#garfield Logs

May 22 2015

#garfield Calendar

14:04 any85461827 competent being= [!what] according to Robert A. Heinlein, "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specializ
17:14 rue_bed I'm not competent then
17:50 any54430796 huh?
17:50 any54430796 oh
20:04 rue_house there you are
20:04 rue_house kat, could you cache something for me?
20:06 any22949943 maybes
20:07 any22949943 what size and shape is it?
20:07 rue_house its a text string
20:07 any22949943 400GB text string?
20:08 rue_house no under 1k
20:08 any22949943 point it at me
20:08 rue_house I need you to cache it away as the last event from me should you go offline without me having a chance to send it to you
20:09 any22949943 umm, ok, sounds serious
20:10 rue_house "goodbye kat, I hope you make it back soon. Try to have fun eh?"
20:10 rue_house cause, I get the feeling your gonna suddenly dissapear without me having the chance to say it
20:10 any22949943 i am missing some bytes, that's not 1k
20:10 rue_house pad it with a lot of nulls at the end
20:10 any22949943 but it is under 1k
20:10 any22949943 ok
20:11 any22949943 i will try to have wifi access
20:11 any22949943 may need to fudge it
20:13 any22949943 i am hoping still i can make it out of here by the end of the year
20:13 any22949943 but so far this yr, making that trailer is a lil detail i didn;t count on that set me back 5 weeks
20:14 any22949943 i did expect i could get steel delivered to me
20:14 rue_house indeed
20:19 any22949943 rue, the wikipedia article on Canadai confuses me
20:20 rue_house almost all wikipedia articles confuse me
20:20 any22949943 you still have the Brit queen as head of state, but you are a separate country, and there's royal ministers in the governement in Ottowa
20:20 rue_house yup
20:20 any22949943 what's up with having the queen of anotehr country be head of state??
20:21 rue_house queen is just a figurehead
20:21 any22949943 except the royal peoples in gov can exercise legal authrity
20:21 rue_house nobody in our goverment can do anything
20:22 rue_house or the queen
20:22 rue_house the whole system is locked into uselessness
20:22 any22949943 The direct participation of the royal and viceroyal figures in areas of governance is limited.[103][107][108] In practice, their use of the executive powers is directed by the Cabinet, a committee of ministers of the Crown responsible to the elected House of Commons and chosen and headed by the Prime Minister of Canada (at present Stephen Harper),[109] the head of government.
20:22 any22949943 The governor general or monarch may, though, in certain crisis situations exercise their power without ministerial advice
20:23 rue_house hah
20:23 rue_house maybe on paper
20:23 any22949943 The sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, who also serves as head of state of 15 other Commonwealth countries and each of Canada's ten provinces. As such, the Queen's representative, the Governor General of Canada (at present David Lloyd Johnston), carries out most of the federal royal duties in Canada.[105][106]
20:23 Tom_itx rue_house i wish i had written down those steps to copy a linux drive...
20:23 rue_house harper was held in contempt of parliment, but SOMEHOW he made it in as priminister anyhow
20:24 rue_house Tom_itx, did you do it with me or someone else?
20:24 Tom_itx you
20:24 rue_house I wonder which method we used
20:24 Tom_itx the catch was going from larger to smaller
20:25 rue_house yes and no
20:25 rue_house we prolly did a file copy
20:25 Tom_itx i ghosted the drive then you helped make it bootable
20:25 Tom_itx no file copy
20:25 rue_house if we only had a log
20:26 Tom_itx i recon it's here
20:26 Tom_itx i don't know how far back
20:26 Tom_itx zlog
20:27 rue_house search for "upgrade-howto"
20:28 Tom_itx don' think i'm up to it tonight but soon...
20:29 y22949943 is t
20:30 any22949943 i might work upstairs later, but i am done for outside
20:30 any22949943 moved steel around, moved the boat deck, painted and flipped (by hand) and painted again the trailer deck
20:31 any22949943 and i asked someone online to shut up
20:40 any22949943 i asked politely, i said "please"
20:44 any22949943 so,, "Shars" = "made in China"
20:47 rue_house ? never heard that one
20:47 any22949943 tool maker
20:47 any22949943 make collets and adaptors, and i dunno what all
20:49 Tom_itx they're 'decent' for average users
20:49 any22949943 and can be real cheap
20:50 Tom_itx sandvik & valenite are better quality
20:50 Tom_itx with a cost
20:50 any22949943 http://www.ebay.com/itm/300343539737
20:51 rue_house ok kat
20:51 any22949943 other peoples sell C5 shars collets for $4.50
20:51 rue_house given a 4 byte packet,
20:52 rue_house @ 9600 baud
20:52 any22949943 i dunno
20:52 rue_house how many packets can be sent in 20ms
20:53 any22949943 depends on your definition of baud, i think the term is meaningless now
20:53 any22949943 it did mean bit
20:53 any22949943 some say it means byte
20:54 any22949943 i saw 48
20:55 rue_house lets day 960 chars/sec
20:55 rue_house 48?
20:55 rue_house k
20:55 any22949943 depending on parity , padding, ctl transmsissions, other overhead
20:55 rue_house so I can push 32 servo updates before even 1 servo needs a refresh
20:56 rue_house thats prolly why I didn't set it up for more than 32 servos
20:56 rue_house / immediate move 0 - 31
20:56 rue_house ptr = 0;
20:56 rue_house temp = pkt[1];
20:56 rue_house temp = (temp<<8);
20:56 rue_house temp = temp | data;
20:56 rue_house if ((pkt[0] >= BASEADDRESS) && (pkt[0] < (BASEADDRESS+8))) {
20:56 rue_house pkt[0] -= BASEADDRESS;
20:56 rue_house if (temp > 31000) temp = 31000;
20:56 rue_house position[pkt[0]] = temp;
20:56 rue_house }
20:58 any22949943 http://www.ebay.com/itm/111290464057
20:59 rue_house there are 2 and 3 wire versions
20:59 rue_house the 2 wire pull the voltage signal off the power
21:00 any22949943 that seems to be a 3 wire
21:00 rue_house they drop out about 4V
21:00 any22949943 says it reads and sisplays down to 0v
21:00 any22949943 pics are of 3 wires
21:01 Tom_itx one of those chinese regs failed and took out my new board
21:01 Tom_itx part of the board
21:01 Tom_itx i can still communicate with it
21:02 Tom_itx but the io buffers are toast
21:02 any22949943 failed overvolt?
21:02 Tom_itx uh huh
21:02 any22949943 umm,, some buffers can fail of yu provide them signal when they have no +5
21:03 Tom_itx i saw the v spike on the display
21:03 rue_house if you keep power on the red and black, it'll read down to zero on the yellow
21:03 any22949943 rue, then which is gnd?
21:03 rue_house Tom_itx, wait, not on the NEW router
21:03 rue_house black
21:03 rue_house Tom_itx, !?
21:03 Tom_itx uh huh
21:03 any22949943 <rue_house> if you keep power on the red and black, <<== keep power on the gnd?
21:04 Tom_itx i was nearly done with it too
21:04 rue_house tom, did the regulator go up in smoke?
21:04 any22949943 thats ucks
21:04 Tom_itx the fuse didn't pop either
21:04 rue_house tom, did the regulator go up in smoke?
21:04 Tom_itx no smoke
21:04 any22949943 fuses are too slow for much of anything
21:05 rue_house hmm, I STILL suspect your origional problem exists
21:05 Tom_itx i was right there when it happened and hit the switch very quick
21:05 any22949943 ly
21:05 rue_house have a pic that includes that regualtor?
21:05 rue_house was it a 48->5?
21:05 Tom_itx nope
21:05 Tom_itx 24
21:05 rue_house what did it go between?
21:05 rue_house which model was it?
21:05 rue_house have a pic?
21:06 Tom_itx no pics
21:06 y22949943 looks worried and want to know so she never buys one of t
21:06 rue_house hmmmmmm
21:06 rue_house I know I cant prove it but I'm sure 120V is getting into that thing somewhere
21:07 Tom_itx i've been all thru it
21:07 Tom_itx that's not it
21:07 rue_house did you have a crowbar on the 5V?
21:07 Tom_itx i made alot of changes along the way
21:07 Tom_itx i need a crowbar for it
21:07 Tom_itx i know that
21:07 Tom_itx i don't have parts for one
21:08 rue_house can you fix that board or are you back to 1 again
21:08 Tom_itx added more fuses and rewired the whole 5v circuit
21:08 any22949943 a pnp transistor and a zever (or two red leds?)
21:08 rue_house what size fuses were in it?
21:08 Tom_itx i'd have to look
21:08 rue_house 0.5A? 1A?
21:08 Tom_itx around that
21:09 rue_house damn tom
21:09 Tom_itx i'll get another board
21:09 Tom_itx and maybe parts for this one
21:09 Tom_itx one day
21:09 Tom_itx i had managed to get everything i wanted working on it
21:10 any22949943 and a crowbad , praps
21:10 Tom_itx FWD/REV spindle with synchronized spindle motion with the axis
21:10 rue_house not exactly motivating
21:10 Tom_itx neither is not being able to feel my arm for 3 weeks
21:11 any22949943 3 weeks? you didn;t goto a doc, dija?
21:11 Tom_itx no
21:11 any22949943 please consider yourself reprimanded
21:11 Tom_itx i'm not gettin along with my old one and haven't found a new one
21:12 Tom_itx i wanna find an old one that actually knows what he's doin and somewhat cares
21:12 y22949943
21:12 Tom_itx instead of racking up bills with tests
21:13 Tom_itx it's not quite as bad as it was
21:13 Tom_itx if i move wrong it shoots up my arm
21:13 any22949943 it's also not normal
21:14 Tom_itx it's a pinched nerve i'm pretty sure
21:14 Tom_itx or a disc
21:15 Tom_itx i've got another board he sent me free i could try but it's pcie buss and i don't have things set up to plug it into the control
21:16 Tom_itx it's basically the same board but pcie
21:16 Tom_itx instead of parport
21:16 Tom_itx just haven't felt much like messin with it for a while
21:16 y22949943 knows the fee
21:18 rue_house your whole arm or just alot of it?
21:18 rue_house there are 3 nerves down your arm, they do different areas
21:19 rue_house ....
21:19 e_house digs up the human schema
21:19 rue_house human... human...
21:20 rue_house ah...
21:20 any22949943 i sent him a pic 3 weeks ago
21:20 rue_house Tom_itx, muscle control is ok?
21:20 rue_house ah, median, ulnar, and radial
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx, hey
21:21 rue_house answer some questions
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx, ?
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx,
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx,
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx,
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx,
21:21 rue_house Tom_itx,
21:22 any22949943 his hand is numb and cannot type
21:22 rue_house cmon, dude, i have a limited attention span
21:23 any22949943 tis 9pm, i think i'll take off my boots
21:45 e_house stares blankly at the code he needs to fi
22:02 y22949943 helps stare bla
22:03 Tom_itx goin to sleep.
22:03 rue_house Tom_itx, can I work on your problem later?
22:03 m_itx sh
22:03 any22949943 Tom can shrug!
22:21 Tom_itx rue i figured what happened the first time
22:21 Tom_itx and it's not the same thing
22:22 rue_house I meanst your arm
22:22 Tom_itx it works
22:23 any22949943 your arm works
22:23 Tom_itx it's a nerve
22:23 y22949943 feels like an eavesdropper, and ponders lea
22:24 m_itx ponders
22:24 m_itx goes to s
22:26 any22949943 so this taper is a JT2
22:26 any22949943 but the same question as with all tapers, hth do i keep the chuck from falling off it?
22:27 any22949943 because i can insert the shaft into the chuck, and then pull it back off BY HAND
22:28 any22949943 if i have it cranking with a 1/2 hp motor behind it, of *course* it will fall off, and at high speeds
22:28 any22949943 what do i do? there
22:28 any22949943 s no roll pin or setscrew
22:29 any22949943 there's no flange in the chuck to run a screw thru into the shaft
22:29 Tom_itx friction
22:29 any22949943 freeze the shaft with liquid air, and hammer the chuck onto it?
22:30 any22949943 but Tom, i pulled the chuck off the shaft BY HAND
22:30 Tom_itx then the fit is bad
22:30 Tom_itx a good taper fit will stick
22:30 any22949943 the chuck on the baby dril press fell off every few minutes until i brazed the damn thing onto the shaft
22:31 m_itx really goes this tim
22:31 any22949943 the shaft on the big drill press is also tapers, they pinned a threaded locking collar on to hold the chuck up
22:31 rue_house Tom_itx, I want to see if I can diagnose the nerve issue
22:31 rue_house obviously noting I can do aout it
22:32 y22949943 examines he chuck to see if it canbehacked to stay on the s
22:32 Tom_itx i suspect a pinched nerve in the shoulder or vertibrae
22:32 Tom_itx gnite.
22:33 rue_house yea how about I pinpoiunt it exactly
22:33 any22949943 pins hurt
22:37 any22949943 how do i take apart a drill bit chuck?
22:38 rue_house getting it off in the first place can be hard enough
22:38 rue_house if you cut it in half you may learn how to take it apart
22:39 rue_house but I think they are ususally pressed somehow
22:39 any22949943 getting it off? it nearly falls off
22:39 any22949943 of the hreaded retainer is unscrewed on the bigg drill press, that chuck just falls off too
22:51 rue_house SSC8Spooler.c
22:51 rue_house SSC8Spooler.h
22:51 rue_house danStuff.c
22:51 rue_house danStuff.h
22:51 rue_house genServo.c
22:51 rue_house genServo.h
22:51 rue_house outputarm.tf
22:51 rue_house returnValues.h
22:51 rue_house servoArm.c
22:51 rue_house servoArm.h
22:51 rue_house servoArray.h
22:51 rue_house ssls2.c
22:52 rue_house ssls2.h
22:52 rue_house ssls3.c
22:52 rue_house ssls3.h
22:52 rue_house transBuffer.c
22:52 rue_house transBuffer.h
22:52 rue_house transformer.c
22:52 rue_house transformer.h
22:52 rue_house gee whiz I have to include a lot of my libraries to compile a project these days
22:56 rue_house hmm, it compiled
23:13 any22949943 China and Peru agree to study transcontinental rail link <<== woo is that going to be a loooong bridge
23:33 any22949943 Dolan said CMU roboticists will be trying to build something new, a vessel that "doesn't give up" no matter what kind of weather conditions it faces at sea or how its prey is behaving.
23:34 any22949943 Once it is up and running, the robot ship will be able to sail for up to 80 days and travel 6,200 kilometers (3,852 miles) without refueling, according to DARPA documents.
23:38 any22949943 DARPA’s Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) program seeks to develop a new type of unmanned surface vessel that could independently track adversaries’ ultra-quiet diesel-electric submarines over thousands of miles.
23:40 rue_house I dont know hwo to tune this code
23:42 any22949943 youtune prolly won't help
23:46 any22949943 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Qg2byb60mRg/VUTgjErG6kI/AAAAAAAA9iU/V5lIneacNks/s1600/pathwayssuperint.png
23:47 any22949943 Optalysis is claiming that they can create an optical solver supercomputer astonishing 17 exaFLOPS machine by 2020.
23:48 any22949943 For the first time, physicists have performed machine learning on a photonic quantum computer, demonstrating that quantum computers may be able to exponentially speed up the rate at which certain machine learning tasks are performed—in some cases, reducing the time from hundreds of thousands of years to mere seconds.
23:49 any22949943 NVIDIA Propels Deep Learning with 7 TeraFLOP flagship GPU TITAN X
23:52 rue_house heh, the servo library already does a zero and scale correction
23:53 rue_house that'll make 4 transforms before it hits the motors
23:54 rue_house sweet, I'm on the right track
23:56 any22949943 Built on the NVIDIA Maxwell GPU architecture, TITAN X delivers twice the performance and double the power efficiency of its predecessor by combining 3,072 processing cores for 7 teraflops of peak single-precision performance with 12GB of onboard memory.Available today, TITAN X is selling for just $999.
23:57 y22949943 remembers when the C64 came out, the first month or so it sold for over $600, no modem, no hdd, no mouse, no monitor, cgi/ntsc grap
23:57 any22949943 1 mhz
23:58 any22949943 The company says its software can rapidly analyze video clips to recognize 10,000 different objects or types of scene. In a demo given last week at a conference on deep learning, Clarifai’s cofounder and CEO Matthew Zeiler uploaded a clip that included footage of a varied alpine landscape. The software created a timeline with graph lines summarizing when different objects or types of scene were detected.
23:58 any22949943 It showed exactly when “snow” and “mountains” occurred individually and together. The software can analyze video faster than a human could watch it; in the demonstration, the 3.5 minute clip was processed in just 10 seconds.