#garfield Logs

Jul 07 2015

#garfield Calendar

01:17 ^kat^ so WD quit making pata drives in dec 2014
01:34 rue_house haha
01:34 rue_house kat !!
01:35 rue_house damn, why do all the goood drive manufs seem to die
01:35 rue_house oh pata
01:35 rue_house I'm waking up...
01:35 rue_house kat you can get pata to sata adapters
01:35 ^kat^ i know
01:35 rue_house I like one that can do either way
01:35 ^kat^ i have one adapter, to use a sata drive on a pata Tiggr, haven't tried it yet
01:36 rue_house http://www.ebay.ca/itm/121528552722
01:36 rue_house these ones seem to work well
01:37 ^kat^ which way are those? sata hdd or pata hdd?
01:38 ^kat^ i see two sata connectors on it
03:04 rue_house rue_house> I like one that can do either way
03:04 rue_house it can do EITHER
03:05 rue_house you use one sata or the other based on which direction you want to convert
03:18 ^kat^ http://imgur.com/gallery/OvggWKr
03:49 rue_bed hmm
03:50 at^ lol'd at it, she thinks the eyes are price
03:51 rue_bed hah, love that
03:51 rue_bed the gaits on those things are so stupid
03:51 rue_bed while(1) dance();
03:52 ^kat^ lol
03:52 ^kat^ it's to overcome the stiction tho
03:53 ^kat^ the mechanicals are so tight, it cannot tell position relative to the ground it's about to fall on
03:56 rue_bed hahaha
04:36 rue_bed kat dorsal and ventral, which is front?
04:41 rue_bed Tom_itx, good news, the problem is on the back of your spine, towards your outside rather than the inside
04:41 ^kat^ ventral
04:42 ^kat^ Toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal)
04:42 ^kat^ (biology) nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism
04:42 rue_bed ok, so toms problem is dorsal
04:43 ^kat^ i dunno, Tom quit talking to me
04:43 e_bed mumbles, its on the same side as your dorsal
04:43 rue_bed wait..
04:43 rue_bed ah, whatever
04:43 ^kat^ but the cervical bones are way closer to the rear of the body than the front
04:44 rue_bed this is 90% of the problem with medical knowledge, things aren't named properly
04:44 rue_bed the freaking bones in your fingers have the same names as the ones in your foot
04:44 rue_bed its a wonder there aren't more mixups
04:46 rue_bed hmm I need better spine schematics
04:46 ^kat^ you going to operate on Tom ?
04:47 rue_bed I dont plan on that, but I'm happy if I can exactly pinoiunt the issue for him
04:47 rue_bed as his doc seems to have said 'its a problem somewhere in your spine'
04:48 ^kat^ :-/
04:48 rue_bed your good at this stuff, do you know the answer yet :)
04:48 ^kat^ i have not considered it, i have been trying to not think of it, Tom doesn't want to share or concern me, so screw it
04:49 rue_bed I'm sure he feels that way too, maybe he should just smoke some pot :)
04:51 ^kat^ "no, i said i'd KICK your ass, not KISS your ass!!"
04:51 rue_bed :)
05:06 rue_bed Tom_itx, think back for me, where did the pain start, it was your hands?
05:17 at^ skniht
05:20 ^kat^ "you said you needed a vacuum tube, i got you a vacuum tube" "you brought me the hose off the vacuum cleaner!"
09:57 rue_shop3 :)
20:19 moon_ RUE
21:54 rue_house hey
21:54 any15046317 hay
21:55 rue_house nice funny by the way kat
21:55 any15046317 hmm?
21:55 any15046317 you mean how it's wierd the US Marines don't own a submarine?
21:56 any15046317 but they do own aircraft?
21:56 rue_house vacuum tubes
21:56 any15046317 a
21:56 any15046317 h
22:00 any15046317 i got 2 more fans installed at ceiling peaks today, made a huge difference in how hot the house was today, and is now
22:01 any15046317 when 90F outside, it was still pretty warm inside, but not lethally hot
22:01 any15046317 and as soon as the outside evening temp fell, the inside did too
22:01 moon_ i had a question for you rue
22:02 any15046317 still need a intake low down, atm it's prolly still warmer than it cold be simply because the air intake is the elevator roof door
22:03 rue_shop3 anything between the space the water is in and above?
22:03 rue_shop3 get a thermal chimney goin
22:03 Tom_itx it would be nice if the best of all OS's could be combined into one
22:03 Tom_itx and don't say they already have...
22:04 moon_ Winix
22:04 moon_ oh god
22:04 any15046317 the plan was a thermal chimney, decades ago, that was half the point of th elevator shaft going to the roof
22:04 Tom_itx lindoz
22:04 moon_ aaahhhhhh
22:04 moon_ like linux but you cant escape X
22:05 moon_ and poor xlib documentation
22:05 Tom_itx i use probably 3 or so vers of each
22:05 moon_ :P
22:05 moon_ 98 2000P and xp?
22:06 Tom_itx dos6.22, nt4, xp pro, vista, & 7
22:06 moon_ O yeah
22:06 Tom_itx old debian, wheezy, ubuntu
22:06 Tom_itx oh and 8.1
22:06 any15046317 i see nothing online for lindoz
22:06 moon_ hr
22:06 Tom_itx it must be a new concept
22:07 moon_ do you keep those machines for compatabiliy
22:07 Tom_itx some
22:07 moon_ programing?
22:07 Tom_itx i still use dos
22:07 moon_ its wierd hopping back into a dos shell after 10 years of bash
22:08 moon_ tab does F A
22:08 y15046317 has shortcuts on the desktop to 4 preconfigured dos console envi
22:08 moon_ cool
22:08 any15046317 there's lindos and lindows, no lindoz
22:09 moon_ ima google it now
22:09 any15046317 and : Linspire, previously known as LindowsOS, was a commercial operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux and later Ubuntu.
22:09 moon_ is yeah linspire
22:10 moon_ who here tried haiku that be-os clone
22:33 moon_ hey trying to make a rot13 function by incrementing ascii
22:34 moon_ but i cant figure it out
22:34 moon_ void printz(char *point) {
22:34 moon_ int x = NULL;
22:34 moon_ for ( x = 0 ; *point != 0 ; x++) {
22:34 moon_ point[x] += 13;
22:34 moon_ putchar(*point);
22:34 moon_ point++;
22:34 moon_ }
22:34 moon_ }
22:56 rue_shop3 no
22:56 rue_shop3 you rotate 13 bits
22:57 rue_shop3 I wonder how you technically rotate in C
22:58 rue_shop3 you know what you do? you use inline assebler
22:58 rue_shop3 hah
23:02 moon_ ??
23:02 moon_ i know as aproche the end aof the alphabet ill get CAPS or bull shit but ill figure that out later
23:03 moon_ /// how long to you thing my amazon will take? ///
23:03 moon_ think*
23:03 moon_ and i hate mac keyboards
23:10 rue_shop3 somewhere between 2 days and 2 weeks
23:10 moon_ o well
23:10 moon_ : p
23:11 moon_ how would a guy pass a pointer address int ASM_ { }
23:11 moon_ into*
23:11 rue_shop3 I'd google how to
23:12 moon_ i chandeg the program now anyway
23:12 moon_ #include <stdio.h>
23:12 moon_ void printz(char *point) {
23:12 moon_ int x = NULL;
23:12 moon_ for ( x = 0 ; *point != 0 ; x++) {
23:12 moon_ printf("%d", *point);
23:12 moon_ printf("\t");
23:12 moon_ point++;
23:12 moon_ }
23:12 moon_ }
23:12 moon_ int main () {
23:12 moon_ char dip[50];
23:12 moon_ gets(dip);
23:12 moon_ printz(dip);
23:12 moon_ puts("");
23:12 moon_ return 0;
23:12 moon_ }now it just formats the sring into ascii values
23:13 moon_ nd its over flow vunrable :P
23:13 rue_shop3 humidity is way up, it might rain soon
23:13 moon_ good
23:13 rue_shop3 66%, at 72% it was raining
23:14 moon_ m