#garfield Logs

Dec 19 2014

#garfield Calendar

19:28 mbass stabs at rue_
19:28 rue_more you asked me to!
19:28 rue_more I did, you got angry at me for it and went offline
19:29 rue_more they want a progress update, I suppose we dont have one
19:29 dumbass you said you were preparing to, and wanted to argue over some entry question, i did not believe you were telling me the truth about entering
19:29 rue_more hah, shows you , I was
19:30 rue_more :) go figure
19:30 dumbass well, fuck, i scrapped all the 450v psu i had built
19:30 rue_more everyone left, and I'm not supposed to give humans alien tech, so there wasn't much I could do with it
19:31 rue_more "we could have gone far" :)
19:31 rue_more say levee
19:31 dumbass se le vie
19:32 dumbass https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FC%2527est_la_vie
19:33 mbass says "fuck" instead, because she doesn't speak so much fr
19:34 dumbass now what?
19:35 Tom_itx C'est la vie
19:36 dumbass hi Tom, yeas, that is what the url says
19:36 Tom_itx the url says server not found
19:36 dumbass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%27est_la_vie <<-- unscrambled
19:38 mbass has done nothing useful or intelligent in many months
19:38 rue_more I doubt thats even possible with you
19:39 rue_more your level of simple is so high over the average person you prolly dont even notice it
19:39 rue_more I suspect you even stirr tea with 4x the intelligence of the average human
19:39 Tom_itx mmmm tea...
19:40 rue_more ya know, you have a good point
19:40 rue_more I should put on some tea
19:40 Tom_itx what flavor are we having?
19:40 rue_more orange poke
19:40 rue_more e
19:41 rue_more I hope the teamaker is ready
19:41 mbass bought and ate some red potatoes, but is still afraid to buy and eat lettuce or
19:41 dumbass actually, "poke" is a tea, but it's dangerous
19:42 dumbass there's a 60's song about it
19:43 dumbass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytolacca_americana
19:44 dumbass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polk_Salad_Annie
19:46 mbass is a font of useless
19:48 mbass notes dinner has sat in the nukebox so long it needs rehea
19:50 dumbass if the garden would have supplied me $50 of food each month, that's $600 per year, or $9000 for the 15 yrs the dogs have prevented me from having the garden
19:50 dumbass ditto solar power
19:51 rue_more I'll ask about your roof garden later, I'm gonna get more sleep
19:51 dumbass wayyyyyyyyyyy too much effort to climb, you may recall , my disability is my legs
19:52 dumbass and i was prohibited from having the elevator,,, many days i don't even visit my own living room
19:59 rue_bed there is a lot of things to condsier stirring tea, fluid dynamics, stratification, eddy currents, thermal currents...
19:59 dumbass radiant heat
20:00 rue_bed Somehow I suspect they dont inspect your house weeky to make sure you havn't put in an elevator
20:00 rue_bed rules that aren't enfoced at any level need not exist
20:01 dumbass true, but when the elevator cnstruction has reached the roofline, and the elevator is intended to goto the roof, and the judge stands up on his hind feet in court and yells that ....... etc
20:05 dumbass well, i got as far as cutting off the elevator rails so i could close off the opening with temp trap doors on the roof
20:06 dumbass when the elevator car gets within 2ft of the livingroom, it gets real wobbley and can hop the track, because the upper sections aren't held in place
20:16 rue_bed ma is getting arthritic hands, she loves to build things
20:17 rue_bed I been pondering some kinda servo hand things
20:17 rue_bed some kinda scaled force feedback, amplified motion thing
20:17 rue_bed or traction gloves
20:17 rue_bed thoughts?
20:18 dumbass lotta work , too much for augmenting lite duty motions
20:18 rue_bed I have a 3d printer!
20:18 rue_bed :)
20:18 rue_bed complex peices are easy now
20:18 rue_bed for the most part
20:19 dumbass you reach the point: it takes two people to put the gloves on the hands, and off again, for every restroom break or phone answering or etc
20:19 rue_bed best is if the piece can be expressed as a set of 2d extrusions
20:19 rue_bed or a csg of 2d extrusions
20:19 dumbass if the user needs the gloves on in order to put the gloves on.......
20:19 rue_bed the 2d can be done in dxf
20:20 rue_bed I see your point, I'm adding it to the pondering queue
20:20 Tom_itx it can
20:20 rue_bed what can?
20:20 dumbass it, i think
20:20 e_bed kicks a
20:21 rue_bed am I supposed to grab a flag and go hide in the bush now?
20:21 rue_bed I been captured? I thought you were on my team?
20:21 rue_bed that was our can!?
20:21 dumbass finding a non-manual way to put dirt into the flower pot, and then move the flowerpot, might be better
20:22 e_bed suffered from lots of problems during sports ev
20:22 rue_bed she is beading latley
20:22 dumbass i way to operate the watering wand that doesn't involve gripping the throttle handle with all one's abilities, for 30 minutes, would help
20:22 rue_bed making large large bead displays
20:23 rue_bed hmm
20:23 mbass did seed beads way back
20:23 rue_bed solinoid and pushbutton?
20:23 dumbass ok
20:23 dumbass remember selenoid adds weight and pwer supply requirement
20:23 rue_bed use a wireless remote strapped to the wand that operates a washing machine solinoid?
20:23 rue_bed hose abstracts location
20:24 rue_bed did you mean a rig with a hose?
20:24 dumbass "here's your new watering wand, it used 240vac, don't get zpped!"
20:24 rue_bed rf reciever, solinoid and power supply at tap, wireless remote on wand
20:25 rue_bed m
20:25 rue_bed ..
20:25 dumbass easy-change batteries? batteries last forever? you change them once a yr?
20:25 rue_bed it could be two buttons that latch state at the tap
20:25 dumbass electric windoes for fresh air, no lifting
20:25 rue_bed cr2032 with 2 or 3 presses per day maybe
20:26 rue_bed 150 days a year
20:26 dumbass 2 or 3? obviously you have never followed a gardner around the house
20:26 rue_bed should last a year or 2 between batteries
20:26 rue_bed well, i expect the limit is the seal, not the charge on the battery
20:27 dumbass go visit often enough, change them yourself each time
20:27 rue_bed those garage door remotes last a long time
20:27 dumbass they aren't operated 50x a day
20:27 rue_bed some are!
20:27 rue_bed I'v had my service calls
20:28 dumbass o
20:28 rue_bed long term wear like that looks like if you took and put it on a really high freq vibrating jig
20:28 rue_bed a hot one
20:28 rue_bed the plastic just 'melts' and crumbles
20:28 rue_bed anyhow
20:28 rue_bed there are cheap ones from ebay
20:30 rue_bed does traction treatment work for arthritis?
20:31 dumbass depends on how bad it is
20:31 dumbass traction relies on opening space for the synovial fluid to get into the joint, that's about it
20:31 dumbass no fluid: won't work
20:32 dumbass cartlidge worn thru: the joint is too far gone
20:32 rue_bed you dont thing tration could help it recover?
20:32 rue_bed just a bit?
20:32 rue_bed oh yaknow, I was thinking
20:32 dumbass traction can help relieve pain while the joint is tractored, just because it can get contact off the nerves
20:33 rue_bed its generally hard for things to be really opaque, like a hand
20:33 rue_bed verry, but not completely
20:34 rue_bed if you used a backlight, cycled it on and off for noise elimination, and used a really high gain (say, long sample interval cmos) sensor, you should be able to 'see thru' flesh
20:34 rue_bed ?
20:34 rue_bed think it could be done with a modified scanner?
20:34 rue_bed and a small heap of software
20:34 dumbass sure, try it at nite with a flashlite
20:35 rue_bed I was thinking, light off, get noise sample, light on, take signal sample
20:35 rue_bed subtract the two
20:35 rue_bed do a few times
20:35 dumbass caution: too much IR can burn, and too much of any radiation can damage
20:35 rue_bed the consistant difference is your signal
20:35 rue_bed just white light
20:36 rue_bed say a 7W led
20:36 rue_bed should be enough
20:36 dumbass i can see the bones in my fingers right now with just a 1w led flashlite
20:36 rue_bed you wait long enough for a cmos cell to trigger and it will
20:36 rue_bed well it was a thought
20:37 rue_bed medical imaging and all
20:37 dumbass why do you wanna see thru your hand? did you lose something and too lasy to move the hand?
20:37 rue_bed hands are easy to put in a light controlled box
20:37 dumbass ask to see the portable flouroscope next time you at horspital
20:38 rue_bed could do it with other body parts later
20:38 rue_bed getting our hospital to do anyting is hopeless
20:38 dumbass i doubt you can thru-whole-body-scan with visable lite
20:38 rue_bed cmos visable?
20:38 rue_bed with like a 5 min sampling time?
20:38 dumbass tell them you need to inspect it's power cord
20:38 rue_bed heh
20:39 rue_bed hows ta flooroscope work
20:39 rue_bed that tea is *just* keeping me awake
20:40 dumbass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flouroscope
20:40 dumbass In its simplest form, a fluoroscope consists of an X-ray source and fluorescent screen between which a patient is placed. However, modern fluoroscopes couple the screen to an X-ray image intensifier and CCD video camera allowing the images to be recorded and played on a monitor.
20:40 rue_bed do you know how to fold a camera bellow?
20:40 rue_bed bah, thats xray
20:40 rue_bed I'm jjust talking harmless white light
20:40 dumbass thing is, they can be portable, the patient isn't put into or onto it
20:41 dumbass yeas, so use white lite <shrug>
20:41 dumbass you can use an image intensifier, still
20:42 dumbass set up the body you wanna see thru, turn on the lite, wear FLIR headset
20:43 dumbass The incredible FLIR thermal imager can now be yours! View this email in
20:43 dumbass your browser
20:43 dumbass (http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8f49618731958db855ab7abeb&id=245b0640
20:43 dumbass 40&e=377026ba58)
20:43 dumbass https://www.sparkfun.com/?utm_source=SparkFun+Customer+Newsletter&utm_camp
20:43 dumbass aign=245b064040-RegCustomerNews12%2F19&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fa5287a
20:43 dumbass baf-245b064040-62015481 NEW PRODUCTS
20:44 dumbass More trivial uses of the technology also appeared in the 1930s-1950s, including a shoe-fitting fluoroscope used at shoe stores.
20:46 dumbass buy an olde dead led tv, see if it can be used as a flat-panel light detector, using each led in the screen as a photodetector
20:49 dumbass ...
20:52 dumbass Authorities believe a state corrections officer arrested with a half-pound of marijuana may have planned to distribute the drug inside the prison where he worked...... authorities will now procecute the officer for finding a way to keep the prisoners calm
20:56 dumbass i was reading a paper, engineers reverse-engineered the electrical qualities of a 4Ghz sampling scope, then applied the math to the output of the sampler, raising the bandwidth to 12Ghz analog and 208 *giga*samples per second, in 1979(?)
20:57 dumbass that's a sample every 0.000000000004 seconds