#garfield Logs

Sep 25 2015

#garfield Calendar

16:43 rue_mohr ok I'm goin home
16:55 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g99lUtjLfMU&feature=youtu.be
22:30 rue_house manual flood cooling eh?
22:31 rue_house that labours it good
22:31 ^kat^ huh?
22:31 rue_house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g99lUtjLfMU&feature=youtu.be
22:31 rue_house toms sherline auto tapping aluminum
22:32 ^kat^ oh
22:33 rue_house Tom_itx, is there an output for turning on/off cooling ?
22:33 ^kat^ speaking of, i tried heating a couple rings up red hot, and cooling them, see if they stopped shrinking, as if the heat expansion was 1/2 way permamant,, it wasn't
22:33 rue_house so, they stayed big or got back to the same size?
22:34 ^kat^ shrank back to original size :-(
22:35 ^kat^ the bearings are .001 over, so that's ok, but the DOM tubing is anywhere from .005 under to .010 under, and isn't necessarily round
22:36 ^kat^ even if i heat the ring and drop them over the bearing, i melt the bearing rubber out, and the rng still crams the bearing so tight that even the ID is collapsed and i cannot put them on the rod
22:37 ^kat^ "In tandem machines the rest support in the lantern second adjustable chair."
22:41 rue_house hmm
22:42 rue_house if you run a deep bead around the outside can you push the inside in?
22:42 Tom_itx coolant can be controlled yes
22:42 rue_house "Human, squirt now."
22:42 rue_house :)
22:43 at^ bl
22:43 Tom_itx it's interesting to watch the spindle stall until the PID gives it enough oomph to overcome the load and the Z axis still follows it
22:44 Tom_itx the threads were all good
22:44 ^kat^ steam engine porn : https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=nl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stoommachine.info%2F&edit-text=
22:44 rue_house the house smells REALLY mousie, I think I need to put some ultrasonic repellers in the basement
22:44 Tom_itx or a couple cats
22:44 ^kat^ is the cat not ding his job?
22:44 rue_house have cats
22:44 rue_house they prolly cant get into the spaces
22:44 Tom_itx stop feeding em
22:45 rue_house the only reason I have cats is because I feed them
22:45 rue_house if I didn't htey wouldn't hang around
22:45 Tom_itx some friends are like that
22:59 ^kat^ The first arc light tower was erected in San José, California, in December 1881 (above). It stood 237 feet tall and was supplied with 6 arc lights boasting a total light production of 24,000 candlepower (a replica half the height has been built on the same spot, the original tower collapsed in 1915 following a storm).
23:03 ^kat^ Detroit placed 122 towers (see illustration at left and at right) with a height of 100 to 180 feet, lighting 21 square miles of the city. All towers were installed in the 1880s and remained in use up to the end of the 1910s.
23:15 ^kat^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonlight_tower
23:18 rue_house wow, I have a lot o thigns to catch up with