#garfield Logs

Sep 23 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:27 katsmeow-afk bu it's ok, no one to talk ato anyho
01:11 rue_mohr its not about 7, its about the square root of 49, I think I understand now
14:34 any83568459 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Runt_and_Paxie.jpg/220px-Runt_and_Paxie.jpg
14:34 any83568459 that is all
16:20 rue_mohr thats a good sized wabbit!
19:14 ^kat^ <cough>
19:15 ^kat^ i cannot join #RoboTics , the channel for robots with jerky random movements
22:54 ^kat^ !!!
22:55 ^kat^ no one here
22:57 zhanx I am
22:57 zhanx Evening
22:59 any50291165 wierdness
22:59 zhanx Happens
23:03 katsmeow http://discuss.seasteading.org/uploads/default/original/2X/0/0ab9b39d180af0c91c988b237dc21a23789f933e.jpg
23:03 katsmeow now if you can find one of those mainecoon cats to put next to the rabbit, or the dog, for comparison
23:15 zhanx Wife is worried, thinks she has cancer
23:16 zhanx She has strep throat
23:16 zhanx Won't believe me
23:16 katsmeow how long did it take her to go from healthy to having cancer?
23:17 zhanx 10 milliseconds
23:17 katsmeow see, too short
23:17 katsmeow cancer takes months to get symptoms, and some peple go 10 years with it
23:18 zhanx She also said my military medical training is not anything
23:18 tsmeow checks tax reciepts for ypur medical trai
23:18 zhanx I was like ok it's cancer you go 6 days to live
23:18 zhanx It's on there
23:18 katsmeow nope, your training is worth something
23:19 zhanx It's mid stage strep, see a doc gets meds etc
23:19 katsmeow nice of the "president" of China to visit this month , to see what we'll haveto give him to cover this yr's xmas purchases
23:20 zhanx Arm and 4 legs
23:20 katsmeow he's going to take the skinny-frame intercontinental Boing planes and make bombers of them
23:20 katsmeow the fat ones will be tankers and cargo
23:21 zhanx True
23:21 katsmeow but, they got the Airbus factory over there, and Airbus now has a plant in the usa to push Boeing out
23:22 zhanx Policy sucks
23:22 katsmeow Boeing says they have a 5,000 plane backlong on 737 and 787, and the mechanics union is going to take the day off to protest the China move
23:22 katsmeow backlog
23:23 katsmeow 5000 planes @ 1 per day is 14 years of work
23:27 zhanx https://youtu.be/i4mE08VtgJg
23:27 zhanx Made wooden drums
23:27 katsmeow no sound, but i can look
23:27 zhanx It's cute
23:28 katsmeow says i must sign in, i cannot do that
23:28 katsmeow Content Warning
23:28 katsmeow If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in.
23:29 zhanx K
23:29 zhanx Fixed
23:30 katsmeow http://discuss.seasteading.org/uploads/default/original/2X/2/22459f749c3707ef989abc184946e56b72e5eb96.jpg
23:30 katsmeow http://discuss.seasteading.org/uploads/default/optimized/2X/1/148f7683b61ad4a5f8c4b48e3f23bb1f0424aa83_1_666x500.jpg
23:30 katsmeow http://discuss.seasteading.org/uploads/default/optimized/2X/9/9bdcb1417dddd48afd29eee8d2a98d5cda4d5d26_1_666x500.jpg
23:30 katsmeow and then the burning trash smoke got to bad
23:31 zhanx Works right?
23:31 katsmeow downloading it now
23:31 zhanx K
23:32 katsmeow got it, you can change it back
23:32 zhanx K
23:32 zhanx Should at least make you smile
23:33 katsmeow heh, child with logs
23:33 zhanx Log drums
23:33 zhanx D f g and e
23:33 zhanx Tuned by chainsaw
23:33 katsmeow there were leather(?) coverngs over holloed logs?
23:34 zhanx Who hollowed them?
23:34 tsmeow looks sternly at her keybd a
23:34 katsmeow i didn't hear them, remember, i can't tell from the video
23:34 zhanx I cut and tapped
23:35 zhanx Yes I am gonna make some real log drums now
23:35 katsmeow i wonder if that piece i heated shrank again,, i need to make allt hose tubing sectins .005 .. .009 larger ID, no lathe, no mill
23:47 zhanx So I have a "cat"
23:47 zhanx It showed up to my shop today
23:47 zhanx My kid linebacker tackled it
23:48 zhanx It did nothing, 6 toes, blue eye green eye and white
23:49 katsmeow ordinary size?
23:49 zhanx I was like great now wood to put up to keep it warm
23:49 zhanx Yes but a bit smaller
23:50 katsmeow you cannot heat the whole workshop when you aren't there just for the cat
23:50 zhanx No but I can use iron wood once a day
23:51 rue_mohr hey hey
23:51 rue_mohr 6 toe cat eh?
23:51 anx looks for the kool-aid
23:51 zhanx Yep
23:51 zhanx Did I mention I hate cats today?
23:52 rue_mohr I''m breaking my brain over inconsistant 3 phase rectifier formulas
23:52 rue_mohr I'm about to head to bed
23:52 zhanx Oh rue let me get this email backup
23:52 rue_mohr been writing a program to generate test questions, having a hell of a time with it
23:53 rue_mohr ?
23:53 zhanx Attending a national grid thing the 15th of October
23:54 zhanx A vets only primer / interview
23:54 zhanx Thst I had to interview to be in
23:54 rue_mohr error: statement lacks sufficient context to parse
23:55 zhanx National grid is a prime power provider for the US
23:55 katsmeow a thing for to do what?
23:55 zhanx Show skills on power from 24vdc to x
23:55 rue_mohr I think I broke my brian
23:55 zhanx I was like wtf is x
23:56 katsmeow i mean, what do you get outa it?
23:56 zhanx Oh 120k year union
23:56 rue_mohr 120k years is a long annaversery period
23:57 katsmeow yeas
23:57 katsmeow who will you be unioned with?
23:57 rue_mohr I'm only looking to live about 19k more
23:57 rue_mohr 24k if I want to see that atrological event
23:57 rue_mohr meh
23:58 tsmeow looks at zhanx for more
23:58 rue_mohr I dont know that humans will be around in 19k anyhow
23:58 rue_mohr I have a headache
23:58 zhanx Or sure I will let you know
23:58 rue_mohr if you saw all the obscure constants I'm trying to remember you wouldn't blame me
23:58 zhanx I don't
23:58 katsmeow you have no idea why yu are going to this thing?
23:59 zhanx Money?
23:59 katsmeow TO DO WHAT ?
23:59 zhanx Not sure of the union, maintenance on the power lines
23:59 katsmeow oh,, climbing tall towers in rough terrain