#garfield Logs

Aug 20 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:08 rue_school gnight!
00:08 rue_school hope to catch you in the mornng
00:08 any33428422 gnites
22:32 tsmeow looks into the tank and spys the field of
22:46 rue_school kat, I need a negitive resistance booster amp for my headphones
22:46 katsmeow i understand, rue
22:47 rue_school not sure how to do it
22:47 katsmeow led and CdS cell
22:48 katsmeow or, an NPO thermistor
22:48 katsmeow or you could use some usb power and a LM386
22:49 katsmeow or a old laptop pwr brick and some real amplifiers
22:49 rue_school but I'd like to design something that uses negitive resistance to just boost the headphone signal,
22:49 rue_school so that its not completely driving the headphones
22:50 katsmeow yank the audio output transformer form ye olde 7-transistor radio, drive it backwards
22:50 katsmeow 8:1000 , typical, i think
22:51 katsmeow we did that back in the dark ages
22:51 katsmeow before there was an FM band
22:51 rue_school that just an impedence adjust, I want to insert a negitive resistance
22:52 katsmeow small light bulb
22:52 katsmeow are you looking for a compressor circuit?
22:52 rue_school no, negitive resistance amplifier
22:52 rue_school insert it in series and it adds negitive resistance
22:53 katsmeow yeas,, put the CdS in series, put the led across the input, shining on the CdS
22:53 katsmeow as the led comes on, it lites the CdS, which drops it's resiatance
22:53 katsmeow higher V in, lower CdS resistance
22:54 katsmeow i used incandescent lamps, made a fine slow-attack limiter
22:54 katsmeow needed aux circuits, wasn't just two parts
22:54 rue_school but the negitive resistor should add voltage to the circuit, I*(-k), where k is a constant
22:54 rue_school v = I*(-k)
22:55 rue_school I need the signal louder
22:55 katsmeow arrgg, you said "negative resistance", not "negative resistor"
22:55 rue_school ... ?
22:55 rue_school maybe thats why my google seach was off
22:55 katsmeow yea,, you parse things differently than google and i do
22:56 rue_school heh, yea
22:57 rue_school oh ZnO2 acts as a negitive resistance?
22:58 katsmeow i don't remember, but it makes a light
22:58 katsmeow glows in dark when power applied
22:58 katsmeow can't read by it, it's not bright
22:58 rue_school oh!, cool
22:58 katsmeow gets dark ove the years
22:59 katsmeow you can see your had in front of you if the ZnO2 is lit up 4ft from you
23:00 rue_school I know ZnS lights up with static
23:00 rue_school I did that once, thereaction is fun
23:03 rue_school I cant eat without my stomach getting angry at me
23:04 katsmeow perhaps your stomach is parsing the food wrong, are you sure it recognises what you intake as food?
23:04 katsmeow ummmm
23:05 katsmeow i am parsing "stomach getting angry" as nnot equal to "esophogeal reflux"
23:05 katsmeow which means that's prolly what you mean............
23:06 katsmeow get ye something with famotidine in it
23:07 rue_school no it just hurts
23:07 katsmeow prolly too many holes in the stomach then
23:10 rue_school ?!?
23:11 katsmeow helicobacter pylori poke holes in it
23:12 katsmeow you can google that, but i don't have the cure here
23:12 katsmeow H. pylori Bacteria, Effects, and Antibiotics - WebMD
23:12 katsmeow Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that is a major cause of stomach (gastric) and upper small intestine (duodenal) ulcers. Infection with H. pylori ...
23:12 katsmeow [Search domain www.webmd.com] webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/helicobacter-pylor...
23:19 rue_school hmm
23:19 rue_school what do I ask the doctor
23:22 katsmeow "wanna go all [war game title here] on some h. pylori?"
23:24 katsmeow or "i have ulcers, i believe, and need a modern approach, not simple antacids"