#garfield Logs

Oct 11 2014

#garfield Calendar

00:10 rue_house looks right
00:11 rue_house ah wait
00:11 rue_house ah, I thought I had a note ont hat seller... wait
00:11 rue_house isn't?
00:13 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/50Pcs-Micro-USB-Type-B-Female-5Pin-SMT-Socket-Jack-Connector-Port-PCB-Board-USA-/201084011047?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ed18a8227
00:13 rue_house Tom_itx, warning, that seller was not interested in doing anything when a badly packaged item arrived damaged
00:13 Tom_L micro b
00:13 rue_house alice....
00:13 Tom_L i'm not gonna change the design for it though
00:14 rue_house yea no, stick with the mini
00:14 Tom_L i'm not ordering, just looking
00:14 rue_house stupid ebay switched to a flash plugin? its not working
00:14 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/171048505127?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
00:14 Tom_L mostly for those
00:14 Tom_L http://www.ebay.com/itm/170938704657?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
00:15 Tom_L and those
00:15 Tom_L mmm that looks like the same link...
00:16 Tom_L no, it's different
00:16 Tom_L i don't need any yet, just checking again
00:22 rue_house think thre is much quality difference between china and dk?
00:32 Tom_itx yes
00:33 Tom_itx i know there is
00:33 Tom_itx the plastic on the housing melts alot quicker for one thing
00:33 Tom_itx and they fit tighter
00:34 rue_house aha
00:34 Tom_itx more shrinkage on the plastic
00:34 Tom_itx or something like that
00:34 Tom_itx but they work ok
00:35 Tom_itx dk no longer has a printed catalog
00:35 Tom_itx i doubt mouser does either
00:48 rue_house heh, dont give me more reason to keep the 4 in the middle of the livingroom floor
00:48 rue_house they are 4 inches thick
10:20 Tom_itx yeah but handy when your search comes up empty on something
11:21 rue_house indeed
14:59 Tom_itx still doing class?
19:33 rue_shop2 hell no
19:33 rue_shop2 ends at 12
19:33 rue_shop2 bucking up trees and pulling vines
19:35 Tom_itx no but you're still having robobics class?
19:35 Tom_itx working on another batch
19:36 rue_shop2 hah, I just found the T10 board you sent me
19:36 rue_shop2 I forgot about that, still havnt' figured out whst to use one ofr
19:37 Tom_itx do something with it!
19:37 Tom_itx it's a good little chip
20:17 rue_house yea but for what!?
20:18 rue_house 4 io...
20:18 rue_house er 3
20:18 rue_house 3 or 4?
20:18 Tom_itx 4
20:18 Tom_itx if you use reset
20:18 rue_house yea I never use reset
20:19 Tom_itx you could
20:19 Tom_itx with the 12v thing you can reset it easy
20:20 rue_house ok so
21:33 Tom_itx http://tom-itx.ddns01.com:81/~webpage/commerce/commerce_index.php
21:33 Tom_itx ok that's back up now