#garfield Logs

Aug 17 2015

#garfield Calendar

15:26 useless thundery now
15:27 eless has been sitting in the a/c rooms with a fan on her for 20 min
15:27 useless ok, bye zhanx
15:27 useless :-/
17:29 zhanx ok finally got every thing setup to work with the stm32f103 under ubuntu and uploaded a working blinky code
18:01 rue_school and....?
18:12 zhanx i can program arm chips now
19:09 rue_school ah, why didn't I recognize that as an arm
19:09 rue_school are you putting linux on it or running raw?
20:02 ^kat^ i are sweating all over still, and the arc welder is biting me thru the damp gloves
20:04 ^kat^ "However, for a better user experience, we sometimes need to make assumptions on technics used by the most popular servers." <<== Panasonic made the Technics line, didn't they? Why would internet servers use Technics?
20:09 ^kat^ those 1/2 inch pipe clamps HF sells are carp, i think HomeDespot sells them too, i finally gave up and welded the damned end to the pipe,, i needed 2ft clamps, and it's now a fixed 2ft +/- 1.5 inches
20:35 zhanx- Rue raw
20:45 rue_school hi kat
20:46 rue_school kat would they not stay on the pipe?
20:47 zhanx- Rue_school, thinking a rtos minor thing now
20:49 ^kat^ rue, correct
20:50 ^kat^ yesterday 3 were slipping, i put rubber bans on the grippers today, still at noon one simply fell off
20:52 rue_school to they use plates to grab the pipe?
20:52 ^kat^ not the 1/2 ones
20:52 rue_school how did they grab the pipe if not with a series of jamb plates
20:52 ^kat^ they use a cam rather like 1/2 a rock climber crevace gripper cam thing
20:52 rue_school hmm
20:53 rue_school I wanted some but didn't get cause of how expensive they are
20:53 rue_school if I was smart I'd cast my own
20:53 rue_school ...
20:53 rue_school hmmm
20:53 ^kat^ the threaded end is just about worth the $6
20:53 rue_school I have a pipe tap
20:54 rue_school I cant remmeber if its 1/2 or 3/4
20:55 rue_school damn, its only monday and I'm starting to go stirr crazy
20:55 rue_school maybe I should try more math problems
21:01 ^kat^ I don't know if this helps, maybe it can if you can solve the puzzle....
21:01 ^kat^ I once read the "ocean rules" to say an island was "natural dirt extending from the ocean floor to a point above high tide, capable of growing plants".
21:01 ^kat^ Obviously, this would stop many volcanic islands from being islands, but did not exclude me lowering a pvc pipe to the ocean floor and dumping natural dirt into it until it reached a point above high tide where i could plant some yard grass on it. Or strawberries.
21:01 ^kat^ Alas, the rules were changed to read that the natural dirt had to be put there naturally, to which i was thinking that if i hold the dirt above the pipe and let go of it, it would naturally fall into the pipe.
21:01 ^kat^ With my luck, that wouldn't be acceptable, and i haven't found another way to get dirt into the vertical pipe in the middle of the ocean. Because, see, the pipe still wasn't prohibited, the last time i read the rules. I mean "laws".
21:02 rue_school you need to get some magma going
21:03 rue_school I would use the rules that an insurace company would apply for the definition of 'natural' which opens it up a bit
21:03 ^kat^ yeas, considerably
21:03 ^kat^ water is natural, wind is too, but together they will disallow a claim
21:07 ^kat^ ok, going back out to weld a few more feet of boat
22:37 at^ eats some valerian and chamomile, puts cumin and basil on the "shrimp" ramen, and "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme" on the music
22:37 ^kat^ woah, toomany spices all at once
22:38 ^kat^ forgot the st johs wort
22:38 ^kat^ wish i had some skullcap and mistletoe for tea tho
22:40 ^kat^ As there are many people who would like to build their own boat, Alucraft is offering a completely designed, engineered and CNC cut boat, packed in a crate and delivered to your front doorstep ready for you to start assembling and welding into the final product.
22:41 ^kat^ ah,, they are an aussie company, that'd never sell in usa
22:44 ^kat^ no, it's not prop-ELL-ors
22:44 ^kat^ yes it is, it isn't PROP-ell-ors
23:00 ^kat^ it's ok, me, the hauling boat only needs to carry groceries and a ton or so, the rest can be towed behind,, this will save dock fees when parking in a marina for lil stuff is required
23:05 ^kat^ wooo, Richard Clayderman, don't hear too much from him anymore
23:34 rue_school hmm, my line-line intersection code didnt work
23:35 at^ offers channel locks to fi
23:37 rue_school the equations for the lines are right
23:37 rue_school I gave it the lines
23:38 rue_school Line is : 2.000, 2.000 -> 2.000, 4.000
23:38 rue_school Line is : 3.000, 4.000 -> 5.000, 6.000
23:38 rue_school the equations it came up with were 1x+0y=2 and -2x+2y=-2
23:39 rue_school the equations that wolfram alpha came up with were
23:39 ^kat^ why are you doing these equations?
23:39 rue_school 1x -2 = 0
23:39 rue_school and -1x+1y -1 = 0
23:39 rue_school ah wait
23:39 zhanx- Algebra was not his strong suit?
23:39 rue_school that last one dosn't work right
23:41 rue_school turning that around might have fixed it
23:41 zhanx- -1x+1y-1=0 is == -x+y-1=0
23:42 zhanx- Aka y is double x minus 1
23:42 rue_school tho -2x+2y=-2 != -1x+1y-1 = 0
23:42 rue_school so I changed the sign
23:42 zhanx- That it does not
23:43 rue_school so I changed the sign of the C term
23:43 rue_school and the answer is right
23:43 rue_school Line is : 2.000, 2.000 -> 2.000, 4.000
23:43 rue_school Line is : 3.000, 4.000 -> 5.000, 6.000
23:43 rue_school vl
23:43 rue_school sl
23:43 rue_school A = 1.000000, B = 0.000000, C = 2.000000
23:43 rue_school A = -2.000000, B = 2.000000, C = 2.000000
23:43 rue_school -> 0xbfad7f50
23:43 rue_school Intersection: 2.000, 3.000
23:43 rue_school the -> address means the lines are not parallel
23:44 rue_school now if I could just push a lot of problems thru it and make sure it works
23:44 ^kat^ why are you doing these equations?
23:45 zhanx- School probably kat
23:45 rue_school no, I am building up a 2d library
23:45 zhanx- Oh update on my college
23:46 ^kat^ i have not done such geometry since ~1971
23:46 zhanx- Va took go long on my voucher I start in the spring
23:47 rue_school one of the things it was missing was a line intersection routine
23:47 rue_school I also made a fn to find the midpoint of a line
23:48 rue_school and a fn to rotate a line around an arbitrary point
23:49 rue_school I also need a fn to trim a line to a length from a point
23:51 ^kat^ you want to show her sanitary? you mean sanctuary?
23:53 ^kat^ i wanted to try linux, so i went to tv network sites and installed news on the computer
23:54 zhanx- What that is not linux
23:55 zhanx- Kat you want to try it I will give you a shell account
23:55 at^ notes to use <joke> tags for z
23:55 zhanx- Sorry but it still stands :p
23:56 ^kat^ i have tried to use nix here several times, to no luck
23:56 zhanx- Rue is not getting one
23:56 ^kat^ so not interested
23:56 zhanx- K offer stands if you want to compile code fast
23:57 zhanx- Setup sshfs and it's like a remote HD etc