#garfield Logs

Jun 15 2015

#garfield Calendar

00:32 rue_house hmm
00:32 rue_house the pulley I cast was erronious, the provision to fit it in my lathe was wrong, and I had to go visit a chap to help me turn it down a bit
00:32 rue_house we got talking
00:33 rue_house he gave me some pumps and pipe benders
00:34 any30949116 that was very nice of him, specially this late at sunday nite
00:35 any30949116 what sorta pumps?
00:39 rue_house cast iron pumps, see if they are ok later
00:39 rue_house so the trick to 3d printing casting parts:
00:39 rue_house make a wax box
00:39 rue_house place the 3d printed + in the box
00:39 rue_house fill with silicone
00:39 rue_house let silicone set
00:39 rue_house break away wax box
00:39 any30949116 silicine!? $$$$$$$$$$
00:40 rue_house heat to soften 3d printed +
00:40 rue_house pull out 3d printed +
00:40 rue_house pour was in the silicone mould
00:40 rue_house carefully free wax +
00:40 rue_house cast wax + in plaster
00:41 rue_house melt wax + out of plaster
00:41 rue_house pour in metal
00:41 rue_house break away plaster -
00:41 rue_house .
00:41 rue_house enough steps?
00:41 rue_house silocone
00:41 rue_house goo in tube available at hardware store
00:42 any30949116 yea, $5 pe tube!
00:42 rue_house small things kat
00:42 rue_house I'm trying to make brass trek comm badges
00:43 any30949116 so whole different pocedure for engineblocks?
00:43 rue_house at $50/kg I'd not want to 3d print an engine block
00:58 rue_house if I could print the wax directly, I could skip 5 steps
00:58 rue_house I have $12 to spend on kids robotics
00:59 any30949116 make more than one of what your pour, and sell it for $12 on ebay?
01:00 rue_house I can reuse the silicone moulds to make more wax +'s for lost casting
01:02 any30949116 it's there a cheap model-making silicone that comes in gallon jugs?
01:03 rue_house someting thinner than std silicone would be nice too
01:05 any30949116 i was going to use it to cast the scrolls and floweres in cement at teh tops of the cement columns across the front porch
01:06 rue_house the tiles on the house were predone commercial?
01:06 any30949116 tiles?
01:08 y30949116 uploads a house
01:11 any30949116 http://designerthinking.com/images/house/camera_032.jpg
01:11 any30949116 http://designerthinking.com/images/house/DSCF0948.jpg
01:11 any30949116 http://designerthinking.com/images/house/IMG_0592.JPG
01:11 any30949116 what tiles?
01:12 any30949116 note cement columns, containing drain pipe, electrical conduit for lv lites, and rebar, and all spiral wrapped in #10 steel wire, before casting in place
01:12 rue_house that pattern
01:12 rue_house those aren't tiles?
01:13 any30949116 nope, they are cast with the hunks of cement, tween 25 and 40 bags per pour
01:13 any30949116 they are not glued to the wall
01:13 rue_house oh
01:15 any30949116 http://www.completemobilehomesupply.com/Skirting_s/5.htm
01:15 any30949116 i mixed all 3 molds, to fill the space appropriately
01:16 any30949116 the entire face across the house is laid out to accomplish the use of those molds with no fudging , that offset the front door only by a couple inches
01:17 any30949116 being it is in a 8ft foyer wall, it didn't matter
01:18 any30949116 i used 2x6 and 2x4 for casting, #10 wire to hold up, wedges to hold out and vertical, and put one of those underskirtings in the side facing out
01:19 any30949116 i made a series of cutters to cut the wire down tween the house wall and the form, the bottom wire was often 6ft down from the top
01:19 any30949116 plastic trash bags as seals where the new our met the old pour(s)
01:26 any30949116 http://designerthinking.com/images/house/DSCF0973.jpg <<== one of the brown skirting, which i used as mold, in the background
01:26 any30949116 i still have a pile of those molds in the cellar........
01:28 any30949116 http://designerthinking.com/images/house/DSCF2683m.jpg <<== lower left corner is the stack of molds
01:30 any30949116 what that space looks like now : http://designerthinking.com/images/house/DSCF3104m.jpg (as of dec 21 2012)
01:31 any30949116 ...
01:35 rue_house I see...
01:36 any30949116 each week, at my busiest, i think i was putting up 2, taking down 2, and pouring 2 casts of ~30bags of cement,,, plus the schafolding to get to the pour, and taking down any schafolding i was done with
01:37 any30949116 there scaffolding to be at a level to build a form, and then a floor 4 or 5ft above that for doing the pour on
01:38 any30949116 it was a lot easier to lift the bags to that 2nd floor than to be 5ft below the top of the mold and lift the buckets of cement up to pour
01:38 any30949116 i never asked for help
01:38 any30949116 i asked for help with the neighbor's dogs
01:39 any30949116 never with the house
01:42 rue_house you didn really good, I wish you could have finished
01:43 y30949116
11:00 y37072796 glues little mirrors to the tops of rue's ceiling fan, to confuse his position tracking la
13:37 any37072796 <cough>
17:39 y99461762 pokeTom in a way that lets him know the forecasted path for the storm off the yucatan is thru Tx, Ok, and east t
17:40 y99461762 pokes rue as if to ask how cheap and easy to replace must a coro manifold be for it's destruction by corrosion is inevit
18:26 y99461762 pokeTom in a way that lets him know the forecasted path for the storm off the yucatan is thru Tx, Ok, up thru Mi, and up-east over Ky thr
18:29 Tom_itx not here
18:29 any99461762 mostly, but one path shows it str8 north thru *west* Ks
18:30 Tom_itx east?
18:30 Tom_itx N of me got 7" last night
18:30 any99461762 90% probability of it going eat before it gets to you
18:30 Tom_itx usually goes E or W
18:30 any99461762 10% says it goes str8 north from Tx thru *west* Ks
18:31 any99461762 so either you will be on it's west side and not get much rain, or woul will be on it's east side but very far away and not get much rain
18:42 any99461762 well, as long as you are prepared for it
18:43 Tom_itx always
18:44 y99461762 useto go out in hurricanes and throw caution to the wind,, as long as the wind had nothing else in it, like lumber, trees,
18:45 Tom_itx gather it up and use it
18:45 any99461762 i'd use it, sorta, with sheets of cardboard, see how far i could ride it
18:46 any99461762 i discovered that wet cardboard is aweful weak
20:09 Tom_itx time it's done i'll have 2 1/2 sets of cnc boards
20:09 Tom_itx with 2 extra spare io boards
20:53 rue_shop3 ready to smoke some more chips?
20:58 Tom_itx pretty sure i've got it all right now
21:06 any99461762 Socrates describes a misanthrope in relation to his fellow man: "Misanthropy develops when without art one puts complete trust in somebody thinking the man absolutely true and sound and reliable and then a little later discovers him to be bad and unreliable ... and when it happens to someone often ... he ends up ... hating everyone."
21:09 any99461762 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/misanthropy
21:09 any99461762 misanthropy
21:09 any99461762 The natural allergic reaction had by an intelligent, thinking person when confronted by a world of tribalized, reactionary proto-humans. A condition characterized by a need for solitude, and skepticism about the nobility of one's fellows. Hatred and mistrust of man (and woman) kind. The state of being misanthropic.
21:10 any99461762 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=misanthropy
23:20 rue_house you found it!
23:20 any99461762 what was missing?
23:20 rue_house the word
23:20 any99461762 oh, yeas, i brought it back to modern civilisation, you're welcome
23:23 any99461762 what do i do now?
23:23 rue_house I was turning down the pulley, but my feet were getting bothered by the hot shavings so I stopped
23:23 rue_house er roller
23:24 any99461762 wear spats
23:24 rue_house or shoes would prolly do ok
23:24 any99461762 lap your pants over them
23:24 rue_house I'd have to wear bellbottoms to get my pants to lap over my feets
23:24 any99461762 shoes can trap swarf tho, i still recommend spats
23:24 any99461762 spats
23:25 rue_house my audio selector
23:25 rue_house is 8 channel
23:25 rue_house 0-7
23:25 any99461762 ok
23:25 rue_house you press 1, for the first channel, which is channel 0
23:25 rue_house so if you want channel 2, you press 3
23:25 rue_house becasue 2 is the 3rd channel
23:26 rue_house I'v been debating if this makes sense
23:26 rue_house I think it does...
23:26 any99461762 it does, else 0 = off
23:42 any99461762 since 1am this morning, i think i fell off the earth
23:43 any99461762 no email, no pcb info, the usps tracking # is invalid, no one talks on any www msg bds
23:43 any99461762 etc