#garfield Logs

Aug 25 2015

#garfield Calendar

14:03 Tom_itx https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/10152433_755803661184875_718489343222220519_n.jpg?oh=acfa1afd468b3a478b2a1f8386d80ebe&oe=5666CC28
16:54 rue_school I go thte code to work, I fixed a triangle with an angle of 231.876 degrees in one corner
21:49 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6POrjVXgsk
21:49 ^kat^ [21:24] <^kat^> man youtube can suck bandwidth
21:50 Tom_itx it's a 3d printer
21:50 Tom_itx mostly for rue but you're welcome to look
21:50 Tom_itx just letting you know what it is
21:50 ^kat^ thank you
21:50 Tom_itx polar 3D
21:51 ^kat^ so it's moving by vectors and not xy points?
21:51 Tom_itx 2 spinning platforms
21:52 ^kat^ aren't xy points those things the vectors are made of?
21:52 ^kat^ ummm
21:52 ^kat^ well, the vide still has not come up
21:52 at^ uts it on a back burner and will see if it's downloaded l
21:58 ^kat^ on youtube, how do you make it stop downloading the video, [pause] only stops the display
22:00 ^kat^ Tom, that looks incredibly difficult, why not just use xy ?
23:16 rue_school ok
23:16 rue_school I'm back
23:16 rue_school kat, I worked out the problem with the code I wrote
23:17 rue_school an angle on one of hte triangles going into the solver code has a corner at 231 degrees
23:17 at^ ponders
23:17 rue_school as soon as i adjusted that triangle all the numbers came out right
23:17 ^kat^ 231? is is between 3 points?
23:17 rue_school tom .hahahaha love that pic!
23:18 rue_school 231 in just one corner!
23:18 ^kat^ you said the 3 points were around the robot, not that the robot could be outside those points
23:18 rue_school yea
23:18 rue_school it wasn't
23:18 ^kat^ oh
23:18 rue_school in my test I had a broken triangle
23:18 ^kat^ ah
23:20 rue_school tom, but I'd bet it dosn't do good on straight lines
23:30 rue_school well kat, I'm really close to finishing the code to solve the position
23:35 at^ offers rue some cheese sl
23:35 ^kat^ awe carp, i didn't put tatoes in to nuke an hour ago
23:49 rue_school hmm
23:50 rue_school are they just crispy skins?
23:52 ^kat^ no
23:52 ^kat^ and still not int he nukebod, grrrr
23:52 ^kat^ box
23:52 ^kat^ afk to nuke some tatoes
23:58 ^kat^ bak