#garfield Logs

Aug 13 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:07 any16887084 Federal law does not require life jacket use on racing shells, rowing
00:07 any16887084 sculls, racing canoes, and racing kayaks;
00:07 any16887084 because you cannot fall overboard and drown from one of those
00:09 zhanx- And doesn't dictate your cell mate is sane
09:29 any38874588 so zhanx gets a general duty office robot, and during a visit from a contact from Malaysia, the robot finds every excuse to not leave whatever room the human secretary is in,
09:30 any38874588 zhanx queries the robot via his pda, and the robot replies the man has a history of hitting female assistants,
09:31 any38874588 so refusing to follow orders that leave the secretary vulnerable to assault is allowed
09:33 any38874588 20 minutes later, the shared "street robot" rings in for permission to enter the house to leave a ups package (the driverless ups/usps vans no longer drive down residential streets if there is a street robot, the robot grabs deliveries as the van drives thru the intersections)
09:35 any38874588 later, Mary rings the robot to get her lawn mowed and raked sometime Friday (she has a party Saturday), and a quadcopter arrives (from the robot) to map the yard
09:41 any38874588 in related news, the govmint is considering (aka the Ai issued an RFQ) eliminating police coverage of areas where there's minimum density of general purpose robots with certified OS and mechanical specs, pointing out the police and army robots are basically the same model as the civilian GP robots, just different programming
09:44 any38874588 this isn't sitting well with those "visiting" the sex workers, because it amounts to <crude language ahead> doing the deed while the gov is in the room
09:46 any38874588 on a neighboring street, the robot just hit a roaming dog with a tranq dart, as easily as it could have hit a burglar with a tranq or a hollow point
10:05 any38874588 in unrelated news, isps are now using uav drones to fly memory sticks of large files out to nodes in their system, rather than send the entire file out on the copper from their backbone POP,
10:06 any38874588 the customer will fetch the start of the file over the copper same as now, and the stream will be transparently patched to the memory stick when it arrives locally,
10:07 any38874588 the isp claims this not only speeds downloads, but also potentially speed up uploads, and kill the practice of distributed TOR traffic
10:09 any38874588 experiments show a 60GB 3D show can be local to customers and be clear off the isp's network in 15 minutes this way
10:11 any38874588 the practice of simotaneously (canadian spelling) downloading 6MB from 10,000 different sources will not benefit
16:30 rue_school ifny, !
16:33 rue_school "I modifed that saddle you found. Your in front now. If you want me to fly higher, bump your head against me, if you want to fly lower, pull both these straps, left, pull left one, right, pull right one. If you want me to pin you to the ground, tear off your arms and legs, cut off your ears, pull out your toung, and fire cottorize all the wounds, leaving your alive, then just kick me in the crotch."
16:34 Tom_itx ok
16:38 rue_school sorry, I come up with clips I find funny and have to log them somewhere
16:38 rue_school can you filter all the things I'v said in double quotes?
16:49 Tom_itx more or less
17:15 Tom_itx "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" from the terminal
17:15 Tom_itx for me
17:53 rue_school ike, evil upgrade
18:26 Tom_itx 2.7.0~pre7 linuxcnc update
18:27 Tom_itx lotsa good stuff in that release
21:54 Tom_itx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsjde_pKUkk&feature=youtu.be
21:54 Tom_itx rue_school ^^
21:54 Tom_itx or zhanx for that matter
22:48 Tom_itx why nontrivial kinematics are important: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQR0If6miRY