#garfield Logs

Sep 14 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:03 rue_mohr ^kat^,
00:03 rue_mohr http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ehbohWoKkYw/T9EZbk3nqPI/AAAAAAAAC1Q/mEgEhZF44Jw/s640/cat-slap-catnip-gif.gif
00:03 ^kat^ rue
00:03 rue_mohr ^kat^,
00:04 rue_mohr I was trying to put the wired to the tablet to watch netflix, but its not working
00:04 ^kat^ Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 4.bp.blogspot.com.
00:04 rue_mohr wow, you must have filtered internet
00:05 rue_mohr awe
00:05 rue_mohr its a kitten slapping a dog
00:05 ^kat^ i dunno what's got it blocked
00:06 ^kat^ fund it
00:06 ^kat^ found
00:07 ^kat^ my block host file is 7462 lines
00:07 rue_mohr oh, YOU block it, hah
00:07 rue_mohr http://www.robives.com/images/nov2013/claw-ani-a02.gif
00:07 rue_mohr paper gripper
00:08 ^kat^ bratty kitten
00:08 rue_mohr :)
00:08 at^ tips the claw sideways and imagines it is a dino
00:09 ^kat^ my sister was like that kitten, get attention, then start a fight
00:10 rue_mohr there are no animations of the tendons of a finger from the side as it curls
00:11 ^kat^ threw a 400w iron power transformer at her one day, took a hunk outa the floor when it landed, and the wall when it stopped rolling, my mom was upset, i told her i'd throw it at her again too, and hoped to hit her
00:11 ^kat^ and i meant it, the crap had to stop
00:12 rue_mohr were you the only one into tech/
00:12 rue_mohr ?
00:12 ^kat^ serves that kitten right f the dog always snaps at the kitten from now on, what a bitch
00:12 ^kat^ yeas
00:13 rue_mohr why do you think you took an interest in technology/
00:13 ^kat^ it was the only thing understandable, that didn't snap at me
00:13 rue_mohr I often wonder that of mysefl, but there are a lot of possable reasons, like growing up in an autobody shop (from 0 to like 2)
00:15 ^kat^ i coldlisten to my choice of music on radios that i built , fixed, or tuned better
00:15 ^kat^ computers ran programs the same way each time, they were reliable
00:15 rue_mohr today I learned what trigger finger is
00:15 rue_mohr not that I wanted to know
00:15 ^kat^ huh?
00:16 rue_mohr I been on the hunt for an animation of hte tendons of the side of a finger as it curls
00:17 ^kat^ so what about a trigger finger didn't you want to know?
00:17 rue_mohr I'v come to the conclusion that every google search has at least 2300 bogus results
00:17 rue_mohr trigger finger
00:17 ^kat^ place on gun or crossbow trigger, pull trigger
00:18 rue_mohr no its a condition where the tendon swells and wont go thru its pulley properly anymore
00:18 ^kat^ that's carpel tunnel syndrome
00:20 ^kat^ calling it trigger finger is like calling alzheimers "Lou Ghereings Disease"
00:20 ^kat^ people who never playes tennis getting "tennis elbow"
00:21 rue_mohr its different
00:21 rue_mohr its ... hard to describe without a good pic
00:21 ^kat^ it's a swelling of the tendon, from infection or over use, it can happen to all the fingers
00:22 rue_mohr hahah working paper grammaphones!
00:22 rue_mohr hahaha
00:22 ^kat^ women who were typists on manual typewriters all their life wore out their finger mechanisms, didn't call it tigegr finger
00:23 ^kat^ my paws get sore after an afternoon of using a body grinder with one paw
00:23 ^kat^ i almost never use one two handed
00:42 at^ finds an extension cord to che
01:00 rue_mohr cant find any moviesw to download
01:03 ^kat^ becha cannot find a NON-3D version of "Alien Showdown: the day the old west stood still"
01:03 ^kat^ 2013
01:04 ^kat^ it's almost surely 100% NOT worth watching
01:04 ^kat^ in 3D or mono
01:44 ^kat^ too much talking in here gnites
20:24 katsmeow ya know, seems to me the best way to get away from zombies is to drive to anywhere it takes 3 days to walk to, because in 2.5 days the zombies will drop dead for lack of water, because they don't plan ahead and carry canteens
22:04 rue_mohr she left already