#garfield Logs

Oct 01 2015

#garfield Calendar

18:56 ^kat^ <cough>
18:57 at^ just accidently won 750 74ABT16244 for $0.00532
18:58 ^kat^ but because of rounding, i will need to charge you a whole penny each if you want one
18:59 ^kat^ they are ssop, not tssop
19:01 ^kat^ with the built in 25 ohm resistors, they can deliver 18ma @ 1.7v (each output pin) for driving leds
19:03 ^kat^ no, you cannot put the outputs in series
19:29 rue_school hey
19:30 ^kat^ yeh
19:32 at^ thinks the odds are pretty low that she will be able to juess 12 Japanese u
19:33 rue_school hmm
19:34 rue_school so, your getting charged more than 750c?
19:34 ^kat^ i have appt tomorrow with lawyer about declaring bankruptcy, court date in 2 weeks
19:34 rue_school ss in smaller than ts?
19:34 ^kat^ for the 750 chips>? nope, under $4.00 for the whole lot
19:34 rue_school wow
19:35 ^kat^ size: dip, sop, ssop, tssop
19:35 rue_school sop is for me!
19:35 rue_school or dip
19:35 rue_school so, what do they change if your bankrupt, new line of credit, start agian?
19:35 rue_school sell the flatbed?
19:36 ^kat^ i lose the property, which i can't really use anyhow, because of the dogs, but i lose the house, i become houseless
19:36 rue_school hmm, hows the float?
19:36 ^kat^ nothing i can sell will cover it
19:36 rue_school taking on welding 24/7?
19:36 ^kat^ 2 pods 90% built, 2 more started
19:37 ^kat^ yea, i will go back out again, waiting on steel cooling
19:37 rue_school so, wait, the neighbours couldn't sue you now anyhow
19:37 ^kat^ they could sue me to stuff
19:37 ^kat^ for stuff
19:37 ^kat^ be stuffed
19:37 rue_school what!?
19:37 rue_school you cant sue a person for someting
19:37 ^kat^ if i crank the truck and the gods bark, they could sue me for the truck
19:38 rue_school what!?
19:38 ^kat^ sure can
19:38 rue_school park in in their livingroom for them then
19:38 rue_school charge them for delivery
19:38 ^kat^ making gods bark is illegal, i used the truck in commission of a crime (making the dogs bark), ergo the truck is forfet
19:39 rue_school oh I wish you had a good lawyer that could turn this all around for you
19:39 ^kat^ yeas, i risk jail for anything i do, because the gods WIL bark
19:39 rue_school keep welding!
19:39 ^kat^ stranegely, they do not bark for steel work inside the barn
19:39 ^kat^ they will bark for a pinecone falling from a tree ouotside the barn
19:40 rue_school I'm gonna go back t my nap
19:40 ^kat^ lawyer seems to think if i declare bankruptcy, i get to keep all my stuff and $15k, the debt goes away
19:40 rue_school I have an exam at 8am tommorow and I need to do really well cause I'm gonna lose a lot of ground on the exam after it
19:40 ^kat^ else, i don't, and they can come after me forever for money
19:41 rue_school but you cant even get a job or anything without your neighbour sueing you, so its not helping
19:42 ^kat^ right, i wasted all my time and money here, and i'll be taking a loss of $13k vs what i bought it for, minus interest on buying it
19:42 ^kat^ i asked for help, i got none, this is what i am worth
19:43 ^kat^ minus all the money and time spent building the house
19:43 ^kat^ there's at least $25k in the house materials
19:44 ^kat^ ok, i go back outside to do more welding
20:42 katsmeow-afk bak
20:57 rue_school kat, did you know the conductivity of copper is about sqrt(3) higher than aluminum?
20:58 katsmeow-afk didn't remember the value
20:58 katsmeow-afk i am pretty sure it's higher than that tho
21:00 katsmeow-afk dayam, someone just got 3650 PCS TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SN74ABT245BDBR for $12
21:07 katsmeow-afk hmm, a 74F574, but the output enable puts the latch contents back on the READ buss,, and the output to the WRITE buss cannot be shut off
21:32 rue_school ah dear, studdy studdy studdy
21:33 rue_school tho I should start studdying something for the test tommorow
21:33 katsmeow-afk yeas
21:33 katsmeow-afk lak hayou ta spale "studdying"
21:35 katsmeow-afk i about fell out of the chair laughing when that guy stuttering so bad on tv tried to ask Siri something
21:35 katsmeow-afk he said Siri was broken
21:37 katsmeow-afk rue: http://designerthinking.com/ry/cat_needs_elevator.gif
21:37 katsmeow-afk rue: http://designerthinking.com/ry/Taco Bell - Imgur.jpg
21:40 katsmeow-afk tv accessory: turns on the tv and displays the time in really huge chars
21:46 rue_school wtf? it couldn't have been trying to mak that jump
21:46 katsmeow-afk why not?
21:48 rue_school it almost looks like a last minute abort with a "I wasn't really going in there" cover
21:50 katsmeow-afk yeas, the non-symetry of the hind legs and bent back
21:54 katsmeow-afk i think the feet slipped, the cat recovered mid-slip
22:02 katsmeow-afk "RrrrrrrrrrrrrrRrrrr RRrrrrrrrrr r rrrrrr'r rrrrrrrrrr" <<-- i donate that sentence to everyone here, it's all "r"s.
22:50 Tom_itx feelin kinda RRrrrrrrrrrrrr tonight?
22:52 katsmeow-afk no,, peeved at people who cannot say "are"
22:52 katsmeow-afk or "our"
22:53 katsmeow-afk or ever heard of "they're" or and never use "their"
22:54 Tom_itx aaaarrrrr ggg
22:54 m_itx puts on his pirate p
22:55 rue_school hmm
22:55 katsmeow-afk umm, it's not made to me worn there
22:56 rue_school hows the floats?
22:56 katsmeow-afk ribs frames on the 2nd two are welded up
22:57 katsmeow-afk got too smokey, and moving the plates themselves would have been too noisey, so i came in
22:57 rue_school need to do all the loud stuff during the day
22:57 katsmeow-afk like i did today
22:58 katsmeow-afk i cut, ground, wirebrushed, all the ribs during daylight, even to iw as inside
22:58 katsmeow-afk then during dark i welded
23:05 rue_school damn, I have no interest in eating supper
23:07 katsmeow-afk not eough robots serving it?
23:16 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/practice_drawings/
23:16 Tom_itx been practicing my SW skilz
23:18 tsmeow-afk needs to goto bed, prior to faceplant
23:19 tsmeow-afk waves gni