#garfield Logs

Aug 15 2015

#garfield Calendar

11:52 any46570801 doing it wrong : https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/11760071_918610544864146_7377081893952300370_n.jpg?oh=2a2dbb5fc7a6e64b05e1dcfe4ad27ae5&oe=56820B67
16:19 ^kat^ hot outside
16:19 ^kat^ welding
20:25 ^kat^ hot
20:26 ^kat^ sweat is not dripping, it's more of an occasionally interrupted constant flow
20:37 ^kat^ the ship in Dark Matter tv show is called Rasa , which is appropo considering the crew's memory was wiped while in suspended animation
20:46 Tom_itx kat did you see my tapping video?
20:46 ^kat^ no
20:46 ^kat^ i didn't know you tapped, or made a video
20:47 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsjde_pKUkk&feature=youtu.be
20:47 ^kat^ you got rthym?
20:47 Tom_itx naw
20:47 ^kat^ do i need sound?
20:47 Tom_itx i don't think so
20:48 Tom_itx not unless you need that effect
20:50 ^kat^ in wood?
20:51 Tom_itx it was a test
20:51 at^
20:51 ^kat^ nice work, getting the tpi and the vertical spindle movement and rpm sync'd
20:52 Tom_itx linuxcnc does the sync
20:52 ^kat^ o
20:52 Tom_itx you just gotta get the thread pitch right
21:00 ^kat^ hmm, at the long skinny purple fingers
23:28 ^kat^ gotta stop for the nite , need to do grinding
23:34 ^kat^ tv program on how to make a rocket from EMT
23:35 ^kat^ using pvc (or abs?) pipe as the fuel
23:45 ^kat^ i wonder if the 3" one is also steel emt
23:46 ^kat^ nope, aluminum, and the idiots allowed the nitrus to hit the tube and so a good sized portion of the tube became fuel too
23:47 ^kat^ they had no liner tween the engine solid fuel and the fuselage
23:51 ^kat^ ok, going to 8" dia, and they still have no liner
23:53 ^kat^ "gotta drill over 200 in precise place and depth", and he is using a cordless drill, not a drill press