#garfield Logs

Aug 23 2015

#garfield Calendar

18:56 rue_school katsmeow, good news
18:57 rue_school I got new headphones and they have a high db/mw, so I dont need the volume booster
18:57 rue_school I'm sorry I didn't chat on the weekend, I had a steady flow of people to my place and then one buddy was there till 4am
18:57 rue_school didn't really hit irc
20:02 katsmeow so to lift a 100,000 lb house with party balloons will take 70 million balloons, the column of balloons will be 500ft tall
20:02 katsmeow 290 cu ft of helium in one large balloon lifts 17.5lbs
20:19 Tom_itx how much will the balloons weigh?
20:19 katsmeow that includes the baloon
20:19 Tom_itx o
20:21 rue_school hmm
20:21 katsmeow hmm, they built with pricey aluminum wall studs, and then are bracing with common aspen or spruce 2x4
20:23 rue_school I wonder, using electrolysis, how long it would take to generate enough hydrogen to float a house
20:23 katsmeow and how much electricity and electrodes
20:24 Tom_itx rue_school, how much loss?
20:24 Tom_itx how to contain it
20:24 rue_school well by closing the doors tighly dug :)
20:24 rue_school duh
20:25 Tom_itx you gotta leave a window open for the kats
20:25 katsmeow yea, Tom, close the doors
20:26 katsmeow 300 8ft balloons they gotta tie to the house now
20:28 katsmeow "the status of these helium ballooons is weighing on me"
20:28 rue_school "what is the normal current?" "The normal current is 90 degrees from the abnormal current"
20:30 katsmeow "i am concerned, the house isn't flying away"
20:30 katsmeow the house, it flies!
20:31 katsmeow "wait !! the pilot isn't on board !!"
20:31 katsmeow there he is, he was in the bathroom, didn't know they were lifted off
20:32 rue_school do "pilot" and "balloon" really go togethor or is this just someone pretending
20:32 katsmeow "we are in a helicopter, chasing the house we just built"
20:32 katsmeow it's flying, rue
20:33 katsmeow "our house is flying too high"
20:33 rue_school its a problem with most people, not most houses
20:34 katsmeow "this is the house, we are coming in for a landing"
20:35 rue_school damn, I need a network switch
20:35 Tom_itx dorothy didn't need no helium
20:36 Tom_itx to fly her house
20:36 zhanx- Evening
20:36 rue_school no, but she was so out of control she landed on someone
20:36 katsmeow "how hard can it be" natgeo
20:36 rue_school but then she made up for it by stealing the deceasts shoes
20:45 katsmeow i wonder how hard it would be to anchor wave-powered air pumps to a sunk ship, and just leave it there, pumping air into the ship
20:45 katsmeow or balloons, tied to it
20:47 katsmeow with some ships, larger ones, thepressure gradient would be so high from keel to maindeck, if sunk and then filled with air, they'd prollr crush before they lifted off the bottom
20:48 katsmeow or the top would explode
21:16 rue_school hmm
21:52 rue_school ok I need a function for the angle between two lines
21:53 katsmeow ok
21:54 rue_school no I'm wrong
21:54 rue_school or am I
21:54 rue_school maybe I want the angle between 3 points
21:54 rue_school what is the more generic function?
21:55 rue_school points I think
21:55 rue_school am I taking to me?
21:55 rue_school yes
21:55 katsmeow yes
21:55 rue_school ok, how do I get the angles between the 3 points
21:56 rue_school hmm, I offset them by the middle point and convert them to polar
21:56 rue_school then I just subtract the angles
21:57 rue_school hmm, how do I know what way around I measure the angle
21:57 rue_school I suppose you just go clockwise
21:58 rue_school wolfram alpha cant simplify r=atan(sin((P-180+N+o))/((C/B)*(sin(k)/sin(L))+cos((P-180+N+o)))
21:59 katsmeow tsk tsk tsk
22:33 zhanx- So I got a bunch of tools today to make rustic furniture
22:34 katsmeow things to hit with?
22:34 zhanx- No tendon and mortise tools
22:34 katsmeow or adzes and mauls and shaving tools
22:34 katsmeow ah
22:35 zhanx- 5 bucks 89 pounds of steel
22:35 katsmeow that's a good price even asscrap
22:35 katsmeow err
22:35 zhanx- Spent all day stoning them
22:35 katsmeow as scrap
22:35 zhanx- They cut like butter
22:35 katsmeow keep in mind they are not modern steel
22:36 zhanx- Like a big pencil sharper
22:36 rue_school I can make non-rustic furniture with a handsaw drywall screws and a screwgun
22:36 zhanx- No they aren't
22:36 katsmeow i've used a draw knife before
22:36 zhanx- Rue_school this is old school, glue only tools.
22:37 zhanx- I have a draw knife
22:37 rue_school ...
22:37 tsmeow shows rue her 30 yr old rockwell screw
22:38 rue_school sorry I live in an area where there are so many people making that stuff that its overflown to the bus stop benches
22:38 katsmeow i drove 100's of lbs of screws with it, into this house
22:38 anx- shows kat his 80 year old drill bit with changeable bl
22:38 katsmeow ooooo
22:38 zhanx- I scored today
22:39 zhanx- Rue nit here I made a chair and 3 benches today no power tools
22:39 zhanx- Not
22:40 katsmeow thee useto be a PBS show with a guy who built things the 1800's ways
22:40 katsmeow i forget it's name
22:40 zhanx- I got 2 hand planes that "was broken" I flipped the blade over they cut paper this shavings
22:41 zhanx- Thin stupid tablet
22:41 katsmeow plug in a real keybd?
22:41 zhanx- No kills the battery fast
22:41 katsmeow but you are on 120vac now
22:42 zhanx- I cut a 9 foot shaving you could see through today
22:42 zhanx- 3" wide
22:42 katsmeow dayam
22:43 zhanx- I think his dad used them, he didn't know how too
22:43 katsmeow shame
22:43 zhanx- Newest one is 1944
22:43 katsmeow there's a certain joy in making stuff, especially when you have tools to get the materials to work for you
22:44 zhanx- Still have the rest soaking in vinegar
22:44 katsmeow vinegar?!
22:44 zhanx- Kat is like art with them to me
22:44 zhanx- Vinegar cleans all
22:44 rue_school p.x = 0; p.y = 1;
22:44 rue_school p2.x = 4; p2.y = 5;
22:44 rue_school p3.x = 8; p3.y = 1;
22:44 rue_school
22:44 rue_school printf("angle is : %f\n", inscribed (p, p2, p3));
22:44 katsmeow yea,, but it's acid too
22:44 rue_school angle is : -90.000000
22:44 rue_school -?
22:45 rue_school is it?
22:45 rue_school I suppose it is
22:45 katsmeow acetic acid
22:45 zhanx- Your program said so
22:45 zhanx- Kat I honed 2 planes
22:45 katsmeow ok
22:45 zhanx- They are I think true
22:46 zhanx- I mean it's old school etc
22:46 tsmeow
22:46 zhanx- Cheating also using bass wood
22:47 zhanx- A dull butter knife works on that
22:47 tsmeow makes note to not sit in zhanx's cha
22:47 zhanx- Maple for them
22:47 katsmeow oh, ok
22:48 zhanx- Got lots to cut next weekend
22:48 katsmeow so after you cleaned all teh sap and tar and sweat off the tools, and they begin to rust, what will you put back onto them?
22:48 zhanx- Paste wax
22:49 katsmeow hmm, k
22:49 zhanx- Plus a little oil coat
22:49 zhanx- Making a canoe
22:50 rue_school no its not working
22:50 zhanx- Code better?
22:50 rue_school start dubugging it
22:50 katsmeow next thing you need then is a couple steam boxes
22:50 zhanx- Pvc pipe
22:51 katsmeow pvc melts too low
22:51 zhanx- True
22:51 rue_school WHY do yo uwant to make stick furniture
22:51 rue_school its never comfortable
22:51 zhanx- Rue people buy it
22:51 rue_school its never really trustworthy
22:51 rue_school really?
22:51 zhanx- Yes
22:52 rue_school they havn't learned it yet?
22:52 zhanx- Make 300 today off 2 chairs and a bench
22:52 katsmeow in the usa, learn? are you serious?
22:52 rue_school your gonna sit at a fair with 15 chairs that everyone looks at and says are cute but dont buy?
22:52 zhanx- Kat knows it
22:52 rue_school ugh
22:52 zhanx- Heck no
22:52 katsmeow people will gobble that stuff up and sit it on their porch and never sit in it
22:52 rue_school ugh
22:53 zhanx- Kats right
22:53 rue_school why dont you just import the junk we make here?
22:53 katsmeow border fees
22:53 zhanx- Free minus labor for me
22:53 rue_school hah
22:53 zhanx- Aka I cut wood to burn, the excess is sold as chairs and benches
22:54 katsmeow rule of thumb: if it's really too small or too big to put in the wood heater overnight, make furniture or wagons from it
22:54 zhanx- 30 minutes is one chair, sells as a pair for 200
22:54 katsmeow if it's 16" wide, split it twice to get a 16" wide seat
22:55 rue_school ah
22:55 rue_school called the function wrong
22:55 katsmeow then split what's left and toss into heater
22:55 zhanx- Kats right
22:55 zhanx- A least around here, people are lazy
22:56 katsmeow lazy here too, all they know how to do is make life difficult for others
22:56 zhanx- Hell I'll used the limbs I am not burning to make money
22:57 katsmeow that's what they are for, zhanx
22:57 katsmeow 1" limbs won't hold a fire in the heater
22:57 katsmeow good for a wood stove, depending on the stove
22:57 rue_school ah, + rotation is ccw
22:57 rue_school ok
22:57 zhanx- True now that I got the tools but a 1" limb is a seat
22:58 zhanx- Commas lacking
22:58 katsmeow storms the last 2 weeks have dropped a lot of limbs and whole trees, idiots here will burn them outside while the weather is hot, and whine about heating bills come winter
22:59 zhanx- I cut 33 treatment today, all so I wouldn't use the splitter
22:59 katsmeow legs and spindles from limbs woul dbe easier
22:59 zhanx- Trees
22:59 zhanx- 8 cord cut today
22:59 katsmeow real 4x4x8 cords??
23:00 zhanx- Tight ones too
23:00 katsmeow you realise a 1/2 ton pu truck cannot carry a full cord?
23:00 katsmeow it's ~3 tons of wood
23:00 zhanx- Yes found that out the Hard way
23:00 katsmeow and you cut 8 cords, or 24 tons n one day?
23:01 zhanx- Ended up skidding out most of them
23:01 zhanx- I got a full ish wood pile now 28 gallons of gas in the chain saw
23:02 katsmeow you oughta divvy up the land so you cut at a sustainable rate
23:02 zhanx- I do
23:02 katsmeow k
23:02 zhanx- Land management is important
23:02 katsmeow very
23:03 katsmeow and it's not like it's rocket science
23:03 zhanx- I also took 23 soft wood trees for camp fires
23:03 zhanx- Close to the small hard woods etc
23:04 katsmeow saving the sawdust?
23:04 zhanx- Yes
23:04 katsmeow cool
23:04 rue_school ok give me 3 points, tell me which two you want the angle around
23:04 zhanx- Why not know what i mean
23:04 katsmeow i remember one winter, it cost me like $5 to heat the house the whole winter, and many days with at least one window open for the cats
23:05 zhanx- 3 points 1 center 10 foot circle, 2 60 degrees 3 270
23:05 rue_school input must be cartesian
23:05 rue_school p.x = -7; p.y = -8;
23:05 rue_school p2.x = 1; p2.y = 0;
23:05 rue_school p3.x = 9; p3.y = 8;
23:05 rue_school
23:05 rue_school printf("angle is : %f\n", inscribed (p, p2, p3));
23:05 rue_school angle is : 180.000000
23:06 zhanx- I got a free wood stove today, broken door, for my hut I am making
23:06 rue_school geez, I have one I'm looking for a home for
23:06 rue_school the door works
23:06 katsmeow cast iron is hard to make a good weld in
23:06 rue_school its got water coils too
23:07 rue_school its made of plate
23:07 katsmeow zhanx's door is plate?
23:07 rue_school the whole stove I have is
23:07 rue_school see z, one trip to canada and you could load up with everything you need
23:07 katsmeow i had a plate heater, but the door was cast, was rather a bummer
23:08 rue_school and you could stay at my place and fend away the crazies
23:08 zhanx- It's cast but I can weld it
23:08 zhanx- 12 diameter yurt
23:08 katsmeow too small
23:09 zhanx- 8 foot slope to 12 foot
23:09 zhanx- Work shop it's fine
23:09 zhanx- I got 2 foot by 6 foot now
23:10 katsmeow well, it will give you space for the tools to builf a real workshop :-)
23:10 zhanx- Kat and a winter to make them
23:10 tsmeow
23:11 katsmeow if not for termites etc, i'd suggest those trees as beams
23:11 zhanx- I bought the screws today, next weekend is pine cutting
23:11 zhanx- My buddy has a saw mill
23:11 zhanx- Rough cut everything
23:11 tsmeow lends zhanx her 2ft au
23:12 zhanx- I might need them
23:12 zhanx- Plans are *almost * done
23:12 rue_school ok I work out ACR and then CBR, find the intersection and I'm golden
23:13 katsmeow he use his sawdust for anything?
23:13 katsmeow sawmill can make enough to use as yurt insulation
23:13 zhanx- Rue 12 diameter circle, 12 center to 8 foot out side edge, pound per square inch it can take?
23:14 zhanx- Kat yes
23:14 zhanx- I am using plastic as the walls
23:14 zhanx- Tin for roof
23:14 katsmeow not wattle and daub?
23:14 zhanx- Recycled
23:14 katsmeow tin roof yurt!?
23:15 katsmeow i just herd some epople turn iin their graves
23:15 zhanx- Recycled is free
23:15 rue_school zhanx-, what?
23:15 rue_school you dont want to design you a stupid yert do you?
23:15 katsmeow almost, there's a pile of tin at the recycle now, rather crunched, with nail holes
23:16 zhanx- Rue Calc thr average snow fall weight in winter as a Mass
23:16 katsmeow i'd never get it flattened and ready to use here for the gods barking
23:16 rue_school in california!?
23:16 katsmeow who is in Calif?
23:16 rue_school its low
23:16 zhanx- Lol no
23:16 rue_school in canada is 36" of standing water
23:17 zhanx- Upstate ny Aka canada
23:17 katsmeow sell it to Calif, rue
23:17 zhanx- 360 psi
23:17 katsmeow freeze it this winter and stack it on a barge, ship it
23:17 rue_school thats the rating, it never snows that much
23:17 rue_school but you have to design buildings to it, which is stupid
23:18 zhanx- Actually we got more last winter
23:18 katsmeow 36" of standing water is like 36ft of snow?
23:18 zhanx- 498 psi
23:18 e_school sh
23:18 zhanx- Kats ice and wet snow
23:18 katsmeow zhanx, water is only 1/2 psi per foot of heigth
23:18 zhanx- Heat melts snow etc
23:19 zhanx- Kat I didn't write the code
23:19 rue_school oh damn, I'm gonn ahve to fix the leak in the boiler system
23:19 zhanx- Kat it's union I think
23:19 katsmeow huh?
23:19 zhanx- Code for roof rating
23:20 katsmeow the tin part of my roof is at a 45 degree, and the snow still sticks to it for days
23:21 rue_school ultrasonic
23:21 zhanx- *pretty sure* I can have 2 feet of snow on my roof as designed
23:21 rue_school dry or wet
23:21 zhanx- Both
23:21 katsmeow the tin is rusting away , the flat part is cracking and leaking into the living room, i gotta leave this place asap
23:21 zhanx- You know it's always a mix
23:22 zhanx- I modeled it after what I saw in Nepal
23:23 rue_school oh I know another way to solve this
23:23 rue_school no, no that isn't helpfull
23:23 katsmeow zhanx, did you see i found a way for Tiggr to re-write all her code and run it, without shutting herself down?
23:24 zhanx- Kat no I didn't
23:24 rue_school should i get the system to come up with 3 points that it thinks the robot is at and use them for uncertianty?
23:24 katsmeow figured out in sleep this morning how to do the interconnections between code modules
23:24 anx- remembers he has code to write for
23:24 zhanx- Nice
23:25 rue_school I think I already wrote it
23:25 katsmeow arg, afk a few min
23:26 zhanx- I wrote a bit of code nothing major today to figure out angles based on x number of supporting material
23:32 rue_school how many poles/sec is 60Hz on a genorator
23:32 rue_school must be magnetic poles
23:33 zhanx- 120
23:33 rue_school ok, I'm not insane then :)
23:33 zhanx- Note you might be
23:33 rue_school hmm
23:34 katsmeow bak
23:35 rue_school :/ all my oriigional 2d functions operate around a fixed 0,0
23:35 zhanx- Bad
23:35 rue_school all the stuff I want to do now need arbitrary centres
23:40 rue_school why, when you get the difference of two vectors, dont you get a 2 vector result, one being between the points and one being the offset to the difference
23:40 rue_school I suppose one of hte origional vecors is the base of the difference
23:40 rue_school hmm
23:50 tsmeow keeps trying to lick the peanut butter ff her f
23:51 rue_school mmm peanutbutter