#garfield Logs

Sep 07 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:07 rue_shop3 if you ever find existance of it, I have a card for a singer business machines computer
00:07 rue_shop3 its a RAX card (?)
00:07 rue_shop3 std 3-72
00:08 rue_shop3 1973
00:10 rue_shop3 I thought I had some 386 boards in there, all I can find are apple II boards
00:11 Jax184 singer?
00:11 rue_shop3 yea
00:11 Jax184 like, the sewing machine?
00:11 rue_shop3 yea
00:11 Jax184 huh
00:11 rue_shop3 kat?
00:11 Jax184 never heard of that
00:12 rue_shop3 you know anything about singer making computers around '73?
00:12 rue_shop3 ^kat^, ?
00:12 ^kat^ yeas
00:12 rue_shop3 please tell
00:14 ^kat^ i donot know it was the same Singer as sewing macines
00:14 rue_shop3 oh, the board says singer business machines AA
00:14 ^kat^ there's an Inia Singer that's certainly not the american company, they sell puters now
00:14 ^kat^ India
00:14 rue_shop3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Computers_Limited#Singer_Business_Machines
00:15 rue_shop3 there is that
00:15 ^kat^ the Business Machine division which was acquired in 1970 by purchasing Friden, a San Leandro computer company, whose flagship product was the System Ten, a small business minicomputer. SBM had also acquired Cogar Corporation, a manufacturer of desktop intelligent terminals in Utica, New York
00:15 rue_shop3 yea
00:15 ^kat^ ICL subsequently developed the System Ten into the System 25, and used the product to spearhead the growth of its Retail Systems business during the 1980s.
00:16 ^kat^ In the 1960s the company diversified, acquiring the Friden calculator company in 1965, Packard Bell Electronics in 1966 and General Precision Equipment Corporation in 1968.
00:16 ^kat^ GPE included Librascope, The Kearfott Company, Inc, and Link Flight Simulation. In the 1968 also Singer bought out GPS Systems and added it to the Link Simulations Systems Division (LSSD). This unit produced nuclear power plant control center simulators in Silver Spring, MD; while flight simulators were produced in Binghamton, New York.
00:17 ^kat^ For several years in the 1970s, Singer set up a national sales force for CAT phototypesetting machines made by another Massachusetts company, Graphic Systems Inc. This division was purchased by Wang Laboratories in 1978.
00:17 zhanx Weird I got chest pain
00:17 ^kat^ stp having those
00:18 rue_shop3 are your words slurred?
00:18 zhanx Not in a good spot either
00:18 zhanx Vision a bit
00:18 ^kat^ mine will be in 5 minutes, when midnite gets here and my brain shuts off
00:18 zhanx Was coding and pain started
00:18 ^kat^ drug effect, zhanx?
00:18 ^kat^ got wife handy?
00:19 rue_shop3 not a heart attack is it?
00:19 zhanx Sleeping and no I don't think so
00:19 rue_shop3 oh (did you eat today?)
00:19 zhanx Just an odd pain and yes
00:19 ^kat^ if you are in trouble irl, you need someone alert irl, not on irc
00:19 rue_shop3 is it just to the right of the middle of your chest?
00:20 zhanx Maybe to much work (cutting wodntoday)
00:20 zhanx Yep hence I said wrong place
00:20 rue_shop3 yea, you were slouching weren't you ?
00:20 zhanx Shit I bet i was
00:21 rue_shop3 and you know about that nerve cluster down the middle of your chest?
00:21 zhanx I was , straighten up stops it
00:21 ^kat^ no?
00:21 zhanx Darn bad habits
00:21 rue_shop3 well, I recon your getting fat like me, and the fold was pushing against it
00:21 rue_shop3 its my best guess at this point
00:21 zhanx I did gain 20 pounds since last year
00:22 rue_shop3 ^kat^, I dont have sources to confirm
00:23 zhanx Probing the chest, think I did too much today, I keep thinking I am young
00:23 zhanx And kat if I thought it was serious I would have called 911
00:23 ^kat^ k
00:23 ^kat^ 911 is often too late for heart attacks
00:24 zhanx True but it was an odd pain but then again never had a heart attack
00:24 rue_shop3 not as painfull as a numb spot?
00:24 zhanx My left peck is lacking glucose
00:25 zhanx No it not numb
00:25 rue_shop3 well, I'm sorry z, your going to die
00:25 zhanx My diet needs a change I think it was super hot out heat index 105
00:25 rue_shop3 I dont know when, but its defineily fatal
00:25 zhanx Happens
00:26 ^kat^ salt?
00:26 rue_shop3 I dont know what, but it'll definitly happen
00:26 ^kat^ lack of potassium salts can cause muscle crmaps
00:26 zhanx Salt is evil
00:26 ^kat^ SODIUM salt is evil
00:26 rue_shop3 but soooo good
00:26 ^kat^ you need potassium, as in potatoes, etc
00:26 zhanx True and I am bad on not eat salts
00:27 zhanx Potatoes are not my food of choice
00:27 ^kat^ hence, "Morton's Lite Salt" has half the SODIUM salt and enough POTASSIUM salt
00:27 ^kat^ grocery store, even on ebay
00:28 zhanx I don't salt anything never have
00:28 ^kat^ i ate some asap today when i was starting to be dizzy, cured me right up
00:28 at^ s
00:28 ^kat^ docs warn against sodium salt, zhanx
00:29 zhanx Salt plus water is a instant iv in the stomach
00:29 zhanx Kat salt tastes funny to me is all
00:29 ^kat^ ok
00:29 ^kat^ swallow a salt pill then,, they still make those? i cannot find any
00:30 ^kat^ mil useto hand them out routinely
00:30 zhanx I have ors packets still
00:30 zhanx Oral rehydration saltsm
00:31 ^kat^ Oral rehydration salts (ORS) is a special drink made up of sugars, salts, and clean water. ... You can purchase ORS packets from drugstores or pharmacies.
00:31 zhanx Minus the weird m at the end of that
00:32 ^kat^ there was once an off-brand of gatoraid that had alot of various salts, i would drink that when sweaty hot in summer
00:32 zhanx K, gonna drink a packet, stretch and hit the bed
00:33 ^kat^ Clean Water - 1 litre - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.)
00:33 ^kat^ Sugar - Six level teaspoons
00:33 ^kat^ Salt - Half level teaspoon
00:33 ^kat^ Stir the mixture till the sugar dissolves.
00:33 zhanx If am not on tomorrow (todsy) rue was right
00:34 ^kat^ http://rehydrate.org/faq/index.html
00:34 ^kat^ drat it, i got a small arc weld tan on one upper arm
00:35 zhanx Kat after all my training? Rehydration is something that I know, age is the issue
00:35 ^kat^ i was hoping to educate otehrs, i know you got training
00:35 ^kat^ you're 35, i am 25 yrs older than you
00:35 zhanx But the they train you for being old and I am 39
00:36 ^kat^ k
00:36 ^kat^ i hope you get feeling better
00:36 at^ smears green allow vera stuff on her
00:36 zhanx Thanks just heat and being lax is all I think
00:37 ^kat^ it's just a small patch of arm
00:37 zhanx I corded out 6 trees
00:37 zhanx Got 16 more togo
00:38 zhanx New place I am moving to is wood heat and it's late for cutting
00:38 ^kat^ i wuld do 1/2 cord of pulp wood, load it, and then cut smaller wood for the heater, after work in summer, when i wasn't working 60 or 80 hr weeks
00:38 ^kat^ why are you moving?
00:38 zhanx Bigger place same price
00:39 zhanx Still looking to buy so renting
00:39 ^kat^ i think one month, i made $1000 clearing the horse pasture of pine trees, and made a lot of my winter heat
00:39 zhanx Can't burn pine to much sap in it here
00:40 zhanx The pitch is terrible
00:40 ^kat^ dry it a yr, clean the chimney every month
00:41 zhanx I cut white birch and blue beech today, plus a monster cherry tree with a hornets nest
00:41 ^kat^ i made a *heavy* steel chimney, cleaning it was : make a superhot fire, go onto roof, pour a cup of kerosene or diesel into the chimney, hop down and open the cleanout port
00:41 zhanx Did not see the nest till they got me
00:42 zhanx Nice
00:42 ^kat^ then shut down the fire, the chimney fire sounds like a small jet, clinker falls down and out the cleanout port
00:43 zhanx Ok stretch time and bed
00:43 zhanx Night
00:43 ^kat^ gnites
00:44 ^kat^ whoa, the artificial chars in the Ai VR found out they aren't real, and they are pissed
00:45 ^kat^ "the 13th floor"
01:05 at^ waves gni
01:18 rue_shop3 gngiht
19:17 rue_school Tom_itx, is the cnc completely back up then?
19:19 Tom_itx i think so
19:20 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsjde_pKUkk&feature=youtu.be
19:20 rue_school no more magic smoke
19:20 Tom_itx that was the last test i did
19:20 Tom_itx no more smoke
19:20 rue_school good show
19:21 Tom_itx i updated to the new official 2.7.0 release last night
19:21 Tom_itx much improved software
19:21 rue_school cool
19:21 Tom_itx very much improved trajectory planner
19:22 Tom_itx tormach mills were using mach3 and switched to linuxcnc because it's so good now
19:22 Tom_itx alot better support too
19:22 Tom_itx oh and...
19:22 Tom_itx it's free
19:23 Tom_itx alot of time was spent on the TP this round
19:23 Tom_itx new S6... setting it up
19:27 rue_school did you work in your improvements and customizations?
19:27 Tom_itx which ones?
19:27 Tom_itx yes afik it's all working
19:27 Tom_itx the spindle control on the pendant is limited to fwd
19:31 rue_school cool
20:00 ^kat^ <COUGH>
20:00 ^kat^ <cough>
20:00 ^kat^ < >
20:01 ^kat^ short echo in here.
20:01 ^kat^ .
20:02 rue_school hu
20:02 rue_school I mean hi
20:02 ^kat^ hu
20:03 ^kat^ hiw ire yo
20:03 rue_school need to studdy for test tommorow
20:04 at^ goes to another room and lets you do that
20:04 at^ turns and runs smack into rue's
20:05 ^kat^ sorry, rue's cat
21:02 zhanx Evening
21:02 at^ run
21:02 ^kat^ hmm
21:02 zhanx My workshop has power to
21:02 zhanx Now..
21:03 ^the_kat^ but then you are moving it, and leaving it behind?
21:03 zhanx Workshop is a different location
21:03 ^the_kat^ o
21:04 zhanx Need to run the 220v tomorrow and fix a door and a soot in the floor
21:04 ^the_kat^ a soot ?
21:04 zhanx But I even added a free ceiling fan
21:04 zhanx Spot
21:05 ^the_kat^ a 3ft 2hp exhaust fan would be nice, i wish i had one
21:05 zhanx Tomorrow is roofing check and adding heat, I got an exhaust fan for it
21:06 ^kat^ doing combo gas/oil/firewood heat?
21:06 zhanx Just wood for now it's free
21:06 zhanx Total cost for workshop now is 6 dollars
21:07 zhanx It's 10x14
21:07 ^kat^ kool, outside space?
21:07 zhanx Enclosed
21:08 zhanx I hung the main door today need to hang one more
21:08 ^kat^ where do you park the truck, trailer, and mobile bbq?
21:08 zhanx Next to the vennie sink
21:09 ^kat^ oh
21:09 zhanx It's south of the wood pile
21:10 zhanx I am range of the neighbors wifi somehow.. so I got his pass key today
21:10 ^kat^ exelent, you can google woodworking bits
21:11 zhanx Goal is robot shop
21:11 ^kat^ and stay online with us, and upload pics
21:11 ^kat^ monitr the place remotely
21:12 zhanx Now since I added a ceiling fan I have redo my power storage
21:12 ^kat^ i fear you will discover batteries suck
21:12 zhanx I got a 6x10' box to hold them
21:12 ^kat^ they still suck
21:13 zhanx True
21:13 ^kat^ if you can find them, see if you can get the type the telcos use on remote substations
21:13 zhanx But powered my shop day one off the stream
21:13 zhanx Gel cells 17
21:14 ^kat^ max stoarge on a group 27 is like one hp-hour, and best if you use only half that if you want the battery to last a whole year
21:14 ^kat^ gels suck most
21:16 zhanx Free is the name of the game, tomorrow I get to pick up bstteries, all old d4's I guess
21:16 zhanx So after I sort them I might have decent power
21:16 ^kat^ good trial and see batteries then
21:17 rue_school ugh
21:17 zhanx Need to sort out my water wheel for winter also
21:17 rue_school the semiconductors section is going to be a zoo
21:17 ^kat^ do you have lots of ellevation change somewhere?
21:17 rue_school what do YOU use for the CE saturation voltage?
21:18 zhanx 80 feet in 27 feet
21:18 rue_school I use 0.7
21:18 ^kat^ Vce-sat
21:18 rue_school they use 0.19
21:18 rue_school iirc using .2 in the past
21:18 ^kat^ no, Vsat can be 0.3 or even lower
21:18 rue_school irl its none of those
21:18 ^kat^ on darlingtons it may be a volt, or even 1.3v
21:18 rue_school single stage bipolar
21:18 ^kat^ what do they want you to say?
21:19 rue_school I'm sure .2 isnt one of the generalizations
21:19 zhanx Oh fyi rue was right I guess I need to run more I am getting fat
21:19 ^kat^ do you have lots of elevation change somewhere?
21:20 zhanx Yes I said thst
21:20 ^kat^ oh, 80 drop in 27 latera?
21:20 ^kat^ lateral
21:20 zhanx Yes
21:20 zhanx Rsvin
21:21 anx glares at his ts
21:21 ^kat^ put the batteries on a trolly downt he hill, attach cable to genny shaft, they spin the genney as they go downhill on the trolley
21:21 rue_school three single phase transformare are connected in Y-delta, the primary is 8.31kv the ratio is 20:1 before connecting the secondary loop a test voltameter indicates 480V is this correct, ow what may be wrong?
21:21 ^kat^ what's wrong? no one uses 8.31kv !
21:21 zhanx The stream does a few drops and moves to the main one, right now I have a pos water wheell
21:23 ^kat^ my experience with my stream is 1) chute overflows 2) trash rack clogging
21:23 ^kat^ 3) dogs
21:23 ^kat^ ergo i have no waterwheel
21:23 zhanx Kat I can see that happening
21:24 zhanx It's low stream now
21:24 zhanx But ran 4 lights and my fan
21:24 ^kat^ putting one in and having 1) or 2) happen would be a big problem, and the stream DOES swella nd move a LOT of debris with it
21:24 ^kat^ you lucky
21:24 zhanx Hence I have to sort that out
21:24 ^kat^ oh, yu may have ice issues
21:24 zhanx I will have ice issues
21:25 zhanx Getting a generator
21:25 ^kat^ what are you spinning to make electrcity?
21:26 zhanx Chevy alt
21:26 zhanx 1 wire
21:26 ^kat^ it drops the rotor current automagically if it cannot make power?
21:27 zhanx Trust me it's bad
21:27 zhanx And no
21:27 ^kat^ ouch
21:27 zhanx It's a test and works is all, glad I didn't burn it down
21:28 ^kat^ tip: a genny of any kind that has a low air-gap rotor-to-stator, and preferably a multiphase or true dc
21:28 zhanx Depends on need kat
21:28 ^kat^ need? charge batteries, i thought?
21:28 zhanx I will pickup a used army one
21:29 zhanx I can maintain it
21:29 ^kat^ oh, i mean on the waterwheel
21:29 zhanx This is true dc but it varies by water flow hence bad
21:30 zhanx My setup can handle 38vdc, but not 39 the least bit
21:30 ^kat^ think you can get a 208vac 3phase 60hz fromt he army? that way you can run 3phase stuff, as needed, and still use the 120v legs when power is out,, and tow it home behind the truck
21:31 zhanx 3k tqg is 240 50 amp
21:31 ^kat^ whowha?
21:31 zhanx With 120v legs
21:31 zhanx Stuff I worked on before
21:31 ^kat^ i don't recognise "3k tqg"
21:32 ^kat^ anyhoo, i wish i was there to explore what you're doing
21:32 ^kat^ sounds exciting
21:32 zhanx 3 kilowatt tatical quite generator
21:32 ^kat^ tactical quiet , gotcha
21:33 zhanx Just a work shop
21:33 ^kat^ i quieted mine by putting them in concrete bunker, with carpetted baffles and a 1hp blower to pump air intot hem
21:33 zhanx In the hottest days of this year
21:34 zhanx These a 300 pounds of crap if you forget to maintain them
21:34 ^kat^ i think i will try to quiet the genny for the boat by putting it in a steel box and sinking it underwater
21:34 ^kat^ with a blower to feed it air
21:34 zhanx Nope
21:34 zhanx Baffles
21:35 ^kat^ still vibrates and takes up space, and if it leaks gasoline, it could catch fire
21:35 ^kat^ one of mine wore thru the gas line , dripped fuel onto the magneto under the flywheel
21:35 zhanx Tqg are still classified on the how they are quite
21:35 ^kat^ i was sooooooooooo forking lucky there was no fire
21:36 zhanx Yep you were
21:36 zhanx Fyi all adults you can say fucking
21:36 ^kat^ ok
21:37 zhanx If rue gets mad, I will send hi to detention
21:37 zhanx Him
21:38 ^kat^ he is wearing the kings @ crown tho
21:38 zhanx Long story short in laws 6 hornet nest, me with hammer today and a bee keeper, story ended good, one sting
21:39 ^kat^ cans of spray
21:39 zhanx Npe some
21:39 zhanx Coolest thing I saw the guy wanted them
21:39 ^kat^ i waited til winter one yr, went out and literally bagged a nest, i still have it
21:39 zhanx Smoke
21:40 ^kat^ they didn't drop, recover, and fly back?
21:40 zhanx I aided by opening the wall and yes but he smoked out the house till he got the Queens
21:40 ^kat^ ah
21:40 zhanx Like a magic trick
21:41 ^kat^ i had 1000's of wasps inside one yr, but not hornets
21:41 zhanx You know what is going g to happen but when you see it your still amazed
21:41 ^kat^ i set off several aresol bug cannisters, came back in a few hrs, swept up the piles
21:42 zhanx He got about 2000 he said
21:42 ^kat^ do they make good fish food?
21:42 zhanx No clue heck do they even have predators besides spiders?
21:43 ^kat^ i dunno
21:43 ^kat^ each other?
21:43 ^kat^ i imagine bears will eat them if they dig them up in witer
21:44 zhanx I got stuck twice o the neck again and once on the ankle I count me as one
21:45 zhanx Twice on the neck cutting down trees yesterday, s
21:45 zhanx So yea
21:47 ^kat^ i just measured using cord, my biceps are 18.5 inches around, the cashier at store today belived i could not lift a 2liter coke, and refused to put two to a bag, believing as a 58 yr old adult that i had no clue about my abilities
21:50 zhanx About as big as mine
21:50 zhanx But I can pick logs now after 6 months of fixing myself
21:51 zhanx It has sucked
21:51 ^kat^ half way tween my wrist and elbow: 13.5 inches around, i wanted to use those muscles around her neck
21:51 ^kat^ i try to stay in shape
21:52 zhanx My for arm is 22.5 :)
21:52 ^kat^ i'm a girl, you're a boy :-P
21:54 zhanx True
21:54 zhanx Princess
21:54 ^kat^ me at age 14 "wait, if i throw bags of fertiliser and bales of hay and drive the tractor, i can make 5x as much money as tending customers in the store?! sign me up!"
21:55 zhanx True
21:55 ^kat^ i can cuss, i can say "fuck", you said i can
21:56 at^ is female, not effimi
21:56 ^kat^ i can get butch with something if i need to, but i can't get to macho
22:12 zhanx Lol
22:13 zhanx I can't get macho
22:13 ^kat^ besides, i am rather worn out, if it's cartlige, it could use some tlc and rebuilding, hence the protein shakes every day
22:15 ^kat^ i told some kid i could bend my own bones
22:15 ^kat^ i made a tight fist, and pressed his fingers against the forearm muscle ridge ridge
22:15 ^kat^ them i said "now feel it bend"
22:15 ^kat^ and relaxed the fist
22:15 ^kat^ he freaked out
22:17 zhanx Double jointed?
22:17 ^kat^ no, the muscle was that hard, the kid really thought it was the bone
22:17 zhanx Lol
22:17 ^kat^ when i relaxed it, it gave way
22:18 zhanx So sad news
22:18 zhanx My wife's gay friend had a gun accident (not sure on the how)
22:18 rue_school hmm
22:18 rue_school still alove?
22:19 ^kat^ seldom are they real accidents :-(
22:19 zhanx Nope, it was a 12 gauge long barrel according to rumors
22:20 ^kat^ unless youo get shot by the vice president Cheney, then bygod it's officially an accident
22:20 zhanx This sis true
22:20 ^kat^ long barrel is real akwards to get to the trigger on
22:20 ^kat^ ackwards
22:20 ^kat^ arg
22:20 zhanx Sad thing is the family he left behind
22:21 at^ looks at her left paw ste
22:21 ^kat^ i feel i wanna claw at those who could have said words to prevent the "accident"
22:22 zhanx Those that didn't care till after
22:22 ^kat^ right
22:22 rue_school oh, it was his last accident :/ ?
22:22 zhanx I was nice to him, fixed his computer etc
22:23 zhanx Too me I can relate but it's not an acceptable thing
22:24 ^kat^ fwiw, i still have a tiedown strap afixed to the end of my 12 guage, the strap fits my head, i can reach the trigger
22:24 zhanx Burn it
22:25 ^kat^ yu cannot burn a gun
22:25 zhanx Heat is a relatively new thing I guess
22:26 rue_school ok its not helping that some of the answers to the questions aren't right
22:26 zhanx Rue most are not
22:26 ^kat^ sure it is, you now know the wrong way to solve the problem
22:28 zhanx Change of topic fast like, 16 batteries in 36 volt parallel
22:28 ^kat^ really?
22:28 zhanx At 880cca why do I get 4 60 watt lights at 4 hours
22:29 zhanx I am forgetting something
22:29 ^kat^ i wanna know where you got 36v batteries
22:29 zhanx 3 12v
22:29 ^kat^ that's series
22:29 zhanx Both sorry
22:29 ^kat^ so 3 series - 5 in parallel ,, is 15 batteries, not 16
22:30 zhanx Jgh
22:30 ^kat^ 1) don't use incandescents
22:30 zhanx So I need 18
22:30 ^kat^ 2) the batts aren't charged at 36v, they are half dead
22:31 ^kat^ if charged, tehy'd idle at 12.8 and be 38.4v
22:31 zhanx Ture and I need to order some leds then
22:32 zhanx Damn it I just wired this thing
22:32 ^kat^ you pack shold be 42v at max charge, or a few tenths under
22:32 zhanx K
22:32 ^kat^ put them all in series, make a buck convertor to keep 115vdc, the mini-flourescents CFL will luv it
22:33 zhanx No CFL here too cold in the winter months
22:33 ^kat^ ok, incandescents will run on dc, slightly shorter lifetime possibly
22:35 zhanx Leds till I warmup the shop I think, but I need a heater to prevent the batteries from freezing
22:35 zhanx Or digg
22:35 ^kat^ ooh, yea, that could be a serious issue
22:36 zhanx My one solar cell is way old and sucks
22:37 ^kat^ mine are so old, i wonder if i should opent he frames and see if the sealant is still any good before i put them on the boat
22:38 zhanx Mine is from the 80s
22:40 zhanx New it was 12vdc .50 amps
22:40 ^kat^ that's old
22:40 zhanx It was free
22:41 ^kat^ sounds like a real helpful community there
22:41 zhanx Kinda
22:41 zhanx To them it's junk I remove it
23:16 ^kat^ wait, Oscar Wilde was convicted of being gay?
23:23 ^kat^ i guess Tom doesn't like Oscar Wilde
23:27 rue_school who?
23:28 ^kat^ Tom, you don't remember Tom ?!?
23:28 rue_school 3) a series resistor is used to limit the filament current of two tubes to 2mA, the supply votlage is 24V, one tube has a drop of 12.6V, the other 6.3V, they are series wired what size resistor shoudl be used
23:30 ^kat^ 1/2 watt
23:30 rue_school I futzed it, I used .02A
23:30 ^kat^ it was about the amallest you could get in the vac tube days
23:31 ^kat^ most used 1w, easier to get
23:33 rue_school wtf.. I wish you could see this next broken question
23:35 rue_school aaaaaahhhhh
23:36 rue_school its an AC source with single diode rectifier with filter capacitor and load resistor
23:36 rue_school "what would be the DCWV of the cap and the PIV rating of hte diode"
23:36 rue_school (120VAC src)
23:37 rue_school well, in my world, 250V and 1000V
23:37 rue_school in theirs, 170V and 384V
23:37 ^kat^ 168 and 600v with snubbers
23:37 rue_school heh
23:37 rue_school I didn't even go that far
23:38 ^kat^ 120vac * 1.4 = 168, how do you get ...... oh, the dcwv rating of the cap,, yea, 250v
23:38 ^kat^ the actual working volts is 168, the cap should be rated 250
23:39 rue_school ok ok thats a fair point
23:41 ^kat^ the movie "Codebreaker" , 2011 , serious stuff , about a gay man having a mortal "accident"
23:42 rue_school I'm off to bed :/
23:42 rue_school codebreaker, ok
23:42 rue_school good movie or avoid it?
23:43 ^kat^ it's a lot about Turing and his troubles leading to his death, but they do show video of the mechanical and pre-1950's puters in operation
23:44 rue_school ugh, they want me to reguritate the pinout of a to-3 transistor from memory?
23:44 rue_school and a....
23:44 rue_school wtf is that agian...
23:45 rue_school to-5
23:45 rue_school wtf
23:46 rue_school maybe its a to-18
23:47 ^kat^ rule #1 : if you do not know that part, always look it up
23:48 rue_school ugh, gnight :)
23:49 ^kat^ gnites