx Yes
21:13 rue_shop4 redundancy?
21:13 zhanx But normal was that. I found it, takes everything else out
21:13 rue_shop4 ok
21:14 zhanx Old bombs 1 in 5 worked
21:14 rue_shop4 wouldn't bombs be done one at a time?
21:14 rue_shop4 or better to get them all at once so none get unstable?
21:14 zhanx Well depending on your delay
21:15 zhanx Vehicle is moving at x speed
21:15 rue_shop4 hmm... where is my makefile
21:15 zhanx I det one the next 7 one should get him
21:15 rue_shop4 hmm I was thinking disarming abandoned stuff
21:16 zhanx Oh for that. Make hole. Pack top and bottom with c4 detonation and done
21:17 rue_shop4 make: Warning: File `makefile' has modification time 29 s in the future
21:17 katsmeow-afk http://discuss.seasteading.org/uploads/default/optimized/2X/8/8c326384ab3965e31af70ba2a4431f4a12202d61_1_403x500.jpg
21:17 rue_shop4 I need time travel tollerant build envoronments
21:17 zhanx You got me kat
21:17 rue_shop4 hah
21:17 zhanx Tordis is not a make file
21:17 katsmeow-afk i do? now to finally take over the word
21:17 katsmeow-afk drat, i took over a word
21:18 zhanx P
21:18 rue_shop4 sweet, it compiled!
21:18 zhanx I guess tordis worked
21:22 zhanx Rue my interview is tomorrow for national grid
21:30 rue_shop4 oh katsmeow-afk it turns out the clock pulls a LOT less power than I thought
21:30 rue_shop4 its like 9w or
21:30 katsmeow-afk ok
21:30 rue_shop4 so, not 20
21:31 rue_shop4 your gonna take your boots to the power grid?
21:32 zhanx My boots?
21:32 rue_shop4 your killer boots
21:32 zhanx I was like Umm they break stuff
21:33 rue_shop4 so your gonan do power grid work?
21:33 rue_shop4 thought you had no back anymore?
21:33 zhanx Work is work
21:33 zhanx I am rehabilitated it (well mostly )
21:34 zhanx Safety guy
21:34 rue_shop4 oh cool
21:34 rue_shop4 stand on one leg all the time
21:34 rue_shop4 just to freak people out
21:34 zhanx Hey no
21:34 rue_shop4 :)
21:35 zhanx Takes both or I am a top
21:35 zhanx Or get an eye patch
21:35 zhanx Switch eyes random like
21:36 rue_shop4 hahah
21:36 rue_shop4 "weren't you blind in the other eye yesterday?"
21:37 rue_shop4 drive in with a patch over both eyes
21:37 zhanx You making fun of me missing an eye !
21:37 rue_shop4 or just before an officer who pulls you over gets to the car
21:37 rue_shop4 yes officer?
21:38 zhanx That does not work
21:38 rue_shop4 ok, do you know what the body uses cholesterol for?
21:39 zhanx Nope
21:39 rue_shop4 drat
21:39 zhanx Didn't learn that
21:39 rue_shop4 ok, where is my 7 segment library
21:39 zhanx Combat medic issues
21:39 rue_shop4 and my bcd library
21:39 rue_shop4 MEDIIIIC!!! yea, I have high cholesterol, ...
21:40 zhanx Behind the isa storage lib
21:40 zhanx Eat less bacon
21:40 rue_shop4 FFFFF
21:40 zhanx I know bacon is life and the bacon must flow
21:41 rue_shop4 ok ok , before I can track seconds, maybe I'd better master counting
21:41 zhanx Keyboard has them in order
21:41 rue_shop4 its counting in binary on the 7 segs
21:41 tsmeow-afk looks for the 59 bu
21:41 rue_shop4 oh
21:42 rue_shop4 http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070493.jpg
21:42 rue_shop4 ^ zhanx
21:42 rue_shop4 I'v finished the driver and got the micro running it
21:42 rue_shop4 I started this project about '96
21:42 zhanx I want those
21:43 katsmeow-afk still very good looking
21:43 rue_shop4 I can cnc you some, and kat
21:43 katsmeow-afk told ya it wuld sell, rue
21:43 rue_shop4 I beieved you
21:43 rue_shop4 I just need to do it
21:43 zhanx It would sell
21:43 rue_shop4 masks only or I gotta do them right up?
21:43 zhanx Same as that
21:44 rue_shop4 hmm
21:44 rue_shop4 suppose costs is about $11 ea
21:44 zhanx Leave the rest to the hacker
21:44 rue_shop4 no, less...
21:44 rue_shop4 hmm
21:44 zhanx I want a set
21:44 rue_shop4 2 digits?
21:44 zhanx A clock like that
21:44 rue_shop4 hah
21:44 zhanx The face
21:45 rue_shop4 there is a frosted glass front that slides in
21:45 katsmeow-afk zhanx, think it would go faster to make a positive and apply a layer of spray foam?
21:45 zhanx Maybe would have to try it
21:46 zhanx Rue make me a set
21:46 rue_shop4 ok I'll fire up the cnc tommorow
21:46 zhanx Will PayPal you then
21:47 rue_shop4 let me make sure I can push out a good set of them first
21:48 rue_shop4 I'll bang off 10 or so at once, easier
21:48 zhanx K
21:48 zhanx I make the pcb's and etc
21:49 rue_shop4 k, want the leds?
21:49 rue_shop4 cold white
21:49 katsmeow-afk rgb leds!
21:49 zhanx I was thinking blue
21:49 rue_shop4 ok, I'll skip the leds
21:49 rue_shop4 I'm glad shipping is almost completely by weight
21:50 zhanx Flat rate box
21:50 rue_shop4 this is canada, small packet
21:50 rue_shop4 which is up to almost 1m^3
21:50 katsmeow-afk red for some hours, blue for others, change for am/pm, etc
21:50 rue_shop4 I got coloured paper for them
21:50 rue_shop4 gonna glue it over the segments
21:51 zhanx In 2 years I will make a clock
21:51 zhanx Or finish it
21:51 rue_shop4 been workign on mine since '96
21:51 rue_shop4 technology changed a LOT
21:52 zhanx You think?
21:53 rue_shop4 origionally I was going to use christmas lights
21:53 rue_shop4 cardboard masks didn't work
21:53 rue_shop4 so when I made the cnc I could cut them outa foam, but the lamps melted it and I couldn't paint it
21:54 rue_shop4 then ma was using 'stain' on foam, so that fixed that problem
21:54 rue_shop4 and china was seling leds, which fixed that
21:54 rue_shop4 and then the arduino microcontrollers came along
21:54 rue_shop4 and switching power supply modules
21:54 zhanx Yep
21:54 katsmeow-afk if you use a positive mold, and wrap each element n black paper, the spray foam will stick to it and harden into shape
21:55 katsmeow-afk no cnc, no staining
21:55 zhanx Hand finished is still lacking
22:06 rue_shop4 yay, its displaying digits
22:10 Tom_itx hah
22:10 Tom_itx nice clock rue
22:11 Tom_itx where'd you get the pattern for the digits?
22:12 rue_shop4 made it
22:12 rue_shop4 ok, I have 2 digit counting
22:13 Tom_itx what'd you draw it in?
22:13 Tom_itx i could whip that up in SW pretty easy
22:13 rue_shop4 qcad, then took the co-ords into the cnc
22:13 Tom_itx not printed?
22:13 rue_shop4 no its foam
22:13 Tom_itx mmm
22:13 Tom_itx your cnc back up and working now?
22:14 rue_shop4 it was never really down
22:14 rue_shop4 its just so slow I almost never use it
22:14 Tom_itx i thought you were rebuilding it
22:14 Tom_itx speed it up
22:14 rue_shop4 I stopped when I realized there was no software chain to use if I did
22:14 Tom_itx sure there is
22:14 Tom_itx you're just in denial
22:14 rue_shop4 not for linux
22:15 rue_shop4 and I'm not buying and makeing up a widnows machine just for that
22:15 Tom_itx jt is writing a dxf to gcode converter
22:15 Tom_itx using go
22:15 Tom_itx ever hear of that?
22:15 rue_shop4 yup, thats what I was working on
22:15 rue_shop4 never heard of go
22:15 Tom_itx me either
22:16 Tom_itx you should look over his code and help him
22:16 rue_shop4 I'm gonna try to make sure I dont get into project overload
22:16 rue_shop4 thats why I'm working on the clock
22:17 rue_shop4 19 years is long enought to just finish it and hang it on the wall
22:17 Tom_itx what's that printer it's sitting on?
22:17 Tom_itx it somewhat looks familiar
22:17 Tom_itx probably not
22:18 rue_shop4 its an HP
22:18 rue_shop4 M2727
22:18 rue_shop4 multifunction from hospital
22:18 Tom_itx looks like the brother i have here
22:18 Tom_itx sorta
22:19 rue_shop4 the logic 3.3V is dead, so I have a 3.3V adapter you have to plug in AT THE SAME TIME as the main power
22:19 rue_shop4 :)
22:19 Tom_itx hah
22:19 rue_shop4 I'm gonna throw one of those china switching converters in later
22:19 rue_shop4 the origional 3.3V used fets that were too small
22:20 Tom_itx must need quite a bit
22:20 rue_shop4 not sure
22:21 rue_shop4 its under the 2A the adapter can do
22:21 rue_shop4 hahah with only the right two segments, 0 and 1 look the same
22:22 Tom_itx do you mux them?
22:23 rue_shop4 no, I wanted 0 strobing
22:24 rue_shop4 well, thats pretty good for a night
22:24 rue_shop4 I can prolly get it telling time by the end of tommorow, then work on the IR interface to set it
22:25 rue_shop4 I ahve to work out how to clock the time down from the 16Mhz, the 328 has no secondary osc
22:25 rue_shop4 iirc if I use a 16 bit counter I can have it rol at 16000 and divide down the remaining 1Khz with software
22:27 katsmeow-afk must it be 16Mhz?
22:27 rue_shop4 yes, its a tiny smt crystal
22:28 katsmeow-afk 15.728,640 divids evenly by 2^16 and 60
22:28 katsmeow-afk oh
22:28 Tom_itx why not use the RTC part of the avr?
22:28 katsmeow-afk 15.728640 is only a tiny way off 16.00000000
22:29 rue_house I'm gonna call done for that project for today, I'll post the new iamges in a few mins
22:29 rue_house the 328 has no rtc
22:29 tsmeow-afk wants to see the new ia
22:30 katsmeow-afk so use 15.7.... div down by 2^16 4 times, and yo got 60hz
22:31 rue_house I cant get the old one off or get a new one on
22:31 rue_house but yea, other frqs would be better
22:31 katsmeow-afk cheat, div the 16Mhz 4x witht he 2^16 counter, you get 61.035 hz
22:31 katsmeow-afk just mind the 6.603515625 part and clean up periodically
22:32 katsmeow-afk err
22:32 rue_house I can divide by 16000 and get 1000hz
22:32 katsmeow-afk just mind the 1.603515625 hz part and clean up periodically
22:32 katsmeow-afk 1000 hz won't give you 60
22:32 katsmeow-afk AARGG
22:32 tsmeow-afk copypaste
22:33 katsmeow-afk just mind the 1.03515625 hz part and clean up periodically
22:33 rue_house awe, I'll have to take closeups of the driver tommorow
22:33 rue_house int eh meantime...
22:33 katsmeow-afk every other sec, subtract one sec
22:33 katsmeow-afk that will get you to 60.035 hz
22:34 katsmeow-afk ignore the LSB
22:34 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070500.jpg
22:34 katsmeow-afk 61hz is 111101 , 60hz is 111100
22:35 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070501.jpg < this was the character generator lookup test
22:36 Tom_itx gnite
22:36 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070502.jpg < this was the bcd decoder?
22:36 katsmeow-afk oops??
22:36 rue_house http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070503.jpg < that was the time counter
22:36 katsmeow-afk the spacing tween the segments is varying
22:36 rue_house the page on the left is placed wrong
22:37 rue_house there is extra space on the right
22:37 rue_house I'm not sure why
22:37 rue_house it was laid out really carefully
22:37 rue_house :)
22:37 katsmeow-afk no, i mean 7-seg display, the space is different tween the 7 segs
22:37 rue_house oh, the paper is off the mask
22:38 rue_house its Y
22:38 katsmeow-afk it looks perfect in http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070493.jpg
22:38 rue_house as it comes out the mask
22:38 katsmeow-afk oh
22:38 rue_house I'll flatten later
22:38 rue_house I just threw the paper on to make it easy to see
22:38 katsmeow-afk i like how you put it on the scanner, so you can rol it back and forth for easier working on each segment
22:39 rue_house the little board with the yellow is the avr :)
22:40 rue_house .. hu?
22:40 katsmeow-afk you have it setting on the flatbed on the prnter?
22:41 rue_house er nope...
22:41 rue_house what do you see?
22:41 katsmeow-afk http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/wallclock/p1070493.jpg
22:41 katsmeow-afk the grey thing it's setting on
22:41 rue_house oh, thats a printer under the table
22:42 rue_house its the only place I can put a printer without it being int eh way
22:42 katsmeow-afk o
22:42 rue_house :)
22:42 rue_house interesting idea tho
22:42 rue_house :)
22:42 rue_house I have to figure out supper
22:43 rue_house I had to hack in the resistors for the driver array, I want to show you tommorow
22:43 rue_house I still have to finish the colon
22:43 katsmeow-afk no just dropping resistors on each segment?
22:50 rue_house the inputs of the drivers weren't ttl
22:51 rue_house I folded up the '595 on one edge and used the resistors to go from the flying legs to the socket
22:51 rue_house complete hack
22:52 rue_house I'll take a pic tommorow
22:52 katsmeow-afk use a HC595 , it operates from 5v down to 3v
22:53 rue_house yup, but the drivers use a raw NPN base
22:53 rue_house so I had to put resistors in
22:53 katsmeow-afk so it would accept "ttl" as anything either side of 1.5v +/- 0.3, i think
22:53 rue_house I realized because the drivers and the 595 were getting really hot
22:53 katsmeow-afk schematic
22:53 rue_house the drivers are 4 gang darlington arrays, with no base resistor
22:54 rue_house I'd just assumed there was a base resistor
23:01 rue_house --|>o-----k.
23:01 rue_house where the inverter is the last '595 gate and the transistor is npn
23:03 rue_house and it was an HC595, if it'd been a LS I suppose it woudln't have been a problem cause it would just be a pullup anyhow
23:08 rue_house https://i.imgur.com/VA2a0aK.jpg
23:09 katsmeow-afk aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww
23:11 rue_house carefull 1000F!
23:11 rue_house (shake just one hand at a time)
23:36 katsmeow-afk http://imgur.com/gallery/x9KJk
23:37 katsmeow-afk er, http://i.imgur.com/HZAg97f.jpg
23:38 rue_house yea I dont like those
23:38 rue_house broken pencils are pointless
23:40 rue_house http://www.netwriting.co.uk/humour/the-power-of-words-a-play-on-words/19/
23:40 katsmeow-afk but you don't like it when i play in my words
23:41 rue_house hu?
23:42 katsmeow-afk when i poder the words, you ry to explain to me,and if i turn them around you get angry
23:44 rue_house me? angry?
23:44 tsmeow-afk appolo
23:47 katsmeow-afk the new raid wasp spray is dangerous on lcd screens
23:47 katsmeow-afk i now have 3 damaged screens
23:47 rue_house erp
23:47 rue_house sticky or melty?
23:47 katsmeow-afk the old lcd used as a tv, the laptop, and this moitor
23:48 katsmeow-afk looks like worm tracks on the two monitors, and bright stationary clouds on the laptop
23:52 rue_house gnight
23:52 katsmeow-afk gnite