#garfield Logs

Jan 02 2015

#garfield Calendar

01:26 katsmeow-afk ##fpga tells me the fpga available today cannot be reconfigured fast enough to build circuits to execute as fast as normal cpus of the same price range
01:27 katsmeow-afk once configured, they may run at 150Mhz
01:28 tsmeow-afk wanders
02:22 rue_more that could be 150M lines/code/sec
02:58 katsmeow-afk except the fpga doesn't reconfigure fast enough
03:00 katsmeow-afk lets say the program code is to AND two numbers and then invert the result,,, the fpga configures and gates and then before the result is at the outputs of the AND gates, it configures invertors to be there,, except the fpga won't configure fast enough to beat any speed records
03:01 katsmeow-afk the only way that cpu can win is if it has a very very tiny silicon real estate, with barely enough bits to configure an adder or something,, then those bits get reconfigured to be anything smaller
03:02 katsmeow-afk this should save power, it might use 20% of the ship size as a atmega-anything, and 10% of the power
03:02 katsmeow-afk it dunno if it would run program code at 20Mhz tho
03:19 tsmeow-afk looks at rue mohr,, what kinda name is Glymro Gossap
03:42 rue_more hmm
03:42 rue_more sounds like a collector, I'd steer clear
03:42 e_more inserts head back into ard
03:45 rue_more https://github.com/TMRh20/TMRpcm/wiki
04:05 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Passive_Components/Capacitors/Hybrid_energy_storage_capacitors_reach_90_F.aspx
04:05 Tom_itx http://www.electronicproducts.com/Robotics/Futurism/Snake_Monster_hexapod_robot_moves_like_an_insect_over_uneven_terrain.aspx
18:41 katsmeow-afk why?
18:42 rue_shop4 when?
18:43 katsmeow-afk tween midnite and 5am
18:44 rue_shop4 lots of time between the two
18:44 rue_shop4 esp if you count the picoseconds
18:44 rue_shop4 I went shopping
18:44 katsmeow-afk it's only 5 hours, and it occurs 7 times a week
18:44 rue_shop4 I'm back
18:45 tsmeow-afk holds up the ring terminals and bottle of r
18:45 rue_shop4 sounds menotinious
18:45 rue_shop4 what are you ringing out today?
18:45 katsmeow-afk wringing electricity outa the wires
18:46 katsmeow-afk they are long circuits, harder to get power out of than short circuits
18:47 rue_shop4 are they on an arm?
18:47 katsmeow-afk no, leg
18:47 katsmeow-afk {
18:47 katsmeow-afk A Hacker's Hit List of American Infrastructure
18:47 katsmeow-afk In an 800-page document dump, the U.S. government revealed critical vulnerabilities.
18:48 katsmeow-afk }
18:48 katsmeow-afk good to know the political syatem is doing stuff
18:48 katsmeow-afk i wish they weren't, sometimes
18:51 rue_shop4 have you ever heard of magnetic/hydraulic fluid that was electromagnetically controlled
18:51 rue_shop4 ?
18:51 rue_shop4 I'm sure someone did it
18:51 katsmeow-afk yeas
18:51 rue_shop4 remember any handles?
18:52 katsmeow-afk barely
18:52 rue_shop4 hmm
18:52 katsmeow-afk magnetorheological
18:52 katsmeow-afk also: electrorheological
18:52 katsmeow-afk if i spelled it right
18:53 rue_shop4 yup
18:53 katsmeow-afk in one, magnets cause the hydraulic fluid to stop flowing
18:53 katsmeow-afk in electro..., a electric field (like in vac tubes or mosfets) stops the flow
18:54 rue_shop4 think anyone based a pump on it?
18:54 katsmeow-afk there's also a mechano... , where it looks like a plate of dirty water, but if you slap or pound on the "water", it instantly freezes solid and you never hit the bottom of the plate
18:55 katsmeow-afk a pump? no, it won't move the fluid, it *stops* it from flowing
18:57 tsmeow-afk rolls cheese puffs down rue's hal
18:57 e_shop4 cuts a hole in the side of kats
18:58 katsmeow-afk OMD, DON'T LET THE WORLD IN !!!!!
18:58 e_shop4 folds it
18:58 rue_shop4 suppose I dont want to get the kat out of the box...
18:59 katsmeow-afk you know the funny thing about senator Reid breaking ribs and other bones on exercise equipment?
18:59 rue_shop4 didn't hear about it
18:59 katsmeow-afk REID = rotating equipment isolation device
18:59 katsmeow-afk REID may have protected Reid
18:59 katsmeow-afk if it were there
19:00 rue_shop4 hmm
19:01 rue_shop4 "magnetorheological diy"
19:01 katsmeow-afk “DOD bought several of the iGR-933, they bought them to give them away to utilities with critical substations,” Weiss said.
19:01 katsmeow-afk “Even though DOD was trying to give them away, they couldn’t give them to any of the utilities because any facility they put them in would become a ‘critical facility’ and the facility would be open to NERC-CIP audits.”
19:01 rue_shop4 google just ignores the magnetorheological and gives results for diy
19:01 katsmeow-afk don't use quotes?
19:02 rue_shop4 I didn't
19:02 rue_shop4 and I tried a +, which it just ignored
19:02 katsmeow-afk https://duckduckgo.com/?q=magnetorheological+diy
19:03 katsmeow-afk don't use organic oils if possible, because they rot,, decompose, stink, grow bacteria, etc
19:03 rue_shop4 i'm growing increasingly annoyed by googles 'thanks for the keywords, but I'm gonna search for soemting else!'
19:03 katsmeow-afk me too, hence the ddg
19:04 katsmeow-afk i tried searching for gossapuss, and google ignored me
19:05 katsmeow-afk AND,, true motor oil != engine oil, the detergents in engine oil may break the rheology you are trying to do
19:05 rue_shop4 I searched for "how to get google to search for what you ask for" and it ignored all the words
19:05 katsmeow-afk i thought you useto have good googlefoo
19:05 rue_shop4 it went foobar
19:06 katsmeow-afk neato, google can answer about googlefoo
19:06 rue_shop4 more and more they just hand off to other search engines that return bogus results
19:06 katsmeow-afk it also links to googlefu , which is prolly more appropreiate spelling
19:07 rue_shop4 I searched for how to get google to not show results from toher engines, and it wouldn't tell me that either
19:07 Tom_itx http://www.cnet.com/news/you-can-now-ask-google-to-remove-links-about-you/
19:08 rue_shop4 yea
19:08 katsmeow-afk and they are about 2 years behind in actually doing it?
19:08 rue_shop4 I want them to remove links that a) dont have the keywords I asked for in them b) come from other search engines
19:08 katsmeow-afk Ferrofluid Andrew Magill Ferrofluids are made up of tiny magnetic fragments of iron suspended in oil (often kerosene) ... Finally, we have what looks like the most DIY approach--acetone to extract the iron particles from old casette tapes.
19:08 rue_shop4 google comes up with quite a lot when you type in rue_mohr
19:08 rue_shop4 most of its valid
19:09 tsmeow-afk looks for rue's lair on google
19:09 rue_shop4 I ahve a lot of laser toner, which was the other suggestion
19:11 katsmeow-afk heh, i just figured out how to make a rf signal generator be frequency modulated mechanically
19:12 rue_shop4 ?
19:13 katsmeow-afk make a small speaker voice coil be part of the oscillator , and then simply drive the speaker with some audio, the coil will move in the iron magnet structure and change it's RF properties, and you can listen to it too, because it's a speaker
19:13 katsmeow-afk or yo can move the coil/cone manually
19:20 tsmeow-afk looks out the lil hole in the side of the box and sees this: http://media.washtimes.com/media/image/2014/11/11/396544434_0ebae2cb0c_o_primary_image_c0-100-1198-798_s326x190.jpg?4d8e9eba5d576524478be753a9a0062ed498edc5
19:26 katsmeow-afk <cough>
19:26 katsmeow-afk there was that vac yube thet was physically distorted to change the osc freq
19:46 rue_shop4 reflex klystron
19:46 katsmeow-afk no, it was an 8-pin octal
19:47 katsmeow-afk i even had one, sold it on ebay
19:48 rue_shop4 reflex klystron was about 5 pins
19:50 katsmeow-afk
19:52 katsmeow-afk http://www.decadecounter.com/vta/tubepage.php?item=20
20:01 rue_shop4 I know you know that first one is a reflex klystron...
20:01 katsmeow-afk i know you know i know
20:02 katsmeow-afk i was trying to identify the tube i had, not along list of tubes of a type
20:02 rue_shop4 mine looks like the 2k25
20:02 rue_shop4 but its black
20:10 katsmeow-afk they say the one tube puts out 700 watts peak, and i dunno how that size tube can do that, even at 800volts across it, an amp isn't easy to get off a cathode in such a small tube
20:11 rue_shop4 I'd be surprised to see .5A from a 2k25
20:11 katsmeow-afk even in a tube 4x larger, designed for 500ma continuous, 1 amp severely shortens the tube lifetime
20:19 tsmeow-afk decides to pull wire up from under the barrier strip, and solder to where one of the pairs of screw
20:35 rue_shop4 I think I'v figured out a screw sorter
20:53 katsmeow-afk according to tv commercial, "eating all that heavy food" can make one feel tired and sluggish,, so maybe eating nothing can give one lots of energy?
20:54 katsmeow-afk screw sorter : your robot arm, a length measurer, and a weighing device?
20:55 katsmeow-afk meausing width gives you #6, #8, 8mm, etc
20:55 katsmeow-afk sort by length, that gives you volume, weight gives yo density, which gives you material (brass, stainless, etc)
20:56 katsmeow-afk yo can also use a magnet to help find material type
20:56 katsmeow-afk the robot arm can do this 24-7, so speed isn't an issue
20:56 katsmeow-afk then you teach it to sort nuts too
20:57 katsmeow-afk oak, hickory, pecan, walnut, etc
21:01 tsmeow-afk is amazed pretty much no one gave a damn about her reverse-engineering that fpga-cpu yeste
21:02 katsmeow-afk does no one see it is making almost the smallest cheapest fpga emulate a pentium?
21:03 katsmeow-afk or emulate any other small cpu, as you want, at a microsecond's notice?
21:59 katsmeow-afk i see solder is down to $14/lb
22:38 katsmeow-afk how would you detect water level in a 5ft tall tank , use these? http://www.ebay.com/itm/231112785227
22:39 Tom_itx clear hose
22:40 katsmeow-afk how would that detect level?
22:46 katsmeow-afk there is something wrong with my maths somewhere
22:46 katsmeow-afk 3 inch dia pipe
22:47 katsmeow-afk area = pi r^2
22:47 katsmeow-afk so 1/2 of 3 = 1.5, and 1.5^2 = 2.25
22:47 katsmeow-afk that's in inches
22:48 katsmeow-afk so i divide by 12..... oh i found the problem
22:48 katsmeow-afk maybe
22:49 katsmeow-afk 3" , /12, = 0.25
22:50 katsmeow-afk 0.25ft / 2 = 0.125 ft, and that squared times pi = 0.05
22:50 katsmeow-afk sq ft
22:51 katsmeow-afk times 5ft length = 0.245 cu ft
22:51 katsmeow-afk 0.245 cu ft of clean water = 15.7 lbs
22:52 katsmeow-afk if i can measure with within 1/2 lbs i can have a rough analog scale of water level
22:52 katsmeow-afk 0.245 cu ft of clean water = 1.84 gallons
22:53 katsmeow-afk that sucks
22:53 katsmeow-afk and it doesn't sound right at all
22:53 katsmeow-afk shirley 5ft of 3" pipe holds more than 1.84 gallons
22:55 katsmeow-afk what am i doing wrong?
23:57 rue_bed reading...
23:58 rue_bed circle -d 3
23:58 rue_bed Radius is : 1.500000
23:58 rue_bed Diameter is: 3.000000
23:58 rue_bed Circumfrence is : 9.424778
23:58 rue_bed Area is : 7.068583
23:58 rue_bed Sphere area: 28.274334
23:58 rue_bed Sphere volume: 14.137167
23:58 tsmeow-afk nods,,,,,
23:59 rue_bed 420 inch ^3