#garfield Logs

Jul 27 2015

#garfield Calendar

03:52 rue_bed oh no, I know what this is, this is the energy burst before I get really ill
03:52 rue_bed thats why I slept 10 hours last night, and why... and why I'm not even close to getting to sleep now
03:52 rue_bed damnit
03:53 rue_bed its 1:30am
03:53 rue_bed and why I had enough energy to overhaul the back yard
03:53 rue_bed ugh
03:55 rue_bed I need to keep a list of code to write when I cant get to sleep
03:55 rue_bed I need to write an AI foundation
03:56 rue_bed there was a library I wanted to build
03:56 rue_bed dont remmeberwhat
03:56 rue_bed oh, right, a 2d library I can use to make a drafting program
03:56 rue_bed have to start with primitive definitions
03:58 rue_bed lines and arcs
03:58 rue_bed maybe splines, but I dont know enough about how to handle them
03:58 rue_bed oh tommorows gonna hurt
03:59 rue_bed 'dont write a program to explicitly do what you want, write a program that avoids doing what you dont want'
03:59 rue_bed need to learn more on that
04:00 rue_bed ok, what do I do with a brain going a million miles an hour
04:00 rue_bed i make sure to steer it clear of brick walls.... ok'
04:00 rue_bed ok, arg
04:00 rue_bed do I fight it or give in
04:01 rue_bed cant just shut it off, I know that much
04:01 rue_bed damn
04:01 rue_bed its definitly monday, I'm outa runway
04:02 rue_bed ok, ok, there might be a chance
04:02 rue_bed the alarm clock is gonna go off at 6:15,
04:02 rue_bed if I get just 1/2hr sleep I might be ok
04:02 rue_bed so, at 5:45 I need to go to sleep
04:03 rue_bed so, if I stay up to 5:30, maybe I can go down fast
04:03 rue_bed maybe if I can induce a sugar crash
04:03 rue_bed I dont know how long the tail is
04:03 rue_bed maybe a half hour, k
04:03 rue_bed more tea
04:03 rue_bed oh this sucks
04:05 rue_bed drink T till 5, do something mindless till 5:30, go to bed, unconcious by 5:45, up a 6:15, .... make sure there is lots of tea for morning, cross fingers
04:05 rue_bed dive into whats hopefully not too irregular a work day
04:05 rue_bed this is like needing to land a plane thats missing a wheel
04:05 rue_bed ok,
04:06 rue_bed almost 2am
04:06 rue_bed ok
04:06 e_bed takes a deep breat
04:06 rue_bed ****, here goes
04:26 rue_shop3 "there are a million ways I could deal with this, d'nile worked for the Egyptions"
04:52 rue_shop3 up till 5
07:20 rue_shop3 ok mindless stage
07:30 rue_shop3 ok watching reprap print...
08:02 Tom_itx no work to day?
08:38 rue_bed oh I didn't fall asleep for that half hour
08:38 rue_bed I'mscrewed
20:46 zhanx http://imgur.com/7rCkuwg its made
23:22 rue_shop3 heh
23:23 zhanx http://pastebin.com/Wsk8uA7L <- bad code
23:23 zhanx lots of it
23:32 zhanx rue_shop3, ?
23:50 rue_shop3 there is lots out there
23:51 rue_shop3 I think I'd have to be knee deep in it to know
23:51 zhanx mine is ok
23:51 zhanx from 33k to 36k
23:51 zhanx fits not
23:51 zhanx now