#garfield Logs

Oct 13 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:00 rue_shop4 the knock pattern system detects the knocks, times them relative to each other, and uses a pattern table with some error margins
00:00 rue_shop4 it works realyl well
00:00 zhanx true
00:00 zhanx but
00:00 zhanx if i have something in my hand
00:01 zhanx i want to wave
00:02 rue_shop4 in 1998 a 40 pin chip could recognize a fixed vocab with no training
00:02 rue_shop4 'up down forward backwad, left right'...
00:06 zhanx opencv tracking of the eye
00:09 zhanx Server_port != Server_Port
00:09 zhanx i need a better debugger
00:58 rue_house hmm
04:10 rue_bed new reactor with flash boiler coil
18:27 tsmeow-afk ponders the Bham police dept asking for recruits, when it hasn't properly cruited them the first t
18:38 katsmeow-afk fwiw, these look like good centrifical pumps: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311183654137 but they are small, low pressure high volume, and will not self-prime
18:39 katsmeow-afk they are cheaper from China, but take 2 weeks longer to get
18:41 katsmeow-afk it's a very quiet pump
20:11 rue_house hey
20:11 rue_house well, back to work
20:53 rue_house katsmeow-afk, cesar salas
20:53 rue_house salad
20:54 rue_house lettuce, the bread things,and dressing, right?
20:56 rue_house help I sat down and I cant get up
21:00 Tom_itx ass magnets attached?
21:05 katsmeow-afk that's exactly why one puts wheels on the chair
21:05 katsmeow-afk and you should be able to program them to take you to the stove, fridge, fireshed, etc
21:06 katsmeow-afk or, hang the chair from the bridge crane :-P
21:07 katsmeow-afk that thing is so handy, sometimes i wish i'd made a 2nd one
21:08 katsmeow-afk i used it to weigh a pod today
21:09 katsmeow-afk salad is usually made with a lot more than lettuce dressing and bread crumbs
21:11 katsmeow-afk pine and sunflower seeds, peppers, baby oranges, raddish slices, apple slices, grames (sliced o not), olives, granola, carrot, cucumbers, baby sweet pickles, etc etc etc
21:12 katsmeow-afk grames = grapes
21:14 katsmeow-afk pasta, diced cooked potatoes, washed lemon or lime slices, cheeses, herbs, bacon or ham bits, crumbled hamburgers, etc etc etc
21:16 katsmeow-afk thre was a fast food chain in Atl called Cindy's, as a takeoff of Wendy's, but with a better salad bar, on a good day they'd have 30 ingredients, and i'd put a spoon full of most of them on my plate
21:17 katsmeow-afk they'd be sooooooooooooooooooooo good
21:18 katsmeow-afk they aren't here , and i don't have an income providing me with fastfood money any more, prolly why i don't weigh 140 lbs any more too
21:18 katsmeow-afk and i cannot legally have a garden to grow those things
21:23 katsmeow-afk ok then
21:24 katsmeow-afk one day i will learn to not speak unless directly spoken to
21:38 e_shop4 r
21:38 rue_shop4 hmm auto pilot chair
21:39 rue_shop4 fancy salads, I'v never gotten into fancy salads
21:57 Tom_itx me either.. i just usually eat em
23:11 zhanx evening
23:38 ^kat^ well, i was told by a county deputy tonite that it's 1) of if teen boys want to be on my proeprty shooting at any time of day or night
23:39 ^kat^ 2) the deputy will not enter my property no matter what because the gate is locked
23:39 zhanx and i had a deputy spin out on my lawn today
23:40 ^kat^ which means paying per month to ADT for the last 3 yrs is useless, because the cops won't come to the house
23:40 zhanx high speed chase (rural) so his stop maneuver on a truck with a car didn't work
23:42 ^kat^ kids were shooting up the woods after 9pm , on my property, on adjacent properties, it's not the same as a spinut
23:43 zhanx remote lock and open on gate?
23:43 ^kat^ how will that help anything?
23:43 zhanx its not locked
23:43 zhanx they can come in
23:43 ^kat^ how will i know they are there?
23:44 zhanx sensors
23:44 ^kat^ to sense what?
23:44 zhanx flashing lights
23:45 ^kat^ fuck, they weren't flashing lites
23:45 zhanx radio then
23:46 zhanx or a sign
23:46 ^kat^ ask them what radio freqs they use, and hope they never change?
23:46 zhanx they dont
23:46 ^kat^ they do
23:46 zhanx and the freq's are online
23:46 ^kat^ they went from analog to digital and changed freqs