#garfield Logs

Nov 28 2014

#garfield Calendar

21:13 rue_more hey
21:14 moon so ii still cant get my board to work without minicom open
21:14 moon is the script executing too fast?
21:14 rue_more hmm
21:14 rue_more try using echo fromt eh command line
21:15 rue_more echo o011 > /dev/ttyUSB0
21:16 moon ok
21:17 moon i was thinking if all else fails somthin like that could go into the php script with the exec function
21:18 rue_more check it with the command line to partly debug it
21:21 moon ok thanks i think ill check tomorrow because davita is stealing all my bandwidth for ssh and its too cold outside :P
21:22 rue_more ah
21:25 rue_more 2.5c out, its been colder