#garfield Logs

Oct 13 2014

#garfield Calendar

13:15 Tom_itx soon as i posted that 2 are out the door!
13:36 rue_house cool
13:36 Tom_itx actually only 1
13:36 Tom_itx he sent about 3 or 4 emails
13:37 Tom_itx must be excited
13:54 rue_house :)
13:54 rue_house you should put 'made in usa' on them
13:54 rue_house U.S.A.
13:55 rue_house otherwise it might be mistaked for usa, the country named to mimic things made in the states
14:03 Tom_itx friggin holidays
14:04 Tom_itx got to the post and found out it was a holiday
14:04 rue_house heh
14:04 rue_house they are the same then?
14:04 Tom_itx columbus day apparently
19:27 rue_shop2 TELunus, at what rate would the capacitance rating of a capacitor need to change at to draw 5A continiously from a 400V dc supply?
19:27 rue_shop2 :)
19:27 rue_shop2 answer in uF/sec