#garfield Logs

Aug 21 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:10 katsmeow i mean when outside
00:10 katsmeow http://wxug.us/1qn2n
01:31 tsmeow wavers gnites to anyone she was talking
08:29 rue_school wonder if thats what happened to the egyptians
14:58 rue_school wooo 100% on my first exam
14:59 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJt8yzR2aoY
20:41 rue_house it happens every time
20:41 rue_house a song get stuck in my head for like 3 days and it turns out someone I know dies
20:49 katsmeow <cough>
20:58 tsmeow welds for 30 min, comes inside while the barn airs out for 30 minu
21:29 tsmeow goes back out for more weld
22:06 rue_house <rue_house> it happens every time
22:06 rue_house <rue_house> a song get stuck in my head for like 3 days and it turns out someone I know dies
22:06 rue_house it was a friend of the family this time
22:07 rue_house the fellow who helped me buy my place and build my shop
22:07 rue_house damnit kat
22:31 Tom_itx sorry to hear that rue
22:31 katsmeow ???
22:31 Tom_itx you should stick around and you wouldn't miss stuff
22:31 katsmeow i was outside welding
22:31 katsmeow i WAS sticking around
22:31 Tom_itx was your puter too?
22:31 katsmeow no
22:31 katsmeow but no one was talking to me <shrug>
22:32 katsmeow i come back and get chews on
22:32 Tom_itx you did didn't you
22:32 katsmeow didn't what?
22:32 Tom_itx rue's friend died
22:32 katsmeow i did not know that
22:32 Tom_itx you weren't here
22:32 katsmeow well, damn, want me to not be hee agin?
22:33 rue_house but EVERY time a song gets stuck in my head like that someone dies
22:33 rue_house not sure of the order
22:33 m_itx sh
22:33 Tom_itx your ultimate call
22:33 rue_house as I go thru playlists I have to skip fine songs cause all I can think about is who died
22:33 Tom_itx my sis had a stroke today
22:33 rue_house one day, I'll be one of you
22:33 Tom_itx no song with that at all
22:34 rue_house Tom_itx, small or big?
22:34 Tom_itx dunno yet.. small i think
22:34 rue_house ah, gonna get on the health wagon now?
22:34 katsmeow most people don't know when they have had a TIA anyhow,, but they can add up over time
22:34 rue_house katsmeow, how is it that your so good at medical stuff anyhow?
22:35 rue_house ah, you have first aid training dont you
22:35 katsmeow i know the stuff you don't, that's all
22:35 rue_house that would make sense
22:35 katsmeow we can't know all of it
22:35 rue_house I could see you as the person with the ticket on a site
22:35 rue_house I got 100% on the 3 phase exam
22:35 katsmeow huh?
22:35 Tom_itx congrats rue
22:35 rue_house 100%
22:35 katsmeow congrats
22:36 rue_house I was the only one
22:36 rue_house the teacher announced it
22:36 rue_house I hid
22:36 Tom_itx so you made the others look bad
22:36 katsmeow they are gonns fry you
22:36 rue_house I took the full 3 hours going over and over and over it
22:36 rue_house I mean, why not?
22:36 rue_house found 5 mistakes
22:36 Tom_itx why if you know your stuff
22:37 rue_house corrected them
22:37 rue_house well, I noticed I have a feel for all this stuff
22:37 rue_house but I have to be carefull, or I make stupid mistakes
22:37 Tom_itx we all do
22:37 rue_house swapping VA and VAR or soemthing
22:38 Tom_itx hope this cad will install ok
22:38 Tom_itx not gonna do it tonight though
22:38 Tom_itx the discounted CATIA software for students was 99 i got for free
22:38 Tom_itx limited time offer
22:39 Tom_itx all i got to run it on is a tablet though
22:39 Tom_itx not sure it will work
22:39 rue_shop4 the teach said that most of the errors were people not reading the question right
22:39 Tom_itx happens alot
22:40 katsmeow or they didn't know what the words meant :-/
22:40 rue_shop4 on one question I first used the 208V bus of the last question, the bus was supposed to be 600V
22:40 Tom_itx like the one where the first line says 'read everything before you do anything' and at the bottom it says just sign your name and turn it in
22:40 katsmeow lol
22:40 rue_shop4 heh
22:40 Tom_itx you've never seen that one?
22:40 katsmeow no
22:41 rue_shop4 5 questions were phyc questions
22:41 rue_shop4 3 200V coils in series with a meter across the ends of the chain
22:41 rue_shop4 one voltage at 0* one at 120* and one at 240*
22:41 katsmeow i have seen some hell of EULA agrrements tho, after reading the last paragraph i wouldn't insta; it if he; froze over
22:41 rue_shop4 result is ofcourse, 0V
22:42 katsmeow ideally
22:43 rue_shop4 I got some TA7642 from ebay to play with
22:43 rue_shop4 AM radio reciever
22:43 katsmeow why am ?
22:43 rue_shop4 10/$1?
22:43 katsmeow oh
22:43 rue_shop4 thats cheap entertainment!
22:43 tsmeow
22:44 katsmeow long antennas tho
22:44 e_shop4 sh
22:44 rue_shop4 600uV sensitivity, is that good or bad?
22:45 katsmeow heh, you'll need an antenna
22:45 rue_shop4 wel yea
22:45 rue_shop4 nothing radio ever works for me
22:45 rue_shop4 *ever
22:45 rue_shop4 I got close tho, once I got a heartly oscillator to work
22:46 rue_shop4 I thought that if I crept in from the digital edges I could make progress
22:46 katsmeow i queaks the heck outa some radios as a kid, picked up statons from Quito, islands off Brazil, radio moscow outa cuba, WLS, etc, 100's of stations, depending on which antenna i used
22:47 rue_shop4 cool
22:47 katsmeow got WERD a few time,, that station in the sold line "heard it on the werd radio"
22:47 katsmeow err
22:48 katsmeow got WERD a few time,, that station in the song line "heard it on the werd radio"
22:50 katsmeow it's a pain i realise that after running 88 feet of weld bead, i am just about 1/2 thru one pontoon
22:52 katsmeow got the center to do yet, and then ribs, the top , and then the ends
22:52 Tom_itx need a mig for that
22:52 katsmeow why?
22:52 Tom_itx continuous
22:52 katsmeow i gotta stop and move anyhow
22:53 Tom_itx o
22:53 katsmeow it's 1/8 plate, 1/8 rod, @ ~100amps, i am getting ~14 inches to the rod
22:54 katsmeow welding both sides
22:54 rue_shop4 you guys have a song that you would perfer to have represent your life?
22:54 katsmeow "life sucks"
22:54 rue_shop4 er by who?
22:55 katsmeow i dunno, i just threw it out there
22:56 katsmeow i got some new bright red dots on the side of my face, could be cancer, not going to the doc, not worth it
22:56 rue_shop4 I wonder what happens if its me thats gonna die
22:57 rue_shop4 welding burns?
22:57 katsmeow then you won't have that song running thru your head
22:57 katsmeow no
22:57 rue_shop4 sofar the music dosn't have any hint about who died
22:57 rue_shop4 world is getting smaller
22:58 rue_shop4 my mind is only going to last another 20 years at best
22:58 rue_shop4 so I have less than that to work out how to get it out of my head
22:58 katsmeow mine is deteriorating, i can tell
22:58 rue_shop4 I'd like to save you , I dont know how, sorry.
22:59 katsmeow i dunno that i wanna be saved
22:59 rue_shop4 I might foil up one day and do some carefull electrical probing
22:59 rue_shop4 I dunno if you do either
22:59 rue_shop4 but being saved is always undoable
23:00 katsmeow i do know i want to be away from humans so they don't force me to live as they rake in the money billing medicare
23:01 rue_shop4 wont hear me arguing
23:02 rue_shop4 I'm just saying, if I could drop you into a android body, I'd let you give it a try
23:02 katsmeow ANDroid? why wold i wanna be a male robot?
23:02 rue_shop4 oh so litteral
23:03 katsmeow we Ai are like that :-|
23:03 katsmeow beep
23:03 rue_shop4 and whats the difference between being a neuter male vs a neuter female?
23:03 katsmeow oh,, hmm, people calling you the wrong pronouns, i spose
23:03 rue_shop4 I'm sure everyone would use 'it'
23:03 rue_shop4 poeople, you know
23:04 tsmeow
23:04 katsmeow i spose that wold be ok
23:07 rue_shop4 dig this one up
23:07 rue_shop4 from the age of 4 years, to the age of, say 45, how many brain cells have been replaced
23:07 katsmeow none
23:08 rue_shop4 rlly? added?
23:08 katsmeow iirc
23:09 rue_shop4 didn't they work out that brain cells will regen to fix damage?
23:09 katsmeow where? so many things kill them and they don't come back
23:11 rue_shop4 ugh, the cad program just crashed
23:11 Tom_itx what cad?
23:11 Tom_itx pronterface
23:11 rue_shop4 librecad
23:12 Tom_itx what's that for?
23:12 rue_shop4 makeing parts for reprap
23:13 rue_shop4 I hadn't saved yet
23:13 rue_shop4 it blew away like 4 mins work
23:15 rue_shop4 computers seem to have a time keeping up with me
23:15 rue_shop4 I think too many people put timers in their codee
23:17 katsmeow "i don't like needles" "then grab your ankles and think of Charles de Gaul"
23:17 rue_shop4 hmm who?
23:19 rue_shop4 grrr, cant copy from one drawing to another
23:22 rue_shop4 well I could put more time into desgining that piece...
23:55 katsmeow this is 2015, wth is with "season finales" ?