#garfield Logs
Jun 19 2015
#garfield Calendar
00:01 zhanx Pump is running on the fishy tank now.. two weeks and I can add fish
00:01 any29477193 2 weeks?!
00:01 zhanx Yep. I have never had a tank crash
00:02 zhanx Takes me a moth to add 2 fish etc
00:02 any29477193 run the water thru a carbon block and UV lamp before it goes intot he tank, then airate it s *days* it should be cleaner water than you have ever drank
00:03 zhanx Need bacteria
00:03 any29477193 pee in it? drop some garden humus into it?
00:03 zhanx I will be making a bioreactor for it
00:03 zhanx Fish poo
00:03 any29477193 salt or fresh?
00:04 zhanx Fresh this time
00:04 zhanx My other one is salt
00:04 any29477193 ah, like my outside water tank, frogs luv it
00:04 zhanx Yep
00:04 zhanx But inside
00:06 any29477193 the inside one )500 gallons) is frog-free
00:06 zhanx Nice
00:07 any29477193 i emptied and vacuumed both last weekend, the frogs laid more eggs the next day
00:07 zhanx They do that
00:08 any29477193 yeas, they get quite loud from dusk till midnite or so
00:08 zhanx Almost test my door alarm and then I realized everyone is asleep
00:09 zhanx Got some cheap alarms to test etc
00:31 rue_house well, I'v come to designing my own 3d printer
00:31 rue_house so I finished a bearing holder today
00:31 any29477193 it's about time you began applying technology from your home planet
00:32 rue_house I'm trying to work out if its worth tracking down all the credit card purchases to find the servos
00:32 rue_house they were trying to reduce peices and ended up with a design thats really hard to adjust properly
00:33 y29477193
00:34 any29477193 it boggles my lil mind that humans have a such a blind herd instinct that they will call an enemy whatever the leaders call them, no matter how incorrect it is
00:34 any29477193 and screaming "killer" at an enemy that logically kills it's enemy isn't a putdown to them, it's praise
00:35 any29477193 Obama , or anyone else sayingit's inconcieveable that someone would open fire in a place of worship, when that's been going on for 1000's of years ,, it's nuts
00:37 y29477193 admires some klyst
00:38 zhanx Texas instruments is sending me gadgets for my home automation system
00:38 zhanx Not sure what that means
00:39 any29477193 ater you use them, send them a note about how they performed
00:39 zhanx K..
00:40 zhanx Sent me a nda to go with before I get them
00:40 zhanx Asked for my code currently inuse, I was like Umm NO
00:40 any29477193 yeow, what do they send you?
00:40 zhanx No clue
00:41 any29477193 i grabbed some opamps used only in the M1A1 sensors, no NDA
00:41 any29477193 they were top of the line opamps around at the time
00:42 zhanx I saved a cat today someone figured 8,d the collar around the neck and a leg... fyi
00:42 any29477193 usa Army closed the company a month later, site, phone, cust assistance all disappeared, wiped clean
00:42 zhanx They want nda before I get them
00:42 any29477193 cat may have fig-8'd the collar itself
00:43 zhanx I am like dude I am not that good with hardware etc
00:43 any29477193 i seen cats and dogs get a paw stuck in the collar
00:43 any29477193 software is as valuable as hardware now
00:44 zhanx I can code a bit
00:45 any29477193 i figured out the 74xx adder used analog to propogate the carry forward, without ever peeling a chip open, but that was proprietary nfoand secret
00:45 zhanx Nice
00:45 zhanx I drink beer and code
00:45 zhanx Or code with beer
00:46 any29477193 they added the carrie with current sources, used 3 opamps as a 2bit adc to get the carryout signal
00:46 zhanx Think my stiches will hold in the cat
00:46 y29477193 useto do digital and vhf pcb layout during the first few drinks at a bar after
00:47 any29477193 work wanted me to stop it, because someone might steal my work, so they gave me a key to the building to stay as late as i wanted
00:47 zhanx I felt bad but I can't afford a cat so I patched it)
00:47 any29477193 i don't take being useless now very well
00:48 any29477193 how did you get the cat to hold still for the stitches?
00:48 zhanx Animals like me
00:48 zhanx It's weird
00:49 any29477193 one nite i built 6 switchdecks to handle all the video test signals for ntsc and pal, and rewired the entire test lab one nite
00:49 zhanx Bored?
00:50 any29477193 well, i felt stupid using the old system, the switch deck isolated the benches, and cut the time to align a tbc by 20 minutes
00:53 y29477193 cranks "house of the rising sun" by *Frijid P
00:57 any29477193 they have more active guitars, and sing it with more emotion
00:59 any29477193 the band sounds like amateurs on their other songs, but according to wikipedia, they actually scored with this song
01:11 any29477193 ...
15:23 any57618444 Toyota Motors moved into damage control mode after its new communications chief, an American and its first senior woman executive, was arrested on suspicion of illegally bringing pain killers into Japan.
15:36 any57618444 wwaiiittt a minute, how do they know the killer is the guy in the center of the pic, and not the guy to the right?? ==>> http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20150619&t=2&i=1057605619&w=976&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=2015-06-19T190509Z_17200_TM3EB6J154F01_RTRMADP_0_USA-SHOOTING-SOUTH-CAROLINA
15:41 any57618444 investigators believe the hackers registered the deceptively named OPM-Learning.org website to try to capture employee names and passwords, in the same way that Anthem, formerly known as Wellpoint, was subverted with spurious websites such as We11point.com, which used the number "1" instead of the letter "l".
15:42 any57618444 Both the Anthem and OPM breaches used malicious software electronically signed as safe with a certificate stolen from DTOPTOOLZ Co, a Korean software company,
16:03 any57618444 http://content.wdtinc.com/imap/imaplite/ <<== shows various weather items you select, on a map you can select sat images from as the base image (sat is not in real time, weather is)
16:04 any57618444 yo can zoom in the map on the rest of the world, but no weather there
18:45 any72649637 .
18:45 Tom_itx o
18:45 Tom_itx O
18:47 any72649637 2�6�10O3�5�5�7�12�4�12�1o2�6�10�3�
18:47 any72649637 it's pretty in mirc :-)
18:48 any72649637 14�3�2o7�6�10�5�4�7�12o14�14�3�2�7�6�10o5�4�7�12�14�14�3o6�14�13�1�12�10�14o2�4�4�7�6�14�13o1�12�10�14�2�4�4o7�6�14�13�1�12�10o14�2�4�4�1�14�5o4�6�3�2�5�7�12o12�1�14�5�4�6�3o2�5�7�12�12�1�14o5�4�6�3�2�5�14o2�2�5�4�12�10�13o7�6�12�14�2�2�5o4
18:58 any72649637 so a .22F cap at 5v and 10 microamp discharge will drop 0.16v in an hour , will drop 2.72v in 24hrs (2.23v remaining)
18:59 any72649637 or 3.8v, with 1.16v remaining, depending on how the load changes (or doesn't) as the voltage drops
19:00 any72649637 either way:
19:00 any72649637 1000 PCS POWER STOR KR-5R5V224-R CAP SUPERCAP .22F 5.5V-20%TO80%
19:00 any72649637 $34.00
19:00 any72649637 3 bids
19:00 any72649637 +$19.90 shipping
19:07 rue_house prolyl no ship to canada
19:12 any72649637 ok, 35,800uf, charged to 320v (2x peak of 120vac), with 85 ohm load (1200 watts), after one sec, has 230v remaining
19:16 any72649637 110,000uf, charged to 250v, 1 ohm (250amps, 62,500 watts, 83hp) , 50ms, has 160v remaining on caps
19:17 any72649637 10 ohms (25amps), 1 seconds, 100v remaining
19:17 any72649637 10 ohms (25amps), 1/2 seconds, 160v remaining
19:18 any72649637 so could still make a 120vac sine wave at the end of 500ms delivering 25amps
19:21 any72649637 71,680uf charged to 400v, same 25amp load, would last 3/4 sec before it could not make a 120vac sine any more
19:25 y72649637 wonders if rue has the math to calc rpm and weight for a flywheel driving a generator for the same watts out (1200w and 30
19:29 any72649637 hmm, this fan has a power coed, that could be interesting,, i wonder which gender and sex the coed is
20:15 any72649637 .
21:43 rue_house joules?
22:33 rue_shop3 hi again
22:34 Tom_itx wow
22:34 Tom_itx i called them this afternoon in Ca about shipping my board because they've been way behind schedule
22:35 Tom_itx she packed it while i was on the phone and it will be here tomorrow
22:35 Tom_itx Ca to Ks is normally 4 days
22:36 Tom_itx with free spare parts included for the board i already have
22:36 Tom_itx i knew he was behind and didn't mind waiting but just called to check the status
22:37 Tom_itx he'd just gotten a large contract with one of those mini mill companies
22:37 Tom_itx to retrofit cnc
22:58 any40966401 o